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Why I love BSB

Date: Mar 03, 2002
Submitted By: Jenny

They reasons why BSB kicks major butt!

1. They r hot

2. They r sexy

3. They r EXTREMELY talented!

4. They r ssssssoooooo much better then NSUCK

5. They can sing and dance at the same time

6. Brian is hot

7. Nick is hot

8. AJ is hot

9. Kevin is hot (especially with the new haircut!)

10. Howie is hot

11. They r realllllllllllyyyyyyy nice

12. They r not full of them selves (hint hint NSYNC)

13. THEY R THE BEST GROUP IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my obsession with nick

Date: Mar 03, 2002
Submitted By: Doanvy

Well, my obsession is kinda weird, before i go to sleep at night i stare i Nick Carter picture for a long time so i can dream about him.


Date: Mar 03, 2002
Submitted By: Dawn

I just saw a commercial for Blockbuster and it totally reminded me of Nick. The dancing guinea pig said "Shake what your mama gave ya." It reminded me of Nick in the "Conversation Mix" of "All I Have To Give."


Date: Mar 03, 2002
Submitted By: Rimma (aka AJ'z Squeeze Toy)

Here's my obsession list:

I have:

~all 5 of their CD's

~5 singles (Everybody, INBYH, IWITW, Get Down, QPG,)

~3 interview CD's

~all 3 BK CD's

~all 5 shaped CD's

~the official BSB poster flag

~all 5 official buttons

~all 5 BK toys

~all the official videos (except for Chapter 1)

~the Backstreet Boys Around The World Game

~my own religion that I created: Backstreetism

~25 official books

~2 glowsticks that I saved from the Millennium tour and B&B

~a magazine from Taiwan from 1998 that I can't understand...but it has BSB in it

~various items from BK with their picture on them (crown, cups, fry boxes)

~the official 2001 Fanbook from Fans Illustrated (with my submission on page 57)

~an "I Support AJ" bracelet that I got during AJ's whole rehab situation

~official stickers and bumper sticker

~BSB notebooks, folders, pens, and other school stuff

~BSB backpack

~BSB wallet

~a cereal box that I decorated to become Backstreet Crunch (it was a project in like 6th grade; we had to decorate a cereal box to become a new brand of cereal that we created)

~a BSB postcard album (with like 20 or so BSB postcards)

~the promotional CD & poster from Sears

~the official BSB fake backstage pass thing (the one that goes around your neck)

~official BSB calendars from 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and now the 2002 one is on my wall

~4 little mini-calendars, you know the ones that you put in your wallet (Nick 2001, Nick 2002, BSB 2002, and a different BSB 2002)

~about 30 or so video tapes full of BSB things I've taped off of TV

~Krystal's framed autograph from the 1st leg of the B&B tour

~7 BSB keychains (2 of which are among the keychains on my car keys)

~all 5 official pillows

~10 BSB shirts

~my own website ( http://www.geocities.com/Rimma_McLean/ )

~customized visors that my friend and I had made for us (mine says KAOS and hers says BROK)

~my computer has BSB desktop, screensaver, system sounds, desktop icons, hotbar, and cursor

~the fan on my ceiling has "The Perfect Fan" written on each blade

~I've been to 5 concerts, all in Chicago: Backstreet's Back tour (8/1/98), Into the Millennium (10/7/99), Johnny No Name (4/4/00), B&B first leg (2/12/01), B&B 2nd leg (9/22/01)

~At this moment, my poster/pinup/article total is 8,046

iam deeply crazy about him

Date: Mar 03, 2002
Submitted By: layla

I am deeply and completly definitly crazy about him

Aj alex jimmy alexander james I love your name

I dream about you and how our lives could be if only we were together

I cant help myself I cant stop myself

You are every thing a girl could need

My love my heart my life my destiny my every thing

YES I AM OBSSESSED AND I LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Twiggy's obssession list

Date: Mar 03, 2002
Submitted By: twiggy (Dorough)

obssession? you be the judge.these (ecxept the first one)are somethings ive done:

1.youre walking home from school wearing one of your BSB shirts, you run into the 'hood thugs,they see your shirt they make a comment, and next second they're commenting on their black eyes.

2.you were "rollin off with cliches this morning" and you ran around and told everyone.

3.you automatically bond with any backstreet fan.

4.you wish there was a store called "Backstreet Stuff...and stuff like that"

5.you get pissed when theyre reffered to as "another boyband"

6.when you hear about a chihuahua who died, you frantically think,"oh god that could have been tike or litty!"

7.you wish nickolodeon would bring welcome freshman back,just to get a glimpse of AJ,cuz you remember that show a little bit,but you were like, eight when they had that on,and your mad at yourself for not paying better attention.

8.you and your family are supposed to be transferred to florida, TAMPA florida and youre actually happy, for some reason.

9.things theyve said on videos and stuff like that, constantly find their way into your conversations, and it's uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunexplainable and phat to death,man,and it's crazy.I can't believe it!

10.at your birthday party, over half the gifts were backstreet related.More than half,actually.

11.you think that they are waiting for you when you get home,like on a surprise visit or something.

12.when theyre not,that's okay cuz your posters are there to talk to.

13.in your prayers, you thank God for keeping your family and friends healthy and happy, ask him to help those who are having trouble in their lives, and thank Him for blessing Kevin,Nick,Howie,Brian,and AJ with their many talents and graces and for making their dreams come true and getting them to where they are today and allowing them to share their amazing gift of song with the world.amen :)))

14.you get angry at vh1 when they show wahts goin on cuz brian dont get to sing.

15.you sleepover at your best friend's,whose also a bsb fan, and when she "goes to sleep", you interview her posters and you make up answers,and the next morning your friend thinks your a crackpot.(me:)

16.when you hear "how" you automatically finish with "ie" and your friends get annoyed.Alot.(Cough*me*cough,cough)

17.you don't like nsync.(Me)

18.you wish you were an older fan cuz they can drive and they have a better shot at hookin up with one of them.(oh,if only.sigh)

19.youre not mad at Brian or Kev for gettin hitched.why would you be?they desrve to be happy.=)

20.when you play Backstreet Boys Around the World Game in the living room,you have this feeling that theyre in the fireplace or behind the couch,watching...judging.so you try to do the acts and dares with as much hilarity as possible.

After all,we luv to see them smile.

21.you have fun writing these lists.

22.you like reading them.

23.you call your friends the names they have in your fan fiction,including yourself.(Twiggy,hee,hee)

24.you wish,wish,wish,wish you could meet them and hang out or go to marineworld or something, then come home and hang out and play videogames and just, do stuff like a party or something,know what im sayin?

25.you put your armoare (sorry don't know how to spell that word,its french or something)to use by making it kind of a shrine,with your drawings,magazines,etc. cuz your room's too small to display everything properly.

26.when you say,"mom, it's Nick's birthday next week!"and she knows who youre talking about.he's the only Nick that you "know",after all.

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