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Date: Feb 15, 2001
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Once you've collected over lets say 200 posters and you start to laminate them to make sure the edges dont get torn, then you can say you're the true obssessed bsb fans. Some may call it obsessive compulsive behavior but "hey!" all of us Backstreet Boys fans know what if feels like to have your favorite pic of Nick torn, right? :]

Also when you wait in line for at least 2 hours to get tickets but then find out that your seats have "Obstructed Viewing" but you still go to the concert and scream your head off, it's okay because remember you laminate your posters so you can lose your voice the next day. Okay?

Also once you have signed up for the "Backstreet Millennium Newsletter" and have a Backstreet Boys email address, I think you can call yourself the Obsessive-Cumplusive #1 Backstreet Fan!

~*~ KTBPA ~*~

Your in trouble when......by Kyle

Date: Feb 15, 2001
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1. U bought the import cds for over $100 cause u couldn't find them anywhere else.

2.You borrowed your friends BSB vid 3 months ago even u own the exact same 1 and are hoping she forgets about it cause u want as much BSB stuff as possible.

3. You can't go 5 min w/out talking about BSB.

4. U send them bday cards, christmas cards, easter cards, and when brian had heart surgery, a get well card.

5. U called almost every1 in Atlanta to see if they've seen Tyke or Litty. U did this even thought u live in New York and now have a $1368.94 long distance bill...

6.U know their bdays, but no ones in your family.

7.Every report u've done in school had 2 do w/ BSB.

8. When u go into Media Play, they tell u ( and call u by name) if any new BSB stuff came in.

9. U backordered a magazine that was 4 years old for $56.99 for 1 postor.

10. U would willingly camp outside ticketmaster in winter for 3 months to get tickets.


How you can REALLY tell if you have Backstreetitis

Date: Feb 15, 2001
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Check for the signs of true fan devotion.

1.)You own every single that hits the shelves though you own the album.

2.)You own every tv interview, special, video, etc. even if its only 5 seconds long

3.)You cried when you heard of Kevin and Brian's engagements.

4.)You know forward and backwards the words and choreography to each song.

5.)You celebrate their birthdays religiously.

6.)The slightest thing reminds you of them, example: during a head count on the bus during a field trip(i'm in high school)i got 36 which if you add three to each number you get 69 aj's favorite number.

7.) Donate money to their charities often.

8.)You have so many pictures that you need 3 rooms to display them all.

9.)Carson of mtv knows your voice.

10.)You have to get professial help about your problem.


Date: Feb 15, 2001
Submitted By:

1. Do you dream about the Backstreet Boys... EVERY MINUTE OF YOUR DAY!!!

2. When you hear the name Brian, Nick, Kevin, Howie, or AJ... you SCREAM, "I LOVE YOU!" automatically.

3. You feel like you know them because you know more about them than yourself.

4. You insist that the letters B S and B become an official word for "HOT, COOL, BABES, and any other good thing".

5. You cried when you heard that you have no chance with Brian or Kevin.

memories... top 10 things that will make you go

Date: Feb 15, 2001
Submitted By:

10. you can't go on with the day until you've logged onto "your" bsb site.

9.when you watch them on tv, you can't be ANY happier you are smiling and have tears in your eyes

8. your friends are SOOOO sick of bsb

7. you will never get tired of their songs, EVER

6. waiting for the new album is like waiting to know how much longer you have to live!

5.the day of the concert, you can't eat anything because your WAY too nervous

4. after your first concert, you keep sayin "they're alive!" like they actually breathe and you have proof!

3. your family doesn't stand in your way of bsb'

2.you've got soo many friends online because they love bsb too!


1. your dad paid over 1,000 dollars for 3rd row seats @ a concert in san jose because it was last minute (this happneed to me, i can't believe he did that!)

10 Signs That You Need Psychiatric Help

Date: Feb 15, 2001
Submitted By:

10. The obvious...your walls are plastered with posters of our favorite band, BSB.

9. You have been known to call your brother and pets Brian, Howie, Nick, etc.

8. You pick out clothing according to what they would like. You know, green for Nick, blue for Brian and Kevin, nothing for A.J...

7. You talk so much about them it begins to slip into your family's conversation. Like my father, "Would you stop being such a backstreet driver? I mean..."

6. Your teachers think you are insane after seeing your locker.

5. Your fellow BSB fans tell you to shut up.

4. You have defaced NSYNC posters.

3. You checked out their blood types and yours so that in case they needed blood, you would be on hand to give it to them.

2. You cried like an idiot five times; when you first heard Brian sing "One Last Cry", when you heard he was getting married, when you couldn't get tickets to the Into The Millenium tour, when you read the first Rolling Stone article where Brian talks about his surgery, and when you found out on Pop-Up Videos that Brian cried off camera during the filming of Show Me The Meaning. (Could you tell I'm a Brian fan?)

1. You hear on TRL that Backstreet News is coming up and you begin to freak out that it's Brian getting married and you have trouble breathing during the commercial break and then it turns out that it's just Tyk and Litty Leigh being found and you're so relieved that you start laughing hysterically and freak out your cats.

Yea might be obsessed with BSB if...

Date: Feb 15, 2001
Submitted By:

Yea might be obsessed with BSB if...Your e-mail address is something like "iluv(one of the bsb)@hotmail.com

5 signs you're addicted to Nick Carter...by iKon

Date: Feb 15, 2001
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5. You refer to the Nickmeister as God.

4. You make it your daily job to kiss every one of your Nick posters before you go to bed AND when you wake in the morning.

3. Your school books are covered with pics of the Carter King and written all over it: I LUV NICK! N.C RULES BSB4ME!!!!!!

2. You refer to lists similar to this one.

1. You are seriously considering moving to Florida specially to catch a glimpse of him.

Ways To Know You're Obsessed With Nick......by Jen

Date: Feb 15, 2001
Submitted By:

1. You love everything about him (his eyes, his hair...his cute little butt!)

2. You swear you will marry him, no matter what your friends say (you know who you are)

3. You wanna kick mandy's @$$ real bad!

4. You have every BSB performance on tape

5. You wouldn't mind having his children (damn, that boy would make fine kids!)

6. You love all his hair styles, even that one at the Billboards where he teased it and it stuck up all over the place

7. You've seen the BSB in concert more than once (hehe that's me)

8. When your friends buy you a beautiful hand drawn portrait of your Nick for your birthday

9. When you freak on anyone who disses the hottest guy in the world

10.You tell everyone he's your boyfriend

11.When your friends see you, they ask you how Nick is doing (he's fine by the way)

12.You've spent lots (and I mean lots) of money on BSB and Nick merchandise

13.You have every BSB video on tape

14.You write lists like this

15.Your whole room is BSB and Nick stuff

16.You know everything about him

17.You visit his website nick-carter.com at least twice a day

18.You have dreams every night about meeting him, kissing him...whatever...

19.When you sometimes nod off in class cause you're daydreaming (again!)

20.You visit this website (cause it's the best) twice a day just to look at the hundreds of Nick pics

21.You read lists like this!

Are You A Backstreet Fanatic?

Date: Feb 15, 2001
Submitted By:

Are you a Backstreet fanatic or just a fan? If many of the things from the list below apply to you, you're a fanatic.

1.) Your parents wouldn't let you get a Backstreet Boys tattoo so you drew a fake one yourself.

2.)You tell people that you're married or going out with a Backstreet Boy.

3.)You use your favorite Backstreet Boy's last name as your own.

4.)You forgot what the color of your walls were because you BSB posters covered them.

5.)You write an E-Mail to them at least every day, thinking they care.

6.)You refused to go to your cousin's house because she was an N'Sync fan,and got in trouble for calling her evil.

7.)You dream about them almost every night.

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