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February 17th in Minnesota
Date: Mar 18, 2001 Submitted By: Katie
yeah i know this review is kinda late...a month..but better late then never.. But anyways..the concert here in MN was so AWESOME! i was 4th row..DIRECT center..i've been to 3 bsb concerts and this one was definately the best! i really don't have anything interesting to say. AJ and Nick were so hot. Nick's definately becoming aj..doing all those ''aj moves'' I liked how they had that walkway because it was right next to me, i have alot of cute pics. The girls right in front of me caught brian's hat (i touched it!)..they definately deserved it..(one of em wrote a review too). The 2 girls in front of me were throwin things up onstage and have a pic of brian catching their caterpillar. (yeah i know this is going off of the BSB subject), but the concert was awesome and can't wait til they come back!!
Date: Mar 03, 2001 Submitted By: angela!
AHH! Okay well BSB are my life and have been for like 4 years and I was freaking when we found out they were coming to Minneapolis. A few friends and I went down on Friday night(They were performing on sat) to the hotel they were staying at. Some of our friends earlier had met Leighanne there so we decided to try. We waited for like an hour and then finally NICK and his so called gf walked out of a white van and into the elevator..i was like a foot away from nick! ahh it was so great..he is SO HOT! he was wearing the hottest outfit too!! The next morning, my friends and i watied for like 8 hours at the Marquette and we met Leighanne and their dogs, and we saw howie twice and howie helped up my friend that fell and said "Here sweetie, are you okay?" ahh hottness! i touched him so i was happy! Then we went to the Target center..we had 3rd row center tix..they were awesome! When they first came out, Aj was right in front of my and I love him so much and so i was like screaming his name and jumping up and down. Everyone in front of me was lil so he saw me and started to crack a was the hottest thing!! They have the most unbeliavable voices! ahh!! My friends were up rite next to the stage on the lower level and had a sign that said Leighanne is great just like you and kevin and aj told leighanne to turn around and were pointing at that sign and Leighanne said thank you to them. She's soo gorgeous and so nice! They interacted so much with the crowd, and looked like they were having so much fun. I have never seen Nick do that many pelvic moves, and AJ was soo hot with his corn rolls. Also, howie and kevin are so much hotter in person! wow! brian is just always gorgeous and his smile is so hot! Their voices though, were the bets part! When they sang time, the bridge came down adn we were rite next to the bridge and nick sang to my friend and i and they all waved! AHH what hotties. FOr as long as you love me, nick comes out wiht a hat and sings and dances wiht it then Brian does and then Brok throws it out and I caught it. LIke seriously it smelled good. I was bawling! THen my friend threw up a green catepillar and brian was playihng with it during as long as you love was the cutest thing! During answer of our lifes..Brian was wearing his shirt for his foundation and he threw it out to the crowd and my friend caught it but then someone took it from her :(! OH well! When Aj got out his cell phone for The Call, it was probably the hottest thing I've ever seen. His voice for this song was SOO good and SOO HOT! During shape of my heart they really interacted with the crowd waving at everyone and blowing kisses. This is a tour you diffently have to see! ahhh they are so hot and so beautiful and sooooo talented! if you have any pics from this cocnert that you wanna trade email me at
Detroit and Minneapolis
Date: Mar 01, 2001 Submitted By: Brianne
Hey! I have updated my picture pages from the above concerts.
I have already submitted my reveiws....just wanted to let you know that there are more pictures now.....
Feb 17th
Date: Mar 01, 2001 Submitted By: Julianna
Ok so i went to the Feb 17th concert!! WOW, it was AWESOME...alright, so lets seee....i had been counting down for like 2 months. I was SOOOO pumped, i thought i was going to explode.
I went with my best friend (erin) and my two bandies (christie and laura). We had a suite (in the target center they are GREAT seats), and so there was like adults and other ppl in here, but we didnt care.
We left my house around 5, we sang bsb songs all the way there. We parked, got out and went into the sky way. So erin and i are walking by the windows. i grabbed erin and was like OH MY GOD LOOK...down below there was a big guy in black, and two little chawawas (sp? haha) and a little blond chick. i was like "ERIN ERIN ITS BRIANS DOGS AND LEIGHANNE". she was like huh? she looked and we started screaming. my parents, and laura n christie kept on walking. so erin and i were standing up there screaming in the skyway. we had seen broks dogs and wife!! we were SO excited. the adreneline started pumping.
So we got in there, and we had like an hour to kill. We just stod around joking and talking. watching ppl. So they FINALLY let us in around 635ish. the four of us girls, booked ass in. and we got up to the suite floor....erin and i locked arms and we RAN..litterally RAN to the suite. when we got in there, we were all like screaming and hyperventlating. we were like RIGHT by the side of the stage. it was kinda funny cuz we couldnt get the sliding glass door open, (which goes out to the seats) we started screaming, put our shit down. so we went out to buy our little merchandise stuff, then came back. we ate food, chilled.
it was right around 730-745 and we could sorta see behind the stage. the section in front of us were standing up and pointing. then they sat down. so we got this evil idea..on the count of 3 we would stand up and scream like bloody murder and point. OMG this was SO DAMN FUNNY. it was a chain reaction. everyone around us started to stand up and look. so we did that a couple of times.
FINALLY krystal came out. this had to be one the best parts of the night..damn erin and i were like the only ones in there that actually knew her songs. no one was like screaming or singing. we were like standing up and screaming and singing along. it was GREAT. erin screamed out GO SINEAD!!! lmao...but neway krystal brought the house down, she was AWESOME. so by the time she was done we had lost our voices...can you believe it? then we got our food and drinks. chilled. talked. screamed. oh yeah and at one pt some girls had lighters in front of us..i leaned over and was like 'YEAH LIGHTERS RULE' and they looked up at us and laughed.
then my god they FINALLY came out. we were gettin antsy. they were so close. when the little fire things came up we all jumped and screamed..lmao..when they came out i thought i was gonna pee my pants, seriously, i was so excited, we were so close. so yeah they did their thing. its all a blur to tell you the truth. but at one pt, nick came out on the "runway" which was weak as hell, and he pointed up at us...we KNOW he did, we were like dangling out of the suite, looking like monkey things--christie gasped and like grabbed me, and was like OH MY GOD. we almost started crying. it was great. and kevin pointed at us too, so did howie-- he was danicing over by us. and ok that little under the stage video--that was funny as hell. the little walk way thing was sweeeet as hell man!! oh yeah ok nick needs to like wear pants that fit, at one point i swear i saw his ass crack. the other girls saw it too..
well neway, after the concert was over, we just sat there. everyone was gone, and we were like talking and screaming still. in all we had a kick ass time, i love the backstreet boys, it was so much fun. we saw leighanne sitting infront of the barriers, and we saw 2 other girls. this one girl looks like this chick that nick is now seeing or something like that! i dont think i have had that much fun in a long time. it was so great.
if anyone has pix from this concert PLZ PLZ email them to me, thanks!
Julianna aka Julz
Minneapolis, MN, February 17th, 2001
Date: Feb 27, 2001 Submitted By: Jessica
OMG! The MN BSB concert was the best! Me and my cousin had a blast! It all started when we got downtown at about 4:30 and saw a bunch of buses parked in front of the Maruette hotel. We knew immediatly that they were there and begged my mom to let us out. So no sooner did we get there then all of the girls who had been standing outside ran inside. So of course we followed and we heard that the Backstreet Boys were going to their rooms. It turned out it was only Howie, but we were screaming and jumping like crazy anyway. My cousin was able to catch a glimpse of him. We went back outside to wait for the other boys who were supposed to be coming out and then we saw some girls talking to one of the bus drivers. He turned out to be Nick's Dad! Anyway, none of the other boys came out but it was still fun. When we found our seats at the concert, we were surprised to see that row S in the upper section was actully pretty good seats. Well, the concert started and we went wild1 They all looked and sounded great, when u could hear them over the screaming. Without giving too much away, some of our favorite parts were when they did their dresing room skit and then appeared on the smaller round stage, and when A.J. answered his cell phone at the beginning of "The Call". I was also surprised to see that Brian had gotten another tatto! So while we didn't meet them, it was definitley a wonderful night.
Date: Feb 25, 2001 Submitted By: Amy
I started my countdown from the very day the tickets went on sale. Me and my two friends and my sister waited and waited for Feb 17th to come. Finally it did. The day was awesome. First we got htere soo early and we waited outside by their bus and there was beer cans and pop cans outside of it and the security guy said that if we came off the steps we were on we'd get our tickets taken away and arrested. So we just screamed for the guys from the stairs-we saw a tv on inside the bus and ohmygosh--it was awesome. So then we went inside the lobby of the target center and ther was almost no one there yet. So we sat down and saw this girl. She was staring at us.(WAASSSUUUPPP JENNIFER) we started talking to her and she said she goes to the same school as me. We thought that was awesome cuz she just moved here from New Mexico. Her and her friend had row 41, we on the other hand, had section 213. Then a bunch of girls got inline behind us and they had a red "happy valentines day" heart thingie for the boys and they said they where gonna through it onstage..During the concert I saw brian holding it!!!(CONGRATS GIRLS!! IF YOUR READING THIS) when they let us inside I was soo mad to find out we were THREE ROWS FROM THE TOP OF THE TARGET CENTER!! We tried to sneek into the floor level but they wouldn't let us so we snuck into the first level. Me and my sister sat three rows from the floor. The stage actually looked big! It was the coolest thing in the world. They where GREAT! They all had so much life and energy in them it took my breathe away. Then we saw jennifer sitting next to this little round stage about 25 ft away from us. I through her my camera and waited by the barrier cuz this mom we were sittin by told us they guys would do like 4 songs from there. Well THEN THERE THEY WHERE. I thought I was gonna die. Nick waved over at us and I couldn't move, couldn't speak. I don't know how I was even breathing. Anyway, it was the coolest!! Concert i've ever been too. I love bsb, I always will. Even after they go their seprate ways after this tour. I LOVE THEM.
Always remember: IT'S BSB'S WORLD..WE JUST LIVE IN IT!!
Minneapolis, MN - Feb 17th
Date: Feb 24, 2001 Submitted By: Brianne
On Feb 15th I saw BSB perform in Detroit, MI and now this is my story of the Feb 17th Concert.......
I won a trip to see and meet the Backstreet Boys in Minneapolis from a radio station that was doing a charity for laid-off teachers in a local school system. (Jive donated the trip)
I flew into Minneapolis the afternoon of the show. I had just seen the Boys from 2nd row in Detroit on Feb 15th and now I was here to meet them. I was so nervous, but pumped.
So we had to meet at Will Call at 7 p.m.- Of course, I like to be early, so we arrived at 6 p.m. to the Target Center.
About 7ish the guy from Jive arrives to take us Backstage. We get our passes and are taken along to back of the arena. We await outside of the doors to Backstage ( I think they were eating dinner) and we see AJ ride up and down the hall on a scooter. So we were about the 5th group of people to go back. (Backstage works like this: Wait, go up, say Hi, get pic taken (and only one pic) and then leave) So I ask the guy from Jive if the guys know about the Charity thing that I won- He says maybe Howie and Kevin-so he tells me to go to the end of the line and he will fill them in.
So it is almost my turn (about 3 groups ahead of us) and the security guard says: “Hey- Who are you a guest with?” I say ____ with Jive. He says come ahead of the line. I was like OMG! I am next! So we move up halfway down the hall to meet with another guard. Like 2 seconds later, ___ from Jive says to the Boys- “This is the girl who donated for the teachers….blah, blah”
I walk around the corner and BAM there is Kevin, Howie, Nick, AJ, and Brian. All grinning at me. Kevin says “That was a wonderful thing you did, Thank you.” Then he checks me out wearing my black and blue outfit and he says “Oh, I like your black and blue- Look at you”
So I step back, and Kev basically grabs me and engulfs me with a huge hug. And he again says “Thank you” At that point, I am shocked. He was wearing his black leather coat, and he was Huge! Very intimidating.
So the next one in line was Howie, and I was intending to talk to him-but when I looked up, I locked eyes with Nick and he was staring back at me giving me this look. YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE LOOK HE GAVE-SO HOT! He raised his eyebrows at me and I went towards him-totally blowing off Howie. ( I feel so bad ) I had a Red Wings jersey to give to him with his name in the back-and I basically threw it at him and say ( I think ) This is for you. ( I don’t remember though- lol ) and he grabs me and gives me the best hug of my life. I think it lasted a good 30 seconds, it felt like an eternity though. He was like an angel- the lights coming down on him and everything. He had his hair spiked- and a little bit of makeup on. His eyes were glowing, and sparkling. (Everyone together now…….Aaahhh…….) What an image huh?
I moved on to AJ, but I don’t really remember anything, because I had just hugged Nick. I think when he hugged me that he was patting my back.
And then I look at Brian, and he holds his arms out to me- so I walk into him and he gives me a hug. Very good I might add-but I never realized that he was so short. I am 5’3” and he wasn’t much taller. I noticed that he wears a lot of makeup.
So at that point, the guy is trying to round us up to get the picture taken, and I walk back to get in the picture and Howie grabs me to hug me. So I jump in between Nick and Howie and Nick snuggles up to me and puts his arm around me- and I put my arm around him and Howie and I will never forget the feeling of Nick’s “Love Handles” SO SQUISHY! But adorable.
So as they are trying to take the picture, Kevin sees this blue light that is on my wrist and he grabs my hand and says “What is this?” They all look and cause a commotion. The guy taking the picture says “Guys! Come on- lets take the picture!” So we all pose-me standing close to Nick and he takes the one and only pic. So I say Thanks and grab my camera and we are being escorted away from them when Kevin starts in again about the light on my wrist. He is further discussing between me and the guys of where this came from- AJ guessed from the AMA’s and Howie said something else too. So at that point- the security tells us to go. We walk back down the hall we came from and go to find our seats (18th row Seats 1-2)
During the part of the show when the guys are on the catwalk- Howie came over to our side- saw me, remembered me, and pointed, waved, winked and gave me a peace sign. Couldn’t believe that either.
I know when I met them that more was said- but I really only remember what Kevin said. After Nick, all was a blur. LOL. It happened to be the best 3-4 minutes of my life. I still cannot believe I met them. AND THEY WERE SOOOO NICE. I wans’t expecting hugs. And I got them!
I have attached the link of the pic with me and my friend with them. This is the only one that was allowed to be taken. I have also attached some pix of the concert, and some of the Detroit concert.
The show was definitely better than the Detroit show, because I could actually hear them. Even though I had 2nd row at the Silverdome-The Target Center is about half the size of the Silverdome-and it was more intimate.
Can’t wait to see them in the Fall when they come back to Detroit! BTW- If anyone sees pix of Nick wearing a Detroit Red Wings jersey with CARTER on the back and the # 21 - let me know- -Hopefully I could get a pic. Thanks!
February 17th concert
Date: Feb 24, 2001 Submitted By: Casey
Hey guys! I was reading the reviews of the concert on the 17th and decided it wouldn't hurt to give my opinion of the concert too. I loved it! This concert was way better than their previous tour. I was on the floor, and had pretty good seats. The best part was when out of nowhere I turned around and there they were! Just nine rows away! I turned my bestfriend Amy around and we couldn't believe it. It was too much fun to see them so close. When I thought it couldn't get any better, the bridge lowered down...and they started walking over it. Luckily, I was the first person next to it so there was no one between me and the bridge...or what turned out...A.J.! I was completely freaking out because A.J. is my he's stitting know...4 feet from me...singin' his little heart out...and I can't think straight enough to remember my camera...until he's about to leave and keep walking down the bridge. So I snap out of my little trace...hee hee hee...and put up my camera to take a picture, right? He sees me do this because he's still next to before he turns to leave, he turns back around and looks at me and waves and lets me take my pic. It was so awesome. I have never been happier.
Then Brian came and sang to all of us and waved and Amy got a pic of when he waved at her camera too. That was so much fun. The concert was so awesome. The lights were awesome and the choregraphy for "Not For Me" and "Get Another Boyfriend" were so good. I loved it all. They put on a very good show and I have every intention of going back to see them again...although I think I'll have a hard time trying to top this concert!
Target Center Minneapolis, Minnesota Feb 17, 2001
Date: Feb 22, 2001 Submitted By: Megan Weber
This concert was AWESOME!!!! I liked it more than the Millennium tour....even though that tour rocked. Other people who wrote in before told pretty much everything that happened at the concert so I'll tell you all about what happened to me after the concert!!! The hotel I was staying at was right by the boys hotel The Marquette and I was their tour buses parked in front of their before the show and all the equipment buses by the Target Center. Well anyways after the concert me and my friend, Brenna were looking for her parents and the streets were really crowded so we decided to go looking for them. We came to this place and there was a tour bus in front. It was like a driveway and people were on both sides and it was kinda in a private spot so there was only about 20 ppl there total so I got right in the front. So we decided to stick around in case someone came out. Well after a cpl of mins this huge garage-like door opened and this dancer walked out. Then you would never guess who walked out....Brian and Leighanne!!! Brian is my fave of the guys and I didn't even realize it was him at first. Then they got on the bus and we ran over and we were right in the front screaming and waving to them. They came over to the window and Leighanne and Brian held up their Chihuahuas Tyk and Litty Leigh and were showing them to us. Then we started chanting "We Love You Brian" and then we got to sing Happy Birthday to him!!! It was sooooo awesome! We were one of the few ppl who got to sing to him. I was only a couple of feet away from the bus and was reeeeally really close when they walked out. But in the process of this we lost the role of film we had taken had the concert, but that's okay cuz we got so Brian and Leighanne and their CUTE lil dogs!! It was probably the best night of my life!!
Black and Blue Concert-- Target Center Minniapolis, MN
Date: Feb 22, 2001 Submitted By: Heidi
It's now Monday and the concert was on Saturday I don't remember much, it all went by so fast, but I do remember when they came out on the small stage. Only because they were like 15 feet away from me. Me and my friend made tie-dyed shirts (black and blue of couse) and put glow in the dark puffy paint on them too. The only thing I do remember is that all the guys waved to me, or at least my section. But Brian saw my shirt and pointed at me and smiled. I was so exctied that at least he saw me and saw my shirt-even though it said I love Nick. And AJ gave us the I love you sign and Kevin gave us the ok sign. I loved it when they came out on the smaller stage, but I was dissappointed that they only sang 2 songs out there. But I guess that was better than nothing and I am greatful that I at least got to go and be in the same building as the five great men :):).
Date: Feb 22, 2001 Submitted By: Christina
I just loved the concert, and have so much to say. I have a few questions though. How can I sign up for Krystal's Official Newsletter and her website and all? I really enjoyed her performance. Um, it was here on when you first get here but I can't find it now. Also, if anyone has pictures or video or anything, could ya email me? If you just wanna talk about the concert, or want pictures, email me! I will probably add more later, but right now I gotta get going. Awesome concert,
Bsb at Target Center, MN
Date: Feb 22, 2001 Submitted By: Jennifer
The concert was so awesome!!! We were in the front row!! Nick was so cute!I never thought AJ was not that cute on TV but he is so hot in real life! I enjoyed the entrance even though nothing compares to the star wars music and space boards of the Into The Millennium Tour. I was really surprised to see Leighanne there. People have been complaining about the show and how there is a big slow part where they sing very few fast songs. I did not really notice it, or think it was a big deal. I thought that Brian seemed really nice at the concert, he always had a huge smile on his face. Kev seemed like he was concentrating way to hard on his dance moves and looked like he was not having much fun. Probably the best part was when they did the dressing room skit, I was so nervous when B-rok asked me if I liked his pants or if they should undress on stage!! I won't ruin the rest of the concert for the people who have not seen it yet but it is one of the greatest yet for BSB!! Keep the Backstreet Pride alive!! Gotta GO!!
,Minneapolis,MN,Feb. 17/2001
Date: Feb 22, 2001 Submitted By: Kris
It was AMAZING!!! I never imagined at 31 I would find myself at a BSB concert with my friends having the time of my life.This was a dream come true for us.We are all raising young children and don't have much time for ourselves.We decided it was time.We are so glad we did! We drove 7 hrs from Canada.We spotted the buses as we arrived downtown.You could just feel the excitment in the air.We got to the concert quite early and met some wonderful people.BSB have the nicest fans! There was so much positive energy and happiness all around.Finaly they opened the doors and we were off to find our seats.We were in upper level,but close to the stage off to the side.I was a little freaked out being so high,but I had a perfect veiw.Krystal has a beautiful voice and seemed to really enjoy herself up there.I thought the special effects were truly awesome!I think I just froze when the boys came on.I just couldn't believe that I was actually in the same room as them.I know that sounds juvenile,but that's how I felt.I thought the dancers complimented them and didn't over-shadow them.The guys sure can dance.They looked so much more mature now.Thier wardrobe was gorgeous!Nick has turned into quite the handsome man!!!The bridge was great!It wasn't long before I forgot how high up I was .I was dancing in no time flat.To sum things up,it was an awesome experience and I feel extremely fortunate.The whole experience just confimed that even though I'm a mom,I'm still young and vibrant!!! Thanks BSB!
Feb. 17th - Minneapolis
Date: Feb 22, 2001 Submitted By: Katie
I can't believe how much fun the show was Sat. 17th at Target Center - the Boys put on such a production it was unbelievable. There are two things that really amazed me.
First, their voices. Wow. Each one was showcased and it was the most incredible thing I've ever experienced. I thought Howie and A.J. sounded out of this world. The ballads were the best and they sang from the heart the whole night.
Second, the eye contact with fans. Everywhere you looked, they were shaking hands, talking to fans, accepting gifts, waving, pointing to fans and smiling... it was never ending. Luckily I was one of those fans that experience something like that and I will never forget it. It made it seem like they were singing just for me, and how I wish they were!!! I loved this show, and I've been to over 200 concerts in my life. What a blast!!!
Minneapolis, MN
Date: Feb 22, 2001 Submitted By: Chrstine
Hi there....I just got back from my trip to Minneapolis to see the boys...Most of you all probably know exactly what goes on at the concerts so I'll just tell ya some stuff that might be a little different...first, I went to the second Chicago show a week earliar and the first thing I noticed in MN is the the wings were so short!!! less than half the size, probabyl cuz it's a basketball arena(Target center), but it looked a lot different...newaz, I had bought my tix online like a week be4 the concert so I didnt expect them to be too good(they were floor but section 3, so i figured all id see is the back of the persons head in front of me), BUT, they were section 1 to the left, section 2 middle and section 3 right...I HAD 9th row!!.. thisnever happens to me, im alwaz on of those people who waits in line for ever and ends up with, the concert was awesome, especially seeing they're facial expression and everything, i was trying all night to get Brian to wave at me...ugh!, but i got aj to right at the end during shape of my heart...(i know every1 says that, thing i wanna comment on is that i was really happily surprised at home many older people were at the 17 and i try hard not to act teenybooper-ish (like the gurrls behind me not even listeningo anything they were singing just screaming at the top of their lungs)....i saw couples, oneguy was pretty, and he had a bsb shirt on and a bunch of other stuff...bsb pride baby...they're was this girl next to me that nick kept waving too, especially during time..she was around 25 and looked really nice, she was really pretty...the crowd though, wasnt very hypped...they sat all during krystal and i dont chi-town it was soo crazy, u couldnt hear a thing...all in all, the boys put ona gr8 show!!...they can really dance and pump up the crowd, but can sitt on stools and sing a great ballad too...they really looked like they were havin fun on stage..nikc was hilarious, he totally spazzes...that boy has soo much energy, even during more than that he kept jumpin arond and, it was a great night...all u bsb fans who think you'll be in the nosebleeds 4ever, have faith, when u least expect it there you are in the 9th row!! later