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Vancouver show (February 23) review
Date: Mar 13, 2001 Submitted By: Leanne
My first BSB concert experience is something never to be forgetten.
I thought i luved the guys like no one did ,before i saw them in concert, February 23rd in Vancouver. Boy was i wrong.
If you have never seen the guys live, belive me, your luv for them changes after you see this Black and Blue show!!!!
My first concert experience went something like this. Iam from the interior of BC, we had to drive all the way to the coast, about 6 hours to Vancouver, we were staying at the closest hotel to GM Place, it was basically right across the street, and i made sure i knew where the "Four Seasons" hotel, and how close it was to our hotel, becuase that it where the guys stayed for 3 nights, i belive they were in town for 2-3 days before the show. When we arrived at our hotel, me and my friend were going crazy, we could see GM place from our hotel room, it was about 2 in the afternoon on Friday Feb. 23rd. Finally my mom told us we could go over to GM place, look around a bit. Like i actually thought the guys would be there in the afternoon, so why would i ever have thought to bring a paper and pen. I was to excited to think about anything, but i did grab my camera to take pics on the way, a trip to Vancouver is also a vacation, not just to see BSB ya know. I was litterally running down the street, my friend kept telling me to slow down, there is no rush. I ran anyway, when i got across the street, we were on a bridge, i looked down into the venue parking lot and my eyes friggin popped out, at leased half of the parking lot , if not more was jammed with huge tour coached and buses, and at leased half a dozen huge white semi trailers. Obviously it was the BSB buses, the buses were absolutly huge!!!!!
I leaned over the edge of the bridge, looked down and saw 3 of the tour buses parked up near the venue,and there was a gate around it holding about 8 girls back. Hmmmm, i wonder who they were waiting for???? I screamed, and started to run, i ran through a ton of prickly bushes and just about knocked one of Kevin's security guards flat on the ground, he told me to go around the other way, there were about 9 girls down where we were, and i was standing right at the front of the gate, and right beside Kevin's bus!!!! This nice girl next to me told me that we had missed Nick by just a few minutes, boy was i mad, of course he's my fav, i was totally depressed, all of a sudden the bus door opens, and Kevin came out, OMG!!!!!!! everyone screamed for about 10 seconds, and then he signed autographs for about 10 minutes, he was really quiet, not really saying anything, he was kinda over dressed for the weather, he had a red knit hand on and a huge long blue coat on. I took lots of pics (they are on the kev section of the fan galleries) But stupid me of course had no paper of pen, just my camera, in my opinion the pics i got were better then a scribble on a paper, but i could have reached out and put my arms around kevin, thats how close i was. After he left, i saw Nicks dad, he was driving Nicks bus, and i think i also saw Brent (Nick's best friend) he was walking around outside, iam not positive it was him though, looked like him though. The security guard told us that there was only 1% chance we would get to see the guys again, most of the girls left after that, it was around 4 in the afternoon by then, i was tired from standing around, so we left also.
We were gonna go to the hotel where bsb were staying, but obviously the guys were already at the venue, the security guard had also told us that they had a press conference at 4, then dinner, and sound check before the show, so we just left.
Now the show on the other hand was something else, first of all Krystal was absolutly amazing , she blew everyone away, she has an amazing voice and outstanding energy, she really wowed the crowd, and got an amazing response.
When BSB came out to sing "everyone" i was already deafened by the amount of screaming, and the show hadn;t even started yet.
I don't wanna waist time telling everyone about the show, becasue its all the same in every performance, but i thought it was so sweet of kevin, what he did when they were walking across the bridge, he got down on his stomach and reached down to touch fans hands, i had my binoculars out, and he was trying to touch this little girls hand, she was kinda short, she stood on her chair, and still couldnlt reach kev, he was about to get up , he blew her a kiss, and then someone lifted the girl up, and kevin got back down and for about 5 seconds you could just see the tow hands bairly reaching eachother, and all of a sudden he touched her hand, everyone cheered, it was sooo cool!!
Nick was soo hyper during the show, he stood up on the drum set and shook his butt, that was soo cute.
Brian seemed not really hisself, i dunno why, AJ was so funny, he kept looking at himself on the bug screen and saying, "man i look good form behind" . what was really sweet was during "Shape of my heart" Nick was on the right ramp sitting on the edge and he grabbed this little girl from the crowd and sat her on his lap and sang to her, oh my gosh that was so adorable!!!!!!
the highlight of the show was definatly "The answer to our life", the energy and power in that song was phenominal !!!!
I enjoyed myself so much, i canlt even begin to explain!!!!!!!!
If anybody else wants to chat with me about the Vancouver show, pleass please please email me!!!
Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive, we luv those guys, and they deserve every second of attention they get!!!!
Vancouver, BC
Date: Mar 06, 2001 Submitted By: Grace
Before the show started on February 23, 2001, I was so lucky that's my first time get to see their show. They were fantastic performance I really like it. When I purchased my ticket website address www. my mom helped me purchased online before Dec 3/00 Saturday morning 9:30am. I felt very lucky that the website says purchased did not locked it we can purchase it easy. The next day the ticket master center have told my mom said where did you purchased the ticket, she said from the internet. They don't beleive is true so she showed the print out purchased ticket prooved her payements so the ticket master gave the real tickets to her.
On Feb 23, 01 my sister, brother, mom and I went to the concert. It was our first time sat on the floor level to see the BSB shows closer. My sister and I had screamed them to wish their shows are great after few minutes start another half show, We saw Brian and Kevin have walked across the bridge. They waved us so high that we can see them clearly. My sister and I like the favorite song called, " The Called and Larger Than Life." This was great I hope I will get to see the fans and the boys sooner be better.
Your Lovely fans,
Grace, Gloria
Vancouver, B.C.
Date: Feb 27, 2001 Submitted By: Julia
Wow, the concert was amazing. I have been to many concerts but I was impressed with how the Boys really include the whole audience in the party.
We had great seats, we were only about 15 feet away from them!
The only part that was weak was Krystal. As musicians ourselves, we felt she was not of the calibre to perform with the Boys. Many of the notes were too high for her, and she was quite flat at times.
But all in all, it was a fabulous concert for the Backstreet Boys.
Vancouver, BC(February 2rd, 2001)
Date: Feb 27, 2001 Submitted By: RC
Okay, so i went to the concert in Vancouver and it just may have been the best night of my life. Me and my freind went down at like 2pm and waited around the buses and stuff just to see ifwe could meet any of the boys. just when we though it was hopeless, Kevin walked out all calm and cool and talked to all of us and signed stuff for everyone. he was so nice, he pretty much waited and signed for everybody.
the concert was so cool. we were 15th row on the floor. i could not believe how close we were. it was amazing. the pyrotechnics at the beginning were like, so cool. they were like a meteor shower and they hit the stage and there was a screen so it was like they were like hitting earth or something. it was so cool. then, oh my god, they came out. i so lost it. it was amazing how close we were. Everyone was the first song. It wasnt my favorite song on the album, but now im absoultly in love with it. it was so cool. then they did larger than life. the whole show, i couldnt believe i was actually there. this was my 2nd bsb concert, but the last time, we had to go down to tacoma, wash to see them. to see them in our home town was awesome.
my favorite part of the show was Everybody. again, its not my absolute fav song, but jsut the way it started. it was like Bang!!"Backstreet back alright!!!" like woah, it was so cool. then, when they sang at the back of the arena, it was so cool. we were like in pretty much the middle of the row, so when they came back to the main stage on the bridge, they were like 2 feet away from us. it was so awesome. nick looked at me. and i know everyone always says that, but honestly he did. you can totally tel when someone looks at you, especailly when they are TWO FEET AWAY fomr you. oh my god. he looked so good. he was all sweaty and stuff, my god. Brain is my favorite and he looked so good too. my my me.
ive been waiting for this day for like so long, and now that its come and gone, i cant really belive it happend. we went back to the buses afterwards, but this time tehre was so many people there. we did see brian get on the bus though. Hella cool.
it was such an awesome night. i so cannot wait till they come back now.
Vancouver, B.C. show February 23, 2001
Date: Feb 27, 2001 Submitted By: Tiffani
We attended the show in Vancouver, B.C. on February 23, 2001, but our adventure began February 22, 2001!!!
We booked a room at the hotel where the guys were staying and arrived there the day before the concert. We had heard that AJ and Howie had arrive on the day of the grammys so we knew we'd be in luck!!
When we check in, we asked if the boys were staying there and got an affirmative so off we were to find them!! We met up with 4 other girls, Amber, Kate, Christine & Mi Yu (who came all the way from Japan to see them, very cool) and the 6 of us proceeded to wait in the lobby for hours to catch a glimpse of the boys!
At 8pm, we were all chit chatting on the couch and chairs when i looked up and saw AJ!! ahh!! I said "hi" and he posed for a quick picture. we asked if we could get a pic and autograph and before he could say anything, about 10 freaky girls came running for him, screaming really bad. he ran outside with his bodyguard and they ran up to his van and start pounding on it. first of all, omg pls if you see the boys in person, DO NOT DO THIS, you will get no where. imagine someone freaking on you like that. so AJ was gone. then we were all chit chatting again and about 30 min later, we noticed 3 guys walking in front of us and then all of a sudden, my sister, Taylor, said "hi Howie" haha!! it was quite funny, Howie was in disguise but she noticed him and he quickly went up the escalator and said he'd come back down for us. i got a quick picture of him smiling and giving me a peace sign! so we waited again...we started out at 6pm or so waiting and then at about 10:30-11pm we saw PollyAnna come down and she said "you guys are still waiting" and we were like "yes" then like 5 min later Howie came out of the elevators and motioned for us 6 girls to come to him. so we went and he said "one pic" so we got our picture taken with him!! ahh!! he had his hand around my waist and i put my arm around his, we took the pic and i thanked him for letting us do that and he said "no problem cutie" ohhhhhhh soo sweet. so then we waited again, had to get our glimpse of AJ!! so 2am rolled around and AJ's van pulled up, out came AJ and his bodyguard and he went over to the fans outside and signed autographs. then he came in and did the same for us. he stood and talked to us all for a bit, by this time there were about 16 of us there and he was so wonderful to each and everyone one of us. i got to talk to him about the charity club we run. we raise money & awareness for BSB selected charities and he took my hand and was holding it while i was telling him and he was so sweet and he thanked me so many times for doing the charity work and how much it meant to him & the guys that we do it. then he talked a bit more then he gave a few of us hugs good bye, he gave me a really nice one and thanked me again for the charity work. then he was off to bed! so then we waited another hour and at about 3am Howie showed up in his taxi and let us take pics of him and get autographs, he was in a hurry though. but i managed to tell him about our charity club as well and that we are having a huge party in July in honour of our club's birthday and the raising money for his lupus foundation and he was really happy and thankful.
so that was the day before the concert, i was on cloud 9 OMG!!
the concert: well the concert was amazing. omg! i've never seen the guys work so hard in their life. every song was so exciting to watch and could they be any hotter? Nick is quite the performer. he's grown into such a man!! i couldn't be more proud of him. Brian's hair is almost bleach blonde, looks so good. Howie, AJ & Kevin, omg what can i say? they are all amazing. the guys dance so well and the show is so great. Krystal, the opening act is really good, what a voice she has. she walked around the hotel quite a bit as well. very sweet. she reminds me of Pink but with black hair!! for anyone that missed it, AJ said they will be back in Vancouver for sure, he said FOR SURE in the summer.
we have over 100 pics of the concert and 11 offstage pics for sale in our charity club. all proceeds go to the guys' charities.
email us for any comments/questions you may have about this review!
check out our club at
hope you enjoyed this!! take care everyone and BSB FOREVER...
Tiffani - AJS ANGEL
BSB Black and Blue concert
Date: Feb 27, 2001 Submitted By: Shannon
I went to the Backstreet Boys Black and Blue concert in Vancouver on friday and I had the best time. I can sum it up in one word: AMAZING! The Boys did a phenominal job singing and dancing their hearts out. They had a lot of fan interaction going on left and right and centre. I thought that was so sweet of them. One of the best parts of the show ( considering there were several best parts) was when Brian walked onto the ramp near my section ( 104) and looked straight at me, smiled, imitated me dancing( on the spot), smiled again, and waved. I melted into a puddle right then and there. It was the highlight ( for me) of the whole show. I also managed to get Howie's attention and he winked at me and smiled. Again I melted into a puddle right then and there. After the show, I decided to find there tour buses ( which were parked outside right near where I went in the building before the concert started) I only had to walk a few feet and I was there, hoping to catch a glimpse of atleast one of them , not realizing that I would in fact catch a glimpse of two backstreet boys, Brian and Kevin. They both waved to the crowd, kevin even honked the horn and waved at everyone. It was the best night of my life. I couldn't agree more with all the fans that went to the concert that night, young and old, seemed to enjoy it. I think that's great that bsb can attract people of all ages to their shows and appreciate good music and good looking young men. I thought they all looked great especially Nick ( my fave.), Brian, and Kevin.
Vancouver, BC, Feb 23, 2001
Date: Feb 27, 2001 Submitted By: Sharon
I'm hoping this is gonna be posted, if not-oh well. At least i wrote it down. ON feb 23, 2001, I went to my first bsb concert. Now, a few weeks ago (actually a long time ago) I had posted that sometimes i felt scared, and weird and just....."blah" about the boys. Like "omg, they're actually human!"...and so on. So on friday, I-yes, was pretty much freaked. I was cranky, and everything. The boys had arrived in vancouver on wednesday, but i didn't know that---so i waited until FRIDAY to go find them! I heard on the radio that a girl found aj eating at the "Pacific Centre Mall". What hotel's closes to the mall? I don't think i'll tell, but i'll tell u i found them. I walked around for 2 hours looking for them. But couldn't find them!! And so I went outside and waited for another 2 hours, which by the way, was FREEZING!!!! Anyway, before i had waited outside. I waited for a while inside. I saw one of the bodyguard. At first i didn't know. I was just suspicous of that person. He had asked the manager to probably "un-lock" the elevator. ANd then he steped in--holding food in he's hand. I saw a few fans waving at him, and that's when i was positive it was him. Later on, I saw a bunch of people coming out. My friend said it was HOWIE! so quickly i rushed outside and i saw him getting squeshed into a car, looking down covering his face. I was so excited!!!!! so i continued waiting for everyone else, unfortunenately, the guy that worked there kicked us out! He said if we aren't living in this hotel, we had to leave. And so i waited outside. Who did i see?? AJ!!!!! My mom was on the other side and she RUSHED over to tell me that aj was coming. Soon, I saw the white van that's been parked FOREVEr--doors open. Then aj's bodyguard came out-------THEN AJ CAME OUT!! He waved at us and we all screamed! NOw, some people might think "why would u be so excited of that? u didn't even get to meet them." Well, i am excited. I don't care that i didn't get to say hi to them. I'm happy enough that i got to actually "see" them with my own two eyes! Oh right, guess who else i saw at the hotel the boys stayed at? the guy from Dark Angel! ---Michael Weatherly. He looked go-od! plus, he was closer to me! lol
After the 4 hours, i arrived at gm place. And OH MY GOD, the concert was ABSOLUTELY fabulous. I've seen the britney spear concert and compared to bsb, SHE SUCKED!!! (NO OFFENSE TO BRITNEY FANS!!!) just that her singing and performing was NOTHING compared to bsb!! I had bad seats, but when the boys got on to the mini stage, i saw everything! For all those people who wants to know---i took 4 rolls of film!! lol. NOw that i've SEEN THEm, and hear them, I should KNOW that they're HUMAN. That they're real, they're no fake! They sing good! For everyone who read my fanbits at that time, and knew how i felt. Well, I thought i had gotten over that, but i haven't. I've been waiting, and waiting after i saw the concert to MAKE myself REALIZE that, ---The Backstreet Boys are real----- That i saw them, i heard them, and i BELIEVE in them...and yet, I stil can't believe that i saw them. I'm still in my dream world. This is so hard for me! I WANT to believe that I -sharon, saw them! But i can't! does anyone have that feeling? I'm also going to the concert in Las Vegas-March 8th, and also Kevin said himself at a fan conference (in vancouver, that they will "DEFINITELY, FOR SURE" be coming back to vancouver during the summer time. Hopefully, by that time i will get over my "fear" and be ABLE to enjoy the show!.
Just so everyone knows, this will also be posted at the B&B reviews. Thanx to everyone that sat here and read my feelings~!! Totally appreciated! Please contact me if you want to chat---I have MSN.
~I may wanna hide, when you're screaming my name~
~I think to myself, why? u know, of all the things u can do in the world, you want to see us. I feel uncertained, but of course we love doing it-----Kevin, Dec 20. ~
Vancouver, BC
Date: Feb 27, 2001 Submitted By: Amanda
Wow! So, this was my second BSB concert, and I have to say that it was so incredible! Way more better then when I saw them in August, 1998! I took my little brother, and he had a great the end! At first it was WAY too loud for him! We had to leave, and I missed four songs! I was rerally upset, but it got better!
The show started later then it was supossed to, but when the opening act, Krystal, came on, I was SOOOO amazed! That girl is GREAT! I was totall blown away! Then there a small little break until BSB came on, and ohmigod! They were so good! They started off with 'Everyone' which came after a lot of pryo and cool scenes on the screen...but I just wanted to see BSB! That was a great song, and they looked so cute in their costumes! Next came 'Larger Than Life' and that was also great! Next was 'Shining Star' and that is seriously one of my favorite songs! I loved the dancing, and the way they just looked so comfertable and at ease! After that, when they started 'Show Me The Meaning', my brother decided he didn't like it, and it was too loud, so we left! I totally missed 'What Makes You Different (Makes You Besutiful)', 'Yes I Will', More Than That' (my FAVORITE!!) and 'I Want It That Way'! I was really upset, but then my brother decided it was okay, and we went back in.
'Not For Me' was the next song I saw, and I really love that song....and the dancing was incredible! Then they did the funniest thing! Everyone probabl already knows about this...but when they went into that waredrobe box, and took the camerea into the chagne room...I almost died! They are so hilarious! I love them all! Then the best part came....I thought the second stage was so great for the fans in the back to get a chance to be up close to the BSB!! What a great idea! I was near the front (but way up on the side) so I didn't see them too well when they were there! They sang 'I'll Never Break Your Heart', 'I Promise You', 'How Did I Fall In Love?' and 'Time' while they were back there. Then the walkway came down from the ceiling, and they sang 'The Answer To Our Lives' while they walked across, and I swear to God Nick, AJ and Brian all waved at me! It was incredible!
The rest of the slow songs....'If You Stay', 'All I Have To Give' were so sweet and nice! They are increible singers! The last three fast songs...'Get Another Boyfriend' (another favorite!) 'Everybody' and 'The Call' were so great! That was my favorite part of the show! And my brother finally started to have fun! We stood up, and were clapping and singing along! It was such a great time! The last song of the night...'Shape Of My Heart' was GREAT! I was kind of sad that it was over, but it was such a great experience! I LOVE BSB! During one of the songs, Nick was such a sweetie and pulled a little girl onto the stage to sit on his lap! It was the sweetest thing ever! BSB FOREVER! All the fans that were at the Vancouver show (and all the other BSB fans!) you rock!! KTBSPA!!!!!
Vancouver, BC February 23rd, 2001
Date: Feb 27, 2001 Submitted By: Peggy Truong
Hey everyone. The concert was awesome. My second BSB concert, it has to be the best so far!! Without giving too much away to those who already saw it, I'll just tell you-it's all that I imagined it would be, and more. Just a side note that for the medley they did, they only did 2 of the songs at our show. It's probably because they started late. What can I say, Krystal was awesome. She has a really nice voice and I wouldn't be surprised if she becomes really big in the next year or two. My seats were awesome. I sat right beside the stage. There were a lot of times the boys came to our side and touched people's hands. Unfortunately, my hand wasn't long enough to reach out to Nick, but I got a lot of really close pictures! So to those of you who haven't been to the concert, have a great time and enjoy every minute of it. If you blink, you'll miss things, so scream as loud as you can 'cuz they CAN hear you.
And I'd have to say the Boys are really awesome, they were talking about foundations and charity and they mentioned the endangered species of a bear right here in B.C. That was really cool. Well see ya and until then, Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive!!
Vancouver Concert
Date: Feb 27, 2001 Submitted By: Cielo
~*Cielo's Vancouver Concert Review*~
Come and say hi at ~*Howie D Heaven*~
My BSB "Experience" began the day before the concert Feb. 22, 2001. I was at Pacific Centre Mall in Vancouver with my boyfriend and we saw AJ at Aldo Shoes. They closed off the store for him, but fortunately for fans, the store has a glass front and we got a good glimpse of AJ.
February 23, 2001: Backstreet Boys Day
I headed to the venue at about 3:30pm. I wanted to go early in hopes of getting an autograph. Well, my cousin, June & I waited forever outside the arena staff entrance by the Boys’ buses with like a hundred other girls. Nick emerged at about 5:00pm after a “Fans Only” Conference held by a local radio station (Z95.3 FM). The radio station held a contest where the first 95 people at the arena before 7am would get a 1 in 14 chance to win a pass to the conference. Well, I didn’t really want to sleep at the arena overnight so I didn’t get a pass. Anyways, Nick came out and went in his bus and stayed there for an hour. Brian left through another entrance by van (I guess to get a bite to eat elsewhere). I was REALLY disappointed to hear that the Boys were out earlier that afternoon and gave out autographs!!! I wish I had gone there sooner!
6:30pm: After Nick went back inside GM Place, we decided to head to the doors to find our seats. I got a program (which is the best souvenir to buy at a concert!). The anticipation inside the arena was sooooo great. All ages, girls, guys, parents, everyone were so excited!
7:30pm: Krystal came out and sang for half an hour. She sang Religion, Angel, Supergirl, Me and My Piano and I’ll Be There. She has a really powerful voice. She really catered to the fans since she even brought out a Canada flag during her routine. We wish her all the best!
**Warning: If you want to be surprised for your concert, do not read past this**
8:40pm: The Boys were a bit late coming out because they were still fixing all the awesome pyro (fireworks). The wait was killing us since Krystal did a great job of pumping up the crowd. The moment had come and the dancers came out dressed up in robes. There were comets colliding with a planet on the large screens and every time the comet hit, one of the blasting caps would be set off. Then, the Boys emerged dramatically on white columns surrounded by smoke and lights. They started off the show with Everyone (which was fitting) and the night kept rolling from there. They did a costume change to white suits and sang a couple of slow ballads. The best one was Howie’s song What Makes You Different (Makes You Beautiful).
My favourite part of the concert was when they went in the “Wardrobe Trunk” and they showed a clip on the big screen. They were so funny, especially when Howie was trying to fix his hair “Hey guys, there is not enough room in here for you and my hair!” They emerged on the other end of the arena on the small, circular stage. They started with How Did I Fall In Love With You. They sang Time as they walked across the catwalk over the people on the floor. Kev laid down and stretched his hand to touch a little girl on her father’s shoulders.
At one point, he was sitting at the side of the stage during one of the songs near the end, and he lay down on his stomach and reached out to kiss a little girl in the audience. When the concert was winding down, one of the security guys gave Howie a balloon heart from the audience and he was playing with it all during Shape of My Heart. He was sitting down at the edge of the stage (which looked like an airplane wing) and the bodyguards below him were playing with his feet! It was funny! He is such a comic. The best was when he was doing his salsa-dancing rendition all night long. He is such a cutie!!! I was disappointed not to get an autograph as we saw Nick again boarding his bus, but not Howie….. Oh well, it was a magical night nevertheless.
Vancouver Concert Review!
Date: Feb 27, 2001 Submitted By: gabriella dorough
I got so much to say about the best bsb Vancouver concert, so sit back,oh
let's get started and turn the lights down low!!!
First off....what an amazing concert experience, especially in 2nd row, my
family and friends were counting down the days to the show and when the day
finally arrived it was so overwhelming to see them perform again! 3 and 1/2
years in the waiting! I can't tell you how much my heart goes out to Howie
right now...
I love him to death and he will always hold a special place in my heart!!
Sitting so close to the guys is so amazing! You should have seen the people
we were sitting beside they were super nice, my family and I are so greatful
for being able to interact with all the guys! My sister and I made two
posters one for Howie and one for Nick...when we entered the stadium the
security guy stopped us and told us that we couldn’t bring a poster inside
and that we had to leave it at the front I totally ignored him and argued
with him and went to our seats...the bodyguard that was in first row in
front of us told us we could have the posters up..the bodyguards
in front of us were so nice to take pics, anyways we put up Nick's poster
during "Everyone", and Nick was dancing in front of us and pointed to my
sister’s poster that was for Nick and he pointed to her with a smile, we
freaked out...then during another song AJ and Howie were standing in front
of me so I picked up AJ's poster and Howie pointed to it, Howie read it and
started laughing and grabbed AJ and he looked at it and smiled at me...oh my
god! When they sang How did I fall in love...I couldn't get a pic, so I
stood on my chair and the lady behind me saw that i couldn't get a pic so
she took one for sweet it was so funny! the pics I took were so
When they came across the ramp above the audience the ramp was
right beside our seats so I had a great view of the Howie came by
he came right in front of me and of course what do I do...I grabbed a gift
bag that I made for him which had an elephant beanie baby...I grabbed the
bag and threw it up to him and I didn't throw it high enough and it fell in
between my sister’s and my mom's seat so he bent his head over the railing
to see if we were gonna throw it again, he looks down at me with the biggest
smile, my 30 sec, eye to eye interaction with him (Howie is my fav, so this
was a real treat!) I of course had the camera in my hands, I looked up and
took a pic of him and he posed for it... so my sisters are yelling at him to
wait..and he did, my mom threw it up again and.... this time it rebounded of
the ramp so she grabs it again throw it up and guess what......HE CAUGHT IT!
Third time’s the charm! Howie as well as us were so happy!
When he got the bag he held it up high with the hugest smile and said thank
you, he was so very happy he caught it and as he walked down the ramp
towards the stage he was still looking at us and smiling, my mom fell
backwards into my seat so I missed seeing him go
back onto the stage with the bag, my sister saw him go to the corner of the
stage look into the bag grab the elephant and kissed the elephant, after
that he still had it in his hand and held it up and said thank you again!
and went down backstage and came back up 30 secs later.
He came back onto
the stage and came in front us with a huge smile and put up his
thumb...trying to say...yeah good job guys!
type thing...he is the sweetest guy on earth! You should have seen us.. the
four of us were standing on our seats and the rest of the fans were
standing...we harsh stood out (so embarassing! lol) and after he caught it I
got down screaming...I LOVE HIM! and the ladies behing us were all, that is
so sweet and I just started getting teary eyed, (I don’t know if we were on
the big round screen on the stage,
if anyone knows if we were, please email me and let me know! oh ya when Brian passed by on the ramp some girl in
front us that was in first row tried to give Brian 2 roses, he stuck his
head in between the bottom bars of the ramp and tried to grab the flowers
but he tried and tried and didn't get them, so he left, I felt so bad for
those girls but Brian was so close and he has the smallest eyes ever and
they are so blue, absolutely breathtaking!
Another highlight of the show was meeting Krystal, and getting her
autograph, she is so pretty and just a surper girl!
This concert was a dream and one that will never be forgotten,
everyone...KTBSPA! Can’t wait to see them again!
Howie D's girl!
Vancouver concert and Backstage
Date: Feb 25, 2001 Submitted By: Queena
ok this is the night I will never ever forget!
This is what happened. by 5 I was over at my friend's friend's house because she won the Burger King contest. Then we went into the limo, went to a Burger King for dinner, drove around until we're finished eating and by the time of 6:15pm, we were finally there. We had to wait in line to get in. I got row 20 on the floor which was the best! The guy that brought us backstage gave us another consent form to sign saying it's ok to put the group picture with the boys on the official burger king site. We signed it then we were given guest backstage passes and went to the back.
We had to wait for 10 minutes for the guys and it's worth it! while walking to the little hallway, Krystal walked by to go on stage and perform. Then I saw Brian on his scooter, AJ talking to a dancer, Howie talking to some guys, dunno who they are. Kevin and Nick walked out afterwards and headed towards us. I went to hug Nick first cuz he was my fav, then I started crying. I hugged AJ and he asked me why I was crying and is it because they smell bad. lol. I laughed and said no, it's because I'm really happy. Then I hugged Brian and he told me don't cry then I shook Howie's hand cuz he had tea on his other hand and I'm afraid of spilling it on me. But I never got to Kevin. We took a group picture of the group. I was crying so I might look bad. it's going to be on the official website in a couple days or weeks under burger king winners in the backstreet boys section. I would be the one on nick's left hand side one away from nick with puffy eyes and tears down my cheeks.
we had to leave, so I cried even harder and hugged Brian again as tight as ever and Nick and AJ and that was the end of meeting the guys up close. The stupid thing was that there's no autographs of picture with your favourite guy. Concert started, I had a blast! may I add that Nick looked excellent!
During one part, they were at the back of the mini stage, I stood up my chair jumping up and down and AJ saw me and waved, gave me a thumbs up and a peace sign and he was nice enuf to pose that and smile so I can take that picture! Brian through his hat to the audience and some girl caught it during All I Have To Give, Nick splashed water to people and then through the bottle also and a guy picked it up and gave it to his girlfriend.
I loved the part when Nick was using his jacket and hitting it on the ground and the part with the guitar. Then for the ramp, it went down the middle so I had the best pic of each guy ever! I was running down the floor isle just to get enough good Nick pictures. During The Answer To Our Lives, Nick looked back at the screen to see the ocean waves and Howie went behind him pretending to smack Nick's behind and Nick told Howie to go away.
For I Want It That Way, they showed parts of making of the music video and the Dressing room part was hilarious! I loved the part when they were fighting over the mirror and Nick was spraying hair spray everywhere and Kevin opened the locker and it was full of teddy bears and he was chucking them around and Nick fell while fighting for the mirror. I loved that part!
Then, there was Get Another Boyfriend, my favourite song and then there was the encore, The Call then Shape of My Heart. During a song, I think it was Time, Nick went to the left wing where it extends out to the side section, Nick picked up a little girl from the audience and her parents took pictures of that. It was so adorable! she got to sit on his lap!
At the end, Nick had a heart shaped balloon and stuck it up his shirt. it was the cutest thing you've ever seen! Then it was over. I met my friend up and I started crying again. yes, I'm a very emotional person. That was my day! There's more, but I'm still shocked from meeting them. email me and I might be able to tell u more!
Vancouver Concert February 23rd/2001
Date: Feb 25, 2001 Submitted By: Jazmine
Okay, OMG! I was at the concert last night...and OMG, could it have been any better? Loved everysecond of the concert. What was not to love? They had so many costume changes which made it good too. The boys sounded awesome, not to mention they also looked VERY good. I still can't grasp that I was there, and they were performing in front of me! AHHH! But ya....what's there to say, but IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!! The boys did an incredible job and definetely made the fans happy, especially me. heheheheh
Date: Feb 25, 2001 Submitted By: Rebecca
that is what I was thinking as I walked into General Motors Place. The stage was set up so that everyone could see, much better than on the backstreet's back tour. I sat down in my seat, and started to look beneath the stage for my love, Nick. I saw him once, and I screamed. Krystal was really really awesome, she sings like Mariah Carey, but looks like Pink. She is totally awesome. And nice, she was signing autographs during the 45 minute wait before the BSB came on. Ok, after I got my pic with Krystal, I sat down and BAM! right away the lights went of, and then the screen started showing the earth being hit by asteroids. It was so cool, everytime an asteroid hit the earth, a flame would shoot across the stage and dancers dressed in silver would drop down to the ground-dead. It was so cool , and so perfectly timed. The left side dropped, then the right, then more on the left. Then my fave song of Black and Blue started, Everyone. It was so amazing. midst the smoke, 5 boys in black rose out of the stage, and looked EXACTLY like our saviours, the true superheros they are. But no, my Superhero Nick wasn't asking for an applause, he was saluting us. A perfect, straight, stiff, and army like the audience!!! Then they danced and did a totally amazing dance, my fave one out of the whole show almost I think! I don't want to ruin the show for those of you who haven't seen it yet but ITS AMAZING!!! The best part was when the stage rose out of the ground and Nick was RIGHT in front of me, singing a beautiful song. I started to cry and then jump up and down frantically. Then the catwalk came down, and Kevin lay on the ground and tried to touch this girl's hand, but she was too short, she jumped but still didn't reach, then people lifted her, and still didn't reach so KEv blew her a kiss and started to stand up until someone lifted her up REALLY high, thats when he dropped and she grabbed his arm and clung to it, it was so amazing, the entire place screamed. Then someone passed their little girl, who couldn't have been 5 onstage, and Nick sat with his legs dangling over the side with the little girl in his lap for at least a minute, he looked so sweet and he let her sing into the mike! I love the BSB and this show defenately kept me a true fan forever. NICK I LOVE YOU!!!!!
love Rebecca
BSB in VAncouver on February, 23rd, 2001
Date: Feb 25, 2001 Submitted By: Jas
Well, I would like to say a hellooo to all my BSB fans out there and say thanks for keeping the pride alive!!!!!!!!!! Well yesterdays show was say the least. It started with a huge explosion, kind of like armageddon and then the boys appear on white columns. Their first two songs that they performed where the fabulous ones that they have for us (the fans), then they perform Shining Star the take it a little slow after with a series of ballads; Show me the meaning of being lonley, What makes you different, Yes I will and More than That, But dont expect it to get even a least bit quiter well duh? because its the BACKSTREET BOYS!!! Then they sing their incredible hit "I want it that way" and get it really moving again with "Not for me" and then they act surprised as to why their is a huge crate on the stage labeled "BSB Wardrobe" one by one they jump on inside and magically appear at the back of the arena on to smaller stage (great idea guys)for the not so fortunate fans that didn't get the best seats in the house. They sing "quit playing games", I'll never break your heart" "I promise you" How did I fall in love with you, and while a huge cat walk is being lowered they begin to sing "time" and they walk back to sing "the answer to our lives" while a "save the world type video" is being played. They conclude with All I have to Give, If you stay, Everbody, and the call; where they say the gotta go but actually come back to finish with Shape of my heart. All in all: i can guarantee it will be the best night of your lives!!
(sidenote: Krystal Harris the opening act is fabulous and you might wanna bring something for her to sign cause at our show she signed autographs during intermission_