Why I'm Entitled To My Opinion And You're Entitled To Yours

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Date: Oct 16, 2099
Source: Amy Bonaria
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Hey everyone! I love the Backstreet Boys, this site, and just about anything else related to them. A conversation at my lunch table today prompted me to write this message. If there's one thing I hate about the Backstreet Boys (stay calm, people, it's all good) it's the way some people give me flack for being the incurable fanatic that I am. I happen to cherish Nick, AJ, Brian, Howie, and Kevin basically because I enjoy their presence in my life. However, while I'm certainly not ashamed of being a fan (in fact, I'm darn proud of it), I don't announce to everyone I come into contact with that I'm such a fan. We all know that there are people who love telling us fans why they aren't fans (sorry to anyone reading this who likes N Sync, but some of you guys are the worst), and I'd be lying if I said I couldn't come up with a list of reasons as to why I don't particularly like some of the bands and singers out there. But since I know what it feels like to feel a little hurt when someone shows disrespect towards my taste in music, I keep these opinions to myself.

Well, you're all probably sitting there saying, "Well, that's nice, but is there a point to all this?" There most certainly is a point. What I'm saying is I feel that I'm entitled to my own opinion as to what music I like to listen to, and likewise that all of you are entitled yours. If you guys decide listen to what I'm saying, maybe we can cool this Backstreet Boys vs.. N Sync rivalry. Picture N Sync as a group of five young men who have been blessed with the success that they have but maybe you don't particularly like. If you could manage to picture all groups and singers this way, regardless of whether or not you care for their music, it would probably be to your advantage. By doing this, you'd be saying, "Well, I have my own opinion and I respect yours, even though it's different from mine." The moral to my story is simple: I'm entitled to my opinion and you're entitled to yours, and respect mine and I'll respect yours too.

Thanks for reading, and KTBSPA!


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