BSB rock- plain and simple

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Date: Oct 16, 2099
Source: Amanda
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Hey there everyone! I decided to write this because I keep seeing all these people writing articles about why they aren't my favorite boy band. Well, I'm gonna have to agree with all of you. I don't like using the term 'boy band.' It sounds like the band is incapiable of singing and has no talent. (In some cases that is true though...) But BSB aren't your regular group. BSB have the talent that shines, the smiles that make all teenager girls go weak in the knees, the voices that make your heart stop, and the dance moves that make you wanna get up and dance with them. How many other groups can you say that make you do that? Probably none.

I'm an internet freak so I do go into chat rooms. I get bugged when other people that are into rock and heavy metal or rap and hip hop say BSB has no talent. They say that out of jealousy and everyone knows that. They aren't into that type of music too. Like me, I'm not going to say that Puff Daddy has no talent because I'm not into that type of music. In some cases, well most of them, they don't have any talent. But I'm not going around saying that b/c I don't even listen to them. And people who don't listen to pop music should do the same thing. Leave all of your jealous and annoying comments to that very own head of yours. No one wants to hear it.

Everyone I know calls me 'obsessed'. I guess you can say that I am. I collect BSB pics, articles, shirts, stickers, just about everything. I buy all that stuff because I love the group so much and it's nice seeing their faces everywhere. I have 13 videos of them, store bought and ones I tape on, I have my own BSB website, but to me this isn't obsessing. It's called showing your love for the ones you love. It's not real love cuz I don't really know them, but what else are we going to call it? An obsession or infatuation maybe, but I'll just stick to love. Without them and their music & smiles there I have a bad day. They cheer me up. There is a song for everything. I put on All I Have To Give when something happens with a guy or Hey Mr. Dj when I'm thinking about a crush or something. They are just wonderful guys who make everyone love them. I know there are guys out there too who enjoy their music but don't want to ruin their rep by saying so. If you really are a fan, show it, don't hide it. People will respect you of you do.

Please send me comments and visit my site please!! &

Hugs, Kisses, & Cookies


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