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Pontiac Silverdome Feb 15, 2001

Date: Feb 19, 2001
Submitted By: ML

The guys were sooooooooo incredible last night in Detroit! They just didn't stop at all, they have so much energy it's amazing! They sounded so great, the stage show was awesome, their outfits were so HOT! All 5 of the boys seemed in great moods and really put on one hell of a show! BUT now on to the disappointment...... Anyone who had floor seats behind A section were basically screwed. Everyone kept standing on their chairs and making it so nobody could see at and crowd control at the Silverdome was PATHETIC and made for a really bad night! The Silverdome is SO unorganized and their negligent behavior made a LOT of fans very unhappy, not with the boys, but with the way they chose to run everything! Not to mention their screens were faded and had glares on them, people in the back and 300's didn't even have a chance to see anything..... Again, I'm not dissing the boys, they had no part of this, they were absolutely wonderful as always, I really think they'd be a little upset to know how some of the fans were treated at this venue.......


Pontiac Silverdome Detroit, MI

Date: Feb 19, 2001
Submitted By: ashley

It was the night of the concert and I had to go to school. When school ended I went over to my friends house (because I was going with her and some other 6 friends) I got there at 3:15. We decorated the car and wrote "honk 4 bsb" on the back. The whole night all we heard was honks it was great!

Soon, we got into what is called "concert traffic." It took us 2 hours to drive 10 miles. It was 7:30 and Destiny's Child was on stage. We knew bsb didn't come out until 9:00 but we were getting worried. The clock was was 8:30 and we were running out of time. Finally we saw a sign that said "1 1/2 miles to pontiac silverdome." It took us another 20 min.

We finally got there, and starting running to our seats. We had 9th row, floor, sec. A2. We sat down and right away the lights went out. Everybody started screaming. Then you see bsb coming out of the floor (nick and aj were wearing sunglasses)

The whole croud was going nuts, all of a sudden the music started and brian started singing to "everyone." About halfway throught the show the camera went down into the dressing room and kevin kept saying "were my boots?" it was hilarious! Then on the screen you see them singing but you can't find them. I turn around and their on a small stage in the back of the silverdome. I knew to get back they had to come down the walkway...and since my friends and I were only 5 chairs away from it we ran over and got righ next to it. Then, dancing down, came nick. we were all screaming, he was touching everyone's hands and everything. I was too busy taking pictures that I forgot to grab his hand. Then came AJ. He had passed me and I was really upset (he's my fave) and so I yelled "aj" and he came back to me, looked me straight in the eye, and grabbed my hand. I was in shock that I was crying so hard. Then howie came and touched my hand. Finally brian and kevin. (i got really good pics)

When they left the stage they said "were going to a place near by, gotta go!" and fell into the stage. it was the best! so amazing. I really recomend going to their concerts because it is such a great expirience! it's something Iwill always remember!!

Pontaic MI, Feb 15 2001, a very interesting an awesome time!!!

Date: Feb 16, 2001
Submitted By: Gina and Ellen

OK, it is 1:11 in the morning, and we just got back from quite an experience. Sleeping right now is not an option, and we think that y'all should no what you're in for. The limo (that's right, a limo, and a 14 passanger stretch, no less) picked us up at 4:00. We decorated it, covering it with pictures. (Sooo many compliments received) At 4:40, we left. We headed to the concert.

Now, to get to the show. They come out, and it is amazing. They perform a bunch, and then invite you down into the dressing room, and end up on the other side of the stage..... you all know how it goes. Candid, and up close, hear is our opinion. The boys have outdone themselves yet again. We will never forget this night, although some of the reasons weren't really that good. One of us (Gina) got pushed into a baracade, and her ribs really hurt. So she (I) had to be taken to the first aid station, and get checked out. Go figure, I missed my favorite songs, and I was a mess. I couldn't stop crying. I am still really upset by that, but there is good that goes along with this story. Even in the first aid room, the boys sounded awesome, and I was begging and pleading for them to let me out. The dancing was awesome, and not too overly choreographed. They looked great, and they seemed to have fun, as did the crowed. The mini-stage performance was great, and we were soooooooooo close. The ramp thingy was really good!!! It was just amazing. I hope that y'all have a good time, but be safe. Don't find a way to get yourself in the first aid area, cuz let me tell, you come out crying, and upset, becuase you miss what you really wanted to see. It wasn't my fault, and I'm really upset, but hopefully their summer tour will come to my area, and make up for all that I missed.

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