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This actually happened to me today!

Date: Apr 28, 2001
Submitted By: Sierra

1) You are in the mall with your (also BSB-loving friend) and there is a section of the mall called Mainstreet, and you see the sign and flip out because you thought it said Backstreet!

2) The above happens to you continually through the day, with you flipping out every time you see that sign.

3) Your mom (who, BTW, cannot tell AJ from Kevin) sings along to IWITW when it comes on the radio.

4) You and the aforementioned friend wear black and blue outfits to the mall and it wasn't planned!

5) You and your friends are the female versions of the BSB (I'm AJ, Mia is Brian, Beatriz is Howie, Danielle is Nick, and Tali is Kevin)

6) At lunch you and your friends re-enact the table scene from the SOMH vid (Dana was under the table...)

7) You stop by the 12 million sunglasses stores in the mall and squeal "Oh, AJ would LOVE these!" (Well, he would...)

8) You buy a package of fake tattoos just because it has a tattoo in it that looks like one of AJ's tattoos.

9) You spend half an hour standing in the middle of Spec's Music trying to decide if you should buy the horizontal BSb poster, the concert collage BSB poster, or the reeeeeally hot poster of one of the members.

10) You end up blowing all your money on a poster book (full of posters you already have), a poster (the concert collage), a bumper sticker (even though you don't drive), 2 import singles (that you already have on Napster, which is the greatest invention of mankind in my humble opinion), and 2 keychains (again, I don't have keys)! (all BSB)

11) You spend 15 dollars on a blue leopard print bucket hat because it looks like something AJ might wear (and it was black and blue, too- I wore it to the concert!)

That's all I have now! KTBSPA, peeps!



Date: Apr 28, 2001
Submitted By: Anna

I was once obsessed with BSB, but not anymore as I've grown out of the teeniebopping stage. But I have to say something against that girl who wrote such nasty stuff about WESTLIFE. Westlife is one of my favourite bands

- they are talented. They can harmonize and sing wonderful ballads. Sorry I have to say it, but probably better than BSB as their voices can totally blend together. Their ballads are way more dymanic. Don't trust my word, go and download one of their songs.

- they DO play instruments! Guitars and pianos

- they can dance - and can dance as well as Nsync and BSB put together.

- buy their album and you'll feel dumb-founded cos there's plenty of upbeat songs.

- ugly? Try looking at a picture of them first because they're all really good looking.

So the TRUTH - they have plenty of talent or else they wouldn't be where they are today. They have 8 no. 1 because they work hard and had the right type of exposure to the right type of market. And might I add BSB and Westlife are great friends as well? Show a little support for Westlife because BSB are! IT's frustrating to know that people like that girl would write such nasties about a band when she's got no idea who they are, never sat down and listened to their music, nor seen a picture of them.

i'm obssessed with nick 'cos...

Date: Apr 28, 2001
Submitted By: Kelly-marie hems

1. Nick is on my mind 24/7

2. I always say things like "i'm gonna pay nick to beat you up" when i have a row with my siblings.

3. I dream almost everynight what meeting him will be like.

4. I love looking at the same pics over and over again on the internet.

5. When i feel down my friend always says "nick wouldn't want to see you upset" (she's so sweet)

6. Whenever i see another celeb on t.v that has been near nick i get so envious.

7. I love entering my room 'cos i have their posters staring at me,even if they are just posters.

8. I always wish i was with nick when we come to christmas.

You would need to see a doctor when...

Date: Apr 28, 2001
Submitted By: Leighanne wannabe

1) You own every single cd by them as well as singles and other cds that they are featured on (the "now" cds, movie soundtracks, etc.)

2) You watch Nickelodeon only to see the "Nick" in the bottom right hand corner of the screen!

3) You start counting down the seconds to the concert, which is July 10, on March 21!

4) You'll gladly take the blame for something BSB related that you didn't do just because you know that it will make them proud.

5) You called the police when two guys (u know who you are) were 'joking' about bringing a gun to the B&B concert and you said if the police didn't do anything that you would take the bullet for them.

6) Even though BSB owns pretty much every record there is to own on TRL, you still scream at the TV whenever they aren't number one.

7) You voted for the Kid's Choice Awards all day only to see them get their asses kicked by stupid destiney's child.

8) You then convince yourself that that is ok because Destiney's Child opened up for BSB on like ONE show!

9) Your hair is the same length as Nick's used to be (yupyupyup)!!

10) You know that Nick is way to old to be your husband but Aaron's a completely different story...

11) You are 41 days older than Aaron/Leslie.

12) Your birthday was the last day that "Shape Of My Heart" was number one since its debut date on 10/10 (incase ur woinderin, my bdays oct. 24)

13) Your birthday marks the halfway point between the release of "Shape Of My Heart" and the album "Black & Blue".

14) You actually figure this stuff out.

15) You know how far apart you and Brian are to the MINUTES!

16) You consider Leighanne to be the luckiest woman in the universe.

17) You waited in the pouring rain forEVER (well, 12 hrs.) to buy Millennium.

18) You waited in the freezing cold for 32 hours to buy "Black & Blue".

19) Your boyfriend/crush has the same initials as Brian. (BTL)

20) You're still reading this list.

I LOVE AJ he is so hot!!!!

Date: Apr 28, 2001
Submitted By: Jessica

AJ is so cute all I wanted to do when I saw him in the Black and Blue concert was hug him and sqeeze his tight ass. AJ if your reading this i love you so much i will do anything to meet you again. I love you with short,long, colored hair any way you want it baby "thats the way I like it".You are so fine and baby I hope one day you will be mine. You look so fine with and without your glasses.If one day we do meet i will by you a drink and seed someone to give you my number and a flower.I will forever be true to a guy as fine as you i will never decieve you.

FOREVER yours,

Jessica Mclean(I hope)

You know you are obssed with Nick when

Date: Apr 28, 2001
Submitted By: Deborah

You take his picture on vacation with you

Y'all insane!

Date: Apr 28, 2001
Submitted By: Celia


OK, admittedly, I too used to be a way-totally-over-the-top-obsessed backstreet boys fan. But you guys out there have to realise that, there is life beyond what's on MTV, spending your savings on tickets, and buying every magazine for a 1cm cubed picture of Nick. Your friends all think you're insane? your parents getting worried about your obsession? Sure, fans are what keeps the backstreet pride alive, and sure, they benefit from every dollar you spend on their merchandise. But remember that you've got a life to live aswell. Don't live for the Boys, live for yourself. If your friends are steering clear of you because of your obsession, if it's getting in the way of your future, if you're freezing your ass off tryin to get tickets, you have to realise its getting to the stage where it's detrimental to your health. Ten years from now, you will be looking back and wondering how much money you spent, and how many friendships you withheld, how many relationships you could have had. It's great to love a band so much, but there is such thing as loving a band TOO much. Ease up, guys.

You Know Your Obsessed If....(At School)

Date: Apr 28, 2001
Submitted By: kim

1) you failed the first trimester of algebra b/c u didn't understand the problems, you got an A+ in algebra the second trimster after having ur best friend who also loves bsb rewrite all the word problems to relate to the Backstreet Boys

2) People who u don't know walk up to u in the hallway and start talking to u about the Backstreet Boys

3) Up until the 3rd trimester of your 8th grade year your teacher really thought ur last name was carter

4) You bring balloons to school on all the backstreet boys birthdays or cd release dates.

5)For YOUR birthday the only color balloons you had are black and blue if the were a different color u popped them or gave them away

6) Your only friends are Backstreet fans and your group is known as 'the backstreet clique'

7) You always have to be #5 (that was nicks jersey number in the bucks vs broncos game) whether its the fifth person from the door the 5th person in line or the fifth person to be kicked outta class for concentrating on something else (nick)

8)people u don't know walk up to u and hand you bsb poster or bk toys (i collected like 10 nick toys when he came out that week)

9)you got a refferal to the office for asking ur science teacher if he had seen Backstreet Boys on the grammys and telling him he's just jealous b/c he's not as hott as them

10)You didnt talk to u teachers for a month after they performed Nsync at the school talent show (u only started talking to them cuz they made it up to u by calling a little recess assembly to perform some backstreet boys in the middle of the gym)

11) Your punishment for talking in class is five minute of nsync ( my teacher keeps a Nsync cd in a class just in case I act "immature"

12) If you were to list all your school crushes the only names on the paper would be : Brian Kevin Nick Howie ( if they have howies at ur school theres none at mine) alex james dwaine gene scott or thomas

13) You dumped your boyfriend b/c he didnt stand up for my Backstreet Boys when his 'boys' were making fun of them

14) you told ur teacher to piss b/c she said something about Backstreet Boys more than once

15) You choose history class as the perfect time to debate over whose better Backstreet Boys or tupac (hey scott starts it with his "I shot the backstreet boys" shit)

16) You teacher posted new rules about typing assignments on the wall after you turned in you 350 point liturature packet with every line either black and blue

17) You got kicked off the cheerleading squad for wearing Black and Blue everyday

18) you tried to get the school colors changed cuz they were the opposite of black and blue (red and white)

19) when that didnt work u tried to switch schools

20) you bought 20 bsb shirts so you could wear one everday of the week and not wear the same thing more than 3 weeks in a row.

21) you typed 21 entries on the school computer cuz nicks 21 years old

********MY TOP 50 OBSESSIONS 2001********

Date: Apr 28, 2001
Submitted By: Karen AKA Nicks Princess

Ok guys, I read all of yours and thought that I should make my own, so here I go.....

1. You remember the exact date, time and place where you first heard about the Backstreet Boys (Mine was July 10, 1997 @ 12:13pm and I was sitting on the floor in the basement of my house watching Quit Playing Games).

2. You have been to Backstreets Back(Aug 29,1998, Into the Millennium(Sept. 27, 1999) and will be attending Black And Blue(July 16, 2001) this summer.

3. You had an encounter with your favorite Backstreet Boy(Me and Nick had a thing hehe, if u wanna hear about it email me!)

4. You have a couple of screen names that has to do with BSB(JCnNicksGirl@aol.com, BSBnNicksStar, XNickSexKittenX, etc.)

5. You got some of your friends into BSB when you started liking them.

6. You save up every dollar from the day you find out your seeing Backstreet Boys until the day of the concert just to buy souveniers.

7. You went to TRL studios on Nov 9, 2000 surrounded by hundreds of *NSYNC fans(1 of the only 2 BSB fans there) chanting "BACKSTREET BOYS!"

8. Have all of the Backstreet Boys screen names and have talked to Willa Ford, Nicks ex girlfriend.

9. Didnt like Willa because of the rumors, but started liking her when you read the statement Nick put up on CarterConnection.com.

10. Have sign in names on websites such as NicksShiningStar.

11. Ran after the Backstreet Boys tour bus with your best friend at their 98 concert, and wouldve kept running if they didnt go off into the highway lol.

12. Spent $200 on 1 floor seat ticket so you would be right next to the catwalk that Nick would be walking on.

13. Melt everytime you hear Nicks voice.

14. Bought all 3 CDs and the Video from Burger King.

15. Played backstreet tag online with some other backstreet fans and have known almost every question about BSB.

16. Have a fight with random people in Backstreet Boys chatrooms about which one loves Nick more.

17. Made your best friend learn every dance move, and when you were doing the everybody dance she sprained her ankle when she spinned down.

18. Make bsb mix tapes so you'll have something to listen to on the way to the arena.

19. Bought hundreds of dollars worth of memorabilia at every concert.

20. Have many many tapes of backstreet boys appearances and rumors.

21. Have duplicates of tapes.

22. Have Backstreet Boys quotes in your AOL profile.

23. Have the colors black and blue set up for your ims and emails.

24. Made AJ and Nick a green and yellow frosted birthday cake for their birthdays 2 years ago with your best friend and former boyfriend/friend.

25. Even your history teacher tries to diss the Backstreet Boys, but you stand up for them and tell your teacher that hes retarded for not liking them.

26. Know every lyric for almost every song of BSB.

27. Bought a new Nick poster for 7 dollars and spent 2 or 3 hours trying to make it stay on your wall without it falling off last night.

28. Emal and im other fans who are going to the same concert as you are.

29. Inviting those people to the tailgate party in the parking lot.

30. Make plans to leave the house at 12-1pm when you really dont have to be there until 6:30

31. Decorate your discman with pictures of bsb.

32. Have a picture shrine of BSB on your wall.

33. Have dreamt of Nick numerous amount of times, and actually woke up and thought it was true.

34. Burned your Black and Blue CD for your best friend just so she knows the lyrics when you guys go see them in concert(she's too cheap to buy her own cd).

35. Even though you have floor seats to the July 16 show you just also purchased lawn seats for the July 3rd show, which arent that good, for $91.

36. Listen to your backstreet boys cd all the time when in your room, at school, at night when you're falling asleep, and at your computer.

37. Went out with someone just because his mom knew a security guard at TRL studios and wouldve got you tickets to when they came to TRL after their 100 hours around the world thing if your ex didnt start a little rumor about you.

38. Currently dating a Nick Carter lookalike and tell him that you love Nick Carter more than him to his face.

39. Got your Barbara Sreisand-listening mother to like Quit Playing Games, I'll Never Break your Heart, and Shape of My Heart.

40. Got your rap-listening cousins to hum the verse of The Call.

41. Have Nick-carter websites that you made (hometown.aol.com/jcnnicksgirl and hometown.aol.com/bsbnnicksstar).

42. Met friends at Britney Spears concerts who love Backstreet Boys and have met Leighanne.

43. Tell your father all about Nick and once made him look through a dumpster for pictures of Nick by his work.

44. Your room is painted Forest Green just because it's Nick's favorite color.

45. Eat like Macaroni&Cheese because Brian loves it.

46. Know every quote from the ALl Access video such as "HOWARD.....CENSOR!", "Hey Skipper, Where we goin Today?...Yo Homie, Gilligan, we's goin back to the islands", and "I am the Breakfast Burrito Man"

47. Even know the lyrics to the Backstreet Boys parody, but dont agree with it.

48. Almost all of your napster songs have the title of Backstreet Boys.

49. Are a writer in a Backstreet Boys newsletter.

50. Are subscribed to 5 or 6 different newsies.


*****Nicks Princess*****

You know that you are obsessed if:

Date: Apr 28, 2001
Submitted By: Nichelle

Only TWO reasons:

1) You have BSB, Backstreet, Backstreet Boys, Kevin, Train, Brian, B-Rok, Howie, Sweet D, AJ, Bone, JohnnieNoName, Nick, Frick, Frack, or any word in the english vocabulary associated with the Boys included in your screen name or email address; and

2) You deny that you have an obsession because "UNDYING LOVE AND DEVOTION" is not classified as an obsession.


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