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Too Crazy For words, and imagination!
Date: Jul 28, 2001
Submitted By: Ivy Ventruck Zen
Let me start here, you really know you're obsessed when you rename all the guys, call them gods of some weird universe no one knows about but you and your friends and proclaim yourself Brian littrells Goddess wife and your burdened with his 4-6 children (3 boy 3 girls)though it doesn't matter cause anytime with Brian (or whatever his god name is and i'm not telling you!, nah!)is good for you because he's a god and he's very fiesty! hey, this is soo true with me.. no kidding!
I'm Obsessed w/ BSB:
Date: Jul 28, 2001
Submitted By: Lauren
1) I remember when I first saw a TV special on them in 1999....thats when i bgena liking them
2) i have recorded that program about 15 times
3) i refused to go to a party because they were gonna play a lot of *NSuck songs
4) everybody in my school knows how much I luv bsb
5) ppl in my school give me magazine pix of bsb
6) i've written a lot of school papers about bsb
7) most things my best friend gives me has something to do with bsb
8)when ppl in my Catholic school insult bsb i curse them off
9) i don't have many friends because they all like NStink or O-town
10) i record every tv program the bsb r on
11) i once made my sister record something for me because i didnt get the channel
12) even though my best friend doesnt like pop music, i've convinced her to like bsb (even though she wont admit it)
13) I convinced my 25 yr old sister to go to the bsb concert with me
14) i cried when i heard about the postponedment
15)i get VERY angry when ppl mix up bsb and nsync
16) if my dad teases me for liking the backtstreet boys, i try to beat him up
17) i refused to dance with someone @ the school dance because there was an nsync song on
18) i have convinced my 18-month old niece to like the bsb and hate nsync
19) i requested bsb songs about 10 times at the school dance and they didnt play any
20) even though i danced with my cruash @ the school dance, i said i had a horrible time because they didnt play any bsb songs
21) i'm stopping @ 21 because that's how old nick carter is
bsb concert obbsessions
Date: Jul 28, 2001
Submitted By: stacy
10. you go two hours hopin to meet the guys.
9. when you get there you look at the surrounding fans and compare who loves bsb more.
8. you get front row and you don't stop crying until the concert is over for a week.
7. you consider seeing bsb 10 times in concert your life goal.
6. when krystal was doin a meet and greet at the concert before bsb comes out you don't even go because yuo are scared that you'll miss somethin.
5. when aj points to you during his big solo during "yes i will" you think your life is complete.
4. you spend over 8 hours gettin ready for the concert. (makin shirts, paintin your nails black and blue, dyin your hair for aj, writtin letters, etc.)
3. the girl behind you catches a teddy bear howie kissed and signed and when she lets you touch it, you end up cryin because you actually got to touch somethin a backstreet boy touched.
2. when the security gaurd doesn't let you take pictures and you have the best seats in the world, you scream at him and cry and he finally brakes down and lets you.(kellie)
1. brian throughs you his hat during "all i have to give" and then when you are goin out to your car later on you swear that if any one ever messes with the hat you'll beat them down and you guys also think that maybe you should get insurance on it.
Date: Jul 28, 2001
1) we have all together 8 shirts
2) we have all their tour books
3) we have all 30 pins of them
4) we have bsb underwear and boxers
5) we made pillows blanket hats t-shirt that are printed on them
6) we have all the bsb c'd singles including thier italian spanish cd (about 40)
7) we have over 90 tapes of them 8 hours each
8) we have all the bsb videos starting from 1992-present 100 hour tour
9)we have all thier stickers including sticker book
10)our rooms are covered with poster from the ceiling to the floor
11) kiss our posters good night
12) spend over 6 hours in line for bsb ticktes
13) been to all the concerts including travelling over 12 hours to see them in new york
14) been on national t.V. With them much music feb 6th
15) stay at their hotel the four seasons for 2 days just to see them and get an autograpg and picture
16) faint when see bsb and cry
17) get sent to hospital after fainting
18)get a hug and kiss from every bsb at much music
19) we have a.J.'s leapord gave to me nick's teddy bear also gave to us, b-rok and nick's water botttle
20) my mom get's in shit from security for screaming too loud for our babies
21)make a tape for bsb and tell them that we mean what we say that we love them
22)send flowers, a huge card a tape rings and sunglasses to him during this time that he is in rehab
23)have all bsb books including a.J.'s ex-girlfriends and jane carter book
24)your teachers, janitors, recongnize u from t.V., and call u the backstreet gurls
25) when ur friends say that u need help cause we our obsssssessssed with them
26)wait for bsb an extra 50 days apposed to 1 day concerts postponed
27) have their autograps
28)call every hotel and ask if famous plp are staying there
29) would do anything to met them eat bugs jump in shit
30) tell them that we love them
31) rent the bowling alise and movie theatre cause we know that they are doing that
32)and finally just be a true fan like us we mean what we say that we love them and
They know that from when we met them they told us that they loved us!!
33( ur family starts crying when they see u on t.V and when we our watchiong movie or concerts of the!
List of my Nick Carter/ BSB memorabilia
Date: Jul 28, 2001
Submitted By: Christina
BSB stuff: albums: backstreet boys,2 millennium, Black & Blue,all three burger king cd's , Krystal's cd Me and My piano (if u count that one..) BSB cd from Sears "Backstreet Boys into the Milennium" 3 cd's of unrealesed BSB songs that I downloaded off Napster.
Videos: I have over 60 recording tapes full of just backstreet boys tv appearences. ( I record everything BSB, I even record things that just mention there name lol). Videos I bought " A night out with the Backstreet boys" , Video from Burger King "for the fans", Backstreet boys " All Access Video".
posters: I have about 200 BSB posters and pin ups.
100 Nick Carter pin ups/ Posters.
magazines: I have about 60 magazines of BSB on the cover including all the Rolling Stone mags with them on it. Hot magazine with only backstreet boys. 2 CELEBRITY mags bsb specials , etc ( too many to name)
Books: The Heart and Soul OF Nick Carter SECRETS ONLY A MOTHER KNOWS written by: Jane Carter
The Backstreet Boys Project" BSB Comic book.
Backstreet Boys Millenium Tour Book
The Official Book Backstreet Boys written by: Andre Csillag
Backstreet Boys Now and forever Backstage Pass written by: Lauren Alison
Backstreet Boys backstage pass " A photo Scrapbook" written by: Lauren Alison
STUFF: BSB cd case, 4 bsb Shirts, 4 real concert Pictures, Glow stick from BSB concerts. Nick Carter WEBSITES , my Nick / BSB club
Nick Carter Website
I have more BSB stuff I just cant think at the moment what the other stuff is...
The bsb stuff i have
Date: Jul 28, 2001
Submitted By: LULU
Ok I used to be obsessed with bsb and nick but I am not obsessed ne more but I used to have my walls and ceiling covered in bsb posters I have 13 tshirts , over 2000poster. I have a closet full of magazines with them in it , I have 6 books , about 25 tapes with bsb stuff on them that I recorded and about 6 tapes of them I bought , I have 3 framed pictures of them , a jigsaw puzzle , the millenniumm flag, 2 bsb calendars 1 nick , a planner , I have all three cds and 6 singles , I have 4 action figures , burger king crown , frie bag , drink cup , the bag the food comes in , christmas tree ornaments , I ve been to 3 concerts soon 4 , my friend and I drove 2 hours to toronto to see them and paid 90 bucks 4 crappy seats , the one im goin to in sept I paid 110bucks for im sure there is more that I have I just can think of ne more right now .
Now I used to listen to each cd everyday ,iwould reap a part of the heart and soul everyday , I would actually talk to my posters like they could hear me , id tape everything I knew about and I would totally freak on ne one who dissed them and still I do but not as bad I wanted to get a tatoo that said bsb but not ne more maybe ill get in a different langauge ?? I was obsessed and now I do love there music and I am afan but I grew up and realized I dont love them I just like there music and think there pretty hott and they seem like nice guys but until I (if) I ever meet them I cant say ne thing good or bad about them . I also respect there g/f's and wives and ex g/f's and their families I have 2 of aarons cd's and some posters of him and I bought willa's cd shes actually reallllly good and I bought krystals cd there both reallly good !!!
Not to the obsessed part...but getting there!
Date: Jul 28, 2001
Submitted By: Randi
I've only been a fan for two and a half years, so bear with me!
-I have 135 posters on my wall (I have so much furniture blocking the walls)
-I have about 15 books full of BSB pix just waiting to be shown
-When I was in high school...everyone knew that I was a fan
-I even requested "Time" for our class song. (It didn't make it b/c no one had heard it)
-I refer to him as "my boys" or "my babies" and everyone still understands who I'm talking to.
-When they replayed the TRL Retirement Home the next day at 6 am, my aunt ran in my room and screamed for me to get up b/c BSB were on.
-Every female loves their looks. Especially Kev and Howie
-The 2 concerts I've been to, I took two non fans and turned them into listeners (my mom and my cousin)
-At my school's afterprom party, I got a surprise serenade..a guy sang "IWITW" to me! I was in tears, especially since he sang it right.
-People just try to test me when they talk about 'NSYNC
-I can't go too long w/o listening or seeing them or I just feel guilty.
-I have big things in common with all 5, but more so with A.J.!
-I was going to Target to buy stuff for college , when I passed by the greeting cards. There were a bunch of BSB cards. I spent $18 on them.
-I went to Office Max and spent $5 on folders.
-Spent an outrageous amount of money on a program b/c I didn't have enough $ for a Tshirt and needed more than the scarf.
-I have warned my roommate and new friends @ college that I am a FANatic of BSB
-I'm thinking about getting a tattoo!
-I'm also contemplating getting tix to a concert when I'll be at college!
-----and the list goes on and on and on......
How to tell if you are obsessed with bsb/ Nick.
Date: Jul 22, 2001
Submitted By: china carter
1) you asked your mom if you could get a tattoo that says "Nick" or "BSB" and she told you no and u havent talked to her since.
2) you SWEAR you will get that tatoo on your 18th bday.
3) when your mom tells you you cant do something you say "But the backstreet boys do that!"
4) when your mom tried to put a dresser inf ront of ur Nick poster u jumped up and down screaming at the top of your lungs till she moved it, and now she thinks your crazy.(that happened to me yesterday but at least my fit worked!)
5) when bsb comes on tv u screamed so loud that ur neighbor came over cuz he thought somebuddy was trying to kill u.
6) people at school know ur obssesed with the bsb.
7) if u dont see nick or bsb first thing in the morning ur in a bad mood for the rest of the day.
8) you wuld die so that they never have to feel one ounce of pain or sadness. (thats me defintly and i am not kidding.)
9)you screamed ur lungs out at the concert even though you had bad seats and u couldnt talk for a week.
I'm so obsessed!!!!
Date: Jul 22, 2001
Submitted By: Diana
here is my BSB collection....tell me what you think!!!
-3 Tshirts
-2 watches
-over 2,000 pics of them (including my posters)
-2 notebooks
-3 calendars
-a bracelet
-14 pens
-a giant pencil
-a neclace
-7 pins
-3 magnets
-2 cd holders w/ BSB logo or w/ them on it
-19 BSB cd's (only 4 are singles!)
-2 BSB concerts (and 2 more to come) And one i drove 6 hours (from MA to PA) and missed 2 days of school
-2 folders
-a BSB gift bag
-Over 15 magazines staring them (Rolling Stone/Backstreet Boys 2000/YM/Teen People/Teen...just to name a few)
-2 offical books (the one w/ all the pics)
-1 Backstreet Boys book (a nine chapter book w/ pics)
-a mini book that's like 1 inch tall!
-a card (that my friend gave me)
-a TON of trading cards and trading pics
-a bumper sticker
-a glowstick that says Backstreet Boys Black and Blue tour 2001
-a picture of me when i was 4 with ALADIN! (it's kevin, you can so tell!!!)
-Over 25 video tapes! (I only bought 3!)
-5 Burger King action figures
-A burger king crown w/ BSB on it!
-A burger king fries wrapper w/ them on it
-A burger king cup w/ them on it!!
Date: Jul 22, 2001
Submitted By: nickswife
1) you were at Spencers buying a BSB poster when this stupid little nsuck fan came up 2 u and told u BSB suck and when u got in a fight u nearly killed her(lol) and then u got banned from the store but it was worth it cuz u showed nsuck fan whos better.(it happened 2 me!)
2) ur teachers know u love BSB and always tell u when BSB will be on tv as if u dont already know.
3) when a boy at school make fun of BSB u spread a romour that he is gay.(he he!)
4) u refuse to be friends with any nsuck fan and when nsuck comes on tv u scream in horror and change the channel to something BSB.
5) if u cant find BSB u pop in a video.
6) the whole school knows ur a BSB fanatic even the janitors.
7) u support AJ during his time in rehab.
8) u dont care about the postponed dates cuz u want AJ 2 get better.
9) u got the whole class 2 sing iwitw and ur teacher got pissed off but ur class wouldnt stop cuz if they did theyd have to take a test.
10) u are going to have 5 sons and name them after the bsb.
11) then u are going to have 5 girls and give them the female versions of the bsbs names.
12) u love backstreet.Net cuz they keep u current with news on bsb since they update a whole lot.(Thanks!)
13) ur mom thinks-no wait KNOWS-that ur obssesed.
14) u gave ur bro a dirty look when a nsuck song came on the radio and he asked if it was BSB and u refuse to talk to him now.
15) when u wanted to leave in the morning for ur BSB concert and ur dad wanted to wait till later so u steal his car and drive up there and get their 5 hour early and u dont even have ur drivers license but u dont care cuz u got to ur concert.
16) u can relate any word to something BSB-go ahead try me!
17) u want ur son to weigh 8 pounds 14 ounces cuz thats what nick weighed.
18) u were MAD when u got to ticketmaster at 9 am to buy bsb tix and they told u they did not go on sale till noon but u waited and were able to get row 8 seats.
19) when u see someone wearing an nsuck tee shirt u give them a dirty look and say BSB is better and they are to scared to say anything back cuz they can tell by looking at u that u are 1 bsb fan that wont take someone trashing your boys.(ME!)
20) u can remeber the day u became a fan.
21) u go up 21 on ur list cuz thats how old nicky is and every1 knows he is the hottest thing on this earth.