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Everyone knows you're obsessed when...

Date: Sep 23, 2001
Submitted By: Stephanie

1. You have BSB pix ALL over your locker.

2. Your room is wallpapered with Backstreet.

3. All of your folders and pencils at school are BSB.

4. Every time you see them on TV, you HAVE to tape it.

5. You practically kill yourself trying to get front row tickets for their concert.

6. Anytime someone disses BSB, you ignore them and talk behind their back, even if it IS your best friend.

7. You have a lot of CD's but the only one you listen to is BSB.

8. You read all of BSB's favorite books.

9. Your AOL favorite places list is packed with BSB sites.

10. You fill out an obsession list on Backstreet.net!

my list*~

Date: Sep 23, 2001
Submitted By: Kaylene

1. you find yourself thinking about them most of the time-wait hold on!!!!! ALL the time! *lol!

2. they are the first people you see when you wake up and the last people you see when you go to sleep you know why? cause their posters are ALL over your walls!!!!!

3.you have to listen to their cd's before you go to bed, or you CAN'T fall asleep! *i have to i just HAVE to!

4. you cry whenever they don't win an award at award shows


6. you get mad at nstync whenever they win an award over the backstreet boys (and you holler and say "what did they ever do to deserve that award!") *lol! p.s.- nobody deserves awards except BSB! NOBODY!

7.whenever you hear their songs on the radio you turn it up! LOUD AND PROUD!

8. you call them by their nicknames- Brian:B-Rok or Bri Howie: Latin Lover/ Nick: Nicky/ Kevin: Kevvy Kev/ A.J.: Alex

9.you have 10 Backstreet boys cd's including imports and BK cd's

10. you have your BSB cd's in your cd holder first in order before any other cd's because- they are #1!!!!!

11. you have your BK BSB figurines setting right in front of your cd player (i do!) hee hee!

12.you watch the weather and see what the weather is where they are *lol!

13.you get really really mad whenever someone talks smack or disrespects BSB

14.you pray for them EVERY night so that they are safe and..... God Bless The Backstreet Boys!

15.you tape EVERY LITTLE THING about BSB on T.V. (even if it's the tiniest little thing!)

16. and finally (for now) you love them, you care about them like they are your family, they are the most beautifulest people inside and out, and you..... LOVE TO KEEP THE BACKSTREET PRIDE ALIVE!!!!!*

Thanks for reading this all my fellow Backstreet fans! we ROCK!!!!!


Date: Sep 23, 2001
Submitted By: Jordyn

I have been a BSB fan since I was 9 and the list can get a lil cRaZy...

1*I have been told that I know TOO much about BSB

2*I have torn my wallpaper with all my BSB posters and pics

4*I have more than 3 BSB "GOT MILK" pics

5*I have 1 or more dreams about them EVERY nite

6*When AJ went into rehab, I had a near nervous breakdown

7*When I went to FLORIDA I wrote Nick's name in the sand, EVERYDAY

8*I write papers for school on them

9*I sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to them on their Birthdays and their relatives Birthdays

10*I DON'T find it a "NEAR COINSIDENCE" that my mom's birthday is the same as AJ'S

11*Before my birthday I always ask for tickets or something BSB

12*I name my stuffed animals after them

13*I have a poster right beside my bed of BSB and say goodnite to each of them more than once

14*I consider them my angels

15*I love them more each day and will never stop


Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: china

1) u think EVERY THING nick does is just SO CUTE! (hey IT IS! 2) Nick ALWAYS looks HOTT to u. 3) u love ALL the bsb. 4) u were SO MAD when u saw that gurl giving Kevy a dirty mean look at the cbs concert during "shape of my heart" 5) if someone trashes bsb u not only hurt that person, u disown them or hate them forever. 6) people are AFRAID to diss bsb in front of u cuz they know they will die. 7) u have BSB pics in ur lockers for school and gym. 8) when u got to do a report on BSB u couldnt even tell ur teach where u got all the info for it bcuz u already knew: its like bsb knowledge is as easy as ur own language for u. 9) u understand Nicky perfectly (i think its cuz we have the same star sign-or maybe we are just destined to be. 10) u tape EVERY LITTLE SECOND OF BSB. I am guilty of EVERYTHING ON THIS LIST!

Being "The Obsessed Backstreet Boys Fan"

Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: Rosanne

Hey all you Backstreet fans! Have you ever lived up to the rep as "the Backstreet Boys fanatic"? Hey that's cool cuz so have I! In fact this list will contain stuff that has happened to me in real life!So, sit back, relax and enjoy! By the way, remember to Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive!

1.One of my friends actually thought I WORSHIPPED the Backstreet Boys

2. I own the Phillippine version of Backstreet Boys that contains 3 bonus tracks

3. On my thirteenth b-day, I had a Backstreet Boys cake and, I made my mom buy me the Backstreet Boys video that had "Anywhere for You"

4. I went into a state of deppression when AJ went into rehab...( I have fully recovered)

5. When I talk on the phone with my friend Cindy, we sometimes end off with Backstreet Boys songs( Like instead of saying bye, we say "don't want you back"

6. I have named my stuffed tiger AJ because I know how much he likes leopard

7. My respose to Brian's pick up line "Wanna come over for sex and pizza?" would be yes

8. I have once picked up the phone and said,"Howie doin?"

9. The biggest project I have undertaken was plastering my room with the Backstreet Boys

10. I am happy with the fact I was born on August 14th because in 1999, that was the day the Millennium tour sold out

Scared to Know

Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: Shannon

-You see a boat and think about how stupid Nick is!

-You watch a movie and put BSB in the character's positions.

-You notice everything Black and Blue!

-Your inside jokes are ALL tied in with BSB.

-You hear a saying and pick out which Backstreet Boy would probably say it.

-You think they are stalking you because you 'think' AJ cracked on you at an awards show!

-You do an assignment at school and it can be related to BSB.

-You have an alter-ego because AJ has one.

-NO other guy looks good in earrings but them (except Nick)!

-You promise you inspired AJ to wear the black bandana in Michigan becuase wore one to the Pennsylvania concert.

-You help your cousin paint her closet Black & Blue.

- Then you paint your room white with their names, albums and songs as your border!

-You are normally a nice person but get vicious at BSB concerts!

-Some of your inside jokes are their quotes!

-You think Howie's High School pictures looks like your aunt!

-You want to throw bouncy balls at them that say 'N Control!

-You buy Nick STOP and M&M IRRESISTABLE boxers to throw at him!

-You send AJ a serious letter on tropical fish paper.

-You love AJ and there are more Nick Pix on your wall.

-You listen to 'Do You Love Me' by KISS and automatically dedicate it to Willa from Nick.

-You want them to remember you so you buy toothbrushes to throw at them!!!

HEhe i think i'lL trY hEre's 20

Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: kaOS

1) Covinced your mom to take you at 12 midnight on november 21st to get the black and blue cd, and you can't sleep the whole nite cuz you are to hyped about the cd, and when your carpool picks you up the next morning you can't talk to them cuz you are listening to th cd hahaha

2) on any day that is related to bsb(birthdays, cd releases, annversarys) you wear ur bsb shirt proudly

3) have put black eyeshawdow on one eye ad blue on the other, have painted your nails black and blue

4) hear your mom say, "that's my howie",and, "don't you think howie kinda looks like dad?"

5)spend hours teachin ur dad which bsb is which

6)grandma asks u 2 copy the cd 4 her and she calls you 2 tell u that bsb stuff is gonna be on and calls you after its over 2 comment on the appearaces(she watches them herself haha)

7. ur brother finally doesnt change the bsb wallpaper on the computer Cuz he knos U'll freak.

8) your mom leaves you bsb articles on the kithen table when you wake up and your mom mentions how you don't need 2 get a job cuz your gonna marry nick carter hehe

9) pleaded with the burger king ppl to let you have the bsb cardboardfigures and posters on the wall

10) the burger king ppl call your house

11) go bizerk when ppl put down bsb and get in trouble in class foryelling hahaha.

12) when going bowling, your friends enter you in as sum kinda bsb related name

13) u ask department stores if they carry gravity hehe

14) ppl come up 2 u in school and ask you questions about bsb ticket information or cd release dates

15) yur teachers know you love bsb

15) any assignment you incorpriate bsb in it in sume way

16) start huyperventaliating when a bsb song comes on anywhere and if your brother tries 2 change it you scream at the top of your lungs

17) on yur birthday every item you receive is related 2 bsb haha

18) made brownies and lit candels 4 each bsb birthday

19) your mom and brother have a howie figure in there room from burger king

20) always think, "what would nick carter do"

thanks for reading i luv u guys!!! bsb 4ever ktbspa

i'm crazy for them

Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: kerri-ann

i'm sending away to brazil just to get there really old cds!

i vote for aj 100 times each day for a sexy guy contest!

i'm always updating my bsb site!

i check this site out 10 times a day!

i fell in love with aj's eyes and tatoos!

True Reason of Obession

Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: Anjuli

The one and only true reason us, the fans, are obessed with the Backstreet Boys. The music, we love their music, to us it is the sounds that bring life and joy to your day, their voices ring soft and true and touch you to the depths of your heart and soul. The music that makes you wake up that next day, that soothes your feelings, that makes you smile. It's their voices and tunes of melody that makes you feel better when your down and makes you feel you can overcome anything, and that, is why we are true Backstreet Boy fans. So guys, if you ever get the chance to read this, we all want to thank so much for influencing our lifes, Thanks.

Your obssesed with BSB when...

Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: Rosie McLean

1.You know BSB is comin to your town and you roll every single penny you got to try to go.

2.You beat the crap out of anybody who makes fun or you think makes fun of BSB!

3.Your room is like a worshiping center for BSB!

4.When you take tests on them your test results scare the person giving it!

5.When you see BSB's bus and you chase it down the highway(Like me)!

6.When you only see a pic of them you start flipping out!

7.When all over your books from school that you have to hand back;BSB's name is written all over them!

8.When you have NO more space in your room to put your clothes and stuff because you have BSB things ALL over!

9.You have put someone in the hospital because they say that there the biggest BSB fan!

10.When people tryed to cheer you up when you found out about A.J. in rehab you almost killed them!

11.When you dont remember the color of your wall because your posters cover them

12.You sleep in the rain a day or two before tickets go on sale for there next concert!

13.You practically stalk them just to get a glimps of the most HOTTEST men out there today!


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