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Sacramento March 5
Date: Mar 26, 2001 Submitted By: Jessie
"WOW!! That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen!"
"I'm totally doing that again!"
"I can't wait for their next tour!"
"OMG!! I think I'm gonna pass out!"
"My throat really hurts now!"
"Did you see all the special effects?"
Those are a few of the things I heard on my way out of the concert. I was thinking all that and even more (especially how cute B-ROK is). Even as my head raced with thoughts one image kept popping up in my mind. The image of Kevin...the way he hung in the back by the piano while the other guys went into the wardrobe trunk...the way he sat down on the round stage while everyone else was walking around and enjoying themselves...but most of all the look on his sweet face...drained of all happiness. I stared at him with sympathy even though I didn't know what was upsetting his usually cheery attitude. The whole way home (a 2.5 hour drive) I thought about how amazing the special effects were, how great their voices sounded, how great they looked, all the funny things they said, how AJ had looked at my group and smiled, how much I truly luv Brian, and I thought of a couple hundred reasons why I luv who they are and what they've done for me. As I began to doze off in the car at about 11:30 or later Kevin's gloomy face came back. But the rain fell harder outside and washed it away. I finally fell asleep. I ran in the house when we got there and immediately fell asleep again. The next day I went to school droopy eyed with blue marker on my face and arms. My hair looked terrible so I shoved my bsb hat on...I was 2 lazy 2 pick out cloths so I grabed the shirt I had bought at the concert. All day at school people thought I was crazy. I explained 2 everyone what had happen the night before...some people thought it was cool...others turned their noses up and walked away...I THINK THEY WERE JEALOUS!! Well...all I was really trying 2 say here was...BSB RULES...DON'T BE SHY IF U LUV BSB...SHOW YOUR BACKSTREET PRIDE!!!! KTBSPA-LOVE YALL-PEACE!!
Date: Mar 18, 2001 Submitted By: Megan
AHHHHHHHHHHhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was soooooo great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went both sunday and monday and they were both great!!!!! I'm going to babble about all my stories so this might be kind've long.....
well first of all i'm so happy bsb even came to arco!!!! it's so small compared to san jose or oakland, but i'm so happy they came!!!!! so sunday i tix upstairs, like row d, and went with my friends....i was kind've in a bad mood cuz i had sooooo much homework, and i felt almost sick because i was sooooooooo excited!!!!!! i also think i'm prepared for concerts but then something never works sunday.....the concert was GREAT my favorite song was shining star because they performed it SO WELL!!!! ahhhhh i loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was cool cuz i went with my friends and one of them doesn't even like the backstreet boys that much but she thought it was so much fun so now she's a fan! :)
it was great even though one thing did go wrong....the camera i brought....well i'm so slow with cameras, and insteaded of having the thing on zoom it was on extra wide lens so there were even further away then they actually were!!!! ahhhhhh!!!!
okay now for monday....hehe...okay monday we got there and we had the WORST seats!!!! they were like behind the stage and the second to last row. so we sat down and i was like we can't even see the screen! and then there were all these seats downstairs that were empty!!! so after the call and larger than life....during the white outfit part, we snuck down. we ended up like 10 rows back from the little stage!! i was hypervenatlating!!!!!! OMG IT WAS SO GREAT! so of course i almost fainted when they did that part. it was the best, because for once they could actually see ME! of course the camera from he** decided to break at that one part!!!! grrrrr....i fixed it right after they left the little stage! i got one good pic of kev! oh well i still had so much fun! oh and i loved the king's jersey's! nick was so cute! he gets so into it!!! it's sooo cute!!! hehe! overall i'd say monday was much better, they seemed to have more energy, or maybe it was just my way better seats, or that i had more energy.... anyways they are such great performers, and i can't wait till the summer tour!!! *ktbpa*!!!!!!!
Date: Mar 10, 2001 Submitted By: YVETTE
OMG!! ok, I saw bsb monday and I had floor seats, when they appeard on the backstage I was only like 5 feet away!!! I made a sign for howie (who i've loved for 5 years) it said "howie your my shining *" anyways so I held it up and ALL the guys looked at me and smiled, then howie blew me a peace sign kiss!!!!! then during "i'll never break your heart" when they say "i'll never make you cry" he looked at me and did a tear drop with his finger, THEN...... when they were on the bridge he stopped singing, looked in my eyes and pointed to me, then he threw a stuffed elephant to me and made sure I caught it!!! OMG!!! I fell on the floor dying :)
Date: Mar 09, 2001 Submitted By: Heather
I went to the Sacaramento Concert, in fact, I went to both plus the Oakland concert, and I just a fan review by joyce who said she had a bad night!! I think that it was by far the best concert that I have ever been too...The arco arena is a small venue and the stage was cut short b.C there wasnt enough room, but at least the boys came to california as much as they did. Last tour they came twice and this time, 4. I am not saying you cant have your opinion....But anyway, it was an awsome concert.
Sacramento March 5 concert
Date: Mar 09, 2001 Submitted By: Grace
Hey BSB fans! I'm not sure if you guys saw me, but I was that crazy girl who glued glow-in-the-dark stars ALL over my shirt and beanie! What can I say? I wanted the Boys to wave to me...and they did! I was glowing - I guess I was trying to be their 'Shining Star'...*sigh* Of course, I loved the concert, but did anyone else feel as heartbroken as I did knowing they wouldn't back in the Bay Area for a LoNg while? Boo me if ya want to chat some more...Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive!!!!
March 5, Sac-Town show
Date: Mar 09, 2001 Submitted By: Vanessa R.
OMG there back again!!!!!!!!
I am sooo glad that i got to go see these guys 2 nights :)
The best thing is the first one was on Friday and the second one was Monday so i had a couple days to take it all in.
When were first got there we saw one of the buses and i soooo wanted to chase it, LOL but i decided not to.
Our seats were soooo awesome.
They were upper lever but we were right on top of the stage.
Nicky was on our side most the night which was cool but i wish it was like Friday when i got to see How all the time :)
The Arco is so small though. They had the take off part of the 'wings' cause they didnt fit!
Krystal was awesome, she is really growing on me.
When she did autographs my bestfriend and i went to get it. She is sooo sweet and pretty too. I wish i would have taken a pic. I have had the song 'supergirl' stuck in my head ever since monday night :)
The boys rocked the house!
It was so much better then Friday night cause i didnt feel like i was dreaming!
I think Kevin was kinda not feeling well though. But all the other boys seemed to have more energy then they did on Friday, esspecially Brian.
They were short a dancer and cause the stage was a little differt everything was a little mixed up. Instead of all the dancers being down on the stage with the boys a lot of the time they were up behind the band. That was cool though, cause it left more room for my boys :)
We seen them walk ON THE FLOOR to the little round stage. Man, it was crazy cause none of the people they walked in front of even knew they were there. I guess they were too busy watching the screen but me and my bestfriend saw them.
Ya know how they have the floor seating then there is like a little railing thing to keep the fans from the stage. Well i think it was during 'get another bf' but im not it was kinda towards the end. Anyways, Krystal was down there rocking out :) She was just on the inside of the little railing.
When AJ came out to say that they could only sing one more song it was hella funny cause my bestfriend screamed out "Liar!" LOL.
AJ is such a clown, he was hamming everything up :)
I really cried when this one was over cause i wont see my boys for awhile. I really hope they come back to Northern Cali on the second US leg this summer.
BSB rocked the house, and i really dont think they will be stoping for a while :)
BSB has still got it going on!
March 5, 2001 / Arco Arena
Date: Mar 07, 2001 Submitted By: Joyce
First off let me say that I absolutley love Backstreet Boys and generally never have a negative word to say about them but after the show last night I am left empty. The first problem is that the Arco Arena is the WORST place to see a concert! Very bad acoustics in that building I could not understand a word the boys were saying when they were talking to us. The boys looked as hot as ever! I was close to the stage but on the upper level at an awkward angle so I couldn't see the big screen in the middle of the stage. There was a screen I could see but to look at that I had to completely take my eyes off the stage. Not good. I expected there to be more pyro...but there wasn't. I had heard about confetti but we had none of that. I have seen a lot of pictures from other shows and I think that at my show the stage was not at full size. Overall the whole night it just felt like something was missing or that something had gone wrong and we didn't get 100%. We didn't even get to hear ALAYLM or QPG! The boys did not do those songs! I love the boys with all my heart but I had a bad night in a bad arena! I would love to hear other's thoughts about this show to get another viewpoint. One more thing Krystal was amazing! I am getting her cd for sure! Krystal had a short haircut that made her look like a cross between AJ and Pink! That girl is going places!!!
Oakland CA review March 2
Date: Mar 07, 2001 Submitted By: Kris
The show was absolutely amazing. I had balcony seats, but they were right in between the little stage and the main one, so it was perfect. I think some pics actually came out. Krystal was pretty good, except I didn't like the song she covered. Her three songs were good. But the boys were definitely on. The sound was a little quiet to me, but they sounded great. Especially when Howie and Nick hit those high notes. And Brian got his hair cut. It looks really good. His dancing has really improved. Also, there is no doubt in my mind that Nick has matured into a man now. :-) If you ever have the chance to go to a show, GO. It was absolutely worth the money. I have tons more info and analysis coming soon on my webpage. And hopefully those pics. To anyone who's going to a show later, have a great time!
Sacramento, CA, March4th and 5th
Date: Mar 07, 2001 Submitted By: Laura
I went to the March 4th and 5th show at Arco Arena in Sactown. It was so good! The first day I got to sit next to the stage (but upper level). But they were pretty good seats because I had gotten them free (my sister had won them off of the radio). And the second day our seats were way (but I mean way) up there but we could still see good. My favorite part was when they opened up singing "everyone". This concert was well worth going to. You can tell that BSB have a lot of talent. This was my 2nd (and 3rd) time going to a BSB concert and hopefully I can go again.
Sacramento CA
Date: Mar 07, 2001 Submitted By: Casey
Ok. Well the backstreet boys sure rocked Arco Arena in Sac town last nite! And i was lucky enough to see them both nights they were here! This was my first Backstreet Boys concert and by far the best time i have ever had in my life! Krystal opened up for them and she actually was a very very good performer, i really enjoyed her performance. After her came about a 30 minute intermission. Then the lights go out and the backdrop/screen lights up with images of space and the earth. Then BSB's dancers came out and they danced for a few seconds then BOOM! A cloud of steam came up from the floor of the stage and the Backstreet Boys popped outta the floor! I would have to say that nick (my future husband) looked THE BEST!!!!!This is where the songs started: (in order)
Everyone-Totally awesome with great dancing! Didnt know nick could move his butt like that! yum yum!
Larger than Life-Not one of my favorite songs but they had so much energy throughout the whole song!
Shining Star-VERY VERY VERY NICE! With an added touch of a starry background too!
What makes you different- A song i had never heard of but i know that howies voice sounds WONDERFUL in it! Very nicely done!
Yes I will- The boys came out in white tux's and they had little shining pearlish colored canes that they danced with! Looked great! Howie and Aj had a tendency to rub there canes in places that girls would love to be! hehehe
More than that-My FAVORITE FAVORITE SONG! The boys were up at the top of the stage in there own little barrier type things. Looked very very very very nice!
I want it that way-Everyone sang along with this one!
Not for me- The boys came out in different outfits. Red and black leather pants and jackets! Very edible! very nice job performing it toO!
Show me the meaning-Same as above!
After this song the boys drag a box onto the stage that says "Backstreets Wardrobe" and they all "jump" into the box. But not before Nick says to the audience "would you like to see aj take his clothes off??" so as the boys are supposed to be changing they are actually going all the way AROUND arco to the other side of the stage to pop uo onto a smaller stage where they perform a medley of I'll Never break Your heart,Promise you and If i fall in love with you. very nicely done. That brought tears to my eyes! Then a catwalk lowered from the ceiling to connect both stages and the boys performed time as they walked across it!
Answer to our Lives-Boys first started by talkin about there different charities then sang this very emotional song.
All i have To give/If you stay-Medley of these two. And the boys come out in cowboy hats!
Everybody-Once again.....THEY WERE POPPIN OUTTA THE FLOOR! looked great! I have always loved that song. And you could tell that everyone knew the dance~Nick even had himself a little jam fest at the front of the stage!
Get another Boyfriend-This was a great song! The boys dancing and voices were perfect! Nick even had a little more hip movement in this one!
The Call-Aj comes onto stage and says "sorry guys we only have time for one more song" then a phone begins to ring. The song starts with just him on stage then all the boys come out! Very sexy moves on AJs part!
ENCORE: Shape of my heart---OOOOOOO AJ LIED! This was a wonderful encore! BSB was representin Sac town with Kings jerseys too! OOO YEA!
I would have to say that this was the best concert i have ever been too! I hope bsb come back soon! Not only are they the sweetest and the most talented but the HOTTEST TOO! KTBSPA~
Backstreet Boys Black & Blue World Tour
Date: Mar 07, 2001 Submitted By: Noel Downey
Hi! It was hecka cool! My mom and I left at 5:00, we got at the Arco Arena in Sacromento, CA. at 6:00. We were paying for parking, and my mom said "Hey! isn't that the BSB bus!?" I looked and I said "OH, MY GOD... YES, IT IS!!!!!!!!" So, anyway, we got in and we got a blue glow stick, a Black and Blue World Tour T-shirt, nachoes, pizza and one pepsi. We got to our seats, section 112, row Y, seats 13 to 14, side view. And I couldn't belive it... we were 7 rows from the MAIN STAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH... MY... GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We waited for a while. Kevin came on the screen & spoke about Krastal. She came on and sang three or four songs... she was VERY freaky!!!!!!!!!!! After a LONG time, the BSB came on! I loved every minute of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVED the pyro!! You are in for a GREAT time!!!!!!!!!!!!! Email Me!!!!!!!!!!
March 5th Sacramento,CA
Date: Mar 06, 2001 Submitted By: Jessica
OMG! I just went to the Backstreet Boys concert last night and I can't believe how awesome it was. I had the best seats-4th row center!!! I bid on them on VH1 and won! They didn't even cost me that much! If any of you are still able to go to a concert, make a bid on VH1. It's well worth it and you'll get great seats. Nick and Brian looked sooooo... fine! It's definitely a different show when you see it up close. When they walked on the cat walk to sing "Time" they were right above me and Brian and Kevin even waved to me! OMG! I'm sad now that's it's over, but there's always next time! KTBSPA!
Sacramento Concert, March 4-5
Date: Mar 06, 2001 Submitted By: Megan
There is absolutely no denying it-Backstreet is back. Now, you and I know they never left, but to all the doubters, Backstreet's Back, Alright!!! I have never attended a BSB concert before, so I have been waiting for a long time. Not only was I NOT disappointed, I walked away shocked that anyone could be that good. Now, to the review of the songs. The opener was good, although the pyrotechnics seemed almost too realistic. The guys sing better than they do on the albums. I have to add that Brian is incredibly hot. The song "What Makes You Different(Makes You Beautiful) was especially well done. The version of "Backstreet's Back", though never being one of my favorite songs, was probably the most energetic and well choreographed. "Time" won the title of the best ballad, although seeing Brian, Kevin, A.J., Nick, and Howie in cowboy attire wasn't too shabby. Just one hint, don't leave after "The Call" like so many did. They missed out on a whole performance. Hope you all like the show as much as I did!!!
Sacremento March 4
Date: Mar 06, 2001 Submitted By: sara
This concert was my first and I was very pleased with how loving to the fans they were. The first song wa "Everyone" then it went into "larger than life" and then it was shining star (Howie did a lot hip movement in this song.) I was dissapointed that AJ's hair was'nt any weird color but it was braided and looked realy good. Then they came out on the little stage they were right in front of me. I started to wave and Nick waved back, then I got Brian to wave and I had a conversation with Nick from my seat that is how close I was. Well I don't want to spoil it for the ones who have tickets for an upcoming concert, dut if you wan't toknow more email me in about I can't remember anything right now excep for a few song orders, but in a couple of day's I should remember more than I can now. KTBSPA.