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MaY 3, 2001
Date: May 20, 2001 Submitted By: Michelle Caroline
I just wanna tell you about the best day of my life! It happened on May 3, 2001 in Rio, Brazil!
I got on MARACANĂ at 6pm( that's true! I got there this time and I stayed in the grade, VERY close to them!) and My foot was hutting and I was tired... then Polly Anna enter... She performed 3 song. She is a good singer. She speaks in Spanish(we understand a little cause sounds like portuguese). After her was Kristal and she is also a great singer! But i didn't come here to talk about the girls but yes about the BOYS!!!!!
They enter 9:30 after a lot special effects(was cool!) And when they enter I started to cry(What can I say? After 5 years wauting my dream finally come true!). I didn't felt my foot anymore... They sing 2 song more that USA concert. They mixed Quit playin... and As long as... Before they enter in the big box to change(it's the part that appear on the big screem them changing the closets) Kevin spoke some words in portuguese... and what I remember is:"Rio, CIDADE MARAVILHOSA!(Rio, wonderfull city)" and also Nick said:"WHAT CAN I SAY IN PORTUGUESE?... OH! I KNOW! BEIJOS(kisses) FOR YOU!!!" so AJ start to speak "I LOVE YOU" and Nick interromped him to say" OH! I DON'T HAVE TO SAY.. IT'S JUST SEND" and he sent many kisses to the fans! In NOT FOR ME Nick was HOT!!!!!!!! A funny part was when Aj's phone rings and he asked "should i answer?" and everybody said no... so he asked again "What??? Should I answer?" and again everybody said no... so he did a ugly face... was veeeeeeeeeery funny! so he said(before that) they just could sing just one song... when finish they go! So everyone knew that they will back to sing SHAPE OF MY HEART... So me started sing... It was great evybody was singing... It was perfert... so when we were to start sing aj's part they enter on stage with the BRAZILIAN SOCCER TEAM t-shrit and sing this song! It was percert!!!!!
Oh! Passing 2 minutes the concert finish guess how appears to get gifts from fans!?? TIFFANY!!! she's a BEAUTIFUL girl and very nice too!
Ok! I..... GOTTA GO!!!
«««Milla BSB »»»
Rio´s concert (05/03)
Date: May 05, 2001 Submitted By: Naty
Heyyy everyoneeee...
First of all, my English isn´t very good, so, I´m sorry for the mistakes...
My name´s Natália and yesterday I went to the Backstreet Boys concert here in Rio and I´d really like to share my feelings with another fans who have already felt the same... :-)
Well, the concert was previewed to start at 8:00, but as usual, it didn´t... At 8:30 (I guess) the lights turned off and there was Pollyanna... A lot of people didn´t recognize her at first... It was good but the sound was kinda of low... She´s REALLY sweet, I met her at the hotel... :-)
She sang 3 songs nobody knew but we got some part of the chorus and everybody sang with her... Oh, poor girl, she just felt on stage, but then she got up really quickly and continued singing...
A few minutes later Krystal was on stage, she´s a GREAT singer and she sang 4 songs... She started w/ a song I don´t know the name (sorry) and then she sang "Angel on my shoulder" and she wore the Brazilian T-Shirt and sang "Surpergirl" which was AMAZINGGGG... Everybody screamed and she was REALLY excited... =P... The last song was "I´ll be there"... It was really cool because there is a brazilian "translation" for that song and everybody sang it in portuguese...
Well, at the end of her "show" we were really excited because the time the lights turned off the most espected concert ever would begin... It was the first time the Backstreet Boys ever performed here in Brazil and we´re all very excited about that... I´m a Backstreet fan for 3 years and I was really anxious...
Ok, the lights were turned off and the concert had begun... They were SOOOOOOO hot and it was AAAWWWSSSOOMMEEE... It was an unbeliveble time... You all know the sequence of the concert so... But it was the BEST because they sang two "special songs"... After "Show Me The Meaning" they sang the first part and the chorus of "Quit Playin´ Games" and when Nick would start singing they just changed and sang a part of "As Long As You Love Me"... The audience got INSANE because Nick was RREEAALLLLYY cute singing that song, with that faces only he knows, you know... :-)...
When they got back on the stage for the last part of the concert (Everybody, Get Another Boyfriend, The Call and Shape Of My Heart) A.J was wearing no shirt... He was just with something weard... But he was SSSSOOOOO HOT, OMG!!!! That´s a VERY good thing to live in a hot place... :-)...
The last song, as usual, was Shape Of My Heart and they were all wearing the Brazilian T-Shirt... It was SOOOOO CUTEEEEE...
Well, that was basically the best day of brazilian´s Backstreet fan lives... By the way, it was the crowed day of Black & Blue´s concert... Ohhh, well, a LOT of things happened there but I think I´m already saying too much so... I hope ya liked the review... :-)))
P.S: Nick was totally RUDE w/ the fans here, does anyone know what is going on?!?!? PLEASE, if somebody knows something just e-mail me, k?!?!?!?!?!?!?
A.J was really nice w/ some... Kevin and Howie were REALLY sweet and Brian was also nice...