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Venezuela, Caracas, may, 12
Date: Jul 18, 2001 Submitted By: Keyla
The concert was on may, Saturday 12th.. I was counting the hours, the minutes and the seconds, for that that moment arrived, that concert, for me, was and is very special... I went to the Poliedro de Caracas (place where the concert was
carried out) at 7:30 a.m. (and the concert it startes at 6:30
p.m.)... I was, along with friends, waiting 5 hours to
enter to the place of the spectacle... Finally, at 1:00 p.m. the
security boys began to request the tickets, but you must have it hidden
very well, because some bad people could steal it of your hands... Me, of
course, loaded the ticket like a treasure in my hands...
Finally we entered to the parking.... I was very excited, I couldn't
believe it... and I was not the only... all the other girls and boys who
went to the concert were like crazy people!!!... We hoped under an
incessant sun until 6:00 p.m.... at that moment some people put music and we began to dance and to sing... To 6:30 p.m. the lights of the
parking turns on, and we continued waiting for... 7:00 p.m....
the lights turns off and the public drives crazy.... the screams were impressive, then, in that moment, in the screens of the
scene, appears KEVIN!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know really what he said, because I
did not understand him, but I know that it was speaking about Krystal... then, he finished, and Krystal strats to sing, and I really
congratulate her, because she does it very well... at 7:30 p.m. Pollyanna start singing... she also sang very well...
for a moment the lights of the Poliedro turns on and the music
again... we danced, we sang, again, until 8:05 p.m. then
the lights of the parking turns off... the public drives crazy
again, and is at this moment that I could not hold the desire to cry, because
it seemed a lie to me that the Backstreet Boys were going to go to the
In the center of the platform the immenses screens that projected the
destruction of the Planet Earth, as a result of the shock of 5
meteorites... Then, on the platform, fire balls and
fireworks, exploded for a moment and the sound is stronger than the
shouts that dismissed 40,000 throats, more than excited, crazies!!!!!... then the five boys appears, where their steps sounded as
if they were giants... and there were they: the Backstreet
Boys... behind them appears 6 dancers and begins the show with "Everyone", and it could not lack his excellent choreography... They
continue with " Larger than Life ", and after singing this song, Howie
D. says: " Welcome to the concert of the Backstreet Boys, Hello
VENEZUELA!!!!!!!!!!!!"... They wear black leather
trousers, coveralls of equal fitted color and shirts to the body
with silver-plated tonalities... One of the best moments of the
concert, where I cried more!!!!... Although I believe that I cried in all the concert... Later, they
began to sing " Shining Star ", they took off the coveralls and they
remained with the jackets without sleeves... Whenever, Nick or Kevin
in the screens left, people drove crazy!!!!!!!!!!.... I shouted and
cried by Nick!!!!!... Because I love Nick!!!!... ok... Then they
sang " What Makes you Different ", and at that moment they change their clothes
for the second time, impeccable white suits... Then Kevin
says (in English): " Caracas, is all fine tonight???... Surely that it is...
We are happy for being here... is wonderful to sing for a public
like you "... Then, they sing " Yes I Will ", they appear there with
canes... In this song, Nick (of course) robs most of the applause of
the public... Then (Wow!!!!!) they sing " More than That ", and a
man is in the scene touching a guitar... Then, " I want it
that Way "... and it appears the image of a candle in the screen, at that moment, an immense sun invades all the screen, and when finishing the
song, images of the video of the song... Later, they begin
to sing " Not for me ", where they become to change of clothes
(trousers of printed black color and shirts printed).. Kevin and Brian take to jackets long sleeve, and then
Kevin pricks the eye to the camera!!!!!!!!... After finishing
the song, it begins " Show me meaning "... the most romantic moment
at night... all the fanatics sang to choir the song, and the
voices of the BSB were almost listened to... they smiled when
occurring account that all we sang!!!... After this part of the
concert, Howie D. says: " Do you want songs for the first CD???", and all we shouted: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!... and
he says: "Well... you have one here "... they sings " Quit
playin' games (with my heart)"... Later " As Long as you love me ", they sang gorgeous....!!!!!!... After this song, they begins to sing (" Íll never break your heart "!!!!!!! in spanish).... I could not
believe it...
Howie D.: " What adorable to sing in Spanish!"...
They changes their clothes again, Howie seems like a hippie ... =0P... A.j. takes
blue jean and a green t-shirt, Brian takes a mulberry jacket and
leather trousers, Nick (what beautiful!!!!) it wears white jacket
and Kevin a black leather jacket... Soon they begin to sing " I promise you ", then they take a walk from a side to another one of the
scene... Later " How did I fall in love with you ": here Howie D.
says: " I LOVE YOU VENEZUELA "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... UNBILIEVABLE...
Kevin and Nick feel near the drummer and the others remain of foot..
Then " Time " begins, where the BSB feel in the center of the scene,
their bodies to the rate of the song are embraced and balanced...
Later they sing " The Answer to Our Life ": Kevin says (in English):
" This song goes by a better world "... in the screen they leave
videos whales dying by oil spills, monkeys without home, due to the
cutting of trees, many animals in extinction danger, etc... Then " All I have to Give "... the BSB appear with black hats of cowboys,
and of course, the choreography... Later " If you Stay ", the best
moment to present all the members (dancers and
musicians).... Soon they begin to sing " Everybody (Backstreet's
Back)": they change the clothes for the last time, with metalized
jackets and black trousers... again fireworks, Nick touch the guitar
and A.j. the congas.... Later " Get Another Boyfriend ": the most erotics movements at night .. the end is near and all we know it... More
fireworks and dances... After this song A.j. says (in English): "
I love you Venezuela, you are a perfect public, but we have
bad news, I'm sorry, but we have time for only one more song, because
tomorrow we have another concert ", at that moment it sounds a cellular telephone
suddenly and A.j. asks if it can answer it, then, they begin to sing "The call ", while the giant screens showed images of the video, more
special effects, and the boys take leave saying that we were a wonderful public.... all the fanatics began to shout: "Another song, another song "..
and they leave to sing, finally " Shape of my heart ", musicians,
dancers and the BSB is placed the scene in front of and they take
leave, thanking to be an extraordinary public... somebody sent to A.j. a cartoon about his face and he put it in his face... the show
has finished... fireworks, fire balls on the platform and tears decree
to the true end... =0 (... And that is everything... It is all a
experience to go to a concert of the Bacsktreet
Venezuela's concert
Date: Jul 08, 2001 Submitted By: Keyl@!
First, forgive for my poor english, but I'm from Venezuela and my native language is the spanish...
The concert was on may, Saturday 12th.. I was counting the hours, the minutes and the seconds, for that that moment arrived, that concert, for me, was and is very special... I went to the Poliedro de Caracas (place where the concert was
carried out) at 7:30 a.m. (and the concert it startes at 6:30
p.m.)... I was, along with friends, waiting 5 hours to
enter to the place of the spectacle... Finally, at 1:00 p.m. the
security boys began to request the tickets, but you must have it hidden
very well, because some bad people could still it of your hands... Me, of
course, loaded the ticket like a treasure in my hands...
Finally we entered to the parking.... I was very excited, I couldn't
believe it... and I was not the only... all the other girls and boys who
went to the concert were like crazy people!!!... We werw waiting under an
incessant sun until 6:00 p.m.... at that moment some people put music and we began to dance and to sing... To 6:30 p.m. the lights of the
parking turns on, and we continued waiting for... 7:00 p.m....
the lights turns off and the public drives crazy.... the screams were impressive, then, in that moment, in the screens of the
scene, appears KEVIN!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know really what he said, because I
did not understand him, but I know that it was speaking about Krystal... then, he finished, and Krystal strats to sing, and I really
congratulate her, because she does it very well... at 7:30 p.m. Pollyanna start singing... she also sang very well...
for a moment the lights of the Poliedro turns on and the music
again... we danced, we sang, again, until 8:05 p.m. then
the lights of the parking turns off... the public drives crazy
again, and is at this moment that I could not hold the desire to cry, because
it seemed a lie to me that the Backstreet Boys were going to go to the
In the center of the platform the immenses screens that projected the
destruction of the Planet Earth, as a result of the shock of 5
meteorites... Then, on the platform, fire balls and
fireworks, exploded for a moment and the sound is stronger than the
shouts that dismissed 40,000 throats, more than excited, crazies!!!!!... then the five boys appears, where their steps sounded as
if they were giants... and there were they: the Backstreet
Boys... behind them appears 6 dancers and begins the show with "Everyone", and it could not lack his excellent choreography... They
continue with " Larger than Life ", and after singing this song, Howie
D. says: " Welcome to the concert of the Backstreet Boys, Hello
VENEZUELA!!!!!!!!!!!!"... They wear black leather
trousers, coveralls of equal fitted color and shirts to the body
with silver-plated tonalities... One of the best moments of the
concert, where I cried more!!!!... Although I believe that I cried in all the concert... Later, they
began to sing " Shining Star ", they took off the coveralls and they
remained with the jackets without sleeves... Whenever, Nick or Kevin
in the screens left, people drove crazy!!!!!!!!!!.... I shouted and
cried by Nick!!!!!... Because I love Nick!!!!... ok... Then they
sang " What Makes you Different ", and at that moment they change their clothes
for the second time, impeccable white suits... Then Kevin
says (in English): " Caracas, is all fine tonight???... Surely that it is...
We are happy for being here... is wonderful to sing for a public
like you "... Then, they sing " Yes I Will ", they appear there with
canes... In this song, Nick (of course) robs most of the applause of
the public... Then (Wow!!!!!) they sing " More than That ", and a
man is in the scene touching a guitar... Then, " I want it
that Way "... and it appears the image of a candle in the screen, at that moment, an immense sun invades all the screen, and when finishing the
song, images of the video of the song...
Later, they begin
to sing " Not for me ", where they become to change of clothes
(trousers of printed black color and shirts printed).. Kevin and Brian take to jackets long sleeve, and then
Kevin pricks the eye to the camera!!!!!!!!... After finishing
the song, it begins " Show me meaning "... the most romantic moment
at night... all the fanatics sang to choir the song, and the
voices of the BSB were almost listened to... they smiled when
occurring account that all we sang!!!... After this part of the
concert, Howie D. says: " Do you want songs for the first CD???", and all we shouted: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!... and
he says: "Well... you have one here "... they sings " Quit
playin' games (with my heart)"... Later " As Long as you love me ", they sang gorgeous....!!!!!!... After this song, they begins to sing (" Íll never break your heart "!!!!!!! in spanish).... I could not
believe it... Howie D.: " What adorable to sing in Spanish!"...
They changes their clothes again, Howie seems like a hippie ... =0P... A.j. takes
blue jean and a green t-shirt, Brian takes a mulberry jacket and
leather trousers, Nick (what beautiful!!!!) it wears white jacket
and Kevin a black leather jacket... Soon they begin to sing " I promise you ", then they take a walk from a side to another one of the
scene... Later " How did I fall in love with you ": here Howie D.
says: " I LOVE YOU VENEZUELA "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... UNBILIEVABLE...
Kevin and Nick feel near the drummer and the others remain of foot..
Then " Time " begins, where the BSB feel in the center of the scene,
their bodies to the rate of the song are embraced and balanced...
Later they sing " The Answer to Our Life ": Kevin says (in English):
" This song goes by a better world "... in the screen they leave
videos whales dying by oil spills, monkeys without home, due to the
cutting of trees, many animals in extinction danger, etc... Then " All I have to Give "... the BSB appear with black hats of cowboys,
and of course, the choreography... Later " If you Stay ", the best
moment to present all the members (dancers and
musicians).... Soon they begin to sing " Everybody (Backstreet's
Back)": they change the clothes for the last time, with metalized
jackets and black trousers... again fireworks, Nick touch the guitar
and A.j. the congas.... Later " Get Another Boyfriend ": the most erotics movements at night .. the end is near and all we know it... More
fireworks and dances... After this song A.j. says (in English): "
I love you Venezuela, you are a perfect public, but we have
bad news, I'm sorry, but we have time for only one more song, because
tomorrow we have another concert ", at that moment it sounds a cellular telephone
suddenly and A.j. asks if it can response it, then, they begin to sing "The call ", while the giant screens showed images of the video, more
special effects, and the boys take leave saying that we were a wonderful public.... all the fanatics began to shout: "Another song, another song "..
and they leave to sing, finally " Shape of my heart ", musicians,
dancers and the BSB is placed the scene in front of and they take
leave, thanking to be an extraordinary public... somebody sent to A.j. a cartoon about his face and he put it in his face... the show
has finished... fireworks, fire balls on the platform and tears decree
to the true end... =0 (... And that is everything... It is all a
experience to go to a concert of the Bacsktreet
Caracas, Venezuela, may 13, 2001
Date: May 18, 2001 Submitted By: Martina
Caracas- Venezuela; Poliedro de caracas.
Sunday, may 13, 2001: the Backstreeet Boys, one of the biggest bands in history was gonna give a show in Venezuela.
after 8 years of waiting, they had finally decided to come.
I woke up that day at 4:00am and got to "el poliedro" at 6:00am; when my friends and I got there the amount of people was unimaginable, we got in the line and stood there, in the sun, this might sound ridiculous, but it was worth it. At 1:00pm we entered and had to get in another line that was for the VIP section and wait again, two hours later we finally entered and sat on our seats wich by the way were amazing, but once more we had to wait and wait and wait. At 6:30 Pollyanna, Howie's sister came out and sang some songs and then it was Krystal's turn, now let me tell you that she is amazing, she has some great songs and a great voice; when she finished the lights went out and the place started going crazy, it was a fact: the backstreet boys were just seconds away, it was TIME FOR THE SHOW TO BEGIN.
3 screens, one in each side of the stage and one in the middle showed the planet earth being attacked by 5 meteors, to everyone's surprise "real" meteors started falling on the stage and suddentlythe backstreet boys appeared on stage wearing black leather outfits which looked great and the song EVERYONE indicated the beginning of the show, after singing this one they sang larger than life, where Nick looked particularly HOT!!!!then they changed to white outfits, at least I think it was there, and sang shining star, when the song was over Kevin came out and said: "Felicidades a todas las madres en su dia"(congratulations to all the mothers on their day) and they dedicated the next song: What makes you different(makes you beautiful)to all the moms.I really dont remember in what order they sang the rest of the songs but here they are:
i want it that way
show me the meaning of being lonely
quit playing games with my heart
as long as you love me
all i have to give, where they did the hat routine and then throw the hat into the audience!!
nunca te hare llorar
if you stay
all the black and blue songs except its true.
I think that one of the most exciting part of the show was when they sang "I want it that way" everyone sang it and they were really impressed that we could sing it so perfect
Another interesting part of the show was the song time when Nick sang:"the things are getting better and you'll ssoon be on your way"in a mouse voice, really cute.
My favorite part, I think, was when they sang how did I fall in love with you especially 'cause they say in the end: Venezuela... How did I fall in love with you!!!and know they probably say it in every concert but still.
After they sang GET ANOTHER BOYFRIEND where they did some really sexy movements, everyone knew it: the show was coming to the end, and A.J, after thanking the audience for two wonderful days of concerts and saying, Te amo, venezuela, said he had some bad news, there was only time for one more song, then a cell phone started to ring and he asked: Do I answer it??to his surprise everyone said NO!!!!and he asked again:do I answer it???????this tome everyone said: yeah!!!!!!!and so he did, guess what time was it: time for the call after that they sang the shape of my heart, although they'd said the call was going to be the last song, when they finished it they bowed and Nick said: "Te amo VENEZUELA and god bless you, we hope you had a great time tonight, but..... GOTTA GO!!!!" They also promised, we wouldn't have to wait too much time for their next visit.After the show there wre fireworks.
While the bsb were here they proved to be really great people.
After the show there wre tears of joy and sadness because what we had been waiting for so long was over, but, with this concert the backstreet boys fullfilled the dreams of teenagers who had waited years to see them, id like to thank them sooo much for coming to Venezuela and I hope you come back soon.
So if the bsb are coming near you, dont doubt to go for a second, just buy the tickets , and i'll guarantee you that you'll have the time of your life!!!