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Lupus Cruise 2K1
Date: Jan 03, 2002 Submitted By: Melly
Hey, I went on the cruise!! I wasn't going to write but then I saw all this stuff. You guys, I don't know about u but I was having all kinds of fun. The only thing i was upset about was how bad the not so Backstreet Boys messed up my best friend's song. Hehe, jk. No, seriously, I was upset cuz I was dying to ask Nick where he got his Goonie shirt from and his Grab a Bootie shirt cuz my best friend's in love with those shirts and blaming him for stealing them. Hehe. I mean i had fun, that's all i can say. I can't speak for anyone else. I laughed so much, especially when pollyanna tripped and played it off. That was great. I mean i can't talk. if anyone else saw, I was the girl who was walking up the stairs to the fifth floor (I think, can't remember hehe.) and I tripped up the stairs. And I'm talking like one of those Sandra Bullock/Miss Congeniality falls. I was just praying that no one was watching. I didn't like those girls who wouldn't take no for an answer andI was like so tempted to go and say something. I think you guys know what I mean. I wanted to throw my camera at them but then i thought about how expensive my camera was. Lol! But yea, I still love Nick. I don't care if he didn't show up, I had fun. And just look at it this way, he missed out, not you guys. So don't be upset about it. You'll have your chance to meet up with him and then you can kick him in his butt and say, "Hey, I was on that cruise and you weren't.. you owe me a free CD!" Hehe.
Lupus Cruise 2001
Date: Jan 03, 2002 Submitted By: Kat
i went on the lupus cruise and i can understand some peoples dissapointments with nick not coming and disorganization-but people who tried to have fun did and howie is soooo sweet. So were most of his "people"-there was his brother JOhnny(HOT SI SENOR). JR from JIve Records-nice guy but wayyyyy obnoxious and weird-but always happy-and he seemed VERY available at all times. Eric and Brian were two lawyers who were really nice i talked to them in the casino while they gambled and they were really cool. Rashan was a cool guy who i talked to in the club but he seemed really too serious(lighten up) . Rich was a nice security guy, such a sweetheart whnever i talked to him. Ricky works for Howie taking pictures and he would always take time to talk to all of the fans. Steve Chun ran the cruise-he was ok but if it was his fault stuff was disorganized than shame on him. By the way Chelsea chill out!
Lupus Cruise
Date: Jan 03, 2002 Submitted By: Linds
I've been reading all the reviews, deciding whether or not I want to spend so much money to try and make it to next year's or whether or not I just want to send a check to DLF. There's only one review that gave me some kind of perspective and that was the one about DLF being a business. I don't know if that person is lying or not about what was heard, but kudos to you for the insight. Because family aside, it is a business and businesses want money.
It seems as though no one is going to agree on the time that was spent on the cruise. And that's cool because we all view things differently in the first place. I had two friends who went on the cruise and they had a wonderful time. In fact, they won't shut up about it :). Neither of them were disappointed about Nick because truth be told, (and this is besides the fact that they have already talked to him many times), they weren't there to see Nick. I also know someone who said a few weeks before the cruise that Nick wasn't even sure if he could make it. Who knows the reasons for him not being able to attend, only he does. And rumor has it, he IS going through some family situations. But I don't think you should hate him just because of what Chelsea or anyone else said about him. Because my friends were telling me that there's no doubt in their minds, he would have taken a lot of spotlight away from the moment in the first place, just because he's golden boy Nick. I'm not saying you shouldn't be disappointed either. If you came to see Nick and he wasn't there, it's your right to be crushed about it.
But my friends were there to get their money's worth and see what DLF was about. Knowing that the three of us are susceptible to lupus right about now, they wanted to know just how things were being handled or whether or not this was just some scam in a way. And although things weren't perfect, they were impressed. The three of us have already met Howie, they say he was the perfect gentlemen as he always is around us and his boys Ricky and Adam were so nice and amazingly funny. And they say he even remembered them from a previous encounter. I will say the only complaint they had was the fact that DLF really didn't do much to explain the disease or their mission. We all have our expectations, and they hoped that would happen, apparently it didn't.
But most importantly, they just wouldn't shut up about swimming with the dolphins and Jamaica period. You guys, travelling to another country, on a HUGE ship is one of those once in a lifetime opportunities. Whatever your reasons for going, I'd at least hope you came back thinking of at least ONE thing that was SO much fun you keep yapping about it, you can't stop smiling or laughing about it. And hey, it beats doing what I was doing, which was being at home and watching soap operas. This was their first year going, and while they say they're not going to make it an annual thing, they were my test dummies and according to them it's worth it.
I just think if you're a fun loving person, you will make the best of any situation. I know I always do. So I hope ALL of you who went on the cruise had at least one positive thing that you can remember and smile about. Cuz that's what it's really about. Take care, God Bless and KTBSPA!
Lupus Cruise 2001
Date: Jan 03, 2002 Submitted By: Nikki
Well its been almost two weeks since i got home from the cruise, and I miss it soooooo much! I had been waiting to go since September... It went by so fast! I admit one of the biggest *things* that made me go was Nick (although as all of you know.. didnt show up). But, I knew if he didnt go, I would still get to see Howie, and I would still be going on vacation, missing a week of school, and traveling without my parents! So I was a little more than excited!! Let me tell you, the cruise was nothing like I expected. Howie was the sweetest.. a hundred times sweeter when he was drunk (which he was for a substantial portion of the cruise hehehe)... He was so gracious to his fans, and for the most part everyone had an encounter or two.
I saw Howie EVERYWHERE! On the ship and in the ports of call... By the last day, it was no biggie to see Howie walk by. I spent a lot of time in the night club, and he always showed between 2-4 AM. One night me and my friends got to dance with him to Dance With Me by 112! I got to see the private concert Pollyanna put on for a few lucky fans and Howie and his family in one of the lounges.. She was drunk but she was great! I have never seen anyone have so much fun singing before, nor have I seen anyone forget the words to a song they wrote themselves!
The planned activities were cool.. a little disorganized but fun. For the most part, it wasnt the DLF's fault... Carnival was very indecisive about which rooms to give to the foundation at certain times. I felt bad for Steve.. he took the brunt of all the pissed fans. I'm sure it wasn't ALL his fault (the disorganization).. poor guy! Our team ended up in the top five for the scavenger hunt. We didnt win but we had a lot of fun!
I wasn't really a Howie lover before the cruise, but things have changed. Going on the cruise really made me realize that Howie is a NORMAL guy who just happens to sing for a living. He was SO nice and SO cute! I hope he had just as much of a great time as I did! I am definately going to do Lupus Cruise 2002!
Oh and my theory on Nick not goin was... that it was a good thing in the end. I think that if he had gone, the fans would have been nuts, because a lot of people really did only go for him (I have no comment on that). He would have been mobbed by fans, thus increasing the amount of security, and we would have never been able to have much interaction with either boy. With only one Backstreet Boy around, Howie was able to mingle with the fans with not too much security. I'm sure that if any more Boys had went, the fans would have not been allowed near them as they were with Howie.. So although i was a Nick fan going on the cruise, I am 100% satisfied with just Howie, and I am glad I got to support his foundation!
Detroit, Michigan September 20, 2001
Date: Jan 03, 2002 Submitted By: Gary
Hey! The concert was awesome! It was the best day of my entire life and i am not joking. But there was one problem: Where was Krystal The Supergirl?? I loved her at the first concert at the Silverdome in Feb. Anyways i was looking for someone who had pics of the concert on Sept. 20th. I was 3rd row center!! and did not have a camera. It is a long story so to make it short i am looking for a girl named Connie-- I think that is her name--- She was right next to me and my girlfriend and she was suppose to send me pics but never did. If you could help it would be very appreciated!! Thanks for an Awesome experience BSB!!
September 20th concert in Detroit, Michigan
Date: Dec 27, 2001 Submitted By: Allison
I saw some girls who had some really cool BSB stuff on and there were HOT pics of the guys everywhere in the building. I got to my seat and I saw how awesome they were. We decided to go out and buy some merchandise. I had to pee which wasn't the best time to go because Sisqo came out and I missed his big explosion. It was ok though because he was looking hot as heck! He finally went off stage and the crew came on and cleared the stage and set everything up. All of a sudden the lights went out and music came on. Everyone in the stadium went crazy and started sreaming. On the big screen they showed a bunch of mederorites hitting the earth and the earth caught of fire and finaly it just exploaded. When it was exploading the guys popped up from underneath the stage. Everyone went crazy screaming and jumping up and down. They did these really awesome dance move things where they would walk to the beat of the music and it just looked really awesome. Then "Everyone" started and people jumped up and down singing and screaming. I myself was dancing and singing along with one of my friends. All of the guys were looking HOT beyond words! Nick had his normal hairdo but he was so good looking, Brian had his blue bandana on, Howie had his new hair cut, A.J. had a new hairdo which was SSSOOOO hot, I've never seen him with this type of hair cut and it looked so good on him, and Kevin had his braids and he was just so hot beyond words. He prooves that it doesn't matter what age you are, you can still be hot as heck! The song ended and they played "Larger Than Life". They hit the dance moves perfectly without any mistakes. They went under stage and they showed an interview in the year 2050. It was so hilarious! Brian was in a wheel chair bold, Howie was sitting down with his long gray hair, Kevin was sittng down with his shabby old look, Nick was sitting there with his huge beer belly, and A.J. was sitting with his cigar in his mouth coughing and gagging. Howie just had a hip replacement so he was up and dancing which was funny and Nick just started laughing histaricaly and everyone started laughing. They asked Nick if he was hiding someone in his shirt 'cas he had his huge belly and he looked pregnant. Then they came back up and sang more songs. They said their thank yous with A.J. thanking everyone for all the love and support through his rough time which was so sweet. Then they brought their little trunk out that said BSB wardrobe on it and they were like "do you guys like what we are wearing" and the whole cround started screaming. Kevin was like no way, I hate when we are wearing. All of a sudden Nick was like "do you guys want me to strip?" and everyone went crazy and he started taking his belt off. The guys started yelling at him to put it back on. Everyone else was yelling at him to take it off. They went under stage and did their little thing and came back up and sang some more songs. They sang their new song "Drowning" which they sounded HOT. Then they said good bye and went off stage. It was the BEST night of my life!!!! But I'm gonna meet them soon and I'm so excited!!!!! KTBSPA ALWAYS AND FOREVER!!
Detroit Michigan September 20, 2001
Date: Oct 21, 2001 Submitted By: Chantelle
When we got to the Palace, we saw a bunch of fans hanging around the tour buses. So we went over there and stood there too! I saw 2 friends of mine and ran up to them. The told me that Nick was in the bus! We were all standing there chanting "Nick!Nick!Nick!" Then the tour bus starts shaking...and shakes and shakes...It was so funny! Nick peeked through the window, and we chanted more! Finally he comes out! He was so cute, he was really hyper jumping around waving his hands in the air! I got 3 pictures of him. I was so close to him too, it was awesome (but not as awesome as meeting him in Toronto! hehe)
For the concert,well it was awesome! I've seen 6 BSB concerts and I think its safe to say this was my favorite!
Me and my sister had 19th row centre in the aisle way...but it seemed so much closer! We kept moving up, told to go back by securtiy, then we went up again...the security ended up being really good by the time the small stage part came...
For the small stage, we got to about 5th row, Brian was waving at us, blowing kisses, smiling, he was so cute!
I brought green silly string...we went right up to the bridge and right when Nick got on the bridge, I sprayed him with it! hehe..he leaned over, smiled and winked, put his hand out and said "Give it to me" so I threw it up at him and he caught it. Then he sprayed A.J with it :)
During Backstreet's Back, Howie was watching me dance...hehe he nodded at me smiling, and i nodded back, then he did it again :)
Kevin was watching me and my sister dance during get another :)
For Drowning, my favorite song, we got up to the front, it was amazing...I can't wait to see these boys in concert again!
Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive!!
Chantelle :)
Detroit, MI
Date: Oct 02, 2001 Submitted By: Krysten
i was at the detroit on sept.20 and omg! i was soo close to them. i saw nick and aj get off their buses and i was 10 ft away from them. if i would have ran i would have made it but the guards where there so.after they came onto the lil stage aj waved at us. hey ashley! howie pointed at my purlpe bandana. omg i was soo close. i mean when they were on the lil stage i was only a foot away. they sounded greatand drowning was beuatiful. nick started sing bootylious. that was o funny. and the camrea on his croach! that was nice! then when we left we saw nick and brian gte on their buses and they waved to all the fans out there. it was the best night of my life!
detriot show on 9/20
Date: Sep 28, 2001 Submitted By: Elita
Okay I am sure by now you all know the order of the songs and all that so I'll just tell you what happened to me . First off the day before we got better tickets cause orignally i had seats in the upper bowl , so my mom bought me tickets in section 101 row ee, club level . When we got to the palace there were tons of girls lined in fornt of the buses and practilly jumped out of the car .We all sat and waited for nick to come out of his bus for like 10 minutes. The secruity gaurds were telling us we were all crazy , then some other guy got out of the bus , then Nick came out and waved to us , for like a second i was in shock cause i couldn't believe that nick was right there, all the girls rushed the fence and the secruity freaked out , it was actully kinda of funny, then after a few minutes aj came out , i barely noticed it was him cause he had a hat on and he shaved off his gotee. After all this i finally went to my seat which rocked cause they had a perfect view of the stage . I just couldn't believe how good the seats were. My mom who went with me, got up and went to go talk to the secruity gaurds, she was trying to get me floor seats ,they said that after bsb got on stage they would see what they could do . So i had to wait for sisqo then bsb came on and of coursed they rocked , then after larger than life , the gaurd said i could come down to the floor , and she gave me a 7th row seat , i just a bout freaked out . the seats were so awesome and they had like the best view in the world, i was so close i could clearly see nicks tatoos and i was in the side that nick was on ! Well the rest of the concert kicked ass and it was the best night of my life !
Date: Sep 28, 2001 Submitted By: * Nikki *
BACKSTREET DEFINTELY STILL GOT IT GOIN ON!!!! WOOOO!!! i went to the Sept. 20th concert in DETROIT, MI!!!!! It was amazing My friend Meggs & I were all dressed up in our "homemade" shirt and cowboy hats!!!! SORRY KAT THAT U COULDNT GO :*( we had great seats on the floor section E like row 5 or something we had mean people behind us jealous of our outfits!! hehe... we went 2 try to win front row tix from DRQ AND MET THE COOLEST GURLS IN THE WORLD we were suppose to meet them after KRYSTAL CAME ON BUT SHE NEVER CAME ON! Well ne ways... Drq said Nicole Lax or something was the winner of the front row tix and i started FREAKIN OUT SAYIN MY NAME WAS NICOLE NICOLE!!! but we didnt win :*( THE SHOW WAS FANTASTIC!!!! MY FAVORITE PART WAS WHEN MY B-ROK and kevin DID A LITTLE JUMP AND touched stomachs i thought it was adorable and when Nick put the camera on his crotch that WAS HOTT!!! WOO!! well the bridge came rite by our seats and we were like 2ft away from howie ... kevin... and aj but brian passed us i was sooo sad!! me and my friend threw our cowboy hats on the bridge and aj got my friendz but i dont know that happened 2 mine. But me and meggs left after shape of my heart and up the stairs and we totally forgot they do a fake exit and bsb appeared onstage i was nearly dragged down the concrete stairs with 5in heels on we go up real close and stood on some chairs ... got yelled @ .. so i began twirling in the aisle everyone thought i was drunk i couldnt help it i luv DROWNING IT IS MY FAV SONG and i just get this peace inside of me when i hear it... i cant wait 2 c the boys next concert.. THEY R AWESOME!!!!!! KTBSPA!!!!!!
Detroit, MI, September 20, 2001
Date: Sep 26, 2001 Submitted By: Tiffany
I went to my first bsb concert and I saw Howie and Nick get off the tour bus. and Nick was the last one to get off the get bus he was sooooooooo funny he was making his fans sceam cuz he was shakeing the tour bus. he was shakeing the tour bus because the fans was saying Nick Nick Nick.
The boys came out with their fabulous outfits, high energy, lookin good, and voices up to par. Aj anounced his 78 days of being sober and stated, "it's the pride that kicks ass"! He heard extra screams that night! And By the way guys his hair was cut down to a normal hair cut, but you could still see a bit of his red colour coming through from his last dying experience! The concert was great! The boys sang America the Beautiful, and it brought tears to many of our eyes. They put on a great show! Hope the rest of ya'll get to go catch a concert! By the way all the fella's are getting freaky when it comes to dancin'...they gettin down wit they baaad selves! hehe PEACE OUT YA'LL
OMG! OMG! OMG!! thats basically all i can say! I wont go into what the concert was like because im sure you all have read that like a million times, so i'll go into stuff that happened to me! OK so we got there like an hr before the show and bought some stuff and then went to find our seats!! When we realized how close they were we screamed. it was off to the far right but hey i wouldnt of traded them. We realized krystal wasnt going to be opening and i was very very mad but hey shes gotta do what shes gotta do. Sisqo was actaully pretty good, he got the crowd really going plus that man can dance! Now with bsb! I made 2 signs! one that said 78 days congrats, for aj because he was sober for 78 days that day. and then one with aj's 69 tat on it because im totally in love with it! on the back of that one we had wave written out. during the first couple songs i held up the 78 days sign and i totally know aj was looking at that!! so thats very cool that he saw that. Later on i was holding up the wave sign and brian was near me and he waved. And of course i started spazing and he started to laugh at me it was sooo cute!! Then later on my friend held it up and kev waved and her and we started spazing so he waved at us again and was laughing!! so that was totally cool. And the last song they sang was Drowning
Only 4 words can describe this concert... "The Best One Yet!!!"
Date: Sep 26, 2001 Submitted By: Kristen
For over 160 days I had been counting down for just a few hours, that would surely fly by. When the day finally came, sadness filled my mind, knowing in a day, my long awaited concert would be over. Seconds before they came out, the Palace of Auburn Hills erupted in screams from not only teeny boppers, but from parents and older adults. Soon after their grand enterance, Everyone and Larger Than Life started,getting everyone, young and old screaming and on their feet. And for 2 hours and 10 minutes, few sat, and the only time the Palace was not hyper and extremely loud ,was when we payed tribute to the victims in New York, by singing America The Beautiful. That part was just so sweet. And right after Brian sees a older adult who was wearing a N.Y.P.D hat said " Everyone thinks of us and role models, but(pointing to the man) he is the real role model." It was just so beautiful. It brought tears to many peoples eyes. And at the end, Aj says we only have time for 2 more times, it was like, it is almost over. But still, though it was late, the fans were at their loudest. Then, The Call, and Shape of My Heart played. Then they brought american flags out and said their good-byes and thank yous. They than left, leaving the fans with filled with suspense, wondering if they are going to come back out or not. But sure enough they came out, singing their new single Drowning. Then saying their thanks one more time, they left. I must say that was the best concert(and the loudest concert) I have went to, out of the 4 I had been to.
Backstreet boys Blew over Detroit
Date: Sep 23, 2001 Submitted By: Amanda
The boys came out with their fabulous outfits, high energy, lookin good, and voices up to par. Aj
anounced his 78 days of being sober and stated, "it's the pride that kicks ass"! He heard extra
screams that night! And By the way guys his hair was cut down to a normal hair cut, but you could
still see a bit of his red colour coming through from his last dying experience! The concert was
great! The boys sang America the Beautiful, and it brought tears to many of our eyes. They put on a
great show! Hope the rest of ya'll get to go catch a concert! By the way all the fella's are getting
freaky when it comes to dancin'...they gettin down wit they baaad selves! hehe PEACE OUT YA'LL
Detroit, Michigan
Date: Sep 23, 2001 Submitted By: Ellen
OK sorry i accidently hit the submit button!!
SO after the show we were a little late getting out to our car and we were the very last car in the parking lot. And when we went to exit they like wouldnt let us go for like 5 minutes and then we saw 2 tour buses drive by on the free way and then like a couple minutes later they let us go!! We passed one of the busses on the free way. everyone around us was like honking and screaming and we were right next to the bus. We heard pounding on the insided and knew one of them was in there. A couple minutes later we passed the bus on the right side! and guess who we saw standing in the front of the bus going through papers?!!? KEVIN!!! omg he was just standing there!! it was soo coll not to see him in concert!! It was total luck the bus was with us for like the entire way home, intill our exit. IT was totally cool!! it was like an 1.5 hr it was sweet!! OK so while we were driving, the bus started to pass us and we realized that the back window was open!!! OMG!! so we started screaming, luckily my moms freind was driving so we didnt have to pay attention to the road. We rolled down the window and started screaming and yelling kevs name and what! And then he came by the window!!! OMG!!! he was right there!!! he wavbed and smile at us and that was cool!! Then a little while later we pulled up to the bus again and rolled down the window again and started singing i want it that way really really loudly!! and HE CAME TO THE WINDOW AGAIN!! that time he kinda just sat there a listened to us, so totally toally cool!! that was my fav!! but this time is taottaly cool too!! we blasted his solo song from the very very first cd and he came to the window again, and he reaced for the screen and we all thought he was going to close the window! but no!!! HE STUCK HIS HEAD OUT THE WINDOW!!!! and he blew us kisses and a peace sign!! it was omg!!! totally cool!!! i will never ever forget that!!! just think og how loud we were for him to be able to hear us!! I kinda felt bad that we bothered him!!! but it was totally awesome!! omg!!!!!! we took some pics and hopefully they'll turn out if u wanna see'em or ask me ? or anything u can write!! gotta go bye bye luv ya all!!!
Detroit, Michigan
Date: Sep 23, 2001 Submitted By: Ellen
OMG! OMG! OMG!! thats basically all i can say! I wont go into what the concert was like because im sure you all have read that like a million times, so i'll go into stuff that happened to me! OK so we got there like an hr before the show and bought some stuff and then went to find our seats!! When we realized how close they were we screamed. We had 9TH ROW!! it was off to the far right but hey i wouldnt of traded them. We realized krystal wasnt going to be opening and i was very very mad but hey shes gotta do what shes gotta do. Sisqo was actaully pretty good, he got the crowd really going plus that man can dance! Now with bsb! I made 2 signs! one that said 78 days congrats, for aj because he was sober for 78 days that day. and then one with aj's 69 tat on it because im totally in love with it! on the back of that one we had wave written out. during the first couple songs i held up the 78 days sign and i totally know aj was looking at that!! so thats very cool that he saw that. Later on i was holding up the wave sign and brian was near me and he waved. And of course i started spazing and he started to laugh at me it was sooo cute!! Then later on my friend held it up and kev waved and her and we started spazing so he waved at us again and was laughing!! so that was totally cool.