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Concert Reviews: 11/17/99 St. Louis, MO (Part III)

Date: Sep 30, 2000
Submitted By:

From: ms. moo []
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 3:44 PM

So I went to the BSB concert 11/17/99 and I thought I would tell ya bout my likes and dislikes and some information for all you concert goers….


1) Why scream?? I think all you crazy girls (and I suppose guys) all made me like deaf for like 2 days… Why do you need to scream when most likely they cant hear you and well it makes people not able to hear what the boys are saying..

2) Don’t be mean… I mean my friends and I were in a party room all the way literally at the top and well people were still pushing us trying to think they could get a better view.. (hello we’re at the rafters, look at the screen b/c that’s about all we could see if you wanted to see the boys up close)

3) Just enjoy yourself and don’t whine if you missed something b/c someone probably didn’t see something you saw…

4) Get there like an hour early b/c parking is really expensive up close and you might have to park far away and you don’t wanna be late for the concert! (I wasn’t late.. my friends and I took a limo! Ha if anyone was looking after the concert I was the one standing by the really really really HOT guy screaming “This is Craig, our limo driver, he is hot!” the ironic thing about Craig was that he had the exact same b-day as Brian!!)


1) I loved how good they all looked… and especially how they sounded!

2) The atmosphere in Kiel was so awesome! At one time the whole arena was doing the wave and it just looked soooo snazzy!

3) Their entrances to every song was incredible! That they could think of so many different ways of coming up/ around/ through/ etc a stage is dumbfounding…

4) The band is wonderful and they deserve a big big standing ovation for making the boys sound even better than ever!

5) The whole concert over all was a wonderful experience even though I about flipped over the glass a million times b/c I was so excited…


1) You totally could not hear the opening acts.

2) Not being able to hear the boys when they talked, and even sang!!

3) My seats (but hey I was there and I shouldn’t complain even though the air was so thin up there..)

Overall the concert was wonderful, but I really liked the one in 1998 better b/c each boy got to showcase their own talent and there weren’t any dancers taking the limelight away.

From: Lori Fuselier []
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 2:58 PM

Kacie's Into the Millennium Review

Hey guys! Great news! Last night I attended my first ever Backstreet Boys concert and it was AWESOME!! Not that I was expecting anything less than perfection from the Boys, but it really was a breathtaking show to witness. The energy was just overwhelming. And their performance was incredible. OK, enough of my babbling-- here's my review.

The first opening act was Mandy Moore. Her single 'Candy' was recently released here in the U.S. and I predict that she'll be a star in no time. She put on a very good show. As a performer, she has alot of talent. Her singing was a little harder to understand due to the ear-splintering screams and cheers, but what I did hear sounded really good. By the time she exited the stage, the crowd was jumping and anxiously awaiting the entrance of our heroes.

Unfortunately, there was still another opening act to get through. It was a male trio, who call themselves EYC, or Express Yourself Clearly. My thoughts on EYC: Don't go there. As singers, they are decent. As dancers, they are excellent. But when they start stripping for an audience of mostly middle school girls, that's not a positive thing. Maybe it's just me, but I thought they were a little on the cheesy side. But they did do a good job of pumping up the audience, and I guess that's really all they are there to do. But I won't be buying their cd.

Finally, the big moment arrived. It was like an army of teenage girls had joined forces, all screaming "Backstreet Boys, Backstreet Boys!" in unison. The lights went down and the only sounds were the deafening shrieks and squeals of excited fans. The BSB Band (Go Tommy and Mindy!) entered, dressed all in white. I am a HUGE fan of Tommy's website,so it was thrill for me to finally the man behind the music. After the band came the dancers, carrying torches. The crowd went still for half a second, and smoke began to envelope the arena. Star Trek music started and seemingly from nowhere appeared our Boys, flying in on boogey boards. The noise level shot to about five million decibels. The Boys landed on the stage and greeted the crowd, circling the stage and saluting each side of the audience.

The the fun began. Starting with 'Larger Than Life', the Boys put on a two hour show that never lacked in energy or talent. After ' Larger Than Life' they individually thanked the crown, beginning with Nick.(For me, his speech was four minutes of pure heaven.)

I was impressed greatly by how genuine they were and how much they sincerely sought to entertain us. They performed all of the songs off of Millennnium, except ' I Need You Tonight', and the did some of the older stuff, like 'Quit Playing Games' and 'That's the Way I like It." They did a great job with 'All I Have to Give' incorporating a good hat/dance routine with the music.

The sweetest moments in the show were of course their ballads. 'The Perfect Fan' was beautifully done, and the little girls picked to go onstage were adorable. My favorite moment was when Kevin played the piano and Mindy played the saxophone and then they went into 'Back to Your Heart.' It was like someone had taken the oxygen from everyone, and we all forgot to breathe or scream for a minute. It was just a minute, but it was remarkable.

They eventually got around to the introduction of the BSB Band and their dancers. I was amazed to see that Tommy now has hair. Mindy was awesome on the sax, as were the other band members on their instruments. I must give props to the Band. They do an amazing job and are equally as entertaining as the Boys. The dancers were really good, too. Overall, the people involved in the whole mayhem that we call Backstreet Boys are phenomenal.

Like all good things in life, the concert had to come to an end. They did a fake exit, pretending that the show was over...then they came back! I was so excited, because they hadn't sung ' I Want It That Way' and I just knew they were going to sing it. And they did. It was their last song of the night and it was great. They waved good bye and thanked us and it was over.

My Final Thoughts: They are simply the BEST. I went there expecting something nice and I got something wonderful. They not only promise a spectacular show, but they also deliver. Like I said earlier, I was so impressed by how genuine and sincere they were. And I wasn't expecting them to sing as well live as on the cd, but they are every bit as good, I promise. I hope that everyone who loves them gets an opportunity to see them and appreciate their talent. K.T.B.P.A. !! Peace yall! Kacie


Concert Reviews: 11/17/99 St. Louis, MO (Part II)

Date: Sep 30, 2000
Submitted By:

From: rachel hoover []
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 1999

I was one of the few...the proud...the fanatics, who managed to squeeze my way into the packed Kiel center on Wednesday Nov. 17. Not only did I have the time of my life...I lost part of my mind. I have been a Backstreet Boy fan since the very first time I heard them sing. Although, at the time, I was not real impressed with their looks. The sweet harmonies of those five incredible guys took control. The concert was excellent. With the worlds favorite boys putting their talent to good use, singing all but one song from "Millennium" and all their singles from "Backstreet Boys". I am not going into great detail of the concert, you can read that anywhere. I am going to say that the concert is sure to have an effect on anybody who attends. Those who didn't enjoy the concert (I think there was 1) still left with the effect of damaged hearing. Like all others, I left with a smile, though we were almost deaf. I say I lost part of my mind because there really is a chance that I did. I am now, at the age of 20, a BSB fanatic in the true sense of the word. I have never encountered anything like this. I not only think they are gorgeous, I think they are "the bomb"! Well, maybe I didn't lose my mind, maybe I finally found something that can bring millions together. Something that make you scream your lungs out, make you laugh, make you cry, and leave you yearning or more. That something comes in a form of pride and spirit that give you the urge to sing and to dance. The Backstreet Boys manage to make you love them if you give them the slightest chance.

From: Tom, Jana, TJ, Lisa and Flick []
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 1999 12:15 AM

Hi, well, my topic pretty much states what I am going to be telling about, only this review is a *bit* different. Mosltyy I will be doiiung high lights and disapointments.. k...

*high lights!!*

1) AJ Ripped his shirt off YUMMYY!!

2) Kev was back dancing, and getting on the wires

3) ALl the boys were hyped up, and energized...cept Howie..

4) They all looked GOOD

5) Nick did a back spring!! Those things where you're laying on the ground and ya jump up off the ground...that takes a lot of strength and practice..

***Not so High Lighted****

1) When we got to the Kiel center we heard the radio station Z107.7 say, "Yeah, me and howie were out partying all night, I'll be amazed if he even makes it on stage.." and me and my friend Cherie just laughed..well sure enough when the concert started Howie LOOKED really tired and he couldnt hit his high notes for ANYTHING...his voice was horrible...

2) Only 1 boy threw animals...and only like 2 the time they just, you know, did tricks in the air...kinda...

Another fantastic high light is I (and Cherie) Met Louie Vigilante (BSB's Bass PLayer!) and we got our pics taken...and once again we met up with Nicks best bud and hung out with him...which is how we found out why BSB didn't show up at the Galaxy night club in Chi Town the 7th....

What happened (NIcks bud said), is that the contract which was signed between BSB, the club, management, etc...was that the club had to pay a certain amount for BSB to show up.......and not only did they not come up with the money..but..they had to pay 15 G's juist for *Nick*!!

If ya wanna see my page on how I met BSB, Roro (the dancer), and nicks best's

Ill have s'more pics and stuff soon! peace!


From: lovely blond []
Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 5:16 PM

Hi, i'm a regular visitor, and i read all of the concert reviews, so after my concert in St.Louis, Mo on Nov.17, I decided to share with You all my experience. I'm gonna describe everyting that happened that night, so bare with me since it might be kinda long.

Well, i saw BSB last year in Chicago, but unfortunatelly i'm away at school, so i wasn't able to see them in October, but i patiently waited for the day that they would come to St.Louis, since it's about 2hr. drive from my school.

Anyway, me and my next door college neighboor left around 2pm to go to St.Louis, we got to the Kiel Center around 4 pm, parked the car, and proceed into the arena. To my surprise, there were fans there already, even though the shows wouldn't start until 7:30. We walked around, and went all the way by the buses which were already parked by the backstage entrance, I walked in there, and to my surprise, Mandy Moore walked in after like 10 min!!! I said hi to her, and told her that i was looking forward to the show, she seems really sweet in person, and really down to earth.

I also saw one of the guys from EYC, and one of the backstreet Dancer, i believe her name is Kristin or Kristina. I was really excited at that point, and couldn't wait for the show! I was hoping to also meet the guys, since there wasn't too many fans around (being early and all), but one of their *Huge* security guards informed me that the boys didn't want to be bothered, since they were not doing Meet&Greet, they were not seeing any fans ;0(

So after that i was disapointed, but quickly recovered from that over a nice meal, and small talk about the upcoming show with me friend. We ate at the place next to the arena, it was this mexican place (forgot the name), and when we were there, this one lady told us that the BSB were at the same mall in the morning and ate at McDonalds! Gosh, if we only got there in the morning! Ohh well, we talked to the lady, finished our meal, and decided to proceed into the arean, since it was around 6 pm already.

We waited inside, 'cause it was kinda windy and cold outside, and besides, the atmosphere inside was incredible! Everyone was chanting BSB BSB!!! and the local news crew was there too, also, there were fans in line still trying to get tix, so the place was jam packed!

Around 6:30 they opened the gates, and let people in(finaly!) Everyone went inside, some went on the escalator, since the stadium has 3 levels, but me and my friend were sooo happy to be on the floor level! We weren't exactly on the floor, but in the second row(!!!) on the side, so it was even better! I couldn't believe how close we were!

Ok, im gonna skip the parts about the EYC and Mandy, because i believe that most of you already know about them. Well , finally around 9:00 pm the smoke came outta the black box, and they boys appeared on stage! Wow, what a rush! Everyone was going nuts, including me and my friend! Then they did their usually walk around the stage and stare into the crowd thing, which gave everyone a chance to calm down, take pix and get a close glimpse of the boys!

After that they performed their songs, which again, im not going to list, because they are the same at every show, im going to just tell you about the highlights of the show:

- We were soo close that we could see the sweat on our boys!

- We were on Dennis's side, and also the little slide thing that the boys use to walk up to the top was facing us, so the guys were there all the time, since they had to walk up during certain parts!

- During QPG Aj flew right above me!! I mean he was hanging upside down right above, he smiled at us, since we screamed (we'll catch you AJ!) hehehehe

- Nick was right there too, especially during the introduction of their dancers! Soo close we could read his lips when he was whispering something to their male dancer

- During *Show me the meaning*, *Don't want you back*, and couple of other songs, Howie totally acknowledge me my friend and the girls behind us, because we all jumped up and waved at the same time, he nodded and smiled, i thought i was going to melt!

- Kev seemed to totally enjoy our side, and ke kept on giving us his famous smile, it was great!

- When Howie was flying, he was doing flips like crazy! I loved it! At some points I was afraid for him, hoping he wouldn't get air sick hehehe!

- Dennis also waved at us and gave us thumbs up!

- During QPG and INBYH i made a heart sing with my hands and Howie looked at me and when he saw it, he touched his heart and smiled! OMG i love that man!

- When the boys were wearing their pijamas, they looked soo adorbale! Bri was playing with a basketball, aj was practicing his salsa moves by himself, just playin around, AJ also jumped on one of the male dancer's back and got cared around for a min or two, it was soo cute!

- Nick kept on saying St.Louie, instead of St.Louis, and it was sooo adorable the way he said it.

- Nick and Aj both threw their shirts into the crowd, but yeah, don't hold your breath, Nick had another shirt underneath hehehe, but Aj totally showed off his body (wow, what a stomach!)

- Bri said he has family in St.Louis, so did Howie, and a couple of their dancers were from St.Louis They all seemed soo full of energy and enjoying themselves, that it gave us, the fans, the energy to scream, jump, dance and all! My throat was soo sore, and my feet were literaly killing me! But if i had a chance i would do it all over again in a heart beat, it was incredible!

The boys said that they are coming back in the spring, so that got all the fans to scream! At the end, Howie ran down by the front row and touched everyones hands, and i believe Kev did the same!

Well, that's my review, there's much more, but im not going to spoil everything by desribing every single detail, You just have to see it and take it all in Yourself, its a blast!

I know that im going to see them as soon as they come to illinois or anywhere near me! The show this year definitely beats the one i saw last year from front row! The boys get better and better every time they perform!

If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me! Thanks for reading and Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive! Aneta

From: Brittanie Anderson []
Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 4:29 PM

Hi, my name is Brittanie, and I just attended THE best concert ever. BSB on November 17th at the Kiel in ST.Louis MO was awesome. This one's gonna be long.

First of all if you haven't gone, this concert WILL be the best night of your life. Mandy Moore was the opening act I was looking forward too, but I really wasn't too happy to see her. EYC's performance was better. Let me just say it's gonna be nasty.

There wsn't that much time in between EYC and BSB. I was sitting right by the black box the Boys come out of! It was awesome! My view of the concert was different from all of the other reviews I have read. If you haven't been to the concert yet, you'll pretty nuch be in a daze from Larger Than Life to Don't Wanna Lose You Now (I know I was). The Boys came out of the black box and they looked exactly the way you'd think they would. Brian & AJ are my faves, but Howie looked so good! I love the little march before Larger Than Life. When Howie walks, his little ponytail bounces. It's so cute!

Let me just list the best parts(I wont list them all cuz I dont wanna give too much away):

That's The Way I Like It-It's kinda like a big party and the Boys and the male dancers are chasing after the female dancers. It is so cute!

MC D-You'll know what I'm talking about. Its Howies rap and its my fave part of the show!

Those pink suits-You'd think they wouldn't be cute cuz they're pink, but they look SOO DAMN GOOD!!!

No One Else Comes Close-You'll see!

Don't Want You Back-There's the chair dance, the hat dance, and now the ladder dance!! Sexy, sexy, sexy!! Be sure to watch Howie!!!

Nick says-Backstreet's Back....Is that all right? in the sexiest way!

If you did go to the St.Louis concert or any other ones PLEASE email me cause I couldnt hear the talking parts and I wanna share my favorite parts.

From: Andrea G []
Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 4:16 PM

I just wanted to say i had the GREATEST time at the Backstreet Boys cocert here in St. Louis. I was in the last row out of the WHOLE Keil Center but I really enjoyed myself. I must say what an enterance. The guys all looked hot (especially Brian-my favorite) Nick finally has short hair again and actually has built muscle. You all probably know the songs they sang so i won't get into that. My favorite was when they sang "Back To Your Heart." That is the most beautiful song I heard. My friend next to me was crying during the whole song. What made the song more special was that Kevin was playing the piano on stage. In the beginning they said that they were coming back here again in the spring. Believe me I'll be there but hopefully with better seats. I must say the guys have grown a lot musically over the years. This was my second concert i saw of them.

Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 3:23 PM

On Wednesday, November 19th, 1999, I went to see the Backstreet Boys at the Kiel Center here in St. Louis with my sister and her 9 year old daughter, Katy. We had 11th row floor tickets and we were PSYCHED when we got there and saw how close we were to the stage!

By now most of you know all the songs and clothes and what the boys said, so I'll skip all of that and just give some highlights for the us and some tips for those of you yet to go to your concert.


1. Katy's favorite is Nick, and, as luck would have it, he flew RIGHT OVER OUR HEADS during QPGWMY!! Katy was thrilled, and my sister and I took lots of pics of Nick up on the wire (more on picture taking later).

2. Howie waved at Katy at one point and I missed it, which was a real bummer because Howie is MY fave! Oh well....

3. Brian was joking around at the end of the show with a girl in the audience who was wearing a feather boa around her neck - he was so nice!

4. Kevin walked down around the stage for a minute and I came THIS CLOSE to him!!!!! I didn't get to touch him but I hope I got a good picture.

5. The boys did the hat dance on OUR side of the stage! : )

6. Kevin is all better now, so he got to do the ladder dance on OUR side of the stage and he looked GREAT!

7. At the end of the show, I threw our cloth banner onto the stage and it landed right at AJ's feet - but I don't think he got to see it : (

I read in another review that if you think the BSB are cute, you should see them in person....AMEN TO THAT! They are all GORGEOUS!!!! Seeing them in person was unbelievable!!! And by the way, Nick is NOT FAT. He is built differently from the other guys (who are all pretty thin, really), but that doesn't make him FAT.


1. Cameras: We brought our cameras in, no problem. Before the show, people were taking pictures of their friends and things like that and the ushers said "You can't take pictures during the show". Well, let me tell you, as soon as the BSB started to fly out on their boards, all the flashes started going off and after that our usher didn't say ANYTHING to anyone about taking pictures. As a matter of fact, my sister and I took turns walking right up to the stage to take pictures, and the usher never said anything. I think as long as you are not obnoxious about it, the ushers should be cool. Of course every venue is different, but I have my fingers crossed that our pictures turn out - picking them up on Saturday.

2. I had read in other reviews that the boys throw things into the crowd during QPGWMH. They didn't in St. Louis - so I'm not sure what's up with that.........

3. Souveniers ARE expensive - programs are $20, shirts are $25 or $30. They did still sell programs after the show, so I would recommed waiting if you can because somebody STOLE our program during the show. And they are big so they are hard to hang onto during the show.

4. Signs: If you really want the boys to see your sign, especially if you are up high, make it BIG and make the writing BLACK. We used an old pillow case and a black marker, but we saw lots of really nice signs that were in pink or yellow or some color that was not readable at all. And the less words the better, it's easier to read that way. And try to be considerate of the people behind you when holding up signs - I know it's hard ('cause we weren't always considerate) but remember people can't see through your signs!

We had the time of our lives on Wednesday night - the boys are beautiful and put on a great show - we will go see them again if the come back in the Spring!!! KTBSPA!!!!


From: courtney mette []
Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 11:48 AM

Instead of just giving the review, I'm also going to let you know what I had to go through to get there. First, to get tickets, I had to find someone on the internet selling them. I got a fairly good deal, better than alot of people got. I got four tickets for $68 dollars each, for upper level seats.

After hearing how some people payed $500 dollars for their's, I knew I got lucky.

Now for the day of the concert, right now I am attending college at Eastern Illinois University, and my last class of the day gets over at 4:00, I was kind of in a bad mood when I found out the concert was on this Wednesday. I soon as I left the class I practically ran to my car. I wanted to be home in Effingham by 4:40, to meet my friends and pick up my sister, and then drive for the next hour and forty minutes to St.Louis. As soon as I got to my car, I found out that I recieved a parking ticket, but I wasn't going to let it ruin my night, I knew I had parked inthe upperclassman parking, me only being a freshman. I didn't get home until 4:45 and my sister was not all the way ready and my friends wern't there. As soon as I turned off my engine, one of my friends pulled up, and I found out we had to go pick up the other friend at her home in Vandalia. I didn't like the idea of getting off the interstate and go pick her up. As soon as we picked her up she said she had to go to wal-mart to pick up medicine. I knew this was going to make us later than I wanted to be. Finally we left for St.Louis., we got there just a little before 7:00, we had made better time than I thought we would. As soon as we got there we actually found a decent parking spot only 3 blocks from the Kiel Center, When we got into the Kiel, we immediately went to the bathroom, then went searching for souvneours. We stood in line for a while, and when I finally got up there it was a little before 7:30, and Mandy Moore was just coming on, and I really wanted to see her perform, I wish EYC went on before her. Well after I got my t-shirt and program, we went to our seats, and Mandy was just starting her last song, Candy, I was glad I was able to see her perform the song I knew.

Then came EYC, they were ok, but at this time, I really wasn't feeling all that great, and I wasn't getting into the concert, I was afraid I wasn't going to enjoy the BSB part of the concert. I was wrong, as soon as the lights went out at about 8:45, I immediately felt better,and went crazy. It was awesome, they came out on the boogie board things, and it was like nothing I had seen before, I just wish they had came out on the other side of the arena, where I was. I immediately began taking pictures, I didn't care if they weren't going to turn out that great, as long as I had something to remember that night by. I kind of wish I didn't take so many, it seemed as if half of the time my eyes were behind the camera. But I still really enjoyed Nick shaking his booty. I'm not really going to tell you the songs they sang or the costumes they wore, because most people already know. Nick was the first one to introduce himself, he said he remembered coming to St.Louis last year and he also talked about 4 times as long as the others, I was so happy about this, considering he is my fav. He sounded absolutley awesome, and he looked awesome. You can tell he has lost weight. I loved it whenever Nick sang, and he did a bunch of ad libs. Me and my friend always melt when he does that. When Brian and Howie talked they both said they had relatives in St.Louis, this made everyone scream really loud. They sang all the songs flawlessly, and I have to say that Show Me the Meaning sounded the best. The harmonies on that song rock. During Quit Playing Games, I read that they were supposed to fly, and I thought it was for the entire song, they didn't start flying until the end of the song, and then did a faster version. I really only paid attention to Nick and AJ during the song, Nick was putting his arms up and kicking his legs during the whole thing, and AJ was upside down the whole time, during the whole concert Nick and AJ were on my side the most, I was sitting in a corner of the arena, and one of the 5 corners of the stage were pointed right in my direction. Nick did most of his dancing there, by the way the dancing was awesome. I also have to add that I didn't think that the dancers dressed that bad (by the way 3 of the dancers were from the St.Louis area, and I think another one is from another area of Missouri), there were some girls in the audience that were dressed more skankly than them. My personal rating for the concert was a 4 1/2 stars out of 5. The only reason I didn't give it a five was because my seats. You could still see them really well, but they are not the best seats to take pictures from.

Concert Reviews: 11/17/99 St. Louis, MO

Date: Sep 30, 2000
Submitted By:

Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 12:09 AM

Even though the concert in St. Louis doesn't occur until tomorrow, I already know that it is great. Unfortunately, I am unable to attend because of a very obvious reason: I didn't get tickets. Instead of going to the concert or being upset that I can;t go, I have decided to go to my own Backstreet Boys concert: In the form of the Disney special I taped months ago.

So tomorrow night while all those people are at the concert, I am having all my friends that love the Boys but didn't get tickets over at my house to watch the video. The great thing about watching tapes of their concerts is that I can always hit the rewind button to catch a better glimpse of my favorite Boys. If anyone else that didn't get tickets is depressed about not being able to attend, I suggest they be like me and have a movie night on the date of the concert and have a BSB concert/music video marathon.

That's about all the advice i have to give, so keep the pride alive


From: Jessica Popp []
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 1999 7:55 PM

Hey all you Backstreet Boys fans!! Last night had to have been the best night of my entire life!!!!! I saw the BSB at the Kiel Center in St. Louis!!!!!! It was the best concert i have ever been to!! I went last year, and saw them...but this was undescribable!!!! I thought Mandy Moore and EYC were alright! EYC liked teasing us I think!! They were like, "While the Backstreet Boys are down stairs GETTING DRESSED, we'll keep you entertained!!!" Everyone was screaming their butts off!!!! 2 of the dancers are from St. louis too! And Brian has some relatives that live there too!! i think 'I'll have to hunt them down!! :) j/k! But when the Star Wars music came on....I went nuts!!!! And then they came out...looking better than ever!!!

They sang LTL (boy can Nick spank the air?!), Get Down, and The One, and then Nick started talking! I about lost it...(Since he is my fave!:)) and then AJ, and he said that "all the ladies in Orlando are beautiful, but I think the ladies here in St. Louis are more beautiful! I think I might have to move here!!" And then Howie, Brian, and Kevin talked...and he told us that they would be back in the spring! they also sang As Long a you love me, Don't want to lose you now ( all i have to say is WOW!!), Quit playing games (i personally loved Nick and AJ's little dance thing they did on the platform!), the perfect fan (I almost started crying!!! Nick was so sweet with that little girl!), Back to your heart (Kev was sooo good here!), Everybody/We've got it going on/That's the way i like it, Spanish Eyes (DAMN Howie sounded good!), I'll never break your heart, All i have to give (the hat routine was so beautiful!), No one else comes close (I was freaking out like the whole time during this song! To bad AJ doesn't ay "damn i love you!) , Show me the meaning (I love Nicks new part t the end!!), its gotta be you (which was just sexy!! and i loved howie's rap!!!), and I want it that way ( i thought i was going to cry b/c it was over!)

the concert was GREAT!!!! I can't wait to see them next year!!!!!!! If anyone else went to the St. Louis show.....PLEEASE e-mail me!!!! especially if you have pics, b/c i took some but i don' know if they are going to show up!!

KTBSPA 4-ever!!!!

Jessica 15 y/o

Jackson, MO

Sent: Thursday, November 18, 1999 7:54 PM

Hello everyone, my name is Jennifer and I'm 17. I just wanted to share with all of you what a great time my sister and I had at the BSB concert in St. Louis on November 17. We had waited for what seemed like an eternity for the concert to finally get here and then it finally did. The two opening acts were really good. They were kind of hard to understand because of all the noise. Mandy is really talented and EYC are really hot. I plan on getting their cd now too. :o) Finally the star wars theme came on and the boys flew out of a smoking black box on boogie boards.

They flew around and finally landed on the pentagon shaped stage. They walked around to each side of the stage and did this cute salute thing that Kevin led. Then they started doing larger than life. The lights and fireworks were really awesome. All of the guys looked REALLY good. Kevin was totally hot as usual, Brian was cute and always waving and making faces, Howie was looking good and dancing good, Nick has gotten his hair cut to normal length and has lost a lot of weight and gained muscles, and AJ was looking really hot and his hair was kind of short and its natural color of dark brown. The guys sang really awesome and always made the crowd feel involved. They swung from cables over the crowd and pretended to swim and caught stuffed animals. It was so cute. They were really sweet to their mom and daughter pairs during the perfect fan too.

Kevin played the piano beautifully and the band was awesome. Tommy, Mindy, Guy, Dennis, and anyone else I forgot were really awesome. They started hanging and playing on these ladder things on the stage too. Keving hung upside down most of the time. AJ ripped his shirt off at one point and he is so muscular. He looked great. They were overall a perfect 10. The concert started at 7:30 and didn't get over until after 11:00. It was great. The only mistake I saw them make was did All I Have to Give. Nick accidentally dropped his hat off the stage. It was cute. I hated to see the whole show end. I can't wait til they come back in the spring. They sang all of their songs from Millennium except I Need You Tonight and most of the singles from their first album. I had a great time and I hope all of you that get to go too have a blast.



Sent: Thursday, November 18, 1999 5:12 PM

Last night I went to the backstreet boys concert and it was great!

The opening acts started with Mandy Moore who had 4 dancers...she was good but hard to hear over the loud screaming. The second opening act was EYC (express yourself clearly) they were kind of bad.....they can sing OK but they spent half of the times taking off their clothes...

Finally when the lights went down, the boys flew out on those board things which was really cool. They sang "Larger than Life" Which was great, they look so different in person, when they did "The Perfect Fan" the brought 5 moms and daughters on stage. Nick had a cute little girl about 6 and the rest had teenagers. they only have two original band members this tour which is sad but they still sounded good. they were lifted on in the air to sing some of " It's gotta be you". When they did " back to your heart" Kevin was lifted on in the air with a pinao, which was a great preformence.

The concert was the best and i can't wait til they come back again( in the spring)

Sent: Thursday, November 18, 1999 4:49 PM

BSB's concert started out with some cool opening acts: Mandy Moore and EYC. Then, while the boys stage was still being set up, we had to find ways to contain ourselves til they came out. So Kiel Center did "the wave" 6 times and shouted "Back-street Boys!" millions of times. then the lights went down.

Ya see them in magazines, ya hear their CD's, ya see them on TV. Sometimes ya think, could the Backstreet Boys be any cuter? The answer is yes! Go see them in concert! First, the boys fly up from a hidden area in the audience, the fly through the air on little skateboard lookin' things. (I don't know the technical term!) However I did notice from the very beginning that there are points where the dancers seem to crowd the stage. The guys walk around the stage, salute the fans, then break into Larger Then Life. Which was awesome, except the 6 year olds in front of us (us being my friends) had to be distracted because of somewhat, risque, dancing. The boys did a great medley of Everybody/We've Got It Goin' On/That's The Way I Like It. It was really cool, and for the first part of the show, the only time the guys sat down was in the chair routine for As Long As You Love Me!!!

Later on, the ballads started. Forcing tears to 30,000 girls' eyes. When "Show Me The Meaning..." started, the boys did a tribute to Denniz Pop, it started out with the guys sitting down and singing their hearts out, then the dancers came. In my opinion, what started as an emotional dedication ended up in 5 girls wearing short (put some emphasis on the SHORT part) dresses, and dancing with the guys. It didn't seem fitting, but hey, it's their show. (BTW, somewhere in between the beginning and the middle of the concert, AJ tears his shirt off. My friends and I highly enjoyed that moment!!!) They sang all but 1 song of Millennium, that's about the time I realized how much more I like them then 'N Sync. Hehehe... I studied the boys, they all looked cute, REALLY CUTE!!! Kevin announced the guys were coming back in spring, YAY! He kept doin' flips when they were flying. Brian kept bouncing this basketball, and saying prayers when they were flying! (Poor Bri!) Howie kept waving to people and saying how much he loved his fans, AJ was makin' everybody (even Moms!) scream their hearts out, and Nick, Nick, Nick... such a beautiful name! :) I think he was the cutest of them all! especially in the Perfect Fan when they brought mothers and daughters up on stage.

Nick got paired with a little tiny girl, about half his size, and he sang to her while holding her hand and walking around the stage. The guys sang a little more, then said "Thank you and goodnight" but it wasn't the end, not even close. The guys came out and sang "It's Gotta Be You", us St. Louisans got a special performance because 3 of the dancers live here. They had a dance competition on the stage. They finished the night of with "I Want It That Way", and even though I thought I was gonna die from sleep loss at school today, (I didn't get home til 11:30 p.m.!) it was definetly worth it!!!!!

From: Redd98 Kannall []
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 1999 9:50 AM

Last night was the most incredible night ever. It started when we turned my car into the "Backstreet mobile" it looked awsome everyone loved it. Then the concert started, Mandy Moore preformed and she was pretty good, but then EYC preformed and they were awsome, Dave was so hot, when we were talking about how hot we thought he was a, guy that works there heard us and said do you want to meet them and we were like yea! and he told us where they were staying and what room, but that is an whole different story. Then the backstreet boys came out and the place went nuts, my ears still hurt, all I know is I was yelling Nick, Nick, Nick, the people around me thought I was nuts, our seats were pretty good, we were 7 row on the floor and at one point I was standing on my chair and nick and Brian looked at me, I almost died. By the end of the concert I thought I was going to pass out, it was the most fun I can remember ever having, and everyone who was there will say the same.

Concert Reviews: 11/15/99 Cincinnati, OH (Part II)

Date: Sep 30, 2000
Submitted By:

From: Amy ******* []
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 11:43 PM

I was at the Cincinnati show and i just want to say that was one of the best nights of my life and those boys put on an awesome show. basically i know the routine from reading the reviews that it's the same show and yet somehow they make each of us feel special and like they're doing it just for us! that's cool! i'm not gonna bore you with the details but it was really cool since cincy is two hours from lexington, brian's mom, dad, and brother were there. and kevin's best friend from high school. it was funny b/c he said i just want to say hi to him! how ya doin Jimbo! had to be there i guess but with his kentucky drawl it was really cute! somebody threw up a UK hat that he wore a lot of the time to which was really cool. and his shoulder seemed to be completely healed. he did everything all the other boys did and looked fantastic! AJ's got a new hair color too, it's kind of oragish pink, it looks good. and nick got a haircut. but it really was a great concert and everyone should be really excited to see it when they come back in February!!!!! YEAH!!!! oh and on the last couple songs, brian wore a brian littrell healthy heart kids club shirt. it was really cute! and i want the dragon pajama pants they wore. they were really cool looking. sorry to drone on about boring minute details! talk to everyone later!

amy :)

Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 4:57 PM

I just got back from the best concert ever! This was my second Backstreet Boys concert, and it was every bit as good as the last one, if not better! I had a great time, and the guys were so cute, and they have talent radiating off of them in all directions. I cried like a little baby when they sang The Perfect Fan, because Brian said that his parents were in the audience, and it was like he was singing to her. We had pretty good seats, they could have been better, but they could have been worse. My favorite Backstreet Boy is AJ, and OOOOHHH did he look fine, there was one point during the show where he RIPPED his shirt into peices and threw it in the audience, im telling you what, I would give ANYTHING to have that shirt! Nick looked way better at this concer than he did at the other one!! His hair was too long in Columbus, but it was PERFECT for this concert, and you know, I think that Nick is getting lessons from AJ because he is so much more sexual now! I almost thought that Nick was more sexual than AJ was...ALMOST :o) Brian was sooo adorable!

When Nick was introducing the dancers to the audience, Brian and AJ were up on the top part of the stage playing with basketballs, then Brian dropped his underneath the stage, so AJ gave him his! It was soooo cute! As for Howie, I absolutely LOVE the MCD thing that him and Nick do, it is soooo hilarious!! The only time I didn't like Howie was during It's Gotta Be You, he had this weird white stuff on his forhead, and I thought it looked really dumb! Kevin had it on too! Kevin looked good, he was the one flying over us during Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) and he kept flipping and pretending like he was swimming! It was great! My favorite part during both concerts is when the guys are wearing their pink zuit suits, I think they look great in them, singing up there. Oh yeah, and for all of you who haven't been to a concert yet, and are worried about not having good seats, there honestly ISN'T a bad seat in the house! It's actually better if you're high up because you can see the whole stage, if you have floor seats you can only see the side of the stage that you're on! All in all I had a wonderful time, except for some problems with a "friend" or two.


Lisa Capuano (the conceited one)

Massillon, Ohio

From: Carrie Hall []
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 4:28 PM

All I have to say is WOW! I have never seen a concert so well put together. And I have never seen the guys look more gorgeous! Especially Brian...he's my fave.

BEFORE THE SHOW - My best friend flew back here from Kansas City, Missouri to come to the concert with me. Once we got to the concert, we both took pics of the guys tour bus outside. Then we walked up to Kiss 107 FM and Q102 and watched them, then we went inside. While we were sitting in our chairs waiting for the show to start, Dennis was sitting on the stage talkin' to the fans. He left, but then he kept throwing this duck named Guido up in the air from under the stage. (Guido...not a real Then Tommy came on stage and was walkin' around. So that was cool!

OPENING ACTS - Mandy Moore....WOW! She has a gorgeous voice and she is just drop dead gorgeous. Her backup dancers were cute too! They all did an outstanding job. It was weird because my friend and I were the only 2 in the whole venue, it seemed like, that knew who she was. We were singing her songs and everything. Everyone around us was like "Umm..who's that?" It was cool though. Then EYC came out. The purple lights going around in a circle on the stage was really neat looking. I had never really heard their music before...but I definitely liked it.

BACKSTREET BOYS - The venue got dark, fog started coming out of the ceiling. And the Star Wars Theme Song started. The backup dancers came out almost right beside me and my friend, so we could see them. They were holding these stick things with lights on the top of them. Those were cool! I wanted one! Everyone knew what was gonna happen next. BAM! The Boys came up from the floor on their little surf board things. They all got on the stage and did the dance to LARGER THAN LIFE. They definitely know how to get the crowd going. Right after LTL was done, GET DOWN started. This was cool. Everyone in the audience was dancing. THE ONE- I love this song! But during the chorus, there really wasn't a whole lot of dance moves. But hey! BSB concentrate on their singing, not dancing. So...IT WAS AWESOME STILL!! AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME- ALAYLM has always been one of my favorite songs. This is what made me fall in love with them. The guys did the normal dance and then the guy backup dancers did the chair routine they did in the Disney Concert. I loved getting to see that in person. DON'T WANNA LOSE YOU NOW- The sweetest song in the world!! I started crying because I was watching Brian. He was getting so into the song, and that's something I love about him. AJ really looked like he enjoyed singing this song. QUIT PLAYING GAMES- Definitely a fave! This was awesome to hear them sing this again in person. Omg..all I can say is that AJ has a nice butt!! The guys flew out over the audience once again and AJ was right above me and my friend. He kept turning upside down so we got to see his butt. Yum yum!! DON'T WANT YOU BACK- TOTALLY THE BEST!! AJ was right when he said the dancing is awesome! I was glad because during most of the concert, the guys were dancing on our side in the front so I got some great pics during this dance. THE PERFECT FAN- Another song I balled during. It had to have been the sweetest thing in the world because the guys were being so sweet to the mothers and daughters. I took a pic when they were walking around t he stage with the daughters when Brian was on our side. I kept wathcing Brian. He was making the mother and daughter with him feel at ease. But if I was with Brian, I would have put my arm around him. :) Brian looked like he was gonna ball his eyes out. It was ssooo sweet. BACK TO YOUR HEART- This piano dropped out of the ceiling and under the stage. Then Kevin came back up playing the piano. Mindi was playing the saxophone with him. Then they guys started BTYH. I was crying during this too because Brian once again was really getting into the song and putting everything into singing it. EVERYBODY (BACKSTREET'S BACK)- I love doing this dance. The guys were dancing on our side most of the time so me and my friend were doing the dance along with them. I wonder if they saw us. WE'VE GOT IT GOIN' ON- They went from Everybody into WGIGO. We've been waiting so long, just can't hold it back no da da da! Lol. THAT'S THE WAY I LIKE IT- This is an awesome party and dancing song. I was once again doing the dance along with Brian. I would love the be the backup dancers. My friends tell me that I could be Amy (the backup dancer with the blond hair). SPANISH EYES- A sweet sweet sweet song. The guys did a great job singing the harmonies. And of course, wouldn't you know it, I was paying a lot of attention to Brian. I'LL NEVER BREAK YOUR HEART- I love hearing AJ sing this song. I just get chills up and down my back. JUST TO BE CLOSE TO YOU- This was cool cause the stage in the middle that the guys were on started going around in a circle. Around and around and around. ALL I HAVE TO GIVE- YES!! Hat dance!! Once again, the guys and the dancers did the hat dance on our side, and I danced with them again. SHOW ME THE MEANING- This had to have been the saddest song all night to hear the guys sing. I balled my eyes out during the song because Kevin was just staring at the ceiling. I felt so bad for them since they lost Denniz Pop. Howie and Brian were about to cry. IT'S GOTTA BE YOU- This has the coolest dance to it. The girl backup dancers are ssooo freakin' lucky. In the middle of the song, the guys introduced the backup dancers 2 at a time, along with 1 or 2 of the band members at a time. Then the backup dancers did like this little dancing competition. It was awesome to watch!! Confetti flew out from the ceiling. It was hilarious cause Brian and AJ were on the middle stage and it was in the air and Brian and AJ had basketballs and they were bouncin them around and Brian got on his knees and AJ started bouncing the basketball on Brian's head. I just busted up laughing! AJ was also like salsa dancing by himself while some of the backup dancers were dancing. That was amusing!! When Nick was getting ready to introduce the last 2 dancers, he said that they were gonnna rap it. So Howie had on this black, hooded jacket, and he had the hood on his head, and he said "Yo. I'm MCD!" I WANT IT THAT WAY- Omg...I cried so hard because I kept thinking..."This is it. The last song. The concert is over. NNOOOO." But they did an awesom e job singing it.

AFTER THE CONCERT - My friend and I rushed out of the venue, and we went backstage outside where their buses were. We saw some of the backup dancers, along with 1 member of EYC. We also saw AJ and Tommy get on the bus, and we saw Amy, Kristin, and Nef (3 of BSB's backup dancers) get on the bus too.

Now this is the cool part. I live in Batesville...a small boring town with nothing to do. 1:30 Tuesday morning...just 30 minutes after we had gotten back home from the concert....the guys STOPPED at the Kroger's here in Batesville. Omg...and I live RIGHT BEHIND KROGER'S!! I was so mad. I was like "I had this feeling I should have gone to Kroger's but no. I didn't trust my instincts." People keep saying they stayed at the Hampton Inn here in Batesville, right across the road from where I live, but I highly doubt it!

Overall, this was definitely the MUST SEE concert of the year. It was awesome! I have never had so much fun in my life. I just hope my pics turn out really good!

-Carrie Hall

From: J Campbell []
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 8:04 PM

This was the first Backstreet Boys concert I have ever been to. I have been to an NSync and 98* concert this year. This concert just left these two groups in the dust. Although they are talented young men, unfortunately, they do not nor will they ever compare to the Backstreet Boys. This was the best concert I have ever been to in my life. I am a huge fan of Kevin's. He was cordial and polite and the consummate performer and gentleman. It was just a fabulous experience and well worth the $200 price tag for 15th row floor seats. I can't wait to see them again.

Concert Reviews: 11/15/99 Cincinnati, OH

Date: Sep 30, 2000
Submitted By:

From: Katie E []
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 4:52 PM

Hey!!! I've seen a lot of reviews up for the tour concerts, so I thought I'd make one of last night, November 15th.

First off, I just have to say that I had the time of my life. It's something that won't be easily forgotten, & I'm certain that the front row tickets we paid $2000 for were well worth the money.

Well, I didn't keep a record of all the songs, or the little details, so here are some of the highlights of the show for me:

Before the show [we got there about 2 hours early - oops!] Tommy & Dennis were out playing with Guido [it was so cute!]. My friend Emmie & I waved at him & wished him a good show. Then he came down & talked to us for a little bit, & we shook hands & said good-bye. It was awesome! Also, during the opening acts, 2 of their dancers [Reggie & the redhead..can't remember her name!] sat right in front of us, so we just had to say hi & wish them a good show also.

1) Kevin was all better!! I was so happy for him :) He did fly, dance, & do his piano solo. Go Kev!

2) Since we had seats on the side of the stage, the guys weren't always by us, but that was all right. I'd have to say that Kevin & Nick were the ones that basically stayed on our side, although we did see all of the Boys a lot.

3) I made eye contact with Kevin & Howie a couple times, & there was 1 dancer that kept doing silly things for us & pretended like he was going to throw his hat to us.

4) I forget which song it was during, but I had brought a KY hat & had my name and phone number written in it. During one of the last songs, I held it out & Kevin took it and said thanks! He then wore it for the rest of the show. I was thrilled! By the way, I hope he calls...;)

5) The girl next to me had yellow roses, & when she threw one at Brian, he caught it & told ME thank you! He waved & smiled at me, thinking I was the one that threw it! The girl next to me wasn't very happy ;)

6) Near the end of the show, Howie came down & touched the fans! I was soooo excited because I got to hold on with both my hands for 2-4 seconds, & he smiled and winked at me. Ahh!

I had the time of my life, & I wish I could do it all over again. I live in Indianapolis, so I'm hoping to go to the concert they'll perform in February, instead of having to drive to Cincinnati. Thanks for reading...e-mail if you want pictures of Kev wearing my hat or anyone else!!



From: * USAGymn200 * []
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 5:34 PM

November 15, 1999--Cincinatti, Ohio

Well..I've been looking for words to describe the concert...and the best I can do is "WOW!" It is simply beyond what I expected, it is SO awesome!

We got into the arena right at 8:00, and Mandy Moore had just started. After waiting FOREVER in line, we managed to get BSB t-shirts, which, like everything else, was overpriced but worth it! Shirts were anywhere from $20-40, and Brian Littrell Healthy Heart Club hats were around $15.00. Programs were $20, so I suggest that if you want to buy something, bring more than you will need. The cheapest thing there were $5 pictures.

Anyway, after a...interesting performance by EYC, the lights dimmed. I don't want to give it all away..because the beginning is truly incredible. I mean, I've seen all these pictures and heard what it's all about..but it was FAR better than I ever imagined!

The show was great. Tommy Smith is right, there really WASN'T a bad seat in the house, the worst seats were probably down front. (Our seats were in the 3rd row of the first balcony, but we could see perfectly.) I don't really want to give away the concert, but here are a few general things:

**For those of you worried about the dancers blocking your view of the guys, CHILL! They don't block them and add to the excitement!

**Your fave BSB will probably NOT fly over you if you have anything less than floor seats. Waaahh!!

**Do us all a favor. Don't buy glowsticks. The chic infront of me hit me several times with hers!!

**Don't spend the whole time screaming, take a minute to listen to the music: It's incredible.

**Don't leave too soon--they come back and do encores.

**Don't bring posters, they won't be allowed in.

**If you're bringing a camera, bring extra film. You'll need it!

**They DO sing "Spanish Eyes" and "That's The Way I Like It". I was told they weren't going to.

**Songs they don't sing (Off of American albums):

~I Need You Tonight~
~Anywhere For You~
~Hey Mr. DJ~
~Set Adrift On Memory's Bliss~
~If You Want It To Be Good Girl (Get Yourself a Bad Boy)~

**Kevin is REALLY good at the piano!

**Bring a hankie, you'll bawl when they bring daughters onstage!

*Funniest part--AJ-"If you guys promise to scream obnoxiously through the rest of the show, I guess we can get started!!"

Well that's about it! If anyone has any questions they want answered about the concert, e-mail me and I'll try to help you out! It's an AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME show!!!!


From: Michelle M []
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 3:01 PM

It was the best night of my life, the Backstreet Boys were in Cincinnati, OH on November 15, 1999. I live near Indianapolis, but to see the BSB I had to take a little road trip. I got my tickets when they went on sell in August..I spent the normal price for 3 tickets. I had row C in section 4..on the floor. I thought I couldn't have had better seats. Well, on the mom pulled me out of school early and we went to pick up my friend, Margo, up and the road trip to Ohio was on its way. We got there at the hotel about an hour and half before the concert started. When we got to Firstar Center there was over 16,000 fans there (sold out). We were walking towards the floor and to our section, when we found out that we didn't have 3rd row..we had first row. We had the best seats in the house..we were as close as you could be without being on the stage, I was freaking out and so was my friend. Even my mom was happy that she was so close (since she likes Kevin and Brian). To my surprise there wasn't just teenage girls there...everyone was there..from fathers, mothers, brothers, boyfriends, even to guys who just wanted to come to see the BSB. Which I thought was cool..cause with 'Nsync mostly it is just teenage girls, but not with the BSB.

8pm came around..and Mandy Moore was on stage, she did a great job. She has a pretty voice and all her songs were great. About 5 minutes later EYC came on. To say they are more about dancing than singing. I didn't like them very much..they took their clothes off more than they sang. After the opening acts were over..the boys were suppose to be on stage at 9pm..but they were running a little late and didn't come on till about 9:15pm. As most of you already know..the show was beyond great! All the boys looked so good..Nick was so cute with his new hair cut. They sang very well..and they worked the round stage just perfectly. I couldn't have asked for a better show then what they put on. My friend caught a beanie baby that the dancers were throwing out..and I got 4 roles of front row pictures. If you haven't seen the BSB concert, but you are going to...believe me it will be the best show of your life. I am going to see them again in Lexington, KY and I can't wait! Even though my seats won't be near as good as they were in Ohio..they are still in the lower section..and just seeing the boys do what they love, is good enough for me!

16 years old
from Indiana

Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 10:48 AM

So I'm taking this chance to kill two birds with one stone: To give my review of last nights concert in Cincinnati, OH, and to give some well deserved apologies along the way. Here we go: I'm going to start off with an apology to the readers, last nights show was the fourth Millennium concert I have been too. I may make some comparisons to the three Chicago shows I was also at.

The trip up:

What happened: My two best friends and I ditched our night classes and drove two hours from Indianapolis, IN. Apology: I'm sorry to #1 my friends, because it actually took us only an hour to get there because I drove 100 mph the whole way. Which leads to my apologies to all the mother/daughter mini-van groups I blind sided and cut off along the way. And to answer their curiosities, yes, the little white Honda returned home with all but two of the posters and signs still attached.

The venue:

What happened: FirstStar Center is decent size, and fans from OH, IN, and KY were everywhere to be seen. Cara, Amber, and I went in and sat in Section 123, row S, seats 13,14,and 15, which was one section away from the black box the boys rise out of. Apologies: A quick "I'm sorry" to Amber and Cara for making them run up the two flights of ramps and the 1/2 mile to the venue, and to the thousands of people I may have injured in any way in the process of the 3-college-girl stampede.

Opening Acts:

What happened: As we all know, Mandy Moore and EYC. It looked like David died his hair darker.

Apology: I'd like to apology to all the mothers and fathers who thought they were bringing their children to an entire show of great music and tasteful performance, just be thankful we didn't have to see any more of them then we did. They haven't improved AT ALL since Oct, and EYC still have an obsession with revealing their chests.


What happened: SO I'm not going to tell you the order of songs, the way the came out, the costumes, or the special effects because we all know how that goes, but here is what happened at this concert that you all who weren't there wouldn't know:

Brian: His parents and brother were in the audience, and he basically declared Cincinnati his second home because of how close it is to Lexington. That boy knows how to spin a basketball. During the "Dancers Duel" or whatever it's called (who really pays attention to the dancers during any part of this show anyway)? he got thrown two balls from the crowd and did that one finger sping thing with them. It was like Superman he spun so fast. And of course he gives all those cute little dances, and faces to the crowd, and you'd just have to be there to see it.

Kevin: It was great to see his shoulder was back to good. No huge special things for him either, he was cute in wearing the couple of Kentucky hats that got tossed to him. He also has gotten a lot better on the flying wires during "Quit Playing Games," he did flips the ENTIRE time he was up there, stopping only twice to touch some lucky fans hands.

A. J.: What a cutie. His little improv dances and hip wiggles could make even the smallest AJ fan go nuts. He looks so good with his red hair. And did I mention he took off his shirt, HOLY ABS BATMAN!

Howie: What can you say about Sweet D. I noticed he interacted a lot more with the boys on stage. And his MCD routine was still as funny as it was the first three times I saw it. And I'll tell you something else, winking annoys the absolute begeebies out of me, but when Howie D. winks I'm giddier then a starving monkey in a banana factory.

Nick: WOW! I tell you what....WOW!!!! I have NEVER wanted that boy as much as I did last night. The only way for me to put it is that he has finally broken out of that little conservative shell he was in. No more long sleeve shirts, no more stand a shake the bootie a little, THIS BOY WAS GOING NUTS! Have you noticed how freakin' huge his arms are getting? And he was showing them off, and that killer tattoo of his well with those sleeveless shirts he kept wearing. And can we say 'bootie slaps" and "pelvic thrusts"? I was going to faint from all the screaming and jumping up and down he caused me to perform.

I have seriously lost my voice I screamed so much, and I didn't even do that when I sat 6th row in Chicago. And his haircut! I love him no matter what length those lovely blonde locks are, but AHHHHH!!!! God bless his barber. Overall: I don't know if it's because they are almost done with their tour, or if it was because they were going to get to sleep in real beds at Brian's house after the concert, or just because they are simply amazing, but the amount of energy they put off in last nights concert not only beats all of three Chicago concerts combined, but could power a small country for 100 years. The boys were pumped, the crowd was pumped, and there was not one person who didn't leave that concert with a smile on their face and a heart rate that could kill a cow.

Apologies: Cara, I'm sorry for #1 breaking your finger when I grabbed your hand during one of my "Frack attacks," and for #2 hitting you in the jaw with a frantically waving arm during another. Amber, I'm sorry for landing on your feet while jumping up and down. I'm sorry to people in Sec.123 who had to endure my piercing screams and marriage proposals while my voice box held out. I'm sorry to the girls in front of me for all the knees to the head you received, but it's more of the seating designers fault than mine. And I'm sorry to my shin for the huge bruise I put on you ramming my leg into the seat backs for two hours, and lastly to my Choir director for the voice I no longer have.

Final Thoughts:

What happend:So that's pretty much my review of the concert. If you want to trade pics with me (I have Chicago pics from 200 level, 100 level, and 6th row taken with a zoom camera, and 100 level shots from Cincinnati show) let me know. I hope all those apologies make it to their rightful owners, and that everyone had as great a time as I did. Apologies: To the readers, sorry it's kinda long. To my professors, I wasn't in class this morning for a legitimate reason. And lastly to all those Nick fans out there, I know we all say this, but I'm dead serious when I say that I will one day be married to that boy, but you all may attend the wedding.

Thanks and KTBSBPA!!!!

Sarah Lyon

From: Heather Abel []
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 10:08 AM

just yesterday i went to my first bsb concert in cincinnati, and it was the best ever!! i have been a fan of the guys for almost 3years now and i've never been happier to see them! i thought EYC was actually pretty good. i've heard that they suck so i didn't expect much, and i was surpised that they were good, except for when it came to their slow songs. i really like mandy moore's single 'candy' but her performance wasn't what i expected it to be. before the show there was about 50 fans waitin by their bus and we got to see howie, aj, and kev get off the bus and howie stopped to wave at us all!that was so cool!during the show bri and kev talked about their families. Bri's mom and dad was there and kev's best friend and some of their cousins. i was also suprised about the dancers. i didn't really want to see them cuz i thought they'd be in the way, but they weren't at all! they were really good too! and so was the band! much props to mindy on the sax! i really loved all the bsb's costume changes, especially the leather! lol..i liked when they were fling. brian was on my side and he acted like he was swimming and like he was afraid to be up there!lol..poor guy! i give the concert a 10plus!!!! it was way better than the n sync concert i went to!(i'm still an n sync fan though, but bsb will always be #1 in my heart!) i'm just sad that its over with cuz i waited so long for this to finally happen! i just hope they liked cincy and they decide to come back!


Peaches-15, cincy ohio

Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 1:35 AM

I went to the BsB concert on Monday Nov. 15 and all I have to say is WOW!! I was amazed at how well our seats were ( sec. 226 ) and how well the BOYS rotated around the stage!

Well my story begins sadly... On the day tickets went on sale, I was in line at 5 am..It was cold, and my cousin and I were SO hungry, yet we waited.. When 10am came the did a lottery ( for those of you that dont know-- you draw a number and line up in order behind that numer) So the lottery SUCKED!! We were all the way in the back of the line with NO chance at getting good seats, so we left. I was lucky though, that one of my bestfriends was 12 in line after the lottery...

I congratulated my friend and went on my way...i was SO bummed in the car that I began to cry. When I got home I put on the Orlando concert to make me feel better and when I saw AJ hum the was good. About 20 mins after I got home, the phone was my friend..she had called to tell me that she had tickets....and one was for ME!! I was screaming SO loud i bet the neighbors could here me...ANYWAY ON TO THE NIGHT OF THE CONCERT!!!


Im waiting outside Marsh ( where I cought my ride ) , and I saw Samantha ( friend that bought me the ticket ) and Betsy ( another friend ) Our parents had told us that we were going to rent a limo but the backed out , or so we thought... About 10 mins later a Long Black Limo came to the parking lot. We were SO Psyched!! We started screaming and laughing SO hard. On our way there there was a HUGE traffic jam ( ALL GOING TO BsB OF COURSE) WE waited and waited we FINALLY made it to the arena...


We found our seat and sat this time I was almost in tears, I couldn't believe how well we could was GREAT!! ( they are right - EVERY seat is AWESOME! so for all those who think they have Nosebleed---dont worry your seats WILL be great! )

8:00pm --

Mandi Moore came on, talk about a Brittany Wannabe so in other words SHE SUCKED! Then EYC came on ..they were AWESOME!! They were pretty hot too ( but NOTHING compared to AJ , NICK , or BRIAN!! )


The lights went down and The Star Wars theme began to play.. The Suddenly -- smoke came from the black box ( which was RIGHT below me ) ! Everyone began to scream as loud as the possibly could.. ( I still can't hear ) BACKSTREET BOYS! BACKSTREET BOYS! BACKSTREET BOYS!!The Boys came out on the surfboard things ( like in Larger than LIfe ) ( Aw, Poor Brian, he was scared , dont worry I'll comfort you =)


In Gotta Be You- Aj and Brian were playing with basketballs on stage and Aj began to act like he was hitting Brian on the head ( aw, how cute )

WHOA BABY -- AJS SHIRT CAME ALL THE WAY OFF!! ( I got many many pics of that )

Kevin does a really sweet piano solo during Back To Your Heart ( we love you Kevin)

Nick got a little '' Happy " with the latter in Dont Want You Back

AJ did his Famous ' pelvic thrusts ' like in Orlando concert ( sorry girls--no humping the floor this time - just the latter and the air ) which was still TOTALLY fine with me!

Nick did a little Hip moving too ( the boy is FiNE )

All the Boys threw stuffed animals at the crowed-- talk about some major hair pullage!

All the Boys came out solo and spoke to the audience-- i go many many pics of Aj and Nick!!

While going up one ramp- AJ, fell the poor baby--

Howie did this REALLY cute rap during Intoductions of the dancers -- sing it Howie!

All the boys flip and fly during QPGWMH-- ( once again Brian was scared ...=(

As Kevin Flew over one section, He reached out and grabbed hands-- what a sweetie.


NICK- The Boy got buff! He was showing off his tattoo.. he got his hair cut ( thank god ) He smiled, waved, * humped * - All I cant say is - I LOVE YOU NICK!!

AJ- Baby, Baby, Baby! If you LOVE Aj, You'll LOVE this concert! He does his '' moves '' and blows kisses-- He shows MUCH skin , His voice sounds GREAT !! His hair, you never know-- Tonight it was PINK, but he still looked HOT!!Now if only we could get him to stop smoking... I love You AJ!

BRIAN- Aw, What a sweet heart-- He blew kisses and waved at everyone-- Hes Looking HOT too -- Brian, We LOVE YOU

HOWIE - Hey, when I went to this concert I wasn't a great fan of Howie, but when I left, I totally changed my mind..He cute Adorable, and talented! If you aren't a big Howie fan as you go-- as you leave you'll be like ' what was I thinking ?'

KEVIN - WoW- The Guy is HOT- He can sing So good, I dont know why doesn't ding more solo parts-- He was Looking gooood-- He grabbed many fan's hands while flying - he also announced that his best friend from High School was in the audience.


Larger than Life- The Surfboards - All lookin Hot!

Quit Playin Games w/ my heart- They flew over the crowd throwing stuffed animals.

Thats the way I Like it - All in white- Dance around the stage ( I think Nick was a Little ' Itchy ' if u know what I mean )

All I have to Give- Aww... they did the HAT thing.. How cute ( Nick almost dropped his. )

As Long as you Love me- Instead of As Long As YOU love me it was As long as CINCINNATI loves Me!! ( they did the Chair thing )

Dont Want you Back- Nick and AJ get a little too excited with their latterds ( which im sure no one minded AT ALL )

Its Gotta Be you- Howie did his cute little rap-- Aj and Brian Played with Basketballs.

Show Me the meaning of Being Lonely- They were all in the center so EVERYONE could see and it was moving around.. The dancers were on the main floor ( believe it or not, they really didn't get in the way )

Dont wanna lose you now- They were all SO sweet-- AJ was blowing kisses to the crowd, I caught one and put it in MY pocket =)

No One Else Comes Close- AJ took off his sunglasses and showed his BEAUTIFUL eyes to the world...Aw, I love anyway you look AJ!

The Perfect Fan- The Boys each had a mother and a daughter that they guided around the stage.. Nick's little girl didn't seem to want to look at him..

Spanish Eyes- They boys just moved around the stage while singing...they really give everyone a great view ( even if their butts are tward you ) =)

The One- FIRE FIRE FIRE-- there were a lot of was awesome!

Back To Your Heart- Once again, the boys just walked around the stage in their cute pink outfits

EveryBody- They rise out of the center !! Instead of '' as long as there is music will be coming back again it was - AS LONG THERE IS CINCINNATI !! We'll Be coming back again!!

I'll Never Break Your Heart- Sorry Guys, I had to pee sometime

I want It That Way- All the guys were walking around the stage singing-- at the end of the dong they walked around and said their good byes! :::tear, tear, sniffle, sniffle :::

Get Down- Aj DOES the rap and THE MOVES -- Whoa..i dont know how anyone COULDN'T LOVE MY AJ!!

We've Got it going On- Whoa, A LOT of humping in this SONG!!


This was the BeSt night of my LIFE!! If you have tickets you are going to have a GREAT time and You'll love EVERY minute of it! Although the thing that sucks is 2 hours go by FAST so ENJOY every minute you are there!! IF YOU WENT TO THE CINCINNATI CONCERT ON NOV. 15 E-MAIL ME AT :!

All My Love to ALL my Guys AJ, NIck, Brian, Kevin, Howie-- WE LOVE YOU FOREVER!!

Love, Heidi

Concert Reviews: 11/14/99 Buffalo, NY (Part III)

Date: Sep 30, 2000
Submitted By:

Sent: Monday, November 22, 1999 6:39 PM

well all i can really say is that sunday, november 14th was one of the best nights of my life! i was really anxious for this concert, for a really long time. i counted down from 87 days, and finally when the day came for me to see the backstreet boys, i was so excited! we got to the arena pretty early, but had to wait a long time until they took our tickets. when we finnaly got in and went to our seats, i couldnt believe how good they were! we had 1st level 12th row. i knew our seats were good, but i wasnt expecting them to be as great as they were. we could see everything perfectly. well i dont really want to bore everyone with all my little details, so i'll just tell you what my favorite parts of the show were.

- when the guys first came out, and i was so happy that my dream of seeing the guys was coming true. i almost wanted to cry, but i just screamed really loud!

-when nick said "let me see you sway" after "looking at the crowed, and i see your body sway c'mon". (i saw him say that on the disney special, and i wanted him to say it at my concert, and he did : ) )

- when they flew, none of the guys were directly over me, but they still looked really cool up there. especially a.j.

-show me the meaning. i really love this song, and i thought they did a great job with it at the show.

-when kev hung upside down on those ladder things they have during dont want you back.

-when nick and brian were playing and joking around with each other.

-brian playing with his basketball.

-when howie did his little rap! (i thought he looked so cute in his hat)

-when aj and nick posed together for the big screen. (i got a really good pic of that!)

-during one of the many times i was jumping up and down, and waving my arms like a crazy person, i think brian actually waved at me!! : )

the dancers were really good, and i liked the part when the guys introduced the dancers, counted to 4, then the dancers did there thing.

-and just being able to see the guys there. knowing that they were performing for me, and hearing them sing with so much love for us fans. that made me realize that we the fans really are special to the guys, and that they really do appreciate us.

this really was a great experience, and i hope the fans that already went thought it was great too. and i hope that those that are going to go have as good a time as i did!!

From: Hamner Family []
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 7:10 PM

on sunday novermber 14th, i saw the backstreet boys at marine middland arena in buffalo. i waited for this night for many nights and it was sooooooo worth it!! we rented a limo and as we drove to the arena, we blared bsb music and sang all the way. when we got there, it was PACKED. we entered the arena and found our seats, 24th row in section 109, you could see very good. i left my seat to buy souveniers- i got a keychain and a pic of brian- he was soooooooooo cute! then as we were returning, the lights went out, thinking it was time for the backstreet boys, we ran back to our seats- but it was just mandy moore- then eyc. they were ok, i just could only think about the boys though. then about 8:15. they rose up from a box, very close to me, and flew to the stage then sang larger than life. all their songs were great- it was soooooooo perfect. brian was such a cutie! he made funny faces and gestures the whole time. the guys even looked good dressed in pink. it was so sweet when they sang the perfect fan- they brought 5 mothers and daughters to the stage. i think it was cool that there was a saxophonist. i play that instrument- so i sorta appreciated it. they wore sabres jerseys too. when they sang quit playin games, brian flew by my side and we were waving to him- i was so happy that out of all 5 guys, he came the closest- but i like them all. they bowed and said good bya- and people left. why would you leave a concert of bsb without hearing i want it that way? so they came back out and sang that- it was great- the best day in my whole life. i hope they come back soon!!


Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 4:20 PM

This is my review from the concer in Buffalo, NY on 11/14: At 7:00PM Mandy Moore came out. She was on for about 15 minutes. Then, after a short break, EYC came out. They weren't that good! All they did was lift up their shirts. Like we were there to see them! Yeah right!! They were on for about a half hour. Then, after a half hour break (8:15PM), th lights became to dim, the band walked out, then Star Wars music began to play and then the dancers walked out with torches in their hands. Then, all of a sudden, the Boys came flying out on their surfboards. They then got down and them, along with the dancers, marched around the stage. They stopped on each side of the pentagon shaped stage so everyone could get a picture of them. Nick looked sooooo cute!!! Maybe it was because his family was in the audience or maybe it was just because he is Nick. I don't know, but all I could say was WOW!! Howie also had no earrings in! I was so glad. A.J. was the only one that had some in. Oh yeah, speaking of A.J., he ha a big zit on his forehead. Just incase you wanted to know!

Then, Kev said, "Buffalo, are you ready to party?" and they began to sing "Larger Than Life." Then, they sang "Get Down" and "The One." Then, they introduced themselves starting with Nick (who took the longest). He said how he was from around this area, but he was never in Buffalo before. Then, Kev talked, then A.J., then Brian, and finally Howie. Howie said how they sang the national anthem earlier and how they want to congratulate the Buffalo Bills on their victory.

Now, all of these things happened, but I am not exactly sure on the order. They sang "As Long As You Love Me." They did the chair routine right in front of us!! They were wearing white shirts with blue trench coats. Then they sang "Don't Wanna Lose You Now", "Quit Playing Games", and "The Perfect Fan" wearing black leather. During "Quit Playing Games" they started to fly again after A.J. was done with his part. Nick was throwing stuffed animals (and people were throwing them at him) and Howie was throwing roses. A.J. and Kev were hanging upside as they flew. Howie was doing all kinds of flips in the air. During "The Perfect Fan" they each brought up 5 mother/daughter pairs. They started off the song by just singing with the girls and moms sitting there. Then each Boy walked over to the daughter and he walked her around the stage. As they were walking them around the mother was taking pictures of her daughter with one of the Boys. Then, they ended the song by kneeling down in front of both the mothers and daughters and they gave the mothers all roses. Then, the rest of the guys left the stage and the band members sat on the side of the stage as Kevin and Mindy played a solo for everyone. When they were done the rest of the Boys came back out and they then sat on the side of the stage and they began to sing "Back To Your Heart." They were still wearing their black leather. It was cute because girls were throwing stuffed animals up on the stage and Nick was picking them up and putting them on Howie's knee. Then, Howie gave it back to him. Then, Nick took a bigger stuffed animal, a wolf, and put it on Howie's knee and Howie took it and hit Nick in the head and Nick turned around like he didn't know what it was. The look on Nick's face when he turned around was so cute!

They changed before "Don't Want You Back." They had on black shirts. And these red, plastic looking, vest-like things over top. They were dancing and hanging on poles. Kev was hanging upside down from his, it was cool.

Then, they changed again before they sang the "Everybody", "We've Got It Going On", and "That's The Way I Like It" medly. They wore white shirts with white paints. Nick and Howie had on silver tank tops. Nick also had a white bandanna on his head. At the end of "Everybody" A.J. ripped his shirt open in the front! Nick also fell down during "That's The Way I Like It."

They changed again. This time they wore pink paints, white shirts, and grey vests with grey ties. They were sitting in the middle of the stage and then it rose up in the middle of the band. They sang "Show Me The Meaning", "I'll Never Break Your Heart", and "No One Else Comes Close." During "No One Else Comes Close" they stage moved around. Howie was the one that introduced "Show Me The Meaning" and he said how they want to dedicate it to Dennis Pop. Then, they put on the pink jackets. They then sang "All I Have To Give." They did the hat dance right in front of us!! No one dropped his hat. I also wanted to mention that I have heard a lot about these pink suits, but I want to say that they weren't really that bad. They were just pink suites. I didn't think they looked that bad.

Then, they left the stage. They came back in wearing Buffalo Sabers hockey jerseys on. They all had on number 99, with their name on them. They then sang "It's Gotta Be You." In the middle of the song they stopped. They each introduced a band member and two dancers. The dancers all danced, as the band member played music for them to dance to. Nick was on our side and he introduced Dennis. When Dennis was playing Nick was dancing with him! It was so cute! Brian was dribbling a basketball as he was introducing. Then Howie had to introduce, he and Nick were doing this MC D thing. Howie was wearing a Buffalo Bills hat and he was pretending to be a rapper. It was so cute!!! Then, after the introductions, they finished the song. Then, the Boys and the dancers all walked around the stage and they were bowing.

Then, after a break, they all came back out. They sang "I Want It That Way." Nick and Brian left their jerseys on. A.J. had on a T-shirt and Kev and Howie had on a tank top. They then said good-bye and thanks and they said they loved everyone and left.

In conclusion, this was the BEST weekend of my life!!!!! I would love to do it over again in a heartbeat!

Thanks for reading my review! If you have any questions or comments feel free to E-mail me at:

Concert Reviews: 11/14/99 Buffalo, NY (Part II)

Date: Sep 30, 2000
Submitted By:

Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 7:01 PM

24 Hours of Backstreet Boys!


Wow!! Where to start...our Backstreet Boys weekend started Saturday, the day before the concert.

Our names are Julie and Cheryl and we go to college at the University at Buffalo. During the day Saturday, Julie heard on the radio that Nick was sick. He was going to a charity signing in one of the towns and the radio said that when he got there he was so sick he couldn't get out of the limo. Poor Nick :o(. So we decided that night that we would go downtown and see if we could maybe see any of them out. We first went to a prestigous hotel and we walked around forever looking for them, but had no luck. It ended up being the hotel where the Miami Dolphins were staying. After an hour we left the hotel and began driving around the city. While we were driving around we saw a bunch of tour buses and we knew right away that they were their buses because we have seen them before. We parked the car and there were girls standing outside the building near the parked buses. They said that the Boys would be back soon, so we hung out there and froze. Around 12:15am Mandy Moore came out of one of the buses and went inside. She was very nice, but said that she had no idea where the Backstreet Boys were. We waited a little longer and then all of a sudden we saw someone running towards us.

Cheryl said "Oh my God, it's BRIAN!" The two of us just froze while he ran in the door right next to us. We couldn't move or say anything. Right after he went inside a van pulled up and in the back seat was AJ!!! He was sitting in there with a bunch of the band memebers and two young women. He also ran through the doors and right by us, again we didn't say anything. After he went inside we didn't know what to do, so we went inside and found out that AJ was playing pool in the bar. We went over to the bar and watched him play pool from behind a locked gate. The lady that was with AJ was video taping him play pool and she directed the camera in our direction. We were waving and she was waving back to us. Next, Dennis and one of the male dancers (Ed we think) walked by and we were talking to him about Guido. He let us take a picture with him and then they went into the bar too. We then decided to go outside because the pool table was right up against a window. We went to this window and AJ could see us real well. He came to the window and talked to us.

First to Julie...I asked if Nick was sick and he said that they were all sleeping and he was the only one awake. Then to Cheryl...I put up a letter that I had written with all their names on it and he read the names and then asked if it was for him. I said it was and he said to give him 10 minutes and he'll come get it. All the other girls ran inside thinking he would come out. It was just the 2 of us left out there. That is when he lifted up his shirt because he was hot and indirectly showed us the tatoo around his belly button. He looked at us, kinda checking to see if we had seen what he did. We said "I LIKE YOUR TATOO!!!" He lifted up his shirt again and pointed to it and said thank you! We stood by that window for about 2 hours watching him play pool. We were also talking to the girl he was with and she was really nice and we talked to one of the lighting guys and he was really cool too. AJ never came out to get the letter, but we understand.

It is now Sunday morning...around 10:30am we left for the Bills game, since they were singing the National Anthem. We didn't have tickets, but we wanted to listen to them anyways. We were walking through the parking lot looking for the limo and the driver we spoke to saturday night. We don't know how it happened, but we spotted him. He was parked with a bunch of other cars, so we didn't think that he drove them. We walked by and we heard a "HEY GIRLS!" We turned around and the limo driver called us over. He asked if we were the girls he was talking to last night and we said yes! Then he said that he recognized us because AJ had spoke of Julie's blue eyes!!!! He then told us that they came in a van and not in a limo and that we were on the wrong side of the stadium. So we walked around and found a tunnel for personnel only. There was some other girls there too so we assumed they would be coming out there. So we sat and froze again. The national anthem was beautiful and we heard Nick singing so we knew he would be ok for the concert. Then right after they sang AJ came running out from the tunnel. The girls that were there were younger and they started screaming. (WHY SCREAM???? It scares them and makes security stricter. If there wasn't any screaming Iwe are sure AJ would have talked to everyone!) He waved to us and said that the rest were staying for the game. He then got in a van and drove away. We left after this because we were numb.

We went back to school and got ready for the concert. Cheryl's Mom came and met us at school, she was excited for the concert too. We drove to the Marine Midland Arena and parked in the ramp garage. We could see all the buses right from where we parked so we went to the back. There we saw Aaron skating around. He is adorable.'s time for the concert!!!!

Our seats were really really really high. We were the second row from the top of the arena. It was alright though, because we could see the whole stage, but we wished we could have been MUCH closer. And one of the lights was kinda in the way of the jumbo-tron so we couldn't really see that either. Mandy Moore was first. She was good, but she was hard to understand and hear. Then EYC, they just SUCKED. The one guy was obsessed with his body and kept trying to show off. They should have just danced and stopped trying to sing, because they can't!! (sorry) At 8:15 the lights went down and the Star Wars theme came on. They came flying out of this black box sort of thing and onto the stage. It was unbelieveable. The lighting was so cool and made the show amazing. It was so cool how they marched around the pentagon shaped stage and Kevin noded his head when they were going to move to the next side.

They started with singing Larger Than Life. Next was The One....well they pretty much sang every great song from both the albums. They sang That's The Way I Like It and we were one of the only ones that knew it because dedicated fans get the European Versions too. During the Perfect Fan we started crying...partly due to the fact that we are in college and away from our parents and also because they sang the song with so much emotion. During Quit Playing Games..they got attached to harnesses and flew over the fans. We were so high that they were below us, but it was still amazing to see AJ and Nick flying below us. It looked like so much fun!!!! They came out for the encore wearing Buffalo Sabers jerseys with 99 and their names on the back of them. They sang It's Gotta Be You, introduced the dancers and the band. The final song was I Want It That Way. We didn't want the concert to end!!! It was THE BEST concert we had ever been to and we have been to a lot of concerts (this being our 3rd BSB one)!!!

After the concert we couldn't let the night end yet so we went drove downtown to see if we could get a glimpse of any of them again and we ended up seeing Nick get off the bus. He ran by us with Aaron, saying "I'm sorry, I can't, I'm really sick." You would have never known at the concert, he sang amazingly and he had so much energy. We feel really bad that he was so sick.

We never thought that we would actually see them so close. It was a dream come true. We did end up giving the letter to one of the security guards and he put it by the stage. Hopefully they'll get it. Great Job to the band, the dancers and of course the Backstreet was an amazing show and weekend that we will NEVER EVER forget!!!!!!!!

P.S. AJ THANK YOU for talking to us! It meant more to us than you could ever imagine!

P.P.S. *****A shout out to Sara, Jeni, Joanna and Caitlin...they are in college too far away to make it to the concert!!!


From: Holly Mason []
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 10:41 PM

Here is my concert review for the backsteet boys concert at Marine Midland Arena in Buffalo,NY November 14,1999.

Well, me and my two friends Jen and Larry got the the concert at 4:00 pm and the gates wouldn't open until 6:00 pm. We were kind of hoping that they would come out to see us fans, but we were all really rowdy. Finally at 6:00 they started to let us in. Everyone was going crazy. We filled up the arena pretty fast.

First was the opening acts Mandy Moore and EYC. Both were really good, but no backstreet boys. Still i screamed and cheered for them as they performed their few songs. After EYC performed their last song and left the stage fans started to get wound up. We all started chanting backstreet boys over and over.

Finally after what seemed like years ( it was really only about half and hour) the lights started to dim and we could see all of their dancers in a line carrying these torch like lights. the place started to get really loud. The dancers started towards the stage and walked all around carrying the lights. Then they put them all around the stage and took their places. Then their was music and smoke and then we could see shadows moving from inside a black box type area. Then we could see our wonderful boys being raised by cables complete in their costumes and surfboards. Sceams echoed from one end of the arena to the other as they were lowered onto the stage. And I must say, Nick Carter was looking as good as ever ( with a brand new hair!), especially for someone who spent have the time in buffalo being sick.

We heard the band start and we could hear the begining of Larger Than Life. A.J. gave a nice little howl and my friend Jen started to go nuts. I was in heaven. I was screaming and crying and singing all at the same time. I couldn't believe I was finally at the concert that I had been waiting for since August.

After Larger Than Life ended, the crowd went off the wall. I was having so much fun. As it was, i had little voice because of my cold, but then to add me screaming at the top of my lungs for nick. you can only imagine.

After larger than life, i can't remember exactally what the song order was. They did a medley of a bunch of songs, and that was the best part. But i do remember crying during "the perfect fan" "back to your heart" and "don't want to lose you now". They just sort of got to me.

During the concert me and jen somehow ended up going through eight rolls of film. but these boys are definately worth it.

There were a lot of highlights of the show for me. For starters, when they went flying on the cables over the crowd, Nick and AJ ( me and jen's two favs.) were right near us and we could see them so close ( yet so far) I also absolutely loved the sabers jerserys. that was a great idea. and i dont care what others think, the pink suits looked great. they were all so cute.

I especially loved the encores. people in front of us left, so we just kept moving down closer and closer. and when nick sang the very first line of "Gotta Be You". i completely lost it. There was no control. He looked so good, and they all sounded so great. And of course, i cried when they sang "I want it that way". i didn't want the show to end. But they had a nice way of making it last. And the crownd really got into it and was singing. Nick and AJ were dancing around and Brian was playing basketball. ( i am still trying to figure out where he got it from) Howie was rapping, i thought that was pretty funny. And Kevin was just dancing around.

Finally, as all good things do, they had to leave. They said their goodbyes, and lots of people cried. I almost did. I watched nick leave the stage, and was just thinking of how much i love him, and how much i admire him, and i just wanted to cry.

I have over 100 pics of the concert, and i know i will always remember it for the rest of my life. It was the best night of my life, and i will cherrish it forever. I love the backstreet boys, and that is not going to change anytime soon. i can guarentee that.

that's all i have to say,



From: Megan E. Carney []
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 11:20 AM

Hey everybody,

Just wanted to fill you all in on the best evening of my life to date (OK, that might be an exaggeration).

My friend and I ventured to Buffalo from Syracuse University on Sunday to see our beloved BSB. I was afraid that I was going to be the oldest person there who wasn't someone's parent (I'm 22), but there were people there our age, and that made me feel a lot better.

We had no trouble getting to the arena at all, and we headed inside. I knew we had pretty good seats (section 119, row 14), but these were amazing! They weren't close enough to get the boys attention, but they were close enough to see everything perfectly!! I don't know how many times I said, "Oh my God,I can't believe I am here!"

We were fortunate enough to meet some really nice girls from Syracuse sitting in the row in front of us, and we chatted until Mandy Moore came out. She was OK, but her dancers were great! Then came EYC. They danced phenomenally, but they better work on the vocals!

Then, after a break that seemed to last forever (it was probably about 15-20 minutes tops), BSB emerged from their black box on their little hover boards to the "Star Wars" Imperial March. I will never forget how I felt when I first laid eyes on them. I was trembling so badly that I couldn't take pictures for a second. I could not believe that 5 guys (especially a tall blonde named NIck) could make a fairly intelligent, mature young woman weak in the knees.

They reached the stage and went into the show. I'll spare you the blow-by-blow of that. The song list everyone else has told you about is right. The costumes are cool (who'd have thought 5 guys could pull off pink suits!?); the music and dancing were incredible; and the arena was the loudest place I have been in in my 22 years on this planet. Kevin even remarked about how loud we were. I hope he doesn't say that to every crowd. If he does, I don't even want to know!

Here's what I thought of the guys:

HOWIE: He's a sweetie. He looked adorable and was very animated. He sings really well, too!

AJ: What a performer!! I didn't really like him much before Sunday night, but he's moved up to #3 on my list. You could tell he had a lot of fun up there! He caught a panda thrown to him by one of the girls in front of us, too. She was so happy!

BRIAN: He has an amazing voice. He did the chair dance for "ALAYLM" in front of us. He did a great job, and he was so cute spinning the basketball during the encores.

KEVIN: My friend Andrea's favorite Boy, and it's not hard to see why. He was so sweet, especially during "the Perfect Fan," danced and sang great, and played the piano really well. I think one of the cutest moments was when the others saluted him at the beginning of the show just before "LTL." He definitely runs the BSB ship.

NICK: Where to begin? I was madly in love with Nickolas Gene before the show, and it's even worse now. He's even more gorgeous in person than pictures. He looked incredible! He had a great haircut (let's give some props to his hairdresser!); he was genuinely happy to be on stage performing in his hometown, and he performed with a lot of passion. His speech at the beginning of the show was cute ("have y'all heard about the Millennium?"), and the boy was shakin' it on stage! Booty slaps, anyone?! I just hope he's feeling better...he sounded like he was still battling the flu. I have to admit I focused on him most of the night, and I was in complete awe that he was within shouting distance of me (and boy did I shout!). No one else comes close to him in my eyes! Now if only I could find out if he got the Schweetheart Beanie Baby I threw to him!

So that was my night with the BSB. I can't believe how fast it went, and I can't wait to see them again!

Concert Reviews: 11/14/99 Buffalo, NY

Date: Sep 30, 2000
Submitted By:

From: Katherine Adamski []
Sent: Monday, November 15, 1999 8:57 PM

three words to describe last night I LOVE THEM!!!! the concert was so awesome. i love them so much but even more now! well they had a day off before our concert and i think that nick was at the mall and he asked a girl who worked there if she liked the backstreet boys and she said no not really. then he got mobbed and she realized that it was him and was so embarrassed. on sunday they sang the national anthem at the buffalo bills game and then had chicken wings after.

the concert:

mandy moore was cool but i liked her dancers. eyc looked good and they had some nice lookin abs! the concert started at 7:00 and eyc ended at about 7:50. then at 8:15 the lights went out and all you saw was everybody's glow sticks. so for 25 minutes everybody were chanting backstreet boys and our section was doing the wave. then they came out and everybody was screaming so loud including me. it was awesome!

kevin: was so nice. he didn't have his sling on and he flew and dance like the rest of the boys which is good that his shoulder is better.

howie: was so sweet like always. he was so funny when he did his rap. nick said that howie's rap was kev's favorite part.

nick: was so cute. he got his hair cut like when they were on the rosie show for the second time. his grandparents were there because this is his hometown.

aj: he is definitly the craziest. his hair was short and red. i like it. i like it when he ripped his short off in TTWILI actually i think everybody did.

brian: (my favorite!) he was the best. he looked so HOT!! i LOVE him so much. everything he did was perfect just like his voice. i melted when he sang "baby please" from the one that is my favorite part of the whole concert. he was making funny faces and waving at everybody.

my favorite parts:

when brian was introducing tommy & the dancers he had a basketball and was spinning it on his finger when they were doing their dance. all of them were wearing buffalo sabre jersey's with their names on the back and the #99.

when they were flying during QPG howie was in front of us and brian was on the other side where bubba is. aj was on teh left side of us on mindi's side.

during DWYB aj was right in front of us for the ladder thing which was on mindi's side and brian was next to him. for BTYH the sat on the other side on the stage in front of guy and brian sang "these arms of mine.."

it was the best birthday present i have ever got. it was the best night of my life. i scream so loud and now my throat hurts but it was worth it. i love the backstreet boys so much and now even more!!!



From: Jen Bundrock []
Sent: Monday, November 15, 1999 4:00 PM

Here is my review of the best night of my life: ( this is probably going to be very long cause it was such a great night )

Well i went to the concert with two of my friends, Holly and Larry. We got to the arena at about 4:00pm, and they let us in at 6:00pm. We ran right to our seats, sat down and refused to move for the rest of the night ( we had section 200 5th row ). Mandy Moore opened first, she was alright, i only knew one of her songs though. then eyc came on, they didn't do so well. they were never together, i didn't pay much attention to them. Then there was about a 15 - 30 minute wait til my boys came on. They came out of a big black box on there surfboards, and i started screaming my head off. Once they landed on the stage, it hit me, there was my main man AJ, the guy i have admired for years now, thats when i started crying my eyes out, i was crying all over my camera, i couldnt stop shaking, i was just so excited to be there. I cried at almost every song, i love them all sooooo much. I had 2 rolls of film gone just during larger than life, and had 8 rolls gone by the end of the concert, but i could have taken 20 rolls of film and used them all. I couldnt pick just one part of the show that was my favorite, but here are just a few highlights:

they wore sabres jerseys for 2 songs, it was so cool

  • aj and nick were on my side for a lot of the show
  • aj when he was flying through the air upside down doing flips, hes so gorgeous!
  • all the dance moves
  • the perfect fan was the song that got everyone crying
  • aj wearing his bifocal glasses, he looked soooo good
  • my friend larry going crazy over the saxaphone player Mindi!
  • aj ripped his shirt what a nice body!!!!!!
  • brian and all his funny faces he makes to the camera
  • aj doing his little balarena dancing, what a cutiepie
  • when they sang ill never break your heart, that is my all time favorite song, i can never get enough of it

oh my there are just sooo many things that were great about the concert, it was definetely the best concert ive ever seen, the only bad thing is i have no voice now because i was screaming so much, and my ears are still ringing.

Also one of my teachers was a security guard for the show, and he said even with earphones on, his ears were still ringing, he said at some points the screaming was unbearable.

My friends and I all thought it was the best concert we have ever been to because it was just so energetic, and there was never a point in the show where you got bored, i just cant wait until they come back here. For anyone going to a concert sometime, bring lots of film, and be ready to scream your head off, cause i did and so didn't my friends and we all have no voice now.

If anyone went to the concert, email me at

Concert Reviews: 11/12/99 Ottawa, ON

Date: Sep 30, 2000
Submitted By:

From: Rachel_Barreca []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 2:47 PM

I never thought I would contribute to a BSB site. However, last night I went to my first BSB concert and I felt I just HAD to write something to express my experiences. I thought of immediately. So, here is my review/commentary

I'm convinced.

It's not that I needed a lot of convincing, but I walked out of last night's concert at the Corel Centre entertained and energized beyond anything I had expected. At the age of 28, I have seen my share of pop phenomenons come and go. I was there when Duran Duran took the world by storm and stole my 13-year-old heart away. I screamed and sang and danced when George Michael told us we had to have "Faith", and I even witnessed the New Kids mania first hand. I know the difference between talent and hype.

I'll be honest - the Backstreet Boys are a bit of both. As a fan, I can admit they are riding a wave of popularity and hype that won't last forever. However, I would also like to say that this is a group of men who are more talented than anyone gives them credit for - definitely as singers, but as dancers and budding songwriters too. At the very least, they are great entertainers, and entertain me they did last night. From the opening notes of the "Imperial March" from Star Wars, to the last notes of "I Want It That Way", the BSB took me away from my everyday life and brought me along for a fun, theatrical journey "Into The Millennium". Cheesy? Perhaps, but sometimes you need a little fromage in your life, and I think this is the point that most critics are missing.

It's not that AJ and Brian can't sing. It's not that Howie and Nick can't dance. It's not that Kevin can't play the piano. They can do all of those things, and do them very well. Ultimately, though, they are professional entertainers and that's nothing to be ashamed of. Nobody would say that Frank Sinatra wasn't legit - or Elvis, or The Beatles, or James Brown, or...the list of great entertainers could go on. I'm not necessarily equating the Backstreet Boys (especially at this early point in their very young career) with The Beatles, but one can't ignore some of the similarities. And while Howie, Nick, AJ, Kevin and Brian might never make the same type of ground-breaking music The Beatles did, I don't think any of us should judge their future accomplishments before they have happened. Let's wait and see.

In the meantime, I say 'give them respect where respect is due'. They work hard. They go on stage despite injury and illness, almost to the point (in Nick's case) of hurting themselves in the long term. They are progressing, in small steps as songwriters, and in larger steps as singers. They give the fans their very best. What more do people want?

Young and old, male and female - The Backstreet Boys are winning over fans all over the world. It's not just because they're good looking, it's not just because of the pyrotechnic show, and it's not just because of the hype. It's the whole package, and I had fun getting a better look at it last night. Bravo!

To the Boys themselves I say: "Hold on to your dreams. Have fun and enjoy every moment of this crazy ride. Remember what brought you to this place in the beginning. And THANK YOU for the music, and for the joy and fun I get every time I listen to it."

Oh, and one last thing. I guess I must be getting older, but tell me: when did the screaming get so darn loud? ;)

Rachel Barreca - Music Fan

From: Panda Bear []
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 12:37 PM

I found out I was going to the BSB concert in Ottawa Canada, on October 1st 1999. This is how I got my tickets: I was watching my favorite show, then I turned it to Much Music just to see what was on. They were playing the video "Larger Than Life", and I was like COOL!!!! So I finished watching it. Then after, Rachel Perry was talking about the Backstreet Boys, and said, If you want to try and and win tickets to one of their concerts, call NOW!!!!!!! So I jumped to the phone, and called and called and called. Still no answer. I called my aunt to ask her if she could try and call, because she won tickets to the BSB I&I concert last year. After I asked her, I tryed a few more times. Then I gave up. I was making a sandwich, when all of a sudden my Aunt came over. She's like "Amanda, you going to the concert!" I just stood there in shock!!!! She only tryed like 3 times and she got through and she won!!!!! A week after, the tickets finally came in the mail. We got seats in the first level, row R section 102, seats 5 & 6. THANK YOU MUCH MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now heres my review of the show. We drove 9 hours to see the Backstreet Boys, and it was way worth it!!!!! The show was amazing!!!! We stayed in a hotel 5 minutes away from the Corel Centre. But on the night of the concert, it took us forever to get there because there was a big traffic jam. We were in a line of cars and was going no where, so I just got out and walked the rest of the way. When I got there, I accedently went to the 2nd level. So I had to go all the way back downstairs, pushing my way through people. I finally got there, and I saw my friends. We were all so excited!!!The opening acts were Mandy Moore and EYC. They were OK. Finally after waiting such a long time, the Backstreet Boys came on. Nobody stood for Mandy Moore and EYC, but when BSB came out, everybody shot up. Nick was on my side when they flew. He was even on my side when they did that competition part. I lost my voice at the end of the show, because I was screaming so much. My favorite part of the show was when they flew. That was awesome!!! The whole show was awesome!!!!!

I got any newspapers I could find in Ottawa, and kept any parts that had BSB in it as a sovinier. I give two thumbs way way wayyyyyy up for that concert. November 12th 1999 was the best night of my life!!!!

~from Amanda

From: ml10 []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 12:40 AM

My concert review ( Ottawa, November 12th, 1999)

Part 1 The day before the concert...

I was so excited to see the Backstreet boys that I couldn't sleep very much last thursday. The backstreet boys were coming on Friday and I made plans to meet some internet fans before the show! We were to supposed to be 7 people or something like that to meet. My friend from Quebec, my friend from Ottawa ( the 3 of us got our tickets together) and 4 people from the internet. My friend from Quebec stayed at my place! We had fun watching the Press conference from Toronto and some TV review of the Montreal show. But I am starting to have a bad sore throat and I can barely swallow during that day but I wanna see that show more than anything. So I get to sleep, hoping that my throat would be better the day of the concert. Total of sleep: 4 hours. From 3am to 7am.

Part 2 The day of the show...

I woke up at 7 ( More like I am not able to sleep anymore) but I'm still very tired and the sore throat is still there...I look terrible and I have a feeling I'm gonna be sick some time in the day. I just hope it's not during the concert.

I made plans to see my internet friends at 4 pm so we could eat and then go to the Corel Centre in Ottawa. At 3:30, I'm shopping in a store at the Corel Centre where they have some official stuff like the keychain, pocket mirror, fake Backstage pass, diary, pins, notebook etc.

At 3:45 I met my friend from Ottawa. We are 3 people now! And the problems are about to start...At 4 pm. I go to the place where I was supposed to meet my internet friends but the place is already packed with other fans. I can't find my internet friends there.

Then me, and my two other friends decided to go to their hotel hoping they would still be there. No sign of my internet friends there but we hear that apparently the BSB are staying at the same hotel. We are about to leave when we saw a group of men coming in the hotel looking fine and everything...I say innocently to my friends: Those guys look like hockey players! The boys seems to wonder why the hotel is so packed and then they say: Oh yeah I heard the BSB are staying at this hotel tonight. We still don't know who are those guys. Then my friend from Quebec says: OMG those guys ARE hockey players, look at the tag on their suitcases. It says Anaheim, Mighty Ducks. Now we know who they are but still no clue about where to find my internet friends. We then give up searching for them feeling pretty sure we'll never find them. It's past 4:30 so we decide to go to the Corel Centre and eat there.

I know exactly what bus to take to go the Corel Centre but it's starting to snow and we are getting freezed up. Yup, the BSB seem to be connected to the snow because apparently everytime they come in Ottawa it's snowing. So, it's snowing and the bus for the Corel Centre is still not coming. We decide to ask a bus driver at what time the bus for the Corel Centre is supposed to come. The lady told us: come in my bus, I'll drop you at the place where you have to wait for that bus. She also told us that the bus for the Corel centre will come very soon. We believe her. Bad mistake. Very bad mistake. She dropped us at a place where a bus is supposed to go to the Corel Centre and then we wait. And wait. And wait.

It's 5:15 when I ask other bus drivers when my bus was supposed to come. They don't seem to know what or where the Corel Centre is but the minute I say Backstreet boys they suddenly remember!!! After making a fool of myself a couple of times, we decide to wait again...Then I call the Bus help line to know exactly when the next bus is coming. I finally learn that the bus is coming at 6:18. And it's only 5:30. Another half hour to wait.

6:20, still no bus. We are panicking along with other BSB fans who are waiting for the same bus...6:25, the first bus is coming but it's full. Another one arrives as full as the first one. A third one came 10 mins after that and there was still some place. So, it was about 6:40 when we left for the Corel Centre.

When we arrived, Mandy Moore was already singing a song...

Part 3 the show...

We heard 2 or 3 songs of Mandy Moore. I'm not that impressed with her singing but she seems to have lots of fans! Then EYC made their entrance. I never heard of them before but they don't sound too bad. The only thing I can remember is that one of them seems to have a problem with his shirt LOL because he can't get it on more than 5 mins. After that, he has to take it off to make the fans scream louder...That's about it for EYC. Now, The BSB.

What can I say other than WOW. I was really impressed with the show. My seats were not that good. But I had such a good view of all the stage. I was behind the black box where the boys come up at the start of the show. On second level.

I was so scared that Kevin couldn't dance or play the piano but he did. He had no cast and did all the dancing and flying he was supposed to do!

The only thing is: they all looked very tired ( especially Nick and Kevin!) because they all have the flu except Brian. Well if he has it, it doesn't show. Nick has it really bad and you can tell by is voice that's he is exhausted too. AJ , Howie and Kev don't seem to have it as bad as Nick. But you can tell by their voice that they have the flu...

The songs were awesome and all the special effects were amazing! They did all the songs they do at the other shows and we had Brian and Howie on our side most of the time but Nick came often causing hysteria...My favorite moments: Spanish Eyes when Howie is dancing tango with one of the dancers and Kevs's solo. I took a pic of it!

The dancers are really great. They make the songs more real and they make you wanna dance!!! I danced all the show...

The band is so great especially Mindy. That girl has talent and I'm starting to be a fan of her now...The boys are lucky to have such a great band!!!

My thumbs up for the show:

- Kev's solo where Mindy plays sax wonderfully.

- Howie's tango dance during Spanish Eyes. ( You can now see why they call him the latin lover LOL). he his truly amazing at dancing...

- The songs who sounded even better than on the album. ( Thanks to the band for that...)

- The vocal arrangements who are so perfectly done

-The creativity and originality ( surfboard, pole, the flying)

- The special effects ( colors, lights, shape, fireworks)

- The fans participation. They were screaming, singing and showing their love all the time.

- Nick's effort to sound so great even if he had the flu really bad.

- The band. They are a gift for the boys!

-Kevin playing piano during Back to your heart. That guy is so good on piano, he should play more often...

-The perfect fan when they bring moms and kids on stage

-The dancers. Who make the boys look like pros dancers

-No one else come close. Can't get enough of AJ's voice on that one...

- The boys who made an incredible show even if they were not all in good shape...

My thumbs down now:

- The pink outfits. That color doesn't fit them except maybe Kevin and Howie.

-The pyjamas. What was the idea again?? It's time to leave,we already have our pyjama on?

-The guys throwing flowers. They didn't throw any in my direction

-The perfect fan: The moms taking pics over and over ( At the end, when the boys get on their knee,the mom who was with Nick prefered taking a close pic of Nick instead of picking Nick's hand. Poor Nick had the flash right in the eyes LOL)

Funny moments:

-Kevin who forgot his part during show me the meaning...He was speaking so low you couldn't hear the words. My guess is he had a black out and couldn't remember the words. LOL

Part 4 After the show, the newspaper critic...

I got 2 newspapers today. One gave the BSB show a 3/5 note and the other some great comments about the show. I think it's the first time I actually see a good critic for the BSB in my newspaper. That's a good sign...

This concert was the best I've seen so far and I can't wait to see the boys again!


From: Natasha Ward []
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 12:31 AM

My name is Natasha and I am from New Brunswick,Canada. I travelled 14 hours to see the Backstreet Boys concert in Ottawa! When we went shopping, we seen Mandy Moore walking around in at Club Monaco! I went up and asked her if it was really her and she said yes. I was so excited! She is so nice! She even took us outside so we could get our pictures taken with her and she signed my shirt!

At the concert, Mandy came on first and really got the crowd going! EYC really needs to get another day job. They show their abs too much and the crowd was just sitting there waiting for them to get off the stage. One of them was walking around the crowd not even stopping to talk to the fans.

Anyways on to the good stuff! A Sears commercial came on an the lights went out. By that time I was literally shaking! Then a Star Wars music theme started to play and the Backstreet Boys started to rise out of the box on the floor. As soon as I seen AJ and Brian I was so excited! AJ had red hair for anyone that's wondering. AJ's girlfriend was there and they were flirting all night but thats ok. We were in 6th row and I couldn't believe how close I was! AJ and Brian had awesome voices! Kevin got a big applause too and so did Nick. Howie didn't sing very much but when he did, he got an applause! AJ and Brian were the ones having all the fun on stage! AJ is VERY FLEXIBLE! When they did 'the perfect fan' it was so cute to see how well the bsb treated the mothers and daughters. They did a great job on how they spent their time at all five corners of the stage. They all did a great job on thanking the fans!

Honestly I had my voice and I lost my hearing for a while but it was all worth it! If any of you gets to go to a bsb concert....GO! It's worth any money you pay and it's also worth any travelling you have to do! And I'd like to say hi to all the other bsb fans me and my friend met, especially the girls at the mall!


PS- If you wanna email me about the concert or if you have any questions please feel free to write me :) I'm willing to share and trade pictures.

From: Gloria Lam []
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 2:12 AM

Hello Everyone,   My name is Gloria, and i'm 15 years old. I went to the Backstreet Boys concert yesterday night at the Corel Center. This is my third BSB's concert.

At 6:00 pm  my friend Candice came to pick me up. We got to the Corel Center around 6:35. I bought a tour book, and a hat. I must say, the stuff there costs a lot. So me and my friend Candice went to find our seats. We had floor seats, I had no idea how close I was. We were in section B, row 4, seat 1 and 2. I talked to the security guard asking if I was allow to go to to the front when the BSB came out to take pictures. He said sure, as long as I go back after I take the picture.

I saw Guido on the keyboards. Dennis was playing with him during the concert. He hit Guido against the keyboards. Close to the end of the concert Nick and Brian was right in front of me. So I held up my sign it said "TAKE ME HOME NICK". I was the only one holding up a sign in my area. Brian saw my sign and smiled at me. Then he tapped Nick on the back and pointed right at me. Nick read the sign and then smiled at me. The next thing I knew both Brian and Nick was smiling at me. I was so happy, I wanted to cry.

At the end of the concert I went up to the security guard, asked him if he could give some gifts to the BSB. He said sure but sometime it ends up going to the charity he told me. I told him that I had a pair of slippers for A.J., a necklace with Nick's name written on a rice, and some other stuff for the guys. He then told me that he would make sure the Boys get it. 

This morning I went to their hotel. I asked the this woman behind the counter if the BSB left yet. She told me that they were going to stay over night but then they changed their mind and went straight to Buffalo after the concert. I was so upset, that they changed their mind at the last minute. 

If anyone would like to talk about the concert e-mail me at . If anyone remembers me e-mail me. 

One more thing I would like to say thanks Amber. Bye everyone.

Luv, Gloria  

From: John Hehn []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 6:35 PM

I just came back from a 6 hour ride, from Ottawa. Where yesterday I had the opportunity of a life time, to be at a BSB concert!

But it took me almost 5 years to get to that concert! Here's the story: I've been a fan of the BSB a awhile after they started to be known in Canada. I knew who they we're, but didn't think of them differently then any other of the artists I liked back then. But one summer day when I was in my aunts van, listening to an album that they replayed over and over again, I singled out one song that I just couldn't get enough of, that song was "10,000 Promises". Finally I asked who was singing that great song, and from that moment I was hooked big time!

I bought all their CD's, singles, merchandise, name it, I have it! But the one thing I really wanted was to see them live! I did not have the internet when they came out to Canada, way back when Nick was 16, so I had no way of knowing they we're having a tour then . But soon after new years of last year (when we finally had the internet), I found out they we're coming back again. So I asked to go, but because of financial problems from moving, it was a definate no! Then in the summer of last year, I found out they we're coming again! I asked my mom to go, funny, but we were moving again at this same time. But she said, she would do her best. She had a friend, that offered to buy us tickets, but she was still on the "I'm not sure". She found out that a radio station in my town, had a special package, which payed for a bus ride to the concert, concert tickets, and a ride back. But when she found out that special package's price, it was another no. After many other dissapointments, it became clear to me, that I was not going! But if that's not bad enough, our family went to Toronto to visit Marine Land and The Super Ex, on the EXACT weekend the BSB we're going to be there. I was POSITIVE my mom was going to surprise me with tickets, I mean she said we we're going to the Super Ex, which is where the BSB we're having their show...but as the day went on, and my sister and I watched buses fly by us wondering if one of them contained the BSB, it was clear we weren't going. Oh wait it gets worse...the next day we went to the Super Ex! And I stood right  where the BSB had their show the day before...Oh but wait, it gets even worse... I found out that day, that my mom's boyfriend's, sister's, fiance (still with me), worked for the place where the BSB had their concert! And we had no idea, until I talked about how much I wanted to go, and he just said, "Oh they had a show last night, where I work". I thought about the positive out of the whole depressing matter... next time they came to Canada and go to the Exposition Center (I think that's what its called), I'm for sure going to have tickets. WRONG!

When their tour dates came out about what, 2-3 months ago, I found out they weren't going to the Exposition Center, instead another place. So there went my big plan! But all hope wasn't lost! My aunt surprised me with tickets to the Ottawa show, as a bday/xmas present as soon as she got them!

Which leads me to the very happy ending of my long journey to get some tickets. Yesterday, in Ottawa, was fantastic! The guys sounded great, expecially when they sang "Show me the Meaning", which still stands out as the best song that night, because of the emotion and harmony that was put into it. They really know how to please a crowd. I still can't believe I was there, Nick flew straight for me... I felt like I was watching it all on TV, and it wasn't real. The dancers, we're very good, and I have 7 words to describe my feelings about them: OH HOW I WANT TO BE THEM! I don't want to give away the concert, because I know how much I hated it when people described every single detail, because then you know everything that's going to happen and its not a surprise, even though this was my first concert.

But since not everyone gets this kind of experience. I wanted to talk about what happened after the show. My cousin, has met them on more then one occasion, and if they did see her, they would recognise her. So after the show, we ran like crazy towards, the garage, where the buses are parked, hoping to get a glance at them. Well we weren't the only ones with that same idea! There was about 100 fans, and parents all waiting to see if the BSB would be coming out. There we're alot of buses (silver ones, and I think green or blue ones, couldn't tell cause it was dark) and transports. Then my aunt told us it was time to leave, we didn't even get to see them. But we didn't leave! We watched from another point of view, and all of a sudden look who came out the door, Brian! I turned my camera on, waiting for that little light to come on, but when it wasn't coming on fast enough, I yelled out to Brian "Stop! Wait! Don't move! My camera needs a second" and he heard me and froze for 2 seconds, smiling and waving at us, then walked towards the bus, and as soon as he was out of site, my little light went on!(that was the 2nd time I had camera problems! The first was when Nick flew towards us, I went to press the button and I had no more film left. Not having an automatic camera, there I was cranking it, but I was to late) Then someone else came out, which later I found out was Nick, but I couldn't tell. He went straight for the bus, and I got a picture of his back up against the window...yeah! hehe What really made me laugh, was when a middle aged woman came and stood beside me and heard me say to my cousin "Do you think if we yell out his name, he'll at lease turn around to look at us", she freaked out when I told her that the back we saw in the bus was Nick. And started yelling out "Nicky, Nicky, Speak to me Baby!" Then she asked me what was the licence plate number, and then planned her route for which way she believed she was going to have to fallow them down to Buffalo. I jockingly asked if I could come. Saddly we had to leave right after that moment...

But it was a night I will never ever forget!

From: Natacha Lalonde []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 5:40 PM

Hi, I am here today to tell you how this concert at the Corel Centre Friday november 12 turned out.

The Crowed was there all around 6:30 waiting to get in on this cold night every one was puching to get in, but finnally they let us in so we all sat down waited around 7:25Pm Mandy Moore came but I guess to be honnest she wasn't that good with all the people saying (GET OFF THE STAGE) BOOOOOOOOO. Anywase after that we had a 10 minute brake and EYC (Express yourself Clearly) came up the stage. Siging making us screem and They all took their shirts off (WHAT A NIGHT :).

I dont' know if the reporters are jealous but they say that They are so bad extrely bad. To be honnest they are talented (Not as much as BSB) but good CUte and good dansers. So I guess if they have nothing else to say they should Shut their self. it makes no sence people were dissing Mandy but the reporters says she was good but for EYC They were bad but the fans were screeming at them. Oh well anywase they cam out first there were dansers I never knew my self the dansers came out from the audiance with big lights. Then bsb came out every looking flying over the floor level and a bit on the left side of the 2'nd level I was disapointed they could of came to the 3 level also.

Then Brian makes a flipe in the air and they go back on stage sing there song LARGER THEN LIFE and there it goes. PS: Just worning U people are starting to leave right when they are gone Don't actulay they arn't if you haven't herd the song I want it that way it meens they are not gone they just want to see the reaction of the crowed. E-mail me : :)

If you guys went to the Corel center on Friday night and your pics turned out please send me a couple... I would apreciate it... my pics didn't turn out that well


From: Elyse Comtois []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 4:58 PM

I'm Elyse Comtois (17 years old) from Orléans Ontario and I saw the show in Ottawa on November 12th 1999! gets tones of reviews and they are all pretty much all the same. I wil try to concentrate on the unique stuff that happened at my concert only! OK, here I go! The show started right on time, me and my friend were ready to take pictures of the boys flying, because we were standing 2 meters away from the black box were they come out! We took a couple of pictures and we ran back to the second row on the floor ! Then, they got set up with the dancers and started "Larger Than Life". I was sceaming and waving at Nick and he pointed at me and said "hi"! My friend and I went mad and started crying like idiots! I then noticed that Kevin was no longer wearing his sling, so he's all better now! Later on, they came out together again on the high platform for "Everybody".

AJ then looked down at his pants because he had forgotten to zip them up! He zipped up in such a funny way I was so obvious and funny! During "I'll never break your heart" I decided to take out my big sign I had made for him. It read: "Aj show me that 69" (reffering to his belly button tattoo of course!) Nick first saw the sign, and told AJ to look. AJ could not do anything because they were wearing their pink suits and they were all sitting down for that number. At that point, I was just happy because he had seen it and he had waved back! They then left to change for "It's got to be you". To our suprise when AJ came back in more comfortable clothes, he came our way and totally lifted up his shirt to expose his 69 tattoo! My mission was accomplished! We screamed like idiots once again! I then pushed my way trough front row to get Kevin's attention. He thank me and said hi! At the end, my friend threw my big stuffed panda on stage! AJ took it, read the title of the letter and put it near the Keyboards! I was extatic!

Apart from being grabbed a bit to hard by a security guard, it was one of the best days of my life! I was worth the 65 bucks and the 46 hours in the rain to get the tickets! They were awsome once again! We did not see them at the hotel after, but we got to see Mandy Moore and her dancers! WB at to talk more BSB concert!

From: Weiss []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 4:13 PM

I went to the concert in Ottawa, Canada on November 12 1999 and the memories from the show will stay with me forever. Me and my friend Maureen went together and our seats were amazing: floor, section A, 13th row. And as I was walking around about an hour before the show I decided to go meet up with a woman I had met online and she happens to be an older BSB fan. She was sitting in the front row and her friend and daughter had just gotten chosen to be one of the mother/daughter pairs for Perfect Fan. So we decided that we were gonna pretend that she was my mother and it worked!

I was going to be up on stage with a Backstreet Boy! So my seat got moved to this special section, RIGHT next to the exit to backstage, 2nd row... unbelievable. Nick, Kevin and AJ were mainly on my side and Nick is my fave, then Kev, then AJ so I was DYING! The show was amazing. Nick was sick, but he covered very nicely (just kept coughing, poor baby!) Kevin was flying RIGHT over me and he was upside down, like, the whole time. Some highlights were Don't Want You Back, the Everybody/We've Got It Going On/That's the Way I Like It medley, the dancer intros and IWITW and obviously, The Perfect Fan. Dont Want You Back was... I can't even describe it.

The mother/daughters were inside the barriers for that part, literally 2 feet from the stage and I had Nick right in front of me. Now normally they are all playing on their poles (by the way, can I have one of those built in my room? :)) but Nick realized how crazy he was making me so he stayed right in front of me the whole time, teasing and laughing and making faces at me... can we say HEAVEN! It was so cute! Kev and AJ spent the whole song upside down, but what Nick was doing to me made everything so perfect! The medley was just amazing in itself. I mean, you cant really have more energetic songs and the danceing was WICKED COOL!

The dancer intros were just cute cuz of how they guys act... and the way Nick says Teresa... damn. I dont wanna bore you though so I'll get right to the point. Going up onstage with the Backstreet Boys is more amazing than could EVER be described in words. I was paired with Aj and I have NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER talked with or been with a nicer guy in my life. He got yelled at for talking to me too much! And looking out at the corwd like that... I can see why the BSB's are still doing what they are doing, hard work and bad times included. It is the most amaizng site and amazing feeling ever. Well I know this is long and Im sorry. If you want more details (and oh boy do I have details) email me and I would be more that happy to talk!


From: Backstreet Boy Bash []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 2:08 PM

Oh oh oh oh OH! It was AMAZING!!!!!! This BSB concert was the best one that I've been to yet. Becky and I got on the bus at 3:30pm and drove the 2 hour ride to Ottawa with butterflies in our stomach's and smiles on our faces. When we finally arrived at the Corel Center we made our way through the hords of fans and got to our seats. SECTION B, ROW 17, SEATS 1 & 2. We were very pleased:) We were damn close and we could see all the boys facial features (Nick's been pumpin' the iron!). Mandy Moore opened the show at 7:30pm and sang 3 songs while 4 hot guys danced behind her. EYC (Express Yourself Clearly) came on at like 7:50. They sang 5 songs and we all wished group member Dave a Happy Birthday.

After a 10 minute wait, the lights died again and the Star Wars introduction music began. The 10 dancers came out from the 'door' behind us and lined up holding big light posts. They marched up on the circular stage and placed them in holes on the stage. At this point Becky and I were like "Were are the boys!!??" AJ, Nick, Brain, Kevin and Howie flew down on their surfboard things (on the other the other side of the stag *Boo-Hoo*) and walked to each side of the stage letting all the fans see them. You can only guess what the first song was, "Larger Then Life" followed by "Get Down" and then "The One". They all looked DAMN good!!! Nick was left on the stage by himself after the opening songs and said his hello's followed by AJ, Howie, Brian and Kevin.

They changed clothes a lot. There were the black outfits, the pink suits, the white flashy ones, and the dragon pajama type clothes. They looked hot in all of them!:) I couldn't tell ya the list of songs after the opening 3, I was lost in the excitment, but the boys did make everything original. The dancers were amaizing and were introduced by the boys near the end of the show during "Don't Want You Back". AJ did some breakdancing, Brian bounced a basketball on his head like a seal (SO CUTE *S*), Kevin didn't have his sling on and seemed fine, Nick showed off his shark tatto and flirted with the crowd quite a bit. When Howie introduced 2 of the dancers he did it in this little rap. It's was quite interesting...Rap Master D!

Both Nick and AJ flew over our seats. Nick was throwing stuffed animals to the fans while AJ hung upside-down for most of the time:) AJ's hair was neon red!!! The last song was "I Want It That Way", and was amazing! What was also amazing was when Kevin played piano for his song "Back To Your Heart". He did an extremly good job and AJ, Nick, Howie and Brian sounded beautiful on vocals.

I give the boys and everyone else involved in the show MAJOR props for the concert. It was one amazing night that I'll never forget! A well spent $150.00. I'd do it all again in an instant!

P.S ~~ Luv ya always boys:)

From: Robert Rogers []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 12:43 PM

Hi this is my review for the concert in Ottawa.

It started at 7:25 and ended at around 10:30. It was amazing! Mandy Moore opened and sang 3 songs, she did lots of dancing and was very good. EYC (Express Yourself Clearly) was next they had WICKED dance moves and were really good.

Then out came the BSB on their Boogie Boards. They flew to the stage and then started with Larger Than Life. The Dancing was great and I got amazing pictures!

The Ottawa Sun and The Ottawa Citizen did horrible reviews!! Please do not read them! They said that they were sappy and the only thing that kept the concert grooving was their some what good dance moves!

I don't know what is wrong with them but the concert was GREAT!!! The slow songs were great!! The dancing was terrific!! The costumes were magnificent! I would definitely give this concert 6 stars out of 5!!


From: Art Hay []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 10:48 AM

Hey My name is Laura you can contact me @

Last night was the BEST Day Of My LIFE!! The Backstreet boys came to the Corel Center In Ottawa last night.Mandy Moore was there first opening act she would do her cool little moves on stage and sing.EYC was next they were Pretty good but I have to say they did like to show off their chests. Next was our amazing hotties the BSB, They flew out and were amazing. I cannot say I remember all the songs they played but they did sing.

Larger than life
Get Down( You're the one for me)
The one
As Long As You Love Me
Don't wanna lose you now
Quit playing games (with my heart)
Dont want you back
The perfect fan
Back to your heart
Everybody(Backstreet's Back)
We've Got it goin' on
That's the way I like it
Spanish eyes
I'll Never break your heart
So close to you
All I have to give
Show me the meaning of being lonely


Its gotta be you & I want it that way

I was one of the lucky fans out there I had 2nd row seats they were perfect and I could not believe It when Nick Pointed at us,Aj Threw water at us and Brian wave at us!! If you are going to one of there concerts You'll have the time of your life. Now I think hey its over nothing to be REALLY excited about and wait Im still Hung over from there concert last night, But hey there's always another concert :)

Thanks a bunch,

~*Laura*~ From Ottawa,Canada.

Concert Reviews: 11/11/99, Toronto, ON

Date: Sep 30, 2000
Submitted By:

From: Nikki San Pedro []
Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 11:55 PM


My Backstreet Boys Concert Review

November 12, 1999

Ok,this is what I thought of the Backstreet Boys concert, at Toronto, Ontario Canada, in the SkyDome SkyTent, which happened November 11, 1999 (Canada's Remembrance Day, or America's Veteran's Day).

It began at 7:30 PM Eastern Standard Time. Mandy Moore was one of the openers. She sang three songs, and danced to them with her dancers. I thought she was just like Britney Spears, who I personally don't like. When she was done I applauded nicely, as I anxiously waited for my boys to come out. But they didn't...yet. The next opening act was EYC-> Express Yourself Clearly. They did lots of dancing, and singing (the BSB were sooooo much better than they were), and they pranced around the stage with their shirts off. Blah, blah, blah- no one cares.

After that, the lights turned off for about three minutes. Suspense was building up...Then, the Star Wars theme song played, and there the Backstreet Boys were, in all of their glory, sporting their cool protective vest things, floating on surfboards. It was so awesome. Then, at the centre of the stage, they all came together. They walked around, Kevin leading the Boys and their dancers. (It was a round stage, with the seats surrounding them. In other words, it was a concert in the round.) After all of that, they began singing and dancing, and ohmyGod!!!! They were so unbelievable!!!! I was screaming and jumping, I was just really excited!!!!!!! OHMYGOD!!! I couldn't believe I was there!

The performing area was awesome!! I mean it was sooo futuristic, with like U.F.O.s and lightning conductors!!! It was just stuff like that!! And long metal arms (about 20 metres long- 70 feet?!?) with all of the fireworks (pyrotechnics- whatever you want to call it) attached to them, were hanging in the air. The actual stage was very cool, too! The instruments revolved, as the stage did, too. There was also a centre part where the centre of the circle (about five and a half metres in diameter, or maybe 15 feet?!?) raised abouve the instruments. I always got excited when it did that: )!! And attached to the stage's circle part, there were five separate ramps, one for each of the guys (duh!!!), which also raised or lowered.

They had sung a bunch of songs, I can't remember them at the moment, but if I think really hard I could tell you. But one thing that was a little weird was when they came out sporting black trench coats. Other than that everything was peachy: )!!

*SIGH* They had a time of reflection; first it was Nick's turn. Then A.J.,Howie, Brian, and Kevin. Nick, I think, talked the most. He thanked us fans for all of the success he helped the achieve. He talked about how Toronto was so great, and how he loved all of us here. He said lots of sweet and nice things that all of us down here in Toronto love him for : ). When A.J.'s turn came up, he told all of us that we were the most beautiful and *sexy* fans that he's seen. He kept saying that and that was so great. He also told us that if he wasn't living in Florida, he'd be living in Toronto, 'cause it's just so awesome here! (Either A.J. said that, or Howie.) Howie told us that he had lots of memories right here in the good ol' T.O. (DUH! Last year, 1998, he spent his birthday with us!) And he also talked about the millennium (event AND C.D.). Then it was Brian's turn to speak. He said that he just found out that in Canada, it was Remembrance Day. And then he said, and I quote, "Happy Remembrance Day!" which I found a little strange, because the day was not supposed to be happy, we were supposed to remember the veterans who faught for us in the World Wars. That's supposed to be sad!!! (Unless you think people getting shot is somethin' to be happy 'bout!) Yeah, and then we come to Kevin. He told us that in America, they celebrated Veteran's Day in place of Remembrance Day. He asked for a moment of silence (what a big surprise from Kev!), but some of the [stupid] people in the audience began screaming! (What was that about?!?!?) After like 30 seconds the moment was over, and the lights turned off.

They performed a couple of more songs, and they were soooo great!!! I swear, I was screaming my head off, I couldn't believe it! Some of the outfits they wore included this soft pink suit-like ensemble, which I loved! There was also another protective-vest-like thing, but it was a little different. I tell you, they were soooo SEXY!!!!! And then dressed up in another suit-ish kind of outfit. Then at one point, they got to wear whatever they wanted. Nick wore just like a regular white t-shirt, and dark pants and jacket. Brian wore a skiing outfit and he was bouncing a basketball. They looked Hot HOt HOT!!! A.J. was wearing a wifebeater (a male tank top) and sport/track pants. Kevin was wearing a dark grey/charcoal-coloured turtleneck and black everything else. Howie as wearing basically almost the same thing as Nick, light shirt, dark everything else. Other stuff they wore were their pyjamas (that was soooo sweet!!!). Also this outfit where their pants and blouse were white, and their undershirt was sparkly silverish! <- That one was a little strange.

They tricked me a lot of times by telling us "Goodnight!" and stuff like that, and turning the lights off! Whenever they did that, I became a little sad 'cause I thought it was all over. But guess what!! Two minutes later, they came out with different clothes!!! Then I was happy : ) again!!! OH BOYS!!! They did that like six times! But the last time they did that, it was actually over: (.

Anyway, they sang approximately 26 songs, with one medly, and it was all sooooo extrememly fabulous!!!!!!! Kevin had a piano solo for oneof them, and he also played it for "Back to Your Heart" and he was really good! When the Boys sang "Perfect fan" they got girls and their mothers to come on the stage and sing with them, but unluckily, I wasn't chosen: (.

Nearing the end, they sang "It's Gotta Be You" and in the midst of it, each of them introduced some of their dancers and their instrumentalists (I dunno what they're called!!!) and they each did little routines! Those were cute!! During that time, though, Kevin announced that Nick was losing his voice for the night: ( We still love him!! Brian introduced a female dancer holding a mini Canadian flag. Guess what!! She was from T.O.!!!! That gives me so much hope : )!!!

After that, all of the lights turned off. I really thought it was over then. But I thought there was something weird with that because they still hadn't sang "I Want It That Way" and they couldn't just not sing that, right!?!? So all the lights came on, and they sang it!!!! YAY! But Nick was losing his voice: ( At least he was trying to sing!!! It was still good though : )!!!!! It's all good! But that was their last song: | They gave their last "Goodbye!"s, and blew their last kisses.

And that's when it ended, sometime around 11:00 Eastern Standard Time. That was the best concert ever!!!! And I can't wait to go to all of the other ones to come in Toronto!

-Thanks A Bunch!!!!!

~Luv Me, Nikki~

From: Deirdra Joseph []
Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 7:07 PM


by: Dee Joseph

Well, I must say WOW! BSB blew me away with the show. It was more than I was expecting and worth every penny! But there were a couple things that bug me about the show that I have to mention, or I wuld be kidding myself. Now don't get me wrong, I had a great time, and to be honest, my problems don't have a thing to do with the boys, it's with the fans.

If you attending the Toronto show, you should have been awarw of the date, November 11th. I thought it was very nice a respectful of Kevin to take a few mintues during his "talking" to ask the fans to be quite in memory of the vetrains who died for us in honour of Rememberence Day. Well I thought hey, this is cool, and went along with like the mojarity of the crowd. But ofcourse there had to a few idiots who took the moment to scream "I love you Keivin" or "Take off baby"! What is wrong with you people? Don't you have any respect and morals. I'm not going to sit here and tell what Remeberence Day is all about, (yopu SHOULD know that much), but come on people, this was to be taken seriously!

Secondly, I would like to comment on what many of the fans and critcis had to say about Nick and the few wrong notes he hit. Now to give you a better idea where this is all coming from, I having been takeing singing for a while now, and I know what it's like to sing when you are sick. It's hard and it's tough on your cords, 'cause there sore form the all the cough and stuff to begin with. So whe kept hearing saying "Nick sucked", "Why can't he ever sing right" and etc. It pisses me off, because more than half of you don't know anything about singing to start with. Personally, I think you should be happy Nick chose to sing. He could have easily have said, na, I'll just lip sinck or something, but instead he lost his for you.

But aside from all that, I had a wonderful time, the stage, the danceing, the flying, everthing was amazing, and I will never forget it. If you have any comments you would like to send me about this e-mail me at or

From: Debbie Carter []
Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 7:07 PM

I went to the bsb concert yesturday in Toronto at the Skydome. This was my 5th concert but I have to say one of the bests. My friends and I had great seats which were 100 level row 1. You can see perfect espcially since our side had no floor seats. The concert started with Mandy Moore who was pretty good then followed by EYC who sucked so bad. What the heck was that?...A Stripbar? To more better things, during intermisson I was talking to the dancers and I also met CJ from 3 deep.

The lights went off and the concert started with the music to Star Wars. We had noticed the black box where they come out of and it was right beside us so we got an amazing few of all five guys. As you all know they land on stage and show there stuff and give their all. My fave is Nick and man does that boy have muscles and the dance moves are to die for. He was getting frisky during Don't want you back on the pole and on the floor. AJ took off his shirt and started going crazy dancing like a ballerina on stage, Howie kept on slipping walking up the platform.

When they sang QPG Brian flew right over us. He is so cute throwing teddy bears at the fans and acting really silly. He was also playing with a basketball on stage and he caught a Donald Duck and was holding it. Nick was really sick and lost his voice at the end of the concert so he didn't do the rapping with Howie and also he made the crowd sing Don't wanna hear you say in I want it that way. This by far was the best concert. Oh before I went to the concert I met AJ twice and the rest of the guys at the their hotel because we had a room booked. They are such sweet guys espically Kevin. If you can make it to a concert I recommend you to go because you'll have the time of your life.

Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 6:50 PM

To start off with, the concert was AWESOME!!

I'm not going to make this a long and monotonous review, so I'll just point out the parts that stick out the most in my head:

-eating lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe that overlooks the SkyDome and seeing Kev drive to the fan conference in a golf cart

-meeting up with the other people from my BSBtoronto list (hey guys!)

-waiting in the freezing cold to be let inside to our seats

-watching Mandy Moore and EYC and waiting for BSB

-Watching BSB fly in, and seeing Kevin all better, flying and dancing!

-i love the boys and all, but the raspberry suits were just not working for them (lol)

-Nick losing his voice in the beginning of his 'All I have to Give" solo, and Brian having to do the rest of his solos for the concert

-how phenominal the band played, and dancers dance

-How great the guys looks and sung and how amazing they danced for the whole concert!

I can't wait until the Buffalo Concert

~Krystle :)

From: Sandra Oey []
Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 5:18 PM

What's up! Well on November 11 I went to the Backstreet Boys concert at the Toronto Skydome! Can I just say it was the BEST concert that I've ever been to!! I went with my 5 friends! 3 are obsessed with BSB, 1 was more of an Nsync fan, and my best friend who likes BSB but is a obsessed with James Van Der Beek (Dawson's Creek.)

I don't know what I can say about the concert that's already been said, except that I was waiting for this moment for THE longest time! I've tried many times before to get tickets to see BSB but SOMETHING always came up and I could never go! But not this one!

Since it was on a Thursday I rushed home from school and waited impatiently for my Dad to come home and drive us to the Skydome! Me and my friends waited outside the doors with a few thousand other girls in the cold Toronto weather and we were chanting "LET US IN!!" :o) When they opened the doors there was a mad rush to get in, I was being pulled, pushed and shoved! As we sat down in our 21st row seats I was felt this huge rush of adrenaline I couldn't believe that I was actually at a BACKSTREET BOYS concert!! But enough talk let's get to the concert!

Mandy Moore was first to come on. She was okay...I only know her song "Candy" (which I like) but I couldn't really hear her! Her dancers were amazing though! Next up was EYC in my opinion they were pretty bad! Me and two of my other friends kept on laughing! Not really at them but my friend made a joke before they came on and we couldn't stop cracking up about it!

About a half hour later I was talking to my friends when SUDDENLY the lights completely turned off and the screaming reached to a new high!! Then out came the boys on surfboards like things. I was surprised to see Kevin on there because of his arm problem! I had heard earlier that he was still deciding whether or not to perform with his sling or not, but there he was flying on his surfboards and I was soooooo happy!!!!!!!!!

When they were introducing themselves Kevin asked for a moment of scilence because it was Rememberance Day which I thought was really considerate of him!

My favorite part of the concert was when they sang "Back to Your Hear" which is my favorite Backstreet Boys song of all time! I was on the verge of crying when they sang it!

During All I have to give Nick's voice started to give out on him! He was singing his solo and his voice started to crack and it was really bad! Kevin later mentioned that Nicky has a bad case of the flu and he lost his voice!! I was so disappointed but atleast it was near the end of the concert and not at the beginning! Howie did this little rap at one point and I couldn't stop laughing!! He's just so funny! Especially they way AJ introduced him as the "newest rap recording artist Mr. Howie, Howie D!!!" :o)

When they sang the finale, "I want it that way" Nick actually sang his part! I could tell by the expression on his face that he was really straining to sing but I love him for trying!!

When the lights turned back on at the end of the concert I just sat there in shock! I couldn't believe that that just happened to me!! I was half-deaf, I lost my voice and I had to go to school tomorrow! But I didn't care, I went to my first Backstreet Boys concert and I will never forget it!!!!

From: Ashley V []
Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 4:45 PM

Hi, My name is Ashley and I am 14! Thanks!

Last night was probably the best concert I have ever been to, and believe me I've been to a lot of concerts!

Walking into the sold out Skydome, you could the buzz of excitment. Even though I was up in the 500 level I could feel the energy of the crowd even before the show started.

The opening acts (Mandy Moore and EYC)didn't get the best reaction from the crowd but I'm sure most people enjoyed them, I know I did.

The stage was a pentegon, 5 sides, 5 boys. Since the stage was round it was kind of a surprise on where the boys would come from. Much to my surprise they actully flew out on top of the crowd!

They started off with a bang and didn't slow down! Fireworks, live bands, dancers,flying, and of course the Backstreet Boys! You couldn't ask for more.

There was news that the boys were sick but it didn't show until near the very end of the concert when Nick Carter threw out his voice forcing Kevin Richardson to introduce Nick's part of the band. The whole crowd felt bad for him, expressed by the big, loud "Awwwww!!".

Out of the many concerts I've been to the Backstreet Boys always seem to impress me more and more everytime! So if I could tell you to see one band in your whole life The Backstreet Boys would be it! You will never be dissapointed.

I'm out, (of my mind!)


From: Laurie Littrell []
Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 12:37 PM

Here's a concert review for ya:

Hi everyone! MY name is Laurie and I'm 17 years old. I love Brian Littrell so much I just had to see him in Toronto.

Of course, just like last year,the BSB sold out the Toronto, Ontario Skydome in less then 30 minutes. I heard about the concert and tried to get tickets for my best friend and I. We had no luck at all getting tickets. It was busy all the time and when we finally got through the lady had told us that all the tickets were GONE! My heart nearly stopped beating at that time. My friend and I were very upset. I had been to a BSB concert before but there was something about this concert that I just had to be their for. I called my sister and she had said that we would go down to Toronto (which is a 5 hour drive from where I live) to see if maybe we can get scalped tickets. The day finally arrived after a month and a half of saving money. I had $90.00 and my friend Laura also had $90.00. We were convinced that we were going. On the way there we sang BSB songs and talked about how cool this concert was going to be.

When we got close to Toronto we turned on the radio only to hear that 500 level tickets (which are the worst seats) were going for over $500.00(regular $30.00) and 100 level were going for $750.00 (regular 50.00) We were really upset because we thought we weren't going to get tickets. We arrived at the Skydome at about 7:00 (the concert began at 7:30) We walked around asking scalpers how much there tickets were, No one was willing to lower their prices. I was upset and crying. After talking to at least 15 scalpers they began lowering there prices to $175 for 500 level tickets. That was what we had total ($190.00) So we still couldn't afford that! At about 8:15 (Bsb were scheduled to come on at 8:30) My friend and I were talking to a scalper and all the sudden I felt a tap me on the shoulder. I turned around to see a beautiful blonde lady staring back at my glossy eyes. She seemed so angelic, it was really kinda freaky.

She spoke and told us that she had 1 ticket and that she didn't want it. She gave it too us for free. I was so happy I was in tears. We ran to one of the scalpers and asked them if we could but a ticket, he gave us one for 500 level for $175.00 for my friend. We ran into the concert. EYC was on. They were ok, very sexual group of guys, groaping and touching themselves all the time. The stage was Octagonal shaped and right in the middle. When EYC was done...well you know what comes next. There was a little black box which I could see the boys getting harnassed and tied up in. The boys began with "Larger Then Life" Which I thought was very well done because all the boys have colds and are sick. Then following that was"Get Down".After Get Down they had their first costume change. They came out in vest like armour which was red and yellow. They sang The One, Then after that was As Long As You Love Me. Once and a while the screaming would just drown them out and I couldn't hear them.

After that they each had a little time to come out individually to talk about the tour and thanked the fans. Kevin came out and we had a moment of silence for the veterans of the war (It was Rememberance Day) then they all sat on one side of the stage and sang "Don't wanna Lose You Now" That is one of my favourites. They did an excellent job on that. Following that was Show Me The Meaning, during this they sat in the middle of stage in stools while the stage was spinning slowly. Following that was Quit Playin Games which is a crown favourite. Then there was another costume change and this time the boys had black jackets and pink pants. They say "Don't Want You Back". After that they brought some mothers on stage with their daughters (which made me cry because it was so sweet) They sand "The Perfect Fan". After that they sang my favourite sone from "Millennium" "Back To Your Heart". The broke into Everybody Backstreet's Back. They didn't do it all of the song. They did half then they went too We've Got It going On" They didn't sing all of this one either, half-way through they went to "That's the Way I Like it" Kevin came out playing his piano with the new and only girl in the Backstreet bad.

Then there was another costume change, they came out in pink again, Kevin had a trench coat and the rest just had jackets. There pants were kinda like golf pants, they were funny.The rose up from the stage and sang "Spanish Eyes." After that they sang "I'll Never Break your Heart". Then they went off stage and changed again, then they came out still with thhe pink jackets but now they had hats. We all know what that means, they sang "All I Have To Give". Then they came out and sang "It's Gotta Be You" Which the crowd seemed to like, then they announced all the dancers and band members, Brian was playing with a Basketball at that time. Fatima Robinson was their as one of the dancers,and one of the dancers is from Toronto. Then they went off stage and everyone was chanting "BACKSTEET BOYS, BACKSTREET BOYS" Then came back out and sang "No one else comes close" then they said there Thank-You's and they were gone. But we all know that they always come back. They came back and the final song guessed it "I want it that way" They did really good on this. Earlier in the show when they were announcing the band members Kevin had to do Nick's part because Nick's voice was gone. Then they made us sing for "I Want It That Way" It sounded really cool. Well I guess that was my experience with scalped tickets. I took pictures, I don't know how well they would turn out. I guess that's all. If anyone has any questions, please e-mail me at Thank you! Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive!

Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive! I love Brian Thomas Littrell forever :)) Peace Luv and BACKSTREET®

From: Sparky Sanders []
Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 2:15 AM

Hey Everyone!!!!

Well, I went, I saw.....yes, not more than 15 minutes ago I got home from my first ever BSB concert!!!! It was nothing less than amazing! These blue tarp like things were put up for some reason, (if anyone knows the answer to why, please email me and tell me)

The Starwars-like music played and the dancers came out with their lanterns; at this time the Band came out as well. They circled the stage and the smoke came out of the "black box" and the BOYS CAME OUT!!! I cannot describe my feelings at that moment, other than TOTALLY AMAZED!! Of course, they started off with Larger Than Life; dressed in their blue outfits. KEVIN DID FLY, BUT I THINK THEY CUT IT SHORT BECAUSE OF HIS ARM. Then came Get Down, The One, and As Long As You Love Me. At this time they changed into trenchcoats over their blue outfits. They changed again and sang Quit Playin' Games, where they threw roses. They then sang, That's The Way I Like It, Don't Want You Back, (where they did some VERY COOL moves!!!) I'll Never Break Your Heart, All I Have To Give, Backstreet's Back, We've Got it Goin On, Spanish Eyes, No One Else Comes Close, Don't Wanna Lose You Now, (KEVIN EVEN DID A BIT OF HIS UNTITLED SONG WITH MINDI WHICH WAS A SUPRISE FOR ME!!!!!) Back To Your Heart, The Perfect Fan, (2 minute silence for Rememberance Day; lead by Kevin) that was awfully sweet I thought. The BSB introduced the Band and the dancers, I SCREAMED AT TOMMY!! I THINK I EVEN SAW GUIDO!!!! LOL It's Gotta Be You and I Want it That Way were done for the encores. The concert was so surreal for me that I cannot remember everything in detail and the order of the songs.

This was the best, FIRST Backstreet Boys concert ever!!!!

Concert Reviews: 11/10/99 Montreal, PQ (Part II)

Date: Sep 30, 2000
Submitted By:

From: Belinda Lai []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 10:59 PM

Hear my cry, O GOD! (Sound familiar?) hehe. The concert was beyond amazing, beyond fantastic, words can't describe how amazing it was! Ahhhhh! I'm still recovering from the concert, my voice, my mind, my body, everything! I still can't believe I went to the concert! It was my first BSB concert, and forever will I treasure it! As you know, the concert was in the round, I didn't have floor seats but i had the ones on the side of the diamond. Basically I was like 4th row but not on the floor, I was eye level with the stage! I'm so thankful I had amazing seats. (Please don't send me hatemail for this, I tried very hard just like everyone else to get those tix)

Well I won't go into the details of the concert, because I am sure most of you know it by now. I just want to say, the singing was so breath-taking, I have never heard a live sound that good! The dancing was incredible, especially AIHTG, where everyone was cheering for the hat routine! That's The Way I like it, Nick was so cute, I loved how Nick was on rolling on the floor and stuff. Their costumes were sophsticated (setting them aside of N sync's more boyish costumes), futuristic, it was just so the boys. (I don't understand why the press is talking about how many changes they had, I loved it) I loved the pink suits, what am I saying, I loved everything?! Anyways...hehe I'm rambling...

THE BOYS...WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!! Everyone looked so hot! Nick has been working out, and is starting to developing a real nice body!NIck was just plain plain hot! Brian was just SO cute! AJ and his funky red hair! Kevin and his deliscious muslces! Howie and his sweet smile!

Well some highlights of my BSB show:

- AJ ripped off his shirt right on my side, I quickly snapped a shot of that! (I hope it turns out good)

- Brian and Nick were playing basketball, so adorable!

- Since I was the only one with the green neon glow in the dark baton thingy in my section...I kept on waving it up and down when the boys were on my side! Lucky me, Kevin saw it, and waved at me! Brian pointed at me and said, "Hello"...AHH I melted when he said that! AJ did this funky dance when he saw me jump up and down! Nick just smiled! Howie didn't see me...:(

- OH and nick climbed the ladder on my side...he was so energetic through out the whole show!

- OH Nick and Aj, kept on dancing together, doing their pelvic thrusts, AHHH that drove me nuts, they're so hot...

- Brian was so cute with his winter hat on...

I could go on and on...but I think I'll stop here about the highlights! I just hope everyone will have a great time at their concert! I hope the BSB do the spring tour in February!

Another thing I want to say is that I thought the prices for their merchandise were pretty expensive. I would like to know why the prices are so high! Programs shouldn't be $25, t-shirts at $35, Keychains at $10...when I got mine at Claire's for a buck fifty. Teenagers can't afford that, and I just think they should reprice their prices next time.

Anyhow, overall I loved and enjoyed the BSB CONCERT... (Email me, if you wanna exchange emails or ICQ #'s)


PS. I would like to apologize to the boys for the disgusting remarks that one fan from Quebec City made at the FAN conference held in Toronto. (Even though I'm not from Quebec City, I am from Montreal, I'm still part of the same province) She was representing my province, and I really thought whatever she said to the boys at the FAN conferencE in Toronto, was uncalled for. I mean it does say FAN conference, and if she WAS a fan, she would not made her stupid remarks. Fans are not suppose to be yelling at the boys for not coming to their town. They have very tough schedules, and they are not the ones in charge of booking the venues. So the girl from QC at the fan con. who completely embrassed the boys, I BELIEVE you owe an apology to the boys and their fans. You have disgraced my province and your city.

From: Stephenie Williams []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 6:36 PM

Hey Everyone!

The concert was so great! It was my very first and I loved every minute of it!I didn't dance though, I couldn't! I was shaking too much and trying to keep my tears in but I wouldn't trade it for the world!I had pretty good seats, section 119 row L, they looked so good! Anyways, Onto the review...

I thought Mandy Moore did a good job and I liked it how she mentioned the BSB a couple times. EYC were... Ok but they dragged on way too long! and they try to flaunt themselves way too much! but their voices were pretty good though I have to say. Finally the Backstreet Boys came out and they were so good! I can't even put into words! They danced great, they sang great and they looked great! Here are a few highlights of the night:

-Nick is not chubby! his is so sexy! he has a six pack! I could see it when they wore those orange muscle like tops.

-Brian was playing with a basketball for part of the time and and it was so cute how he played with it on stage!

-AJ took his shirt of and boy did he look good!

-I loved Kevin's expression when they screen was first on him!

-The MCD thing was very cool!

-My jaw just dropped when Nick took his coat off for That's the way I like it and he had a sleevless top on under it! *sigh*

-They all just looked so good!

-The dancers and the Band did a fantastic job!

-I really liked Howie's hair, I usually don't go for long hair but it looked extra good on him Wednesday night!

It was deffently a night to remember!

From: Sakhrani []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 9:35 PM

This is my first BSB concert and it was a doozy! Here how it went down....   First off, the night before (Tuesday; )Usually, they have their day off here (thank God Kevin loves this city:)  So my friends more or less narrowed it down to two possible hotels.  Tuesday night I was supposed to meet up with them (they were staying there, I couldn't).  When I called my friend, she said in a panic that there are at a completely different hotel.  So I headed down there as fast as I could.  I couldn't find my friends so I had to stay outside with the rest of the fans.  (Highlight: AJ's mom came in, although I didn't recognized her.)  Later I found my friend (she managed to get the last room) and went in.  We upstairs to the lobby where I met up with everyone else and got to talk to Nicki, one of the dancers.  She is BEYOND nice that girl.  She's from Saskatoon, but her parents are actually moving to Montreal this weekend.  We gave her some names of some stores to shop at and I offered a cookie which she happily took (food helps in all situations:)  After that, we hung out in the room, chatted with other fans, etc.  At about 7:00 we decide to get some food, so we went to a nearby diner that one of the hotel security women mentioned. (BTW, if you ever stay at the Intercontinental in Montreal, ask for Donna....great lady:)  On the way back, we decided we wanted to play a joke on the fans waiting outside, so we were going to say our take out food was for the Boys, pretending that we knew them.  While we were rounding the corner, one of the crew said "Wouldn't it be funny if one of them came out now?" (Donna escorted some of them by a service elevator earlier in the day.)  We're 30 feet from the door, when we hear screaming.

It was the local BMG representative (we've seen on TV many times, so we knew what he looked like). I hear someone say "Hey" and I turned...and it was Howie!  He was smiling at the crowd and I yelled OH MY GOD!!!  Nick was with him, but was quiet and I think I saw Claudia (I only saw the hair....excuse while I cry for a moment.......okay done:)  Anyway, at this point the fans start rushing them and they jump into the car waiting out front.  The rep was trying to move the car, but the fans weren't moving.  My friends and I stayed back, yelling at them to get off the car (it was a foot from hitting a parked car in front of it.)  Finally they were able to leave.  My friends and I high fived each other, and consoled another who was crying cuz she finally got to see Nick upclose.  We went back to our rooms, and we were just giddy.  (I would also like to mention that all my friends said they have now taken back anything they had said about Howie's looks and realized that upclose that he is a beautiful man, and told them I told you so!:)

Like I said, I couldn't stay, so at ten I left.  I found out later that they saw Nick and Howie come back, got to talk to Tommy (that one I'm jealous about, although they did mention to him it was me that sent the candy) and one got Kevin's autograph (not sure how, I'll have to ask).  This part I would like to mention though, because it stems from the conference.  When they were talking about how sometimes they can't meet fans because they can become overzealous, it happened.  Donna told my friends to stay to the side because Brian was coming down.  So they waited and he finally did.  they said "Hi, can we get your autograph?" and such and said that he would be right back.  Unfortunately, some fans started going wacko, and he had to really run for it, so he couldn't see my friends later.

Wednesday: I was supposed to meet up with them, but my friend had the cell turned off so I couldn't reach her and my brother had to go to the hospital and I wanted to stay till he got back.  (My psychic feeling told me that the guys would be at Roots shopping; it turned out Howie and Brian (the Roots fanatics) were at the new one at 3:30, when I had my prediction.  can we say D-OH!:)

 Anyway, got to the venue at seven with my bro, bought the program (yes, we had them here), got the concert photo coupon thing (I'll post the URL for that later) and found our seats (We were siting in section 105, row U).

  I went to go see one of my buds who was sitting in second row (she was by herself, but she was way happy with that and met with some people we saw the night before.)  She brought South Park dolls to throw on the stage, so I gave her my note for Howie and we stuck it on the Officer Barnaby doll that was meant for him (he's the mediator of the group, although the Officer himself is an idiot, so I kinda wondered about that:)  She had a Cartman doll for Nick (cuz he's a smartass:); Stan for Kev (unofficial leader); Kenny for Brian (unlike Kenny, he survived death) and Chef for AJ (um....self-explanatory:)  We took our pictures with my I-zone camera and left them with the dolls, and I went back to my seat.

The show: Mandy Moore: eh....we was really working the other side of the crowd, and the fans started really cheering when she did "Candy" EYC: They come on stage, and everyone thought it was the Boys, so they start cheering.  When they said "EXPRESS" the crowd went dead.  It was so funny. I didn't really like them.

Played the Sears commercial: The fans were cheering a lot more for that than the opening acts:)

The Boys: YYYEEEEAAAA HHHHAAAWWW!!! (There's a surprise:)  As usual, I will keep this section on highlights (what I could remember):

-Kevin still had the sling, so less dancing.  At one point when they were climbing to the center, he started to slip, until Brian (I think) grabbed his arm and pulled him to the top.

-Speeches to the crowd: Kevin's was too short; Nick said "Dennis, we've been to Montreal lots of times before, so I know they can do better than that!"; AJ's was normal; Howie spoke some French (which is the only time the fans cheered for him......grrrrr:) and thanking the people from Roots (told you he was a Roots freak:); Brian wore a Canadiens jacket from Roots, so the crowd went wild, prompting minor chants of Go Habs :)

-Don't Want You Back: AJ's hung upside down on his ladder....twice (imagine the blood rush to the head:)

-QPG: We learned that AJ and Howie can catch things upside down and from way back....Brian was gesturing people to throw things up, but he missed a few times:)

-Nick and AJ were thrusting like there was no tomorrow:) (Nick actually overthrusted and fell on his back)

-Everybody/WGIGO mix: AJ comes out with a cow printed cowboy hat (yeah, he has one:) and did his lassoing/hip-swiveling move....ay caramba! At the end of that set, ripped off his undershirt into the crowd....dear God, he's so thin, and yet so buff......makes me ill:)

-Brian almost tripped during LTL:)

-Can't remeber which song, but AJ started doing all these graceful ballet moves....and it was amazing he was at it.

-Howie in leather pants (sorry...mind was wandering:)

-The South Park dolls all made it on stage, with Kevin holding the Stan doll, AJ walking around with the Chef doll, and the Officer and Chef doll made it onto Tommy's keyboard, and the dancers took the dolls at the end, so my bud was happy:)

-Random thought: While Kevin was walking with the long pink jacket, he reminded me of a pimp (that's what you get for having a guy who played a pimp in your videos, I guess:)

-Another thought: During INBYH, AJ's face was on the screen and there was a big zit on his forehead, cuz his makeup wore off.  (Fascinating isn't it?:) -During the dancer's face-off, Nick and Brian were bouncing around a basketball and showing off their moves to the crowd...Nicki got a major round of applause (Brian announced she was Canadian, so that helped:).....Brian and Howie were wearing Roots stuff (geez, might as well have them sponsor the next tour, eh guys?)

-I didn't see this part, but my friend did: someone tossed a leopard printed bone on the stage, AJ picked it up, stuck it between his legs, but Howie pulled it out and gave him a look.

-IWITW: More bouncing of basketball (what was funny after AIHTG, they said good night, and I saw two girls getting to leave.  I told them the show's not over, she said what I was talking about, they said good night, I said "Hello?! IWITW?? They didn't do it yet."  They said "Oh yeah!" and sat back down.) Fireworks and final chorus....and they were gone.

-After that, I bought a keychain for 10 bucks and the hat for 30 (the hat I may have to sell, cuz I realized after that was a really dumb mistake:)  

There you have hell of a show and I cannot wait for them to come back.  BTW, they have enough South Park dolls now, so don't bring any to throw to them!:)  


From: ~Sunny Noelle~ []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 9:13 PM

I wrote this for the school newspaper and thought you might like to include it since you only have two short reviews for Montreal which was a pretty big event.  Thanks! 

A Night Out With the Backstreet Boys

By Sunny Noelle

Although I had purchased tickets to the Backstreet Boys sold out concert at the Molsen Center in Montreal several months earlier, the week of the concert, I began to feel ill. But that didn’t stop me from attending the concert of a group I had been a fan of for over two years now. Actually, the closer it came to the concert the better I felt.

On the afternoon of Wednesday the tenth of November, the Vermont Travel Agency was holding a bus trip to the Backstreet Boys “Into the Millennium” concert tour in Montreal. The boys are Nick Carter, AJ McLean, Brian Littrell, Kevin Richardson, and Howie Dorough. The bus left Derby at three and many North Country students attended. The bus trip lasted about two hours and we reached Montreal at 5:00, right on time. When we stepped off the bus, my friend Andrea Lantagne, a sophomore, pointed out two big, black tour buses parked right behind our bus. They had Florida plates so we knew they had be with the concert. I made a mental note to check out that spot before we left after the show.

We walked around the block to see where we would enter the building and then went across the street to eat dinner. When we got done with that, we heard alot of screaming and saw alot of flashing lights. We ran to the front entrance to see a white limo being followed by some police cars. This could be none other the Backstreet Boys! Although the limo continued down the block, there was still alot of action going on in the front of the Molsen Center. There were two radio stations set up as well as reporters from the popular Montreal radio station Mix 96 and Canada’s version of MTV, Much Music. One of the radio stations was asked by the police to leave but the other stayed. They gathered a large crowd in front of their truck and threw out BSB memorabilia including T-shirts, packets of pictures, and CDs. One of the CD’s had two front row tickets in it and Andrea had her hand on it but an old man snatched it away. Oh well. I was lucky enough to catch a packet of pictures. After I caught a prize I began looking aro und and I spotted what looked like five guys looking down at us from a third story dressing room. They had a big body guard with them. We are pretty sure it was the boys!

At 6:30 they opened the doors and it was a mad rush to get in. When inside I purchased a program of the show. We looked at the seats in the red section, the good section. We then looked up to see where our seats were, the gray section. It looked really high. Good thing I am not afraid of heights! When we got to our seats we found that we had an excellent view. Although we wouldn’t be able to catch a teddy bear the guys threw out, or have confetti fall on us, we could see the whole stage and that was good enough for me. The stage was awesome. It was round, set up to look like a space-ship for their “Millennium” album. There were five screen so you could see the guys up-close.

At seven-thirty the first opening act came out. Mandy Moore, who can be compared to Britney Spears, performed her hit single “Candy”. She was great! I will definitely be asking Santa for her debut album, So Real, which will be released in December. Next was EYC, Express Yourself Clearly. These three guys reminded me of LFO. The were okay but by this time everyone was anxious for the Backstreet Boys to come out.

At eight-thirty exactly, the Sears commercial featuring the boys came onto the big screens. Next thing we knew, their dancers, (I believe eight, 4 male, 4 female), walked down the aisle to the stage holding torches. The Star war’s theme music started up and the guys (all except for Kevin who had dislocated his shoulder earlier in the month in a snow-boarding accident. He hasn’t missed one concert despite the accident. He rose out of the center stage.) flew out of the side of the arena. They walked around all sides of the stage so everyone could see them and then the music began! They opened with their hit single, Larger Than Life. It was Larger Than Life. They went on to sing “Get Down”, and then the five guys each came out and introduced themselves (as if we didn’t already know them). They sang “As Long As You Love Me” next followed by “Don’t Wanna Lose You Now” from the new album. Each song was better then the last. Other songs included “Everybody”, “That’s the Way I Like It”, “No One Else Comes Close”, “Al l I Have to Give”, and every song on “Millennium” except for one which is a solo by Nick. In all, the guys performed 19 songs ending with two encores, “It’s Gotta Be You” where they introduced all the dancers and musicians and had a dance-off, and finally their number one single, “I Want It That Way”. They had over five costumes changes including futuristic suits to black leather. Through-out the course of the show there was plenty interaction with the crowd. During the song “Quit Playing Games (With My Heart), they flew over the audience!

When the show was finished, we ran back to where the buses were to find a small crowd which grew bigger by the minute. It was ten-thirty so we had a half an hour to wait and hopefully catch a glimpse of someone involved with the show. After a few minutes, band members came out as well as dancers. They waved to us from the buses and then they were off. Although we didn’t get to see the boys (up close at least) it was still exciting to see the other performers.

Now I know what you are all thinking, “They are a stupid boy-band”, but I know for a fact that after seeing the Backstreet Boys in concert you gain a new respect for them. I have a friend who went who wasn’t looking forward to it and I know she left a fan. I think as a performer myself I know how much work it is to be on stage for 2+ hours. I don’t know how many people here, with the exception of the North Country Dance Company, could do that.

It was a wonderful night, one I will never forget. Although it wasn’t my first “Backstreet Experience”, they definitely topped themselves and I look forward to the next tour when I will hopefully get to see them again!

From: Marie-Pierre []
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 10:07 AM

  Hey BSB fans!

I'm writing in to share my experience and to give some useful advice! First of all, I went to the Montréal, QC concert, I was in the 15th row (by pure luck) and to describe the most wonderful night of my life in two words I would say...---> 'DA BOMB! For those of you who wonder what they looked like on the 10th of November here it is, their looks...seen with MY eyes :)!

Howie- Mostly he looked like always...slicked back ponytail and his usual smile! Danced great and did a great effort to speak in french...very sweet!

Nick- Although I heard he was sick, Nick did a great job at both looking and singing great! His hair was cut under his ears and he seemed VERY hyper!

Kevin- He still had his sling because of his arm. That didn't stop him from dancing and singing good. He somehow managed to get to the top of the ladder in "Don't Want You Back" and played really well the piano in "Back To Your Heart". Knowing Kevy, I knew he would look very GOOD! I was right :)...

Brian- He had a Montréal Canadiens coat on at a time and had a yellow Roots t-shirt underneath! Always had a smile on and he had a haircut! Suits him just fine! I didn't really see him dance but I heard he did really well...DUH! At the end of the show he put a black "tuque" and played some b-ball on the stage...very cute!

AJ- He appeared with his hair dyed red...very hot! What amazes me is that most of the time he didn't have his glasses THAT was a treat! Oh, and I can't forget the moment my heart stopped...a view of AJ with NO shirt! *hyperventilates* Too much for me :)! When they were all dressed in white he sported a cowboy hat with a black and white cow print. And I saw his new tatoo, the "Millennium Dragon", that just added to his beauty! 

Well, I know that cameras are prohibited at most of the venues but I (along with the thousands of others) brought mine. And it was worth it! For the floor seat concert goers (like me!) I would suggest a 400 caliber film and bring at least 3 rolls of 36 pics each. I'm speaking of experience...I mean I expected to have enough of 72 poses but at the end of 3 songs I had already finished my first film. They're were 16 songs could I ever fit all of them in ONE film? But, I guess you're safe if you don't become crazy like myself...but with all the hype I dunno who can stay sane much more then 5 minutes!?

Ok, moving on to the bodyguards. Very hard to get past them if you plan to head to the front row. I tried but what I got was several big muscles if front of me asking to go back to where I was. But if you're daring and you run like the wind the result can be VERY good close-ups of the boys!

I was wondering what it would be like to have dancers accompany our already perfect choreographed babes. I expected the stage to be overly crowded and feared to not spot Bone, Train, Frack, Frick & Sweet D. I am glad to say I was wrong! First, all of the dancers dance great. The advantage of having them there is that when all of the boys dance on another side of the stage and you think you'll be left out of the fun...they appear and dance till the "real thing" comes and takes it from there!

I was dissapointed though that the much anticipated entrance of the boys on their boogie boards was done on another side of the stage :( . I also think the flying time was cut off a little cause it only lasted 3 minutes. But I was reassured when in QPGWMH they flew above the crowd and did stunts hanging from cables. And extra points were added when I realized AJ was on our side :)! Oh, and girls..."rear ends" can be viewed perfectly *hehe*! 

The costumes were great and thought that they matched the certain songs. My fave was when they were all in white...Kev looks GOOD in white...

The encores: people, people, people! You are too impatient. The guys leave for 4 minutes and when they come back for "It's Gotta Be You" and "I Want It That Way" half of the crowd is putting on their coats and leaving! Come on! I was stopping people when they passed and told them that it WASN'T finished. On another hand when people in front of you leave before it's the end you can hop into their seats. This time the bodyguards don't mind! 

Oh! I almost forgot the opening acts! Personally, I think Mandy Moore is trying to be Britney Spears Jr. No offense to the people who like them but the songs she sings are just too much alike for me! She sings about 4 songs...mind you she's pretty and her dancers do their job very well. Then comes EYC and they made sure that the crowd understands that it stands for Express Yourself Clearly (they repeated it like 14 times). They seem like nice dudes and they sure are buff :)! They have good songs and once again they sing about 4 of them. Then, they showed a video of the BSB running in the streets chased by fans (their Sears commercial) and that provoqued more frenzy than Mandy and EYC combined! All in all, it was an hour of acts before the BACKSTREET BOYS appeared! And wow, was that a relief! The screams reach the highest decibel imaginable and the night beginned! 

Girls and boys I can tell you from experience that after waiting since August 14th, my money, my patience, my tears, my beating heart, my photos, the souvenirs, the screaming, the jumping and the 9 hour ride all payed off and it resumed to this...THANK YOU! Thank you to the band, the dancers, the fans and most of all, thank you to the boys themselves, AJ, Brian, Kevin, Nick and Howie...thank you for influencing me to be the best I can!



From: ++v.a.l.e.r.i.e. c.a.n.d.y.++ []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 1:04 PM   I went to the Backstreet Boys show in Montreal and I think it's the best show ever... The show of the century the show of the year and definetely the show of the Millennium... I was in the 105 section row D... and I could see the BSB really well I think that because it was a central scene everyone had good seats. The first part was Mandy Moore and she was really great. She came up on the stage with the song So real after she did lock in your heart , What you want and finnally Candy... 15 minutes after 3 guys went on stage and everyone start screaming because everyone though they were the Backstreet Boys!! It was EYC (Express Yourself Clearly) so everyone stop screaming and sat down to watch the show... Each time that EYC were syaing the word Backstreet Boys you could hear all the girls in the Molson Centre scream...

At 8:30 on the screen you could see the Sears publicity... It went dark and the guys came out of a black box... They were on surfboard they went on the stage and you could see Kevin... Even if he had a arm trouble he was trying really hard to make all the moves... After making the Larger than Live and get Down song Nick started to speak (ya.. nick) he made a long speech telling us how much he loves to go here in montreal and stuff like that... After Nick it was AJ and he said: " So sit back and.... no no no no SCREAM SCREAM FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!!" And so everyone started to scream... The show was wonderful...The light effects the fire... the pink costumes (even if it's pink well the costumes were really great)... Nick was really emotional during the show... At the end of the show... After Show me the meaning of being lonely everyone started to go out of the Centre Molson but I waited and the boys came to play It's gotta be you and finnally I want it that way!!!

One thing that was really funny is when Nick and Brain started to play basket ball on stage... If you have tickets for the show man it's going to be the best experience in your life... If you don't well get some. :)

Valerie G.

Concert Reviews: 11/10/99 Montreal, PQ

Date: Sep 30, 2000
Submitted By:

From: Valerie D. []
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 1999 12:15 PM

Hi everyone. As a french speaker, I may make spelling mistakes but I'm still able to express you the AWESOME night I had wednesday november 10. Nick said once that destiny brought the backstreet boys together, well destiny brought them in our world, and I'm really thankful.It wasn't my first bsb show,since the bsb are touring constantly here since 1996. It's was my 6th. But usually, I had bad seats, sometimes they weren't that bad (200's section), but the other times, I had seats in the nosebleed section.This time we had floor tickets, 13th row. The view was excellent. You can bring your camera (well, you can't but noone's looking and everyone has one), but don't try too hard to get good pics. We tryed to go in front of the stage but the security guards always brought us back to our seats. Even the second row people couldn't go in front.(It was like that at my venue, who knows if it will be like at yours).

The guys have done a wonderful job. They came up on stage at 8h30 sharp after the running of their Sears commercial, which noone had seen before (I don't know why it don't runs here). I heard in some reviews that they came flying over us at the begining. Well it wasn't like that here. The came flying from the other side from where I was and they jumped on stage. We were really happy to see that Nick spent more time on our side. He changed a lot since the first bsb show I saw. He's gorgeous like always, and he has a lot of talent, so does the others. For the first time, I really got into it, singing with them, and listing to them, and enjoying the entire show. Maybe it was because we were so close. I think everyone will see well, no matter, where they'll be. The only thing that I didn't like was the secury guards who were really unsensitive, rough, hard talking guys, and etc... But these guys may have nothing with the boys so, it's not their fault.

Kevin was still injured, but he did his best to dance. And the dancers are great. There are not too many, so it only brings ambiance to the show.You can see the boys really well. They try their best to move all around so everyone can see. They danced LTL and ALAYLM on the other side but they've done this cool hat dance for AIHTG on ours. Don't leave too soon, a lot of people have missed the encores. They presented the dancers, and Nick presented a rapper and then he started rapping. It was so much fun. I had a blast, and they can be sure I'll be there next time. Have a wonderful time there. For the ones who'll see it, it's something you'll never forget.And for the ones who won't, catch them the next time, you won't regret it.

Keep the Backstreet Boys pride alive,and feel free to ask me questions,


From: Marie-Anne Richardson []
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 1999 12:38 AM


This show is AMAZING! The Boys truly surpassed themselves: the special effects just blows you away, the choreagraphies were perfect as usual and the guyz are cuter than ever.

All of the guys flew in, exept for Kevin(arm) and started with "Larger than Life" wich describes perfectly the concert. After a few fast tempo-ed songs, they moved on with a medley of their greatest hits.

My favorite part is when Kevin is on the high platform playing his song on the piano with that clarinet girl... It is so beautiful...

I know that Kevin and AJ noticed me, 'cause I worked my way up to the front and had lots of eye contact with them. Kevin waved and blew me a kiss... I really do love him.

Anyway, if you feel the same way or have any comment, you can e-mail me at


Marie-Anne R.

Concert Reviews: 11/6-8/99 Detroit, MI (Part II)

Date: Sep 30, 2000
Submitted By:

Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 1:20 AM

I am a 45 year old mother of two teenage daughters. On Saturday, November 6, 1999, I took them to see the Backstreet Boys. They were so excited to finally see the men they have been waiting to see. I as a mother wasn't to excited, I mean yeah I listen to the BsB, they have good music but I didn't think that the show would be that great. But after the show I realized that I was totally wrong Yes I have taken my kids to see 98* and *N Sync and the shows were OK, but The Show the Backstreet Boys put on was EXCELLENT!!!! And I would like to thank them for putting on such a great show. It was a night that i know my daughters and i will never forget. thanks for listening,

From: Marion Mahone []
Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 8:13 PM

To everyone who reads this, This is going to be the BEST review you have ever read. And you know why???? (I hope you do cause I certainly don't, j/k) It's sweet, and straight to the point. The Boys were, well, in one word, fabulous. First, I have to talk about the settings. The idea of a pentagon stage was so ingenious!! Even from the last row (and yes, I was in the VERY LAST ROW of the Palace of Auburn Hills) I could see the stage clearly, and I could see the Boys' faces clearly. The stage also allowed for more people to come and fill the seats of the Palace. It was wonderful, 27,000+ people out there for one purpose, sharing one love in common! What a great atmosphere! Now, the opening acts. While I didn't arrive on time to see Mandy Moore sing (on account of the awful traffic), I did see EYC (aka Express Yourself Clearly), and I highly suggest that everyone out there, go out and find out more about these guys. They were really great to watch, and they had so much energy! But, I digress, on to the good stuff. By that, I mean the Boys.

I think I've figured out how to describe the way they looked. Let's just say, I had never seen true beauty until that night. Even my friend, who I thought to be the hottest guy in the universe, didn't compare to the FINENESS (and I mean, WOW) of AJ, Howie, Nick, Kevin, and Brian. As many other reviews shared, they came flying in on their surfboards, and after landing on stage, they circled the stage to "clear" each side of the Palace before breaking into one of the best renditions of "Larger Than Life" that I have ever heard. I can't talk about all the songs, cause I can't remember all the songs, but I'll just discuss a few that stand out in my mind. First of all, Don't Want You Back. For this song, they brought in 5 ladder-like poles for the guys to dance with (on, whatever) while singing this song. And let me just say, they were getting rather frisky with those poles! Howie, crazy sex fiend that he is, climbed on top of his pole and began to do this really sick movement I can't even describe for his section of the Palace. I was in Nick's section, and he had climbed his pole as well. AJ, I don't even know WHAT he was doing! Kevin couldn't climb it very well on account of his shoulder, and Brian, I wasn't even looking at, I was so fixated on AJ and Howie.

Although this was a very good song, the fast songs I enjoyed most were It's Gotta Be You and the Everybody/We've Got It Goin' On/That's The Way I Like It Medley. But maybe that's because I'm just partial to Everybody and That's The Way I Like It. During these songs they had this great choreography that I would just love to learn, especially during It's Gotta Be You. The song was just so bouncy, and the Boys were decked out in bright colors, so I was rather impressed by this. Plus, as they introduced the band/dancers during Gotta Be You, Howie started rapping!! I have never laughed so much!

Now on to the slow songs. The three that stand out in my mind the most were All I Have To Give, No One Else Comes Close, and Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely. During All I Have To Give, they did the whole hat routine, but what really interested me were the costumes. They wore these red suits with white shirts and they just looked so friggin' fine in them!!! My friends and I were AWESTRUCK!! During No One Else Comes Close, I was deeply impressed by the emotion they seemed to have in them, but I was disappointed by the fact that AJ didn't do his little whispered message at the end of the song. Show Me The Meaning, however, was the most moving song I had ever heard. They were putting their heart and soul into singing that song, and I thought it was wonderful.

I'm almost done, don't worry, but really quick, I gotta talk about Kevin's piano solo. He was absolutely wonderful, and his duet with the clarinet player in the band was beautiful, I wish they made a CD of that! Well, that's about all I can say for one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I told you it was the best review ever, and I probably lied, but I hope you at least were humored by it. Email me and maybe I'll tell you more.


From: Deanna Wiltse []
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 1999 6:19 PM

The date: November 6th. The time: 7:30 P.M. The place: the Palace of Auburn Hills. The reason: what else would I be saying this for?

Yes, this is a concert review unlike any other. I truly believe that Detroit rocked the Boys like no other city on the tour. On Nov. 6th, at approximately 7:30, Backstreet fans from all over Michigan came together in a glorious meeting, a congress of BSB fans, and for one primary reason: to see their Backstreet gods in the flesh. And for one brief moment, the tears that flowed from my eyes and the eyes of the other swaying bodies in the crowd were filled with enough joy to make all weak strong, to make all sick healthy, and to make all the poor rich.

Yes, I was a witness to the best night of the lives of 20,000 people, including myself. Kevin, Brian, A.J., Nick, and Howie, that night, were bright stars amidst a throng of avid followers of the Backstreet faith. This is the review of a lifetime.

Opening Acts- all right, I must confess this right now-I liked EYC. I thought their sound came together really well and had enough spark to get the crowd fired up for the Backstreet Boys themselves. They had sex appeal and were very cute together! Now, for Mandy Moore. We met her, by the way! She is very nice and my friend got an autograph and a pic with her! Too cool! Newayz, I agree with the others-she is extremely skinny for a 15-year-old, but has a beautiful voice and is very mature for her age. She carrys herself very well and perhaps will become as great as the once-innocent-turned-woman-in-three-days-due-to-breast-implants Britney Spears. (I hope Mandy doesn't plan on doing as Britney did, because Britney lost my respect and the respect of others when she did that to her body.)

And now, ladies and gentlemen-THE BACKSTREET BOYS! The Star Wars theme rang out in glorious notes as Kevin and the dancers came out in step with the beat. The other Boys were atop the floor seats on snowboard-type riders above the crowd. It was very neat to do and got the crowd moving really quick. At this point, me and Chrissy had tears in our eyes. We have been waiting 2 long years for this event.

Larger Than Life was a great way to start off, seeing as it is the anthem for their fans and all. Poor Kevin, due to his slight injury, could not dance but was able to play the piano. I must have screamed his name 200 times during the duration of Back to Your Heart, when he was playing and the pedestal he was on rose at least 15 feet into the air. This is certainly worth the wait, those of you who have yet to see them. They did some songs from their debut and some from Millennium-there was one that I didn't really know because it was from their European CD. It was called I Like it Like That, I think. I loved it, though, just the same, because it came from their mouthes! Get Down was cool, it kept the beat up after LTL ended, so the crowd didn't stop dancin' for some time. (By the way, my voice is still recovering from screaming so much.) The Perfect Fan was very neat, the girl that held Kevin's hand was beaming the whole time (who could blame her?) What was very cute was that because Brian is afraid of heights, he was finally hooked to the wire and FLEW! He had this terrified look on his face, but not A.J.! He was flipping and twirling and having a little ole time himself! (A.J.'s hair is red, now, by the way.) Howie serenaded us all when Spanish Eyes was played.Chrissy kept asking me for the binocs when his parts came up. I was always generous and everyone got to use them. IWITW was neat, except that Nick stopped them righ t before Kevie's part, so he didn't get to sing! (SOB, SOB!) Then, to top it off, Nick held out the last five words to the song after we sang some of Kev's part, and A.J. goes, "What are you doing?" (Basically, he was being a smarty to poor Frack!) The coolest parts were when Kevin told us we meant the world to them and that they loved us so much, it was just too hard to explain. A.J. came out towards the beginning and noted, "Look at all the beautiful ladies! Wow, Detroit has some beautiful women, I'll tell you what!" It was so cute! Thanks guys, for a wonderful night. From JJ, Brianna, Lelah, Jenna and Jenna, Sara, Christina, and me: We give all we have to give straight to you! You are Larger than Life.

To close, I will say this: when we went down to pick up as much confetti as possible, we came across five or six 10 year old boys who looked at me and asked: "Do you think the Backstreet Boys are the coolest?" I stood, shocked for a moment, and then replied, "Oh, yeah. And Kevin is the hottest!" (From that note, some girl challenged me and said Brian was hottest. To make a long story short, I proved her wrong, but I didn't hurt her, for those who are wondering.)

From: Karen Alman []
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 1999 4:02 PM

Let me just start out by saying this concert was one of the best concerts I've seen. I had been waiting to see BSB for a long time, and on November 6th, I had that chance.

We had to drive 3 hours to get to The Palace of Auborn Hills. We got there at about 5:30pm, but they weren't opening the doors until about 6pm. So, we waited. My friends mom decided to ask the guy inside about cameras, so she knocked on the door to get his attention. When he opened the door a crack to talk to her, we heard "Don't wanna lose you know"!Me, my best friend Sam, my friend Courtney, and my sister Katie started freaking out! Then, we heard "Don't want you back"! Then, the guy closed the door, and we could only hear the bass. But we were allowed to have cameras. So, at about 6pm, they opened the doors and we went in. WE bought all our stuff and sat down.

Our seats were VERY good. We had Section A row 9. And our seats were by the isle, that became VERY lucky later on in the night. Anyway, we started talking to the people around us all about BSB. Then, I look back behind me, and I could see backstage! And then, after I told my friend, she looked back, and there were AJ and Howie,going into a room! And a few minutes later, Dennis came out, and was walking around in the isle, so we went over to him, and started talking to him. He had Guido with him, so he let us hold Guido, and took pics with us, and talked to us for a few minutes, and then went up on stage, and put Guido on the keyboards. I look back again, and I see Mandy Moore and her dancers saying a prayer before they go perform (I met her on Thursday, Nov. 4th, and she was really nice!). So, I watch them, and they have to go in the isle that's nect to me to get to the stage! She was pretty good, except I couldnt really hear her cause the music was so loud. Anyway, when she was done, she walked t he same way, right past us, to go backstage. Then EYC came on. I know most people thought they sucked, but I thought they were really good. I had some cool experences with EYC, so if you wanna know, email me and I'll tell ya.

Finally, it was BSB. The dancers and the backstreet band came out the same way Mandy Moore went, and Dennis said hi to us. Then, the black box started smoking, and then the guys flew out, right over us. Since Kevin was hurt, he was rose up through the middle. Here are some of the highlights of the show:

*First off, Nick has changed. Alot. I was very suprised of how he's grown in just a few minutes. And he has so much muscle! He looked REALLY good.

*At the very end of the concert, when they were saying goodbye, someone threw a package of twinkies at the stage, and AJ yells "TWINKIES RULE!" It was really funny.

*THE PINK SUITS!!!! They looked so cute!

*MC D! That was so funny!! Howie kept lifting his hood everytime he said "yeah". IT was cute. And then Nick, with his beatbox, was really good.

*When Nick came out to do his intro, he kept telling us to scream louder. His big thing that he liked to say, was "Detroit, I've heard you before, you can scream louder than this!" He then took out his ear piece, and yells "COME ON DETROIT!"

*Brian had a basketball, and he went to bounce it, and he missed, and then he took it, and twirled it on his finger, for like, 5 minutes.

*Kevin played the piano part so good, even with his hurt arm! My mom was even impressed!

*Brian flew over us, and it was really cute, because he made it look like he was swimming and running.

*A part that I personally liked alot was during "As Long as you love me", and he sings "It doesnt even matter if your on the run" and he did his little running motion thing.

Well, thats not everything, but this is getting really long. But before I forget, that isle I was talking about, thats how BSB left. So, I got to touch Brians coat (I accidently pulled his hood on his coat) and Nick, and Nick took my letter. I freaked out!! I rocked. But anyway, if there is anything else that you want to know, email me,k? BSB FOREVER!!!!



From: Lauren Kinsey []
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 1999 2:17 AM

My BSB weekend/ concert review for Detroit, MI  November 8th 1999

Hello people!!! I have had the best weekend. I have to say that November 5th through the 8th was officially BSB weekend in Detroit.

November 5th, 1999 Friday

First of all I got home from MSU (Michigan State University) at 5:00pm. The BSB sang the national anthem for the Detroit Pistons at 8:00pm. So the my dad ,sister and I  watched it (on TV). The announcers introduced the BSB and the crowd went wild (I thought that there were some boos but they were quickly drowned out by the screems). Um...... It was like there was not even a basketball game going on. The lights went out at the Palace and the flashes of light were everywhere. They kept the lights off for a little while just to let the crowd chill out a little bit. Then the spotlight came on and the place went nuts!!! All of them dressed very nicely but they did look a little tired (hey I understand). They guys sang beautifully but not as strong as they usually do (you will find out later why). Kevin was not in the sling and looked so FINE!! A.J. changed his hair AGAIN!! I was a bright reddish orange. I thought it was okay but not da bomb. Anyway when they were finished the Pistons game started. Sorry to say the Pistons lost. Kevin and Brian decided to stay at the game and watch. The rest of the guys um I don't know where they were.

A little adventure...

I found out from one of my sister's friends that the BSB stayed at the Ritz Carlton on in Dearborn. In case you all don't know where that is its a Detroit suburb and is where the Ford Motor Co. headquaters are. Well my sister's friend got into the hotel and saw that there was a note addressed to Kevin at the front desk. So she knew she was it the right place. I don't know how but she found out that they were on the fifth floor. So she hung out there for two hours!! needless to say she got kicked out by the hotel telling her to leave

On to the show...

November 8th, 1999 Monday

My sister and I got to the Palace of Auburn Hills around 6:15pm. The crowd, I have to say was more tame than at the BSB 1998 tour. There were a lot of mothers and daughters at the concert. And lot of guys and couples. My sister and I had separate seats. Why you ask?.. Well if we sat together we would have been in the second level. Seperately we got seats forth and third row on the side. Well the first act wasn't going to start until 7:00pm so we walked around the place. for about 35 mins. You all probabaly saying, that's boring. No it wasn't, the funniest part was when we saw this A.J. look-a-like walking around the place!!!!  It was scary similar. It was AJ's twin. I mean he had the same height as AJ, face, skin color, the same hair cut hair, his beard and side-burns were EXACTLY the same. He had the EXACT black hat and clothes on the "All I have to give" single. He also had to two blond girls on each arm and this fake anterage following him. The only thing that gave it away was that we knew AJ's hair was re d/orange that week and that guy had black hair. I mean everyone stopped and looked. I looked right at the guy. My mouth dropped open  and then he laughed right at me and my sister. Everyone cracked up. I wish I took a picture.

Well my sis and I decided to check out our seats. Since the show was in the round I knew our seats were close, but ya just don't know how close you are til ya get there. Let me tell you forth row on the side is like fifth on the floor but better. You get to see the entire stage instead of just one side. If that isn't enough evidence of how close I was: was only three rows from security. The reason security was there was because I sat three rows from the aisle where the BSB and crew entered and left from the stage. So was sooo geeked. My sister was directly across the arena in the same area but she sat in third row, but was a little farther from the stage. Before the show even started I saw Dennis (ya know the band member: as if ya didn't know) , Nikki and Swoop ( the dancers) run right past me many times.

The Before acts.........

Mandy Moore and EYC were okay. Mandy looked too much like (um Britney Spears). She didn't cover the entire stage. But the songs were okay. EYC were very entertaining but TOO MUCH in your face!! I mean one guy just could not keep from lifting his shirt. Don't get me wrong the guy was built but, he did it like 500 times during the show. It got old after a while.

Well on with the show............

( the show was sooo good that it was sometimes a big blur, so forgive me if I leave some things out)

Da Intro

The lights go off  and the Star Wars music starts. The band  and the dancers march right in front of me onto the stage carring these long light poles. (I took pictures).The Brian, Nick and Howie, flew above the crowd while Kevin and A.J. rose out of the center of the stage. Kevin looked so good even with the sling. And like Jen said Kevin on the screen looked....looked....(uh, no words for that man honey)!!

Larger Than Life

The dance and the performance was excellent Very Hype, except you couldn't hear them sing that well,but definetly more audible than the VMA performance.

Get Down

Definely very hype the dancing was the da bomb.

The One

Hey I actually heard them!! Very beautifully performed.


Nick cracks me up!! He is quickly becoming  my second favorite BSB. The intro was the standard intro. He gave Detroit props (slang for proper respect). Everyone said there piece. Kev was so short and to the point,  "Hey Detroiiiiit!, Is eveyone having a good time?!!.....(screams) um, the guys said everything I wanted to say, so enjoy the show" I LOVE IT!!

As Long As you love me

All of them looked so good in those blue coats ( NOTE: I swear I was going to get a coat just like that at Gantos, but I didn't have the money at the time, girlstyle of course) I loved it when Brian and Kevin sang together. Beautiful.

Costume change No 1 (Leather jackets and pants)

Don't wanna Lose you now

Beautiful singing

Quit Playing game with my heart

The Bri, AJ, and Howie (did the sign of the cross) started flying above the crowd. People were throwing Brian stuffed animals and he was catching them.

Costume change No 2 (black shirts and red chest protectors)

Don't want you back

This was the BOMB!! I love that song so of course I thought it was. the guys were each hanging from these antenna ladders. It was very angry. Loved it.

Perfect Fan

Kevin did the speech. He notes that he messed up his arm and AJ has bronchitis :0(. He asked how many mother and daughters were in the place? (screams) Well he said the next song is dedicated to the mothers in the place. Each guy had a mother and a daughter. Each guy took one of the daughters and circled around the stage. This was beautiful. Very nicely done. and the guys sang beautifully.

Kev Piano solo

I was just so happy to see that he could move his other hand that I almost did pay attention to the song. Its amazing that he learned to play the piano by ear. Because I hated piano lessons and now I wished I continued.:( Kev played beautifully.

Back to your heart

Kev is still on the piano. The other guys join Kev on stage and sing their @$$es off. They are all siting on the opposite side of me.

Costume change No.3(white outfits)


It was hype!! AJ had his hat on. and Nick had on this white rag on his head (very becoming).

We've got it going on

The dancing was so tight (together). The dancers and BSB were so good.

That's the way I like it

Ummmm......Did they forget kids were in the building. very sexual. I LOVED IT!!!!!!  That is my new favorite song. And you can NOT tell me that Nick don't know what a Booty Call is  lol:0) He was spankin' all of the dancers. My sister took five million pics of this!!

Costume change No 4 ( the 1930's zut suits, pink)

*costume note* I love guys in those 30 suits, looks so together and hansome.

Spanish Eyes

The guys are in the the center of the stage and are sitting on stools. The guys again sing their butts off!!

I'll Never Break Your Heart

This song will never get old to me. I was completely in a spiritual mode on that song. That song is so moving. I was singing along with them. To me this song is so much better live.

No One Else Comes Close

All I have to say is AJ can sang ( sang is beyond singing :0)

All I have to give

This dance routine never ceases to amaze me. This gentelman to the tee! Kevin and the long coat is (uh no words hon!)  Howie dropped the hat.

Show Me the Meaning

They dedicated this to Dennis Pop. They sang this so beautifully, with such heart and feeling. The dancers were dressed in an Argentine Tango fashion. The dance was so beautiful.  Kevin was workin' it!! and serious with it even with one arm.  I would love a dance lesson from him.

*This is where my film ran out* ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Costume Change No 5 ( urban wear)

It's gotta be you

The guys introduced the band and the dancers. My sister said that intro made her want to get back into dance. MC D is hilarious. People were throwing basketballs at Brian! Man, don't hurt him.

I Want it That Way

To tell you the truth I was so lost in the song that I really don't remember what they were doing. Whole place was rockin'!! The band leadout was excellent!!

I almost had a heartattack...Why you say??............

As you all can recall I sat in the fouth row.  three rows are infront of me from  the  main aisle where the BSB and the crew entered and left. At the end of IWITW the band played their butts off, and I was jammin'. Well .....all of the sudden I hear these screams. I am thinking what's goin' on.  I look down at the at the aisle and there passes Brian then Kevin. Kevin starts slapping the hands of the girl of the first row right in front of me!!! then on the way out he throws his towel to a woman in the second row about seven seats on the side of me. AND I HAD TO RUN OUT OF FILM!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

That man was only about few feet infront of me I can not get over it..I literally saw the sweat on him. He is so fine honey! His arms...,face, body...... uh unbelievable!..

Okay Okay,Okay,Okay...

Breathe, Breathe, Breathe... In and Out... Someone Help me here...

Okay, Okay

Then the rest of the band and dancers leave  from the stage in a line, passing infront of me .

My Final Thought (no..not like Jerry Springer)

1# I have to give props to the band. The band kicks @$$.

2# The dancers....They are so good!!!

3# This was the best chorographed, well put together production I have ever seen. And have been to many artists shows.

4# I will always have respect for the BSB and the crew, they do this almost every night ,bronchitis; and dislocated shoulder and all. Everyone.. MUST appreciate what these guys do. They work tirelessly. No matter what happens they are out there. Many people want to discredit and dis the BSB, but these guys will give you your moneys worth. And no one can deny that. These guys have definitely evolved into something unbelievable. I was just thinking about last years show (1998), that show was good, but this was a production beyond words. In 1998 I and many other saw the drive and heart these guys had on stage,but knew they had potential to take it to another level. And they have. This show was not the production of a "boyband", it was the production and product of professionalism, and professional artists. Our I mean....our Men have arrived.

Lauren K. :0) (webmaster)


Webpage:The Sophisticated Fans of the BSB

From: Carrie []
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 8:25 PM

Hey all you readers!

I went to the Backstreet Boy concert on Saturday, November 6th, and I'll get to that but you have to hear my whole story from the very beginng.

The tickets went on sale August 14th like everybody else's in America did. I went to the IMA sports arena in Flint at 7 o'clock in morning. About 20 people were already waitning in line so I thought that that wasn't bad. They let us in the building at 8 o'clock and more and more people started arriving. It was very funny because Hank William Jr. tickets were on sale too, so when we all walked in the lady asked us if anybody was there for Hank William Jr. tickets, nobody said anything, and then she asked who was there for Backstreet Boys and there was screams of yes from about 100 people. As it got close to 9 o'clock there were about 20 poeple in line for Hank William tickets and they were telling us BSB fans how much better he was. Yeah, that's why there were on 20 people in that line and about 200 in ours. At 9' o clock they gave out numbers and drew them and lined people up according to their number. After that I was seventh in line. I was happy. Well when the tickets went on sale- I got mine! Section 218, row 2, seat 13 & 14. Not what I had in mind but I would just try to win better seats off the radio.

Before I go on, here are some tips on how to get concert tickets they next time BSB comes to your town.

(1) Alot of people go to the place they're going to be preforming at or big ticketmaster outlets that everyone goes to. My dad goes to work by the Palace and he was coming home at 11o'clock at night and traffic was backed-up for miles. (then he was really sweet and check out the IMA for me twice to make sure alot of people weren't here!) (Make sure the Ticketmaster location that your going to go to see if they'll be selling those tickets)

(2) Check to see if their going to have random drawings or whatever to see who gets in line where-that way you can get a little extra sleep and don't have to get there to about nine.

(3) Don't get too disappointed about not getting front row or floor seats because not many people get them anyway!

One other thing. When we were waiting in line, some people in line from behind us were going to give us their money so we could buy their tickets but my mom told them no. It's not fair to buy tickets for people who are farther back in line and the people in front of them might not get any tickets.

O.k. Back to my story, I listened to the radio and every radio station that played BSB music. I tried to win tickets. One contest I entered was you had to make a poster including the Backstreet Boys, CK 105.5, Bishop International Airport, and Continetal Airlines and send in the picture of it and you could win a trip to Ft. Laurdale, Florida to see the very first BSB concert! I won! I was so happy but then I wasn't because they canceled the concert but I get to go see them in December, their very last concert.

I tried to watch the Pistons game but surprise, surprise- I don't get that channel so I go to the radio and it came in with a ring and kind of staticy but I still loved it!

So anyway finally came November 6th. They day I have been counting down to for the past 3 months. I was so excited! We got to the Palace an hour early and found our seats and actually thought about how good they actually were. Sure we were in balcany seats but these were way better then I thought the would be! I hardly ever watched the screens because I was too busy looking at the guys, singing out of key, screaming until I couldn't scream anymore, and dancing away like I was crazy.

They come out on their little hover board things and they scared me because they only had 4 guys I was so much hoping AJ (my fave) was not sick. See Kevin broke his arm while snow boarding and he couldn't do any of the stunts and some of the dance moves. I loved when they were up in the air and A.J. was upside down. When they each had their own time to talk, A.J. was like "I've lived in Florida for 21 years but forget that I want to move to Detroit because of all the lovely ladies" and I'm screaming "MOVE TO LAPEER, MOVE TO LAPEER." Then he was like look at all those people up there and he pointed toward my section. I was waving and he waved back at me (Can You Believe It! He Waved at Me?) and then everyone behind me was waving back at him.

The very, very last song they played was "I Want It That Way." My friend wanted to leave before that because she didn't think they weren't coming back out and I'm like," I'm not leaving until they sing "I Want It That Way"" They did!

I don't want to give the whole concert away for those who haven't seen it yet so here are some key points, A.J.'s hair is RED (but he's still soooooooo cute!), Nick looks so cute when he's in the pink suit and his hair is slicked back, be ready for the great dance moves and awesome vocals!, EYC (Express Yourself Clearly), one of the opening acts likes to strip, and last but not least, it is a good ol'e time so have fun!

Make sure you have tons of fun and watch and listen because these guys are not only hotties but they are great dancers and have wonderful voices! After I went to this concert I gained a whole new respect for the Backstreet Boys. I have never seen them live before, I've always seen them when they were on TV or hear them on the radio, but once you see them live you realize that they are real people just like us. They have a talent and they are often accused as a group who has no talent and attacts young girls soley on their looks.

I would like to say Sorry to the Backstreet Boys because I heard that when they came out to sing the National Athmen at the Detroit Pistons game againest the New York Knicks there was a lot of booing. I think that everyone thinks these guys are bad because they didn't go visit the girl with luekemia. Now I'm sorry that the girl didn't meet them but I'm sure she understands that they did not have time in their schedule because it was already booked. Also in the review that I read, they said that the Backstreet Boys were throwing a football around at the Silverdome after a Lions game and someone yelled, "You have time to kick field goals, but not enough time to visit a sick kid? You must be kicking field goals for luekemia." The Backstreet Boys do meet with sick kids but don't have enough time to do every request. Don't they have the right to sleep and maybe throw a football around a little!?!? My mom says maybe they go through a certain organization because it was on the news the other day when they were visiting a sick child. So many people have came up to me and said, "The Backstreet Boys are jerks! They couldn't go visit a little girl with cancer!" They only get something written about them when they don't do something-what about all the other things they do! They don't get enough credit if you ask me!

Well anyway, the concert was AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME! They totally rocked the Palace. They had their great dance moves and great voices. I'm wishing I could go to the other two on the 7th and 8th. I still can't believe it was them. I have liked them for about a year- I'm crazy about them, I have about 50 posters on my wall-not bad for only collecting them for 5 months! My computer is like Backstreet heaven with everything that I could find with BSB is on there. I wear a necklace that says "BACKSTREET GIRL" everyday! But to actually to be in same room with them to about 50 feet away from them is still hard to imagine. This is something I'm not forget! Everytime a BSB songs comes on the radio I'm going to remember the concert with a big smile on my face and maybe a tear in my eye.

So I will like to end this by thanking the Backstreet Boys for putting on such a great show! Oh! and A.J. consider moving to Lapeer-nice rural area, not a lot of crime, nice neighborhoods, need any help house hunting contact me!

Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive in 1999

X's and O's

From Sweet and Lovable BSB lovin' Carrie


From: nikki robinson []
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 7:54 PM


At 7:30 pm the light went dark and EVERYONE screamed and after a min Mandy Moore came out and said hi to all us fans and how happy she was to b on tour with bsb and hoped we enjoyed the show then started singin(in this order)So real,What you want,Lock me in your heart and Candy said again how happy she was and left the stage

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bout 10 min later~~~~~~~~~~~~~

the stage went dark again and everyone SCREAMED and EYC came out in these black space suit things whipped them off and said how glad they were to have bsb lettin them tour with them and started singin (in this order but i'm not sure if the names of the songs r right cuz i don't know EYC's music) You ready,Dream boy,predictable,(a few lines of)my name is,(this is the only song i know 4 sure is the name cuz that said it was 4 all the Detroit ladies)How can I let you know,and scream then they said good night and hoped we enjoyed there show and if we liked what we seen we can get there cd its in stores now and left

~~~~~~~~~~~~~bout 10 min later~~~~~~~~~~~

the stage went dark again and EVERYONE SCREAMED AND SCREAMED and wouldn't stop then the dancers came out with torches walked around the stage and went up the steps onto the stage walked around it and them we heard drums and after a few min smoke started comein out of the blue box (i'm sure if u read reviews before u should know what i'm talkin about) then sparks started to fly up and after a few min out came BACKSTREET BOYS!!!and everyone SCREAMED AND SCREAMED at the top of there lungs and the boys did come out on surf-boards but 'flew' to the stage but it was only like 20 feet away and they were only goin bout 2 mph.and went onto the stage (they didn't like fly around the arena or anything) once that got to the stage that got off the boards and with there dancers they marched to star wars and stopped at each side of the stage (it has 5 sides) for bout 5 min so ppl(people) could take pics (and yeah your aloud to bring cameras in they didn't even check least at my concert but if your still going to 1 bring a camera but hide it just in case)

so anyhow.. after they stopped at each side each boy said there hi's and stuff (in this order--NICK,HOWIE,AJ,BRIAN,KEVIN) when KEVIN came up he explained bout y his arm was in the sling and that he was doing a lot better (my friend went to there sunday concert and said he didn't need to have it on) then after they all said there hi's they started into LARGER THAN LIFE,they were wherein these blue like vest things and black pants(leather i think) then sang(in this order) GET DOWN,THE ONE AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME,at this song they did the chair thing 4 a few min then left the stage and the dancers kept doing it for bout 5 min then they also left the stage~~changed~~(don't member what)sang QUIT PLAYING GAMES WITH MY HEART at this song in the middle they stop and sat at the side of the stage then after a min rose up into the air (that had ropes under there arms (except KEVIN and around there waists) NICK went down to touch fans hands and went back to the stage and the fans yelled for him to come back and he said he was gonna with his hands and after a min he did (i was on the 1st level so i could see everything i was bout 10 feet above NICK so I couldn't touch his hand and if your still going to a concert and your seats are section 228 loge level NICK is on your side so I was lucky cuz he was on my side--can u tell i like NICK) right of NICK was KEVIN he went over the fans and also touched hands with fans but had to be careful cuz of his arm right of him was HOWIE who was doing flips and stuff on stage and over the fans right of him was AJ(whos hair was red) was also doing flips on stage and over the fans right of him (left of NICK)was BRIAN he was also doing flips on the stage and over the fans and he touched hands od fans and they all went back to the stage and finished the song then sang DON'T WANT YOU BACK

That song sounds great live ~~changed~~ this time they changed into pajamas THEY WERE SO CUTE AJ had a zebra fur looking hat on and everyone had zebra printed pants on and white shrits with something on them but I couldn't tell what they sang PERFECT FAN they had fans and there mothers come up on stage and walked them around then what the song was over walked them to there seats sang BACK TO YOUR HEART at the start of this song kevin played the piano solo for about 5 min then they started the song( the center of the stage was up bout 10 feet higher and they were sittin on stools singin the3 song) ~~changed~~(don't member what) sang EVERYBODY at this song when NICK said the line 'am I sexual' EVERYONE IN THERE SCREAMED YEAH!!!!!!! it was crazy then they sung WE'WE'VE GOT IT GOING ON'THATS THE WAY I LIKE IT,SPANISH EYES,~~changed~~this time that were in these pink outfits THAT LOOK SO GOOD IN PINK but anyhow...they sang I'I'LL NEVER BREAK YOUR HEART,NO ONE ELSE COMES CLOSE,ALL I HAVE TO GIVE at this song that did do the hat thing and (i think) HOWIE dropped his hat but i'm not sure if it was him or 1 of the other guys but it looked like him.

They sung SHOW ME THE MEANING OF BEING LONELY at the start of this song HOWIE came to the stage and said he can really relate to this song cuz he lost his sister and that said it also was for Denniz Pop and that it was the last song they worked on with him then started the song and again were in the center of the stage and sittin on the stools but the center part was turnin very slowly (bout 2 mph.) so when singin the sang they were seein all the fans after the song was over them and there dancers said good night they hoped we enjoyed the show thay did bows at each side of the stage and stayed at each side 4 a few min to fans could take pics then went under the stage then alot of ppl left and after a few min NICK came up and started singin "baby it's the way you make me gotta get me go crazy never wanna stop" then the rest of the boys came up and they sang IT'S GOTTA BE YOU in the middle of this song the band kept playin and NICK was tellin everyone who the dancers were and what ever boy was closest would go over to who NICK was talkin bout and the other boys would be foolin around the stage and that BRIAN was playin with a b-ball and the other guys were just foolin around havein fun and when NICK was sayin who the ppl were he was in the center of the stage (the part thats 10 feet up) and he was shakein his booty the whole time and when he was done with the dancer he told us who the band was and when he got to Mindi he said "everyone give it up for Mindi shes the only female is the Backstreet band" and everyone went NUTS!!!!!!! screaming and screaming

NICK went over to Mindi him self and after he was don't they finished the song said good night (again) and left the stage(a few more ppl left) then bout 3 min later they came back out and started I WANT IT THAT WAY(this time they were in street clothes) and EVERYONE was screaming though-out the whole song(and at the part where they say "YOU ARE YOU ARE YOU ARE they said DETROIT DETROIT DETROIT and everyone SCREAMED at the top of there lungs) and when AJ was bout to say the last line NICK went over to him and taped him on his shoulder and AJ asked (a little annoyed but i think he was possed to sound like that) "what NICK" and NICK said "what do you think you are doing "and AJ was like "i'm finishing the song whats it look like" then all the boys just started running around the stage just havein fun and AJ (and I think it was stupid) jumped down from the stage (and its like 10 or 15 feet high) down to the floor and ran around the out-side or the stage touching fans hands then he went up the stairs and joined the rest of the boys and after a few min they finished the song walked around the whole stage so ppl could take pics again said good night hope we had as much fun as that did and good night after that they didn't come back out but everyone was screaming for them to

NICK: NICK was HOT!!! his hair was cut short( just at the top of his ears) and he just all around was hot

BRIAN: BRIAN looked like he always does no real change at all

AJ: AJ was crazy through-out the whole concert and his hair was RED!! (kinda like joey from n-stink and sorry if u get mad but i don't like that group)

KEVIN: sides his arm KEVIN was looking good and it looked like he was havein alot of fun even if his arm was in the sling

THE BAND: they were great and really funny and it looked like that were enjoyin them selfs also

MANDY MOORE: she looked really pretty she had on a black top and brownish colored pants and for 15 she seems older because of the was she sings but she don't try to act older than she really is

EYC: what can I say b-4 i went to the concert from what i heard bout them I didn't think i would like them but i KINDA changed my mind but i'm not gonna get there cd is would be a waist of my money the 1 dude looked kinda like ricky martin and the other looked like he could b NICKS cousin or something and as for the other guy I cant think or anyone he looks like hes the only one who is black the other 2 r white but there voices all go good

THE SHOW: well it was great and the light were great they kept like changein all through-out the show to different colors and shapes were on the fans (like snowflakes and stuff like that) but it was really really good

Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 5:17 PM

Hi. My name is Chelsea. I went to the the backstreet boy's concert in Detroit on November 6th. And I have to say, it was the best night of my life that I will remember forever. The people who went was some of my friends, my mom, and out neighbor who is older. We were on our way there and it was a blast. We were blasting bsb and singing. People had their cars decoreated and everything. Anyway, on to the concert. Our seats were ok. We were on the first level. Mandy Moore and EYC opened up. Mandy Moore was pretty good I guess but EYC I thought sucked. All they could do is pump up the crowd which I guess what good and took off their shirts. The concert finally started. The Star Wars music started playing and the dancers came on stage carrying fake lighted torches. Then out of a black box came bsb on surfboards. Kevin didn't fly or dance a lot because he did something to his shoulder. They started the concert with Larger than Life. The dancing was amazing and the dancers were great. They didn't really get in the way like they seem to do on tv. I'll just say the best parts of the concert.

-Nick looked so so hot. His hair is like it is in the I want it that way video and he does some really sexy moves.

-Towards the end Howie does a little rap skit that is so funny!!!

-the rest of the guys look great and they get the crowd into the concert.

-Their coregrapher Fatima is one of the dancers which is really cool!!!

That's about it. If your going to a concert you will have a great time and be ready to party.

If you have any questions email me at

From: Sarah Cappella []
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 2:30 PM

Hey everyone! Some of you may have read my review for the 6th where I said I thought Brian sounded sick. Well, I got a few e-mails regarding that, some of which weren’t too nice.. I just want to say that it was my OPINION that he sounded sick. Maybe he wasn’t and it was just his mic, or maybe it was just me. Either way, I still think he was sick because I also attended the show on the 8th, and he was great! So I’m sorry if I offended anyone, it’s just what I thought.

Anyways, here’s a review for the 8th. Sorry I don’t remember many details, I was just way too hyper. ;)

- Like I said, Brian was AMAZING! He was a lot more active and funny this show too! Love him, he’s so cute..

- Kevin’s shoulder was still in a sling so he couldn’t fly :( He sure sang great though!

- The guys were really hyped up!

- The crowd was CRAZY this time! (the crowd on Sat. seemed kinda laid back)

- AJ had bronchitis, poor guy! But you couldn’t tell.

- Brian singing the high note in INBYH! Made me a fan.. made me cry in concert.. He got SO into it..

Ok, just a few things... (sorta venting I guess)

- DO NOT boo Kevin while he’s playing the piano just because you only came to see your fav guy! My friend’s sister’s friend(make sense??) was doing that. I wanted to smack her up side the head... and judging from the looks she got, so did many other people.

- Be careful not to hit the guy behind you when waving your glowstick around.. (I’M SORRY!)

- And most importantly -- DON’T forget how to talk when you see the Boys’ buses and only quietly squeak out “dad.. dad.. please..” hoping he’ll hear you and understand what you want. (which is to get out and wait for the BSB!)

Mentioning that last thing there.. could someone PLEASE tell me if the guys greeted the fans after the show? I’m really kicking myself right now. I have no idea what I was thinking, and why I didn’t say anything... *sigh*

Well, now that I’m done getting those things off my chest (Thanks to those who listened!)

Hope everyone has fun at future concerts and Good Luck on getting tix for the spring tour!!

Concert Reviews: 11/6-8/99 Detroit, MI

Date: Sep 30, 2000
Submitted By:

Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 11:22 PM

Well I gotta to tell you that the Backstreet Boys are definitely Back alright and they are truly "Larger Than Life"!!!! The concert I went to was the Nov 7 concert in Detroit at the Palace of Auburn Hills. Walking into the venue just blew me away because I never ever thought that I would see the"boys" as I like to call them, in a million years, but there I was. Mandy Moore and EYC did an excellent job but when the BSB came out EVERYONE were on their feet. Kevin didn't fly at all that night, he rose form the middle of the stage while Brian, AJ, Howie and Nick "surfed in". And the concert was on, the stage glowed, the boys looked great and the dancers were on point. I have to give the dancers credit because they help make the show!!!! From Larger than Life to The perfect Fan, from Don't want you back to I want it that way, the Boys kept you on your feet and and they were just energetic and fun to watch. Fatima Robinson is a great Choreographer and for those who are still waiting to see the boys, the whole experience is priceless!!!! I know that people who came with their kids and girlfriends may have been non believers walking in but coming out,were Blown away, I was almost into tears, It was unbelievable. The BSB are the best! And I would give anything to see them again. It's worth the wait. The BSB are definately back and aren't going anywhere.

Rock on BSB


If anyone would like to talk about the BSB or the concert or have any pics of them please email me!

From: Sarah Cappella []
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 9:39 PM

I’ve always read the reviews at this site since there ever were any, and always wondered if I would have the chance put add one of my own. Well, Nov.6 I got my chance, and here’s my review...

On the 6th, my dad drove me 3 hours to Auburn Hills to try and get tickets from the box office. Now, if you didn’t get tickets when they went on sale, believe me, this is the way to go. My dad and I could have gotten floor seats, but we decided to get first level seats and they were GREAT! Anyways, Mandy Moore was good, her voice is quite mature for being 15. And I have to agree with the Whodaman girls, she is the skinniest girl alive! EYC didn’t impress me too much though. They did a really good job of hyping up the crowd, but they were all sex appeal.... Dave really got on my nerves too... Anyways! On to better things: Backstreet Boys! As most of you know, they fly out of that black box with the Star Wars theme playing, it was too cool! Except that Kevin wasn’t with them, he walked to the stage in a black trenchcoat type thing because of his shoulder. Hope he gets better soon! Well, I could go on-and-on forever, so I’ll just tell some of the things that stick out in my mind...

- I caught a rose from Howie!!!! That was definitely the highlight of the whole show for me!

- Howie dropped his hat during AIHTG

- From where we were you could see under the part of the stage that rises, and AJ stood right where we could see him... he couldn’t get his mic thing off!

- By the way, AJ has red hair now

- Kevin playing the piano... beautiful

- Brian was sick. :( I guess he got the flu from Nick or something, because he was high and a couple times he squeaked really bad.

- Brian was playing around with a Pistons basketball during the dancers’ intros.

- Brian’s little dance during the dancers’ intros!! Oh my CUTE!!

- During “That’s The Way I Like It” Brian went down, if ya know what I mean! (think Kev on TRL when Nick wasn’t there) He tried to make it subtle, but I caught it... Hey, can you tell who my fav is yet?

- Nick pretended to hit Brian over the head with his mic and ‘knock him down a few sizes’. (you’d have to see it!)

One last note before I go.. if you ever have the chance to take one (or both) of your parents with you, do it. Especially if you think they’ll get into it. I can’t express how great it was to see my dad having so much fun at something so important to me. I don’t know if that made any sense to all of you reading this, but trust me.. the feeling is indescribable.

So everyone have fun at the future concerts, k? :o) E-mail me is you have any questions or just want to talk about it!

From: Kristen Randall []
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 9:27 PM

Hey everyone!

Last night my 4 friends, my mom, and I all packed into the car and went to the Backstreet Boys Concert in Detroit, MI.  We went to the last concert out of 3 that they were playing in Detroit.

Let me tell was AWESOME!!!!!  I'll start with the drive there!

We all met up at my house around 4:30 and we left around 5:00pm.  We live in Sarnia, Canada so we had to cross the border.  Of course, our luck, the trucks were blocking up the bridge traffic so we finally got over at around 5:30pm.  Then we ate at McDonalds. We finally got on the road at 6:15 or so.  The drive was fun!  We were singing and dancing, it was a blast!

I was in such a rush to get there because it takes us 1 hour and I thought we'd be late or someting!

Finally we arrived at the Palace, parked the car, and went inside!

I stood in line to get a T-Shirt(which took FOREVER!) and while I was waiting Mandy Moore started to sing!  I got the shirt and then we ran to get to our seats(which were on the other side of the building!)

Finally we get to the seats and Mandy Moore was pretty good!  I liked her!  Next was EYC.  They were.......uh...ok I guess.  They got the crowd all pumped up!

My friend from NJ, Martha(HEY!), already went to the concert in NJ so she told me to look for a black box.  I was like, ok!, so during the little intermission I saw the black box and it was right infront of us!  Then they played the Star Wars music and Nick, Brian, and Howie flew out of the box!!  Kevin and AJ were already on the stage!

Kevin's arm was in a sling (poor guy!) and AJ had bronchitis.

But Kevin really tried alot to dance and he did a damn good job at it!  AJ also sang really really good!!!  I didn't hear them say that AJ had bronchitis and I couldn't even tell!!

Now I'll just say how they looked and everything!

HOWIE First!--Howie looked really cute!  I loved his little rap at the end!!  He also sang really beautiful!

AJ--He looked sexy!  He wasn't as wild as he was last time but he is still sexy!!

KEVIN--Well my mom really liked the way he sang and moved, even with his sore shoulder!!  Kevin is her favorite!!  He was also cute!!!

BRIAN--Funny, funny, funny!!  That's all I can say!  When he had those 2 b-balls I was laughing so hard! And also when he was dancing at the end!  He makes me laugh!!

Finally..NICK--YUM YUM YUM YUM!!!  That's about it! No, Just kidding! He looked HOT, SEXY, and CUTE!  I heard some people say "oh look at Nick..he's fat now" but all I have to say is that he looks fine the way he is and I still think he is hot!!

Anyways, that was my concert experience!!!!!!

All you fans that haven't gone to a concert are gonna have a BLAST! And you will never forget it because I know I won't!!

OH YA! Anyone who went to the concert on the 8th e-mail me at    I was section 204 row 9 seats 5-10


From: Amanda []
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 4:47 PM

Last night I had the best time of my life. Yes, I seen the Backstreet Boys in concert. Now, I had the worst seats- nosebleed so this review is how I seen it from where I was sitting. I was just so glad to be there that I don't even care where I sat!

Mandy Moore came on first at 7:30 and sang 4 songs. Candy was the last one- and the only song that half of the people knew. She performed great and had some great dancers.

EYC was 2nd and they put on a pretty good show. I know most of you already know they like to touch their bodies and take off their shirts but the crowd seemed to love them here in Detroit. (Maybe cuz when they came out people thought it was BSB- they didn't know there was a 2nd act.) They also sang 4 songs and did some funny things I won't share just in case you're going to the show! They teased us by kepy saying 'Backstreet Boys' and of course the audience went crazy.

Backstreet came on at 8:30. They all flew in except for Kevin since his arm was still in a sling. They all looked totally HOT and I loved the outfits. Larger Than Life was first and was awesome. Nick probably had the most emotions during the concert. During one song (either DOn't Want You Back or a ballad) he really got into it and was on the floor being really emotional. The crowd loved it. Let's just say that during the show- they ALL had some sexy dance moves. No one really expected Nick to do any, but when he did..WHOA!!! He ripped his shirt off during one song (he had a tank top under it though) and everyone screamed.

The show was amazing- the best ever. The Band was great- one girl in it which rocks! You could spot AJ anywhere with that red hair which was good so I knew where he was at all times. Brian was as sweet as ever- waving to everyone. Awww. AJ kept shaking his butt at the crowd which we all LOVED!

I'm so looking forward to my next BSB concert. I can't wait till they come back in the spring and I promise I'll have good seats next time!!

E-mail me with questions if ya like! Just no HATE mail cuz they go straight into my trash can.


Into The Millennium

Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 8:43 PM

E-Mail: AJ BSB

Three words for you: Oh My God! That is what the Backstreet Boys concert was Saturday night. I was lucky enough to obtain front row seats, and even if I was in the nosebleed section it still would have been well worth it. They started with "Larger than Life," with those surfboard things that they flew on and after that they went right on to "Get Down." It was so amazing, being so close to them. All of the songs were performed beautifully.

Where I was sitting, was where they went in and out the stage. It was awesome! After that they performed "The One," " As Long As You Love Me," " Don't Wanna Lose You Now," and "Quit Playing Games." That was so cool because Brian was flying right over us! Unfortunately, Kevin couldn't do much because of his shoulder. Then they got on these ladder type things and did "Don't Want You Back." They were bouncing around on those things, especially A. J. (By the way his hair at the moment is now dyed red) Then they sang "Everybody," "We've Got It Goin' On," and "That's The Way I. Like It."

I loved "Everbody"! It was so good and I saw A.J.'s 69 tattoo. He's even cuter up close! Then they sang "I'll Never Break Your Heart," "Spanish Eyes," and "Back To Your Heart." Kevin played the piano for it even though he had his hurt shoulder. I thought that was sweet! They sang "No One Else Comes Close" and "The Perfect Fan." That was too cute with all the daughters walking around with the boys. Then it was "All I. Have To Give" and my most favorite song "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely." That song just makes me want to cry.

For the finale They did "It's Gotta Be You" in these pajama like pants, and "I Want It That Way." It was most definitely the best day of my life.

Thank You BSB!

From: telintum []
Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 7:33 PM

Well, I had tickets to the Pistons game on the 5th also where BSb would be performing the anthem, and they were great. It had been a year and a half since i had last seen them live. I am a huge fan, and i almost jumped off the balcony to them when they came out on the court! It was a short national Anthem, but it was worth the $45.00

Most of you probably know exactly how the concert went, but for you not able to go, it was the most indescribable concert, they flew down and started off w/ "Larger then life" I can' do all the details, But tit was great. Nick looked so incredibly hot, and Kevin had his arm in a sling, because last week he hurt it snowboarding. Then to "QPGWMH" they flew right over me!! i had 18th row, so Nick was right above me!! His little Belly was sticking out, it was so cute!

Then for the last two songs, i snuck up to 5th row! Because most people were leaving,  they thought there was no encore; a BSB concert w/out an encore, come on people!!! So i got great pictures, and a huge smile form Nick!!

They put on an unbelievable concert, and they are still there for two more days! I hope they put on a great show tomorrow!! Remember to always keep the Backstreet Boy pride alive, and lets make them stay around for many, many excellent concerts to come!! Maybe even for our kids to go see!!!

Taylor Ann Carter

From: Lacie Smith []
Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 5:47 PM


I saw the Backstreet Boys in concert Saturday and let me tell you, this was the greatest night of my life! Ever since the day I heard of ticket sales I have been so anxious to go, then they weren’t even gonna have a show in Detroit! I was the happiest girl alive when I heard they were gonna do some show’s here in Michigan. Unfortunately I couldn’t make it to the box office considering it was 3 hrs away and our mother’s refused to take us. So i was one of those fans who sat on the phone and the internet all morning just hoping for ticket’s, any kind of tickets! Well that didn’t happen. 2 days later my best friend show’s up at my door telling me we have front row! Ever since August I have been so excited about our seats and just about everybody knew about them too! Well we were crushed when we showed up to the concert and to our suprise we didn’t even have floor seats! So were where in the 6th row back from the next level. But we could still see pretty well other than the stupid sheet thing that was in our way. Ok finally on w/the concert!

Opening Act: Well we were a little late cause our limo driver got lost so we might have missed Mandy Moore but I am not postively sure that she was there! EYC was pretty good! Even though I didn’t see them too much considering we were worrying about trying to get a better seat. Why do security guards have to be so mean? They did get the crowd pumped up pretty well too! I can’t remember their names but one of them had a sports bra on!

Finally the Backstreet Boys: I had been waiting for this moment for months and months and when they turned those lights out I was so excited!!! They came out on their surfboards (except for Kevin of course) and they were like right in front of us! They all sang so well and I gotta tell ya Nick has a great voice, it has matured so much! I was afraid that the dancers would be too distracting or that I wouldn’t be able to see the guys as well. But I was wrong, the dancers were all great. All of the choreography was great and the guys danced so well! Go Fatima! I especially loved the dance w/the ladders! (That was “Don’t want you back”)

One thing that I was really afraid of was the “In the round”. But I thought they spaced it out greatly! I really liked the stage too. It was the coolest stage I have saw, if you didn’t get a chance to see them or your going to soon I will describe it for you: It was octagon shape and the middle of it could rise up and down. Then at the top of the thing that rises they could sit up there and it spun around so you didn’t have to watch the same guy for the whole song. It had these lights on it that were cool too! There was a bad thing about it though if you wanted to watch just Nick you couldn’t cause he would be on the other side, but the good thing was that he was on my side quite a bit! Applause to the band too they did a great job! Alot of new faces out there too. Oh and I can’t forget about their clothes! I loved the pink suits! Don’t ask me why but I just did! They looked so so well let’s say sophisticated w/them on! I’m not sure why they didn’t show any skin (except 4 their muscles!) but I’m guessing the tour was a “family oriented show”. So that also explains why Aj didn’t hump the stage! As for the guys........

Howie: I’m not a real big of Howie so i don’t really have much to say about him. He wasn’t in my viewing area as much as the other guys either. His hair is still the same old way it has been. Even though he didn’t sing much, he did sound pretty good and I give applause to anybody who can go as high as he does!

Brian: I must say Brian has some talent. I think he sounds quite a bit better live also! And I was thinking how can this man run around the stage like he is w/all of his troubles that he has had in the past? And he said his little “trademark” hello at the start. I think it is so funny the way he says it! I loved his blue shirt and the cap and the end of the show and he can sure spin a ball! He looked so tiny out there I thought! My friend’s dad even asked who is the small guy out there? I was a little mad when they were flying again and all the guys were throwing tons of stuff to the people who had the seats around where I did but he only threw like 2 things! Oh well. He was funny flying, when he was coming closer to us he pretended like he was swimming and running!

Kevin: Poor poor hotness! I felt so bad for him! He couldn’t fly, he couldn’t dance much, and when he spoke he sounded like he was in so much pain! I thought it was clever how he came out and he was kinda like the “master”, which fits him well! I just wish he could sing more! He was so funny to watch cause he couldn’t really dance so he would move his fingers and try to pretend to play the guitar! Then when it was time for him to play the piano, I was suprised he did play it. But he didn’t miss a key! I envy those lucky, lucky girls who get to help him change! That must have been pretty hard too, changing that fast w/the sling on.

AJ: This boy was the life of the concert! I swear AJ is just one of the most funniest guys! I watched him alot cause he is the funniest guy but it was kinda hard to cause there is so much going on to look at. As I said he didn’t do anything really “bad” and my friend was a little mad he didn’t! I guess he has to behave for this tour! I would love to know him cause we would get along so well, he was so hyper! He was playing the violin once and I couldn’t stop laughing! Then he was sliding down from the center of the stage. One of the funniest things he said was when Nick said AJ what are you doing? Then he said hold on let me talk then he yelled Twinkies! Somebody must have thrown them up there. I wasn’t suprised at all when he had a different hair color! It was red this time. He is a great dancer and I couldn’t believe that he was hanging upside down from his ladder!

Nick: Ok if you already didn’t know, Nick is my favorite. I have been trying so hard to get used to his longer hair and his “Hercules” look and well I did. No, I don’t like him just for his looks I just love his hair and I was kinda mad when I saw that it was long a few months ago. When I first saw him I thought no way! He got a haircut! He was so cute and I can’t get over that! I am glad he was around our side alot and on the tv quite a bit too. His voice has matured so well in the past months, he sang so great! I thought it was strange how shy he is on tv and he was not the least bit shy! He cracked me up so much too. And looked mighty fine in the process. He was like pole dancing w/the ladder too. He could break dance too, I forgot when they did that though. What a talented guy! I really liked the rapping he did w/that guy MCD. Oh and for everyone who says that Nick needs to work out and that he’s fat, well your wrong! He has HUGE muscles now! I actually did think that back in May Nick was a little chubby but he must have lost some weight touring cause he had on a really tight shirt and he didn’t look fat at all. I’m convinced now that Nick is the hottest man alive!

In conclusion, Saturday was the best night of my life! If you ever get a chance to see the boys, Kevin was right, It will be the greatest concert you have ever been to and if you haven’t been to a concert before, you’ll never forget it! Indeed Kevin, I WAS a bigger fan of Nsync but recently they don’t even come close! BSB’s concert was so much better and I will never forget it! And don’t forget KTBPA!

Thanks for reading this,

Lacie (Email me at for any questions or comments!)

Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 5:38 PM

Hey everyone! I had THE best time of my life last night on the 7th. And it was because of who???? BACKSTREET BOYS!!!!!!!!! OMG, they seriously put on the best concert I have ever been to! OK, I'm going to give you all a review of a concert you've probably read reviews for millions of times, but just work with me ok:) Also, this review won't have the "And Nick looked STRAIGHT at me!" and all that stuff because, well, he didn't, I was in the balcony... (No offence at ALL to people who had good tickets Im happy for ya!~)

Ok, first things first, me, my sis, and my best friend Ashleigh got to the palace and I was SO surprized to see that my seats were WAY closer than I expected! I had section 218, row 3 and I thought I would be really far away, even though other people had told me that all the seats in the house were good (are they were:)) I had binoculars, and I saw that I would hardly need them, between the closeness of the stage and the screen that showed the boys close up. And also, at these seats we could see the WHOLE stage and that was tottaly awesome! Mandy MOore came out and I thought she was cool just because I have her single so I knew all of the songs! But I think that she should have danced a little more, because singing AND dancing at the SAME time shows tons of talent to me. EYC them came, and the guys were kinda ok. I didn't know there songs so I couldn't sing along, and this one dude who had a hair cut like NIck's was very obsessed with his body but it was ALL good:) Then......(Drum roll please)......BSB came out woo hoo!!!!!!! They did SO good, and NIck looked SOOOOOOOOOOOO hottttttt!!!!!!!!! I love that boy to death! He looked like he lost some weight and gained some mussel and that was cool:) and he cut his hair! yea Nick!:) Kevin did really good considering his hurt arm or shoulder or whatever it was. Most of the time I forgot that he was hurt! AJ was SO funny! Durring "Quit Playing games", he was all hanging upside down and laughing and he was cool as always. Brian looked the same, and he was so cute and funny:) Howie had his hair in a pony tail I do believe (I forget), he did good also:)

The perfect fan was SO sweet! I was so jealous of those girls, but I was very happy for them also! I would have gave anything to be up there holding Nick's hand:) The only thing that I didn't like about the concert was that they shortened "Everybody", " We've got it going on", "And "That's the way I like it", because I love all those songs but that was ok:)

The whole night was so great I never wanted it to stop! I was screaming the whole time and I only sat down for 2 songs because everyone else was down and I didn't want to look like a fool standing there alone! hehe. When I got out of the place I couldn't hear anything it was so weird! And my throut hurt so bad today! And ::sniff::sniff:: I started to cry when Nick did his little solo in "As long as you love me" (you know, the beginning of the song) it was so beautiful! And I cried AGAIN when Nick did his famous "Don't wanna hear you sayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!":*):*):*)

Oh yeah, and also, they were wearing this big cowboy hat when they were intoducing the dances and band members! It was SO cute I loved it! And HOwie's rap was AWESOME!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone who has tickets to the shows coming up, you are so lucky because I wish that I could go again! I don't wanna wait for a year-year and a half! And enjoy every moment of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S~*never stop screaming:)* Anyone who when to the concert or just wants to talk please feel free to E-mail me at!

Peace out and KTBSPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 3:58 PM


I just seen the Backstreet Boys last night at the Palace of Auburn Hills, Michigan. It was so awesome there was tons and tons of screaming. They sounded so great and they put on a great show. It is a cicular stage but they do move around it so everybody gets to see them a lot. When I went Kevin didnt go on the harnes cause as all of you know by now he hurt his arm snowboarding and he couldn't do the dance with the chairs for As Long AS You love Me But he did do a lot. They were all so awesome it was the best concert I have ever been. We had like a 30 feet poster and like all of the Backstreet Boys seen we gave it to them after the concert. You'll have an awesome time if your going don't forget a comera.


Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 3:51 PM

We arrived at the Palace around 6:00 so we could get in the line for "Into The Millennium" Tour Books and the go find our PERFECT seats for "The Perfect Fans!" The stage was great; blue, purple and silver with rockets that said "Millennium" like the CD cover! After sitting and screaming when a light would dim! Finally, at 7:30 (not a second after) music began and the screaming started and Mandy Moore came on for her set (not as good as Aaron from the "Backstreets' Back" tour!) and then EYC (AS BAD AS JIMMY RAY!) hit the stage to show off (they were really bad!). The lights came up and then after about 15 minutes the arena went pitch black!


The band came on then came the dancers with their torches....

WHAT'S IN THE BOX??? A black box started smoking and fire started coming up out of it and so did 4 of the guys! Kevin came up through the stage because of his broken arm but B-ROK, BONE, D., AND FRACK came flying around to the stage.


They marched around for about 3 minutes and finally Brian kicked off "Larger Than Life" (Really AWEsome!) Next came "Get Down" and "The One" then came the two "oldies but goodies" as Howie said... "As Long As You Love Me" - Howie's chair broke! "Quit Playing Games" was my favorite part because Nick was right up almost face to face with me (He is REALLY COOL!) Next came ( I think) Spanish Eyes Everybody and the usual!


The encore was fabulous! "Gotta Be You" wearing Tommy pajama pants and of course: "I WANT IT THAT WAY" EVERYONE SANG FIREWORKS WENT OFF THEN THEY SAID GOODBYE, SANG A-CAPELLA FOR A SEC AND THEY WERE OFF!



Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 3:19 PM


I just got home from the Backstreet Concert from the Palace of Auburn Hills. It was the bomb. I just had to tell everybody that it was the best concert of all time and I cant wait till they come back again and I will definitely be there. At the concert their outfits were so good, and they looked so fine.

A. J. hair was so good with the costumes and he was dancing with a hat and he was also dancing like he was a ballerina and he just looked so cute. Brian (sigh) ended up getting a stuffed basketball thrown at him and he pretended it was real and decided to try to dribble it and spin it on his finger. Nick was looking really good too, everyone was saying that he looked fat but he didn't he looked really fine. Kevin didn't dance much but he did do the ladder dance and when he did the solo with the piano I started to cry.

And last but not least Howie (Em's man) was a total babe. He was the cutest rapper I have ever seen.

The songs were great and I was very pleased with all of the ones that they sang. Everyone was going crazy when they came out and i don't blame them but i believe that i should be going cause its about 3 in the morning and i have to go to school today too but i wanted to tell about the greatest night of my life



From: NickyDreamr []
Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 2:29 PM

Ok, first off, I MUST say that this was THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE. The Boys were incredibly awesome and so enjoyable, I loved every minute of it.

As I was sitting in my seat before the show started, I kept looking around, staring at the stage like I couldn't believe I was that close (I WON these tickets, REMEMBER). Then I saw someone wearing a black, red and white Backstreet Boys jersey… it was Tommy Smith! He kept walking around the stage and around the venue everywhere, and people would pass him like hes nothing! I would have at least said hello and maybe asked for an autograph. At one point, he walked up to this group of 4 people who were in their seats and took the binoculars from a girl on the aisle seat, stared at the stage through them, handed them back, then nodded his head I guess as a thank you. Then he kept on walking. NO ONE STOPPED HIM OR SAID ANYTHING TO HIM. There was 2 girls with a sign that read "Hey TOMMY" and he saw it once, and only waved at them. He waved. That’s ALL he did.

Mandy Moore and EYC sounded a LOT better than they did in Chicago, we could hear them clearer and the music wasn't drowning out their voices. (And Dav from EYC... WHOO BABY...)

The band came out, getting the place to go wild and get so very LOUD. Dennis was awesome, crazy as always, but awesome. Hes my definite favorite band member. Mindi, I must say, did an awesome job on percussion. Much props to her, I thought there was no one better than Obie was.

And, I almost regret to say, my little Nicky is NO MORE. Yes, ladies, he is a MAN now. I swear half of AJ's brain must have gotten into Nick's some how, making him dance like that. Don't get me wrong, theres no complaints here, that’s for sure!!!! DAMN HE WAS GOOD! I was in heaven seeing him up there like that! SHAKE THAT BOOTY, THRUST THAT PELVIS NICKAY! (Oh ya... by the time they did "Don't Want You Back", Nicky had a little SOMETHING pokeing out of his pants... ahem... WHOO YEAH!)

Kevin didn't fly in on the surf board, he came up from the middle of the stage. His arm wasn't in a sling or anything (I was told that it was during the show on the 6th, but not for us), but it must have still hurt a bunch. But during Kevin's introduction, he didn't mention anything about his arm, he didn't apologize or anything. He didn't fly during "Quit Playing Games" either, so Brian swung back and forth over Kevin's area and his own. Kevin got up on the pole once during "Don’t Want You Back", but barely did anything. He just held on with the arm that didn't hurt. He still boogied pretty well to the music!! Much props to him for that, for doing so much while his arm is hurting like it was. And he sounded awesome in his solos, might I mention. He got a fair amount of screams for his part in "I Want It That Way", making him smile from ear to ear.

During "Quit Playing Games", I noticed once the lines came down for them to fly on. Nick and AJ were walking back and forth on the part of the stage where they fly from, and they were on their right corners: Nicky on the corner closest to us, and AJ on the opposite corner. Then they switched places. I was thinking "OH NO YOU DON’T NICKY, GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE!" And they swtiched places again, sat down, got the hook up, and flew. (WHEW!)

As for Nicky's fly, I went nuts, I never screamed so much in my life, I swear. He was playing with the little toy he had, reading the tag, throwing it up in the air and (just barely) catching it again. Before he dropped it into the audience below him, when he swung back above the edge of the stage, someone threw up a purple stuffed thing and knocked him right in the chin and nose, he made a face and made every around me laugh. Then he busted out his Superman move and swung back out farther over the crowd.

They all looked SO adorable with their little "fans" and the mothers during "The Perfect Fan." Brian and Nick had their little "fan" wave into the camera as they walked by, having it show up on the huge screen above them. While Brian sang the beginning of the song, Kevin looked like he was telling his "fan" about his arm, he kept getting close to her ear, talking, and she touched his arm once. Brian's little "fan" looked scared at first, then Brian made me smile and laugh and she lightened up. He applauded her after they got back in place from walking around the stage. He was so cute with her.

I was standing in the aisle way by the time Kevin sat down at the piano for "Back To Your Heart" (which he did BEAUTIFULLY on, btw, good job Kevvy!), which left 3 empty seats from me and my mom. All through the concert, I kept going up and down the steps to the very bottom floor closer to the stage, mainly to get better pictures (as did a mother and one daughter who sat in between me and the aisle way). And since I had used up my camera already, when "Back To Your Heart" started, the secruity that kept people in their places had moved, trying to resolve a drunken rage between about 5 of 6 girls, and they ended up taking the girls outside, walking right on past me, which left me with a clear shot to getting closer to the stage. I went for it. I grabbed my book (a collection of notes from fans everywhere) and speeded down towards the stage. Damn they all looked SO good that close up. But I was on a mission, I HAD to get that book to them. I carefully and slowly squeezed my way closer and closer to the stage with every song, also enjoying the view of them so close, carefully counting their nose hairs.

I spent the rest of the concert down there, and no one said anything. Here's some of the things that happened:

I waved like crazy to all of the guys whenever they faced my way, especially Nicky. Nicky, AJ, and Kevin all saw me waving at them, but never did anything about it. Our eyes locked a bunch of times, but nothing more. I wanted at least a small wave out of Nicky... but no. :( Howie didn't even see me at all, but that’s because he wasn't around my end of the stage. As for Brian... well, he saw me. Twice. Once during "That’s The Way I Like It" when Brian does the "BOOM!" and sticks his arms out with his eyes open wide, he looked straight forward into my eyes, smiling big, making me smile. AND, near the end of the concert, during another fast song, Brian was on the corner of the stage singing something to the girls in front of him, then he looks over in the direction of where I was, finds me in the mist of the crowd, and sings to me, and when I smile at him and wave, he smiles and points at me. :)

When they did "That’s The Way I Like It", I went NUTS. Nicky threw off his jacket like a mad man, thrusting that pelvis like he was Elvis. Having him smack the air in from of him while he did that didn't help much either. I screamed and screamed. I could NOT help myself. Nicky can ALWAYS make me scream. ESPECIALLY DOING THAT! (THANKS FOR THE SWEET DREAMS NICKAY!)

During one song, Dennis was acting nuts, just for me (I'm serious ~ JUST FOR ME, no offence to the other girls what were there). He saw me watching him as he played the keys, kept looking from what he was doing on the keyboard to my eyes, singing along with the guys, dancing in place, shaking his booty. I smiled at him when he looked again, and he smiled. God, Dennis, you're hilarious.

And of course, Howie and Nicky couldn't go without going the rap. Nicky started it out. "We're gonna do things a little bit differently......He wants to be a rapper, but he ain't gonna make it-" Howie interupts him: "Nicky." "His name is... I'll let him say his name... Whats your name?" "M...C...D!" They talk some more, then Nicky gets down to business. "Are you ready?" "Yes." "You sure?" "Yes." "You're SURE?" "Yes." "Ok lets introduce these guys."

BUST OUT THE RAP! I was waiting for Nicky to move to the center of the top stage and SHAKE THAT BOOTY like he did in Chicago, but he didn't. He shook that booty, but not as much. I still screamed. :)

Near the end of "I Want It That Way", Kevin and Howie went down on the floor off the stage, Howie started circling the around the stage, touching the hands of the fans reaching out. I touched him, on the tip of his ring finger. Kevin stayed in one area, where the stairs up to the stage were, mostly because a girl grabbed him in a hug and almost pulled him over the railing, probably causing his arm more pain. He was NOT smiling once the guards got the girl off him. Poor guy.

When the confetti dropped, girls all around me were reaching for it, wanting some of it. The kept landing on the book of fan messages I was carrying so I stuffed it in my pocket once it landed. I didn't notice when the guys did their bow, I was hooked on the confetti. But they came back around, and right there on the corner infront of me, wearing a huge pink cowboy hat (that AJ had brought out at the beginning of "Its Gotta Be You"), smiling and laughing. I screamed once I noticed he was there, and waved like crazy. He saw me, his eyes locked in with mine, but he didn't do anything. I kept waving as he stood there, and he kept looking back out at me. But still did nothing.

As for pictures, we got 3 rolls worth. I used up all of mine by the end of Nicky's introduction (hey, he was CLOSE and he did the WHODAMAN move, I HAD to get him as much as I could!) and mom used the last 2 rolls by the end of "No One Else Comes Close", when they're in the LOVELY pink suits. I'll get them developed and scanned ASAP!


The Boys were beautiful. Not just Nick or Brian, ALL OF THEM. They sang and danced their butts of. This was their best concert thus far. Lets see if they can do any better in the years to come..... I'm sure they can... They're unstoppable.

~ NickyDreamr ~

Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 12:00 PM


I went to the Backstreet Boys Concert at the Palace of Auburn Hills last Saturday November 6. And I am telling you I had the best time of my entire life. I was in the first row of the balcony, they weren't like great seats as far as I could see the guys up close or anything but atleast I could tell which was which. Okay so I am going to run down the high and low points of the show for me atleast...not there were any real low points but well you know.

Highs: definetly the music it was absolutly incredible, they sounded great.

Kevin playing the piano was amazing

How they kept acknoweledging all of us at the top, I mean sometimes it's easy for us to feel like we are being left out.

Nick and Kevin look much more beautiful in person, the rest look about the same but gorgeous anyways.

There personalities really showed through

Kevin cute puppy dog face when he couldn't fly up to see us(I was on his side so I really didn't get a close up of any guy, I really wish he would have flown because he would have been right in front of me.)

Seeing Nick and Brian reasonably close up.

Yelling "I love you Brian" really loud and having him look up and smile( I guess I will never really know if he actually heard me or not, but I would like to think that he did.)


The opening acts were awful..sorry I just could not get into them.

Not having kevin fly into my arms*sigh*

Not being able to see them up close, but I could see them well enough.

Not being able to go down on the "Perfect Fan"( It was my mom's birthday so I had my dreams)

It wasn't long enough(I wanted to have more time with them.)

I have decided however that I will go again, maybe during the next leg of the tour...I am sincerely hoping that they will come to Cincinatti or Columbus, or Toledo, or somewhere nearby. I would love to see them again!!! I am going to see them again, I have already decided and I will be closer next time!! Okay enough of that, has anybody heard when the next leg will be? Email me at, if you can help at all. Oh and if you just want to talk, I love getting emails so send as many as you would like.

Love always,


Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 11:21 AM

I just got back from the best concert I've ever been too. In other words the Backstreet boys kicked it into 4th gear last night at the Palace of Auburn Hills and showed all those anti backstreet boys media people that hey we are here to stay man. They really kicked some butt. I'm a 24 year old who loves backstreet boys, especially Brian, and true mostly of the fans there were younger than me but i didn't care because I love bsb just as much as they do. Two things did surprise me though:



here is how the night went. my friend mandi and i got to the palace at 6:30 and we were lucky traffic wasn't that bad yet and it wasn't that crowded yet. i first bought two tour books, one for me and one for my friend diana ( hi girl) secondly, i went to get a drink and stood in line at the big merchanise booth. i bought a really cool t-shirt, a hat, and two dog tags for students of mine who couldn't go to a concert. lastly, i bought a glow stick. mandi didn't want one, but she regreted it ,which i'll explain later. we went down to find our seats. when i first caught a glimpse of the stage, i was stocked that it was so small. i thought it would of been a lot bigger, but it looked so cool. we found our seats that were on the floor, and i immediatly told myself i'm going to get some kick butt pictures because security could of cared less if you had a camera, they didn't even check. i sat down and said omg i can't believe i'm here and i'm going to see backstreet in less than two hours. whoohoo. mandi was a great friend who came along with me because i didnt want to go by myself. she is a fan, but not to the degree i am. we spent our time before mandi moore came out talking to this really nice mom and her daughter in front of us. that was cool. she liked kevin, and her daughter liked nick. my friend mandi went up to a security guard to try to have my brian littrell kids club t shirt signed by brian. he was like their record company doesn't allow them to do that unless you book an appointment.... you suck jive

mandi moore came out and i really liked her, she was good. i didn't like eyc though ok to the good part..hehehehe the sears commerical came on at around 8:30. i love that commerical, i was like run brian run. he is such a cutie. anyway i knew that meant it was time, so i tried to find the black box where they were coming out, but i couldn't find it. do to the fact that it was on the other side of the arena. the dancers came out with these really cool lamps and paraded around the stage, but i was freakin out because i couldn't find the black box. then all of a sudden mandi screamed there kim there they are. and i screamed where? then i saw nicks face and i almost lost it. then kevin rose from the center, no sling but he didn't fly at all. aj, brian, howie, and nick landed and joined kevin on stage. kevin gave his famous look to the camera that told the fans lets get it on. they marched around the stage and started into larger than life. aj had the really funky head set on from the ltl video. when i saw brian i screamed so loud. mandi fell in love with aj . she was like you best get a picture of that boy for me, or you don't have a ride home.

reviews of the guys:

kevin: looked so hot. he did all the dance moves which i was happy about so hopefully his shoulder is feeling better. and no sling.

nick: omg nick later

howie: i love howie, he is such a sweet heart, but i wish i had more eyes because i would of loved to have watched him more. but my concentration was on brian,nick, and aj

brian: awwwwwwwww brian what a angel. he is still my favorite. i just loved watching him, he is such a crack up. he danced really well, and that voice of his melted my heart.

nick: omg nick later

aj: what a body!!!! what a performer!!! he was by far the best entertainer on the stage. loved the hair, bright red!!!!

ok nick: that boy, is not a boy any more...... i have a whole new look of nick now. that boy has some moves. and whoever said that boy is fat now needs some glasses, he is fine!!!!! fine fine fine

best parts of the concert

1) on as long as you love me howie's chair broke while doing the chair dance. he gave a look to the fans that was so cute, and he quickly went under the stage to get a new one. poor howie!!!!

2) aj flying over me on quit playing games. he was upside down the entire time. love ya aj. my friend mandi wanted to throw my glow stick at him. i was like not. nick and howie were to the sides of us. nick was throwing teddy bears and howie was throwing i think flowers. it was cool!!

3) on that's the way i like it, one of the girl dancers got in nicks face and pushed him, he just looked at her and pushed her back... wtg nick

4) back to your heart: kevin playing the piano. enough said

5) its gotta be you: when they were introducing the band, aj was whereing this huge rubber cowboy hat that all the guy kept stealing from him. brian was up on the center part being a goof. he had these two fuzzy basketballs that he was playing with. he would try to bounce them, and when they wouldn't bounce, he would look at the crowd with that brian i'm puzzled look and start laughing. then he would just do it over again. also when brian was dancing nick came over to him and pulled his shirt back wards and brian almost landed on his butt.

6) iwitw, aj through water on the crowd then through his water bottle into the crowd. i later found out that the reason why they didn't let you have the the viles with the roses they were selling is because the night before some fan through one on stage and one of the guys slipped on the water. oops!!! but i was like no fair, they can throw water on us, but we can't throw water at

7) everybody: they had white war paint on. that was cool, also nick had a white bandana on his head that he through into the crowd. aj also ripped his shirt off and through it into the crowd. my friend mandi was freakin to see aj shirtless.......yes mandi nice body......

8) perfect fan.......brian singing enough said. kevin was being so sweet to the girl he had and her mom. what a sweetie!!!

ok guys i think i have written enough now, the whole concert was da bomb, and if i had a chance to go back tonight or any other time i would. the guys gave it their all, and each and every one of them thanked the fans.... i mean really thanked them...... i love them even more now........ thank you nick, brian, howie,aj, and kevin for all you do for us, and you do alot

.........thank you

your concert rocks, and you guys are larger than life

From: Michelle Y Tenney []
Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 10:56 AM

I saw the show on November 6 in Detroit and it was amazing! My friend and I had rafter seats, but I was miraculously able to win better seats on the radio. They were still on the second level, but they were row 2 instead of 16 and they were in the middle of the Palace instead of the end. We were able to see everything going on on stage, but we were not so high that we were forced to use binoculars. If we had been much lower we would have missed what was going on on the opposite side of the stage. And thankfully the girls in front of use did not feel the need to stand up and block our view. We even got pretty decent pictures.

Kevin was still not flying and only did some dancing, but he did play the piano for his solo and "Back to Your Heart." A lot of the stuff they did as a group that was not on the center platform was either to our right or our left, so we could always see them really well. And even when they were on the opposite side of the stage we could still see them okay. Kevin spent a lot of time on our side which was great for me, but my friend was disappointed that A.J. spent most of his time on the opposite side.

There was so much going on that we felt like we missed a lot by taking pictures, but at least we have them. We would love to go again to just sit and watch, but we would hate to take the opportunity away from someone else since we were fortunate enough to go. The lighting was awesome and the choreography was brilliant. It is true that the dancers are great and do not interfere with the guys. The only time it was a bit confusing was during the medley of "Everybody," "That's the Way I Like It," and "We've Got It Going On". Everyone on stage was wearing white, but it wasn't too bad as long as you knew where to look. I especially loved the way they introduced the band and dancers. It was a lot of fun!

I highly recommend it to anyone who is not sure about the Backstreet Boys. They certainly know how to please their fans!

From: Tricia Fleming []
Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 10:41 AM

Well, I’m back from my third concert (in just a little over a month) and the experiences JUST KEEP GETTING BETTER AND BETTER!!!! I flew to Detroit, MI to see the Boys and TRY to find them at the hotel. Well, I FOUND THEM!!

Okay, I’m getting ahead of myself!! I’ll start at the beginning. I got into Detroit on Friday night and searched in vain for any shot of them singing the National Anthem at the Pistons game. Detroit TV, ESPN, CNN and FOX didn’t show ONE bit of it. GRRRR! Oh, well.

Saturday, we (my Mom and I) realized that you couldn’t do anything in Auburn Hills without a car. So we got a kickin’ Blazer!!! A white Blazer (I felt like O.J.!). So, off we went to find Kevin, AJ, Brian, Howie and Nick...

Ameri Suites - not there

Holiday Inn Select - not there

Hampton Inn - not there

Hilton Suites - not a BSB in site (although the crew was staying here)

Townsend (sp?) Hotel - very posh and they stayed here previously but...nope

Troy Marriott - not even a dancer

Northfield Hilton - *yawn* nope

7 hotes and NOTHING! So, we gave up for the afternoon to relax and regroup for the concert. I stuffed my pockets with the cameras, film, twinkies for Nick, Frick-Frack (the teddy bear that Brian and I talked about and played catch with at my second concert) and my sign ("I love you...and you...and you...and..." on one side and "I came from PHILLY to hear YOUR solos!!!" on the other) and off we went to the Palace. We walked by where they come into the arena and a minute later they arrived. I just missed them! Oh, well, again!

The seats! YES!!! We were RIGHT near the box they fly out of!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, we got in waaaaay early to try to be picked for The Perfect Fan so off I went in search of Mark, the security guard who picks the mother/daughters. I went all around the arena and didn’t see him anywhere. Finally, I ended up standing by where the backstage people come in and out of the arena. And that’s when the interactions started!!! Not with Mark (and, therefore, no Perfect Fan appearance on stage by me and my Mom) but with others...

Right off the bat, I saw my boy, Louie, the bass player for the band. I called to him and he stopped and talked to me. I told him all about coming from Philly, how I saw the BSB twice and reminded him how we interacted at my second concert. He was so sweet!!! We talked for a few minutes and then he had to go look for some friends that were coming in to see the show. Of course, I tried to find out where he and the Boys were staying but he wouldn’t say.

I then quickly ran back to my seat and grabbed my camera. Good thing I did!!! Next, I saw Dennis, the keyboardist/acoustic guitar player for the band. He had Guido, his stuffed duck, with him. I talked to him for a minute and got my pic with him and Guido. Then Louie came back around and I was able to get my pic with him this time. He’s such a cutie!!

Then Guy, the guitar player for the band, walked by. I talked to him for a while. He’s so sweet. I got my pic with him and I told him I’d see him in Knoxville!!

So, then it was time for the concert. You may have heard this all before but bear with me. I’ll put a different spin on things. Mandy Moore - okay. EYC - pretty good. Could David lift his shirt up ONE more time?? That was starting to annoy me. The crowd - very laid back. I think I felt more "juice" at my Philly shows. But everyone in Detroit was super nice! Another thing - signs. Ridiculous. Maybe it was a good thing they took them in Philly. It’s so hard to see over them. Hmmm.

The Boys!!! They flew out right in front of me and blew me away!!! It was like I had front row all over again!!! Howie and I made eye contact and he saw my Philly/solos sign. Haha - Howie and solos??? He was probably thinking - what solos?? I can honestly say that he’s not the one I wrote that sign for! Anyhoo, since it was so hard to see over the signs and raised arms of the people in front of me, I became a renegade - moving all over the place (and basically leaving my Mom alone the whole night [sorry Mom!]). The people in front of us left BEFORE the concert began (???) so I moved up there. Then, throughout the night, I was in these rows...

17th, 16th, 12th, 8th, and 4th. It was crazy!!! But, very awesome!!!

The concert was, of course, excellent (no, duh!). Here’s some thoughts on the guys and the concert:

1. NICK CUT HIS HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I nearly fainted when I saw him and he’s not even my favorite. It looks like the IWITW video again. Maybe a little more shaved on the bottom. Thank you, Nick!!! His introduction in the beginning was so annoying and stupid. Sorry, Nick fans, but it was super cheesy. He did the chair dance in front of me and he did a good job.

2. AJ WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! He was all over the place all the time. He pumped up the crowd and was just really cute. Lots of cute moves, faces and dances. He goofed off with Nick a lot and ... ready for this ... he lifted his shirt up right in front of me!!!!!!!!!!! *faint* *faint, again*

3. Brian flew right over me and he was so precious - covering his face and freaking out (me thinks he was pretending a little). He sang so many of my favorite parts right in front of me and I wish I had a sign thanking him for doing that!! He also changed his pajama outfit - he’s now wearing a blue wind breaker with his pajama bottoms.

4. Howie’s rap was just the cutiest. I loved it - even if it was the third time I heard it. And he did the running man when the drummer was doing his solo.  I died laughing.  It was so cute!!!  Of course, Nick introduced Howie as MC D and said this was Kevin’s favorite part. Kevin was on the other side of the stage so I didn’t see his reaction but my reaction was, "HUH???".

5. I knew Kevin wasn’t flying in with the guys but when they all reached the stage I still didn’t see him anywhere! I was freaking out a little (okay, a lot!). Then, there he was!!!! Feel that breeze? That’s me sighing in relief that he was there!!! He played the piano without the sling and did the ladder dance. But, he didn’t fly, didn’t do the hat or the chair dance. He seemed subdued but that might just be my imagination.

Sooo, I have really no proof that the guys saw my signs. My section had a spotlight on us for two of the songs when they were on the platform in the pink suits. And they had a clear view to me from where they were sitting. So, who knows?!?! Possibly a yes with Howie when he flew out. But, I DID have an interaction (or two??)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so as a joke, PLEASE NOT HATE MAIL, I brought twinkies to throw to Nick. I just had to rib him on his physique a little. I LOVE NICK (and his butt is sooo fine - I really do love it)!!!! He’s like a little brother to me. But, like little brothers, they need a little ribbing!!!! So, I made it up to the fourth row by the beginning of It’s Gotta Be You.  And, he didn’t come anywhere near me!!! That’s all right, Brian sang my absolute favorite part of the CD RIGHT in front of ME!!!! YAY!!!! And then I Want It That Way came on and my two favorites, Kevin and AJ, sang their part together right in front of me!!!! And Kevin also sang his verse in front of me. It was AWESOME!!!  But, *heehee*, here comes Nick. It’s right at the end of IWITW and AJ is singing the last line right in front of me (sidebar: YAYAYA!!!) and over wonders Nick. AJ finishes the line and I seize the moment. I throw the twinkies. UGH - they land to the right of Nick. AH-HAAAA - I had spares just in case!! I paused, took aim and threw again. BINGO!!!! The twinkies land right at the feet of AJ and Nick (thank you to my awesome softball coach for teaching me to throw)!!!!! They both look down and see them lying there. AJ picks up the twinkies and looks at them (I’m sure he had to have seen what I wrote on them and all the while Nick is watching as well).  Then, AJ holds them up to the crowd and screams, "TWINKIES RULE!!!". Then Nick says something to AJ and I couldn’t hear what he said cause I was FREAKING!!! But, I think he said something like, "Dude, give them to me" or "Dude, those are for me!" IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!! *sigh*

So, the concert ends and my Mom and I decide to go to the Hilton, where the crew is staying to try to get some info. We were in the lobby and met some great gals (Hey to all my Michigan, Minnesota and Indiana friends - email me!!). We found out that the boys are staying in a hotel about a half hour away so we decide to go for it. My Mom doesn’t want to go so we drop her off at the hotel first. We get to the hotel and they aren’t there. GRRR!!!! We go to the restaurant/bar and try chatting up some people to get the 411. Eventually, we meet this guy who knows where they are staying. But, he isn’t saying where. Finally we get a hint from him that you can see the hotel right from this one. There is only one other hotel in the vacinity so we FREAK OUT and start running to our cars.

We calmed down as we walked up to the hotel (didn’t want to scare anyone) and walked inside. There were about 10 people waiting. Then, we find out that we JUST MISSED AJ!!!!! I have to say, that because he’s my second favorite, I felt like crying. Then, we heard that Nick, Kevin and Brian all came back right after the concert and were already up in their rooms. GRRRR!!!! But, I cheered up when I heard that Howie was still out. And then we say Damon, from EYC hanging out in the bar. A couple of us went over and talked to him for a few minutes. HE’S SO SUPER SWEET!!!!! I got my picture taken with him and it was awesome!!!

Then, as we were waiting for Howie to come back, Tommy Smith (keyboardist for the band and owns his own website on the band) walked by. I went over to him by myself (I’m so proud of myself for doing that!!) and started talking to him. I have been trying to find the sheet music to "That’s What She Said" and I have been having no luck. So, I told this to Tommy (since he co-wrote it with Brian) and we started talking about the song and how long I have been playing the guitar (I just started - so I basically stink). Then a few other gals wandered over to us and were listening to us and wanting his autograph. He then said to me, "Come with me" and took my arm and started pulling me into another room. The girls started following us and he turned around and said, "No, just us". He leads me to a piano and sits down and starts playing the song. Inside, I was DYING!!!! Then, I got some paper and a pen from a friend (you would think I would have that if I thought I was going to see the Boys!!! *slaps head*) and he start s to dictate the different chords to me. But, as he is playing, he can’t get the words of the song in his head. So, he asks me to sing along. So, there we were, Tommy and I, singing "That’s What She Said" together. It was AMAZING!!!!! Thanks to whoever that gal was who snuck up and took a pic of me and Tommy at the piano. I LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!! So, after I thank Tommy about a bizillion times, I told him I’ll see him in Knoxville and then he went upstairs.

Just then, something was brewing in the lobby. I made it back just in time to see a white van pull up. One of the security guards said that no pics could be taken and no autographs (WHY!?!?!?! Hmmmm. Some of us had ideas on why but since they weren’t confirmed I won’t say) so we were bumming but we were still excited. Then some gals walked in and one of them could have been Claudia, Howie’s girlfriend (??I heard later they broke up??) but we’re not sure. Then Howie came in. He’s soooooo short, people. I mean short. He is my height (5’6 1/2") and no more. But, he had a super smile on his face (he didn’t wink *lol*) and said Hi! to all of us (about 10 of us were waiting) and then went upstairs. He’s not even close to being one of my favorites but it was still so cool!!!!

After that, it died down so we decided to leave. I got to the hotel at a little after 4am and went right to bed. We got back to the Boys hotel at noon and I was told that I missed Kevin by a matter of minutes. Being that he is my favorite, my new friends had to stop me from the breakdown I was starting to experience. I felt like crying!!! But, they said that he snuck out the back and that a lot of the people missed him. Knowing that, and the fact that some people missed him while sitting in the hotel waiting for him while I was no where near the hotel, made me feel better. So, I sat down and began the long wait. We kept getting word that the remaining four were coming down to get something to eat but they never did. Since some of my new friends were staying at the hotel we were the lucky few who could sit in the lobby. But, there were tons of people outside. Because of that, we think that they kept postponing coming down. Then, we say Trey from EYC!!!!!!!!!!!!! He’s the cutest one and I got my pic with him!!! ! He smells sooooo good!!!!!!!!!!! But, he’s short too!!! Are all these guys short!!!???!!!! I also saw Nick’s best friend, Brent, the one that Mandy beat up. He seemed so different then what I thought. He looked much older than Nick. Hmm.

Then, I had to leave for the airport. I was so bummed. I wonder if they came down at all??? When we got to the airport our plane was delayed. FOR TWO HOURS!!!!!!!! Can I just tell you, I could’ve sat in that hotel for two more hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DIDN’T I CHECK WITH THE AIRLINE?????? Oh, well, I can’t think about that! I saw Howie and meet two of the EYC guys, almost all of the band and saw practically every dancer, crew member, bodyguard and friend. No Leighanne though. Hmm. I also did hear from a friend of the redhaired dancer’s- that she did date AJ but she doesn’t now. So, that’s one rumor cleared up!!!

Sorry for the long review but SOOO much happened!!!! Email me if you have any questions or comments and wish me luck in Knoxville when I see the Boys again!!!!



Sent: Sunday, November 07, 1999 3:23 PM

Pistons Game:

My dad got his company seats: 15th row, 1st level, for the game! I was sooo excited when he brought the tix home! Unfortunately, when the boys sang, we could only see their butts...but thats ok!! (lol) Some people were booing when they came out, but all the screams drowned that out! During the 1st quarter, Brian, Kevin, and Howie came out and sat behind the Knick's players...each had a beer to drink. Brian, Kevin, and some other guy were talking a lot. Then Brian moved to floor seats on the end of the court. They all left before half time, so I figured they wouldn't come out again....and then all of a sudden, i see Brian walking out!! I was sooo excited that i threw my binoculars, which broke when they hit the ground! oops. Brian was with some other guy, and they each had another beer and pizza. I have no clue where Nick and AJ were during the game.


On November 6 at 4-4:30, my friends and I left to go eat dinner at a restaurant near the Palace. After dinner, we arrived at the palace, blaring the music! They weren't letting people into the palace, so everyone was jammed into this huge room. Finally, we were allowed in, and we bought our merchandise. We went to our seats---1st level, centerstage, 13th row!! There were no floor seats in front of our section too! We were like freaking out!! Then we noticed X-marks on 2 of our seats, and an "X" on the ground...we looked up, and saw one of the flying tracks rite above our seats!!

At 7:30, Mandy Moore came on-she did a pretty good job. Then EYC came on-I didn't like them though. Finally, it was time for the Backstreet Boys!!! It got really dark and smoky, then Star Wars music started playing, and Nick, Brian, AJ, and Howie were flying toward the stage on surfboards. Kevin, looking sooo sexy, rose from the center of the stage because his shoulder is dislocated and was in a sling. AJ's hair was like bright pink-red! Nick(my fav) must have cut his hair recently. During Quit Playing Games, Howie flew rite above us!!!!!! I couldnt believe that he was like a foot away! The concert was amazing!!! Nick was getting freaky!! (I think AJ is influencing him!!) While the other guys were during the choreograhed dance moves, Kevin was doing his own little dance moves-very cute! They are sooooo talented!! I can't wait to go to the concert tonite(Nov. 7) in a few hours!!!!!!

Well, I hope you liked my review! -Carrie

From: Jen Palazzolo []
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 1999 4:11 AM

My cousin and I have been to a few Backstreet Boys concerts in our time, but nothing compares to the new Millennium tour!!! As most of you are very much aware, the tickets for this show sold out in record times. My cousin and I were two of the unfortunate people who didn't get tickets. We tried everything...entered all the contest, called all the radio stations...with no luck. It was heart-wrenching, but good things come to those who wait. In a spur of the moment decision, we decided to drive to the Palace and try to purchase tickets from scalpers.

On the drive there, we were informed that the local radio station had just released a bunch more tickets for the show. My cousin and I were in hysterics. We drove as fast as possible to the Palace, and once there we sprinted to the ticket window. The lady gave us our tickets, and would you believe---we were row A in the lower level seating! We missed Mandy Moore, unfortunately, but we caught EYC and they were very good. The real treat, however, came when we realized we were sitting right near where the Boys made their entrance.

Smoke grew thicker and thicker until finally we saw them. A.J's hair was bright red, and Kev was already on the stage due to his accident. The rest of the guys also looked fabulous. They opened with Larger Than Life, and all the fans at the show knew that they were! They did mostly every song off of Millennium, except for I Need You Tonight, and all the songs were sung with a lot of heart. Especially touching was Show Me the Meaning...the Boys did an excellent job on that. I was a little nervous how the dancers would look on stage, but they really did a great job, and everyone seemed to have such a good time.

For all the new fans of Detroit, this show really was a great way to introduce them to the Boys performing talent. Also it was good to see the Boys still kept some of their earlier songs in the show as well. Fan favorites, such as ALAYLM, and QPG brought smiles to everyone's faces. It was a wonderful show, and I hated to see the Boys leave after IWITW, but it will be a memory to treasure for a long time to come. I wish all of you the best of luck in getting the opportunity to see the show, and I hope you had as much fun as we did!!!

Love You Always,

Jen and Amy

Concert Reviews: 11/04/99 Milwaukee, WI (Part II)

Date: Sep 30, 2000
Submitted By:

Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 2:14 AM

OK its November 4th and my mom, dad, and I went to pick up my friend Michelle. Then we went to pick up my friend Christina (the one who inspired me to become a huge BSB fan, Thanx again!). We were all excited. It was Christina's and my 2nd BSB concert. It was Michelles first. I was wearing a BSB shirt, hat, had KEVIN written on my face and alittle sticker of Kevin on my forehead. Christina was wearing the same thing except she had BSB tattoos on her face instead of writing. Michelle had BRIAN Written on her face and alittle Brian sticker on her forehead also. Ok anywayz. We were all hyper.

When we finally arrived we waited in line for a few seconds cause it was going fast. They were taking away signs that people made. I was gonna make one that said "GET WELL KEVIN!!" , but I called earlier and they said "You can't bring signs otherwise we'll take them away" I was all like that sucks. Christina, Michelle, and I went to get some merchandise. Michelle didn't have much money so Christina and I went to get some stuff. It was a mosh pit where we were getting the stuff at. It took at least 3o min to get stuff. I got a tour book and a poster cause I only had $30.00, my friend Christina got a T-Shirt, tour book, pins, and a poster.

We were on our way to the seats. There was these girls sitting in our seats!!! We were like excuse me, but these are our seats and we showed them our tix. They showed us theirs and were were like this section is 421 not 420! They felt salty and went to their real seats, we sat down and about 3min later, EYC was on stage. The crowd was goin' wild, I was like "ok, whatever". EYC was performing and stuff all they kept doing was liftin' up their shirts to get the crowd wild. Mandy Moore wasn't there unfourtunatly, but hey things happen. Then they left the stage. The lights went off. My nails were all glowing cause of the fingernail polish. Then we see these spaceship looking things. I thought BSB was gonna fly out of there, but then I turned to the left and I saw them flying from the other side. I was crying. I saw Kevin just standing on the stage looking at his fellow bandmates. It was the saddest thing. I cryed even worse. Well of course they opened with Larger Than Life. Aj's hair was now red. I guess just the day before it was bright yellow. It seems that everytime they come to Milwaukee his hair is always red.

Well anyways, I really can't remember what songs they sang next, I think it was Quit Playin' Games (With My Heart) my favorite song, but I do remember during As Long As You Love Me they went flying in the air, about 30ft. to be precise. Poor Kevin couldn't. Aj was flying upside down I was like OMG becareful AJ don't fall now. Then they landed safely. Kevin helped Nick down (how sweet). Nick, boy does he have a belly on him now!! I really don't care, cause he sings like an angel. When it came time for Kevin to play the piano for Back To Your Heart, I was thinking he probably won't be able to play, but seeing how strong he is, he played without his sling. I was cryin' again. That guy is so amazing. THen they dedicated the song Show Me The Meaning (Of Being Lonely) to Denniz PoP which passed away. It was the last song he worked on with him. They sang All I Have to Give, but during the chair ruitene, Kevin couldn't do it, so he danced by himself on the side. When they sang the Perfect Fan, they took up 5mothers and 5 daughters and each guy had a pair. I was kindda jealous, but it was sweet. They were walking around hand in had on the round stage (The BSB and the daughters that is, not eachother, he he). Now the concert is comming to an end, how sad. People started to leave already, I was like ok they still have to do the encore.

Then they came out and sang I Want It That Way. I was all excited. Tyhen the lights went on. We started leaving the stadium. But at the front, there was these people handing out BSB postcards. So I went and got one, went back, took off my hat got another one, went back put back on my hat got another one, then went back took off my hat and got anotherone, my friend Christina did the same thing. So we each got 4, he he. Ok now we are leaving. Then I saw a list of songs the BSB did in order on this paper on some lugagge and I wanted to take it cause I didn't know if it was the BSB's luggage plus two people were there watching it and I was 1centimeter away!!! I wished I would've grabbed it!!! dang! But oh well, if that was their real luggage, that would be disrespect to them. Christina's mom pulled up to take us home. If my mom would've came to pick us up instead, she would've waited to see whose luggage that really was. Well we are on our way home, and we see all these limos. We drooped off Michelle first, then myself. I quickly showed Christina my room cause its covered from top to bottom with BSB pin-ups, then she left.

That was one of the best days in my life.

From: Lauren L. []
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 9:48 PM

Hello! I'm Lauren. First off, I wanna say that this site is the best site I've seen on the net so far. I went to the  BSB concert in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with 2 of my friends and had the time of my life. The tickets were a birthday present for my friends birthday and will obviously be hard to top. The seats were great, even though we were in the 2nd to last row. I could see all sides of the stage and tell who was who. (It wasn't hard to tell who AJ was considering the hats and the hair, which was pink!) We had binoculars and that made it even better. I couldn't believe how much work must have gone into this tour. They deserve all credit taken. EYC was okay, but got kinda old and it was hard to make out the words, but they weren't terrible. Mandy Moore wasn't performing at this concert, but I didn't mind at all. More time for the BSBs!!!! The entrance was so cool. I was on the opposite side, but could still see them come in. I really liked how Kevin was worked into the entrance. You have to give him credit for sticking out the shows with a sling. He either danced just as well as the others with a little less arm motion or stood off to the side and kinda swayed to the music. When they climbed up onto the ladders, Kevin didn't go up at first, but eventually did and still sang. I don't know how, but that takes guts and talent. Over all, the show was great. Although it was only my second concert I can tell it's gonna be REALLY hard to top!


--Lauren L.

PS~ If ya wanna write me, my address is

Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 6:14 PM

One more review from the Milwaukee concert. My 6yr old son and I made the journey from Chicago to Milwaukee to see our 2nd BSB concert in 2 months. We got to the hotel early and walked over to the Bradley Center to check things out. There was a short line by the Box office window- people were waiting to see if tickets were going to be made available. At 4:45- 2 windows opened and tickets were being sold. I bought two tickets (even though I already had two) and the new tickets were excellent. They were first row lower level, right where the black box was. They were even selling Floor Seats!! We left and on the way back to our hotel- here comes the tour bus cruising down the street!! We went back to the Bradley Center at 7:00- I sold my other tickets and we walked in. There was posters all over the place saying no cameras, no video, no audio allowed. BUT they didn't even check to see if you had anything!! We sat down and the concert began at 7:30 with EYC. No Mandy Moore that night (Thank the Lord!) The BSB came on at 8:15 and we saw all of them coming out of the Black Box!!

The concert was wonderful (like you haven't heard that before) and the BSB were more energetic than their 1st Chgo concert that we saw. Brian flew right over us and dropped a stuff animal 2 seats over from us. They sang their hearts out and I didn't see that many flashes from cameras compared to their Chgo concert. After 22 pictures security from the Bradley center asked me to put the camera away!! Yeah- right buddy!!!! Overall, seeing it twice- was twice as nice and I am very thankful my son and I were able to see it! Now I pray to God my pictures turn out!! ( We accidentally left our camera at the Chgo show and haven't seen it since!).

I am proud to admit that I am 31 and I totally support the Backstreet Boys and am proud to say they have brought music and dance into the lives of my two sons!! Thanks Guys- and keep singing your hearts out!!

Sherry B. of Mokena, Illinois

From: Suzie Bagley []
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 3:22 PM

First off, let me clarify my age. I'm 21, placing me in the older BSB fan base. While I could've found friends who'd have been more than willing to go, I wanted to take my mom since she also enjoys their music. I've only been a fan for 2-3 months but after seeing this amazing concert, I'm hooked.

I'm a fan of their music first and foremost with no particular favorite guy--they're all great in their own way. Our seats were in the second balcony, fifth row from the top, and they were still great. We took our binoculars and alternated between looking through them, watching the big screen, and just observing the overall activity on the stage. You can see everything--the boys were right when they said there isn't a bad seat in the house.

A couple points about the guys....

Nick's hair is short again, like in the "I Want It That Way" video and the Millennium pics. Apparently he has the flu but that didn't stop him from singing--his voice still sounds great. AJ's hair is now bright red. Those two have way too much fun on stage--from tearing shirts (AJ in "Don't Want You Back") to lying on the floor amidst a sea of glitter and confetti (Nick during "It's Gotta Be You"), you can tell they really, really love what they do. Brian's voice sounds even better live, if that's possible. Kevin's dislocated shoulder didn't stop him from singing his heart out, only from doing some of the dance moves and flying around the audience. Howie...I didn't see him much, except when he was tossing flowers to the crowd during "Quit Playing Games." What a sweetie. Those boys are totally dedicated to their fans, especially considering the energy necessary to put on an intense show like this night after night with only one or two days' break in between. Even if for some reason you don't like their music, you have to respect this amazing dedication, talent, and energy.

Some of my favorite moments....

"Don't Wanna Lose You Now" has outstanding harmonies. Hearing it on the CD is one thing, *feeling* the music at the concert is completely different experience...but that goes for most of the songs they performed. 'Nuff said.

Despite the dislocated shoulder, Kevin played the piano for "Back to Your Heart." That was quite possibly my favorite moment in the show, especially the intro to the song with only a piano and saxophone. It's one of those "ooohhh...this is so beautiful that I just got chills" moments.

Kevin is also great with the mother-daughter pair in "The Perfect Fan." Not surprisingly, so is Brian. This was the song that made me especially glad I had asked my mom along to the concert.

"Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely" is even more beautiful and haunting in concert than on the CD. This was the song that made me fall in love with BSB and their music in the first place and, for me personally, even if the rest of the show hadn't been so amazing, this song would've made the concert worthwhile. Nick really got into it at the end with some awesome improvisation.

I have to agree with others who've said that the part where the boys make the audience sing "I Want it That Way" is another amazing moment. No shrieking, no screaming, only singing. It's beautiful and the perfect way to end the show.

My mom commented on this as we were walking to our car and I agree with her one hundred percent. It's *really* neat how at the beginning, the Boys walked to each side of the stage and saluted the audience. It made the concert personal, as if each of them was saying, "I know I can't talk to every one of you individually, but I'm glad that *you* are here." They essentially said that during each Boy's introduction, thanking the audience again and again for our support and love. But the best part of this was that they did the exact same thing at the end--the group took the time to give their farewells to each side of the stage. In this way, not a person in the audience was overlooked. It brought the concert in a full circle, right back to the beginning, like a perfectly constructed story. "Perfect" is the only word to describe it.

Risking repeating things others have already said, some general points about the concert....

Take earplugs! Shrieking can reach unbearable heights at times (like the opening and during "Everybody" when AJ encourages the crowd to scream obnoxiously...many, many times). However, if possible, take the earplugs out when the screaming isn't too bad because otherwise you miss some of the great improvisations the guys put into the songs. I sat most of the concert with one earplug in and the other sometimes in, sometimes out. Have them handy, though, especially at the beginning and end of a song when the screaming picks up again (or when Brian sings a really powerful line or Nick or AJ appear on the screen). Doing it this way, I never felt my ears ringing after the concert even though by the final song, "I Want It That Way," I had taken both out just to enjoy the last moment to its fullest.

If you're in the nosebleed seats, take binoculars. You don't need to use them the whole concert, but sometimes the camera doesn't capture Nick goofing off with the others or Brian flying like a bird in "Quit Playin' Games" or AJ hanging upside down or the guys coming onto the stage through the hole in the floor. They're just as much fun to watch as the music is fun to listen to.

Merchandise--it really helps to know what you're going to buy before you get to the counter. Lines get *really* long (although there's a dozen or so booths set up for it). Don't make the mistake we did--the glossy photos are on a separate table, *not* with the T-shirts and posters. You don't need to wait in the long lines if that's all you're looking for. =)

You can hear better when you're not screaming. =) Please be considerate of others who're there to enjoy the *show,* not just to scream their lungs out or to see their favorite guy. Likewise, signs and dancing are fine but please be careful not to obstruct others' views.

Enjoy the instrumental music while the Boys are changing! The band does a phenomenal job and doesn't get half the credit they deserve from the audience. Same goes for the dancers. They get the leftover appreciation but are all just as capable performers as the Boys!

There were a ton of empty seats. The four seats directly in front of us were empty. If you don't have tickets for a concert but there's a concert in your city, it's probably worth checking with the box office the day of the concert to see if there were any turned back in. Also, if you have tickets but it turns out you can't use them, don't be afraid to try to get rid of them--you won't have a hard time finding someone who'll take them. That's how I got my tickets, through a *very* kind person on the internet who was giving them away. My mom knew of at least three people at her work that were dying to get their hands on tickets...just ask around or give them to a local radio station to auction off for charity or something. *Somebody* will want them. It seemed like a crime to have so many empty seats when others desperately wanted them.

I was extremely happy to see that the show was geared toward *families.* Other than EYC and their little "I'm going to take off my shirt now" show, I noticed nothing terribly inappropriate for kids. There were no moments when I felt uncomfortable being there. Just great music, great variety, great effects, and great guys putting on a great show.

All in all, this concert was awesome. I can see why people want to see it more than once--there's a lot to take in during the two hours they're performing. You will leave the auditorium feeling ecstatic. I was still floating on air the day after the show even though I only had a few hours of sleep that night. If you can go, *go.* If you don't have tickets, watch the internet (message boards, newsgroups, mailing lists) closer to the concert date to see if anyone needs to get rid of tickets, or check the box office right before the show. The Boys put their all into the concerts night after night for us, the fans, and it has more than paid off for this tour. Thank you, Boys, for one of the best, most memorable, and most touching concerts I've seen!

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