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Lupus 2001 at HardRock Live Orlando, FL
Date: Dec 21, 2001 Submitted By: Joseph Barbarise
The Lupus 2001 event at HardRock Live in Orlando was a blast. Howie D was emcee with a list of performers to help raise money for the Dorough-Lupus Foundation. I shot a ton of images there both Friday at HardRock and again Saturday at Sea World for round two. The talent list included Howie of course, singing with several other performers as well as his "Da Band" that tour for Lupus, Pollyanna Dorough, John Sacada, Tito Puenta Jr, Aaron Carter, Debbie Gibson, The Pointer Sisters, The Monkeys, Rascal Flatts. The house was literally rocking. If you were 6, 16 or 66, you were up and dancing in the isles. Interested in seeing samples or purchasing 8x10 hard copies, email me.
Lupus 2001
Date: Dec 04, 2001 Submitted By: Kelly
I attended Lupus 2001 and had a blast! It was just the most wonderful event...lots of love to the Dorough family and everyone who supported them!! The concert was awesome...some of my favs were the Monkees, Youngstown, Aaron Carter (where was Nick?). The 2nd night was even better than the first...ended up meeting all the hot Youngstown pictures with each of them! Then saw them again later that night at a club. Even better than all that...waiting to leave the Lupus event...feet were hurting very badly...and BOOM!...I met Howie D. What an incredible guy!! So sweet and genuine. Best experience ever. Starting to think that things can't get much better.. but I'm hoping that the Orlando and Tampa concerts will prove me wrong :) Having a blast in Florida!!!
LUPUS 2001
Date: Dec 04, 2001 Submitted By: Jen
As someone who attended Lupus 2000, I knew that I was in for a wonderful show even before I arrived in Orlando. I arrived at Hard Rock Live about an hour and a half before the show started, and the place was packed! It was good to see so many of the fans dressed in their very best to support such a worthy cause. Howie's cousin Chelsea opened the concert, and she was phenomenal. She's a beautiful girl with loads of talent, and I can't wait to buy her cd. Following her was an Irish singer named Gerry Brown who really wanted the crowd to get into his act. He sang a really cool song called "Superstition."
A country group called Rascal Flatts followed Gerry, and although country is not my favorite type of music, they put on a good show. Next up was Youngstown, and all I can say is: OH MY GOODNESS! I've been a Youngstown fan since "I'll Be Your Everything" came out, and I was really looking forward to seeing them. Although they didn't sing that song, the songs they sang were incredible. Their dance moves were totally tight, and I look forward to purchasing their new cd. Then came my darling Aaron. Needless to say, I've seen him before and his energy never ceases to amaze me. I think his performance was the one I danced the most to. People must think I'm a crazy 22 year old to be jamming to little Aaron's music, but he's just too good to sit in your seat. Barry Williams was hilarious once again as he opened with an Eminem parody. He did the same one for some awards show I think, and it was quite funny. As for Krystal, there was yet another phenomenal performance. She opened with "My Religion" and was absolutely captivating. It's easy to see why the Boys have put their support into her work, because she puts her heart and soul into her music. Yet another artist I cannot wait to purchase the cd of. Deborah Gibson was great this year once again.
I had to admire her for never missing a beat, even when the outfit she was wearing played a little "trick" on her. Her medley of songs from her past was great, and I loved when she did my particular favorite "Lost In Your Eyes." The Monkees were great fun when they came onstage. I'm not sure how old they are at this point, but they still know how to rock and it was very amusing. The Pointer Sisters were cool as well. They even had Howie "Jump"-ing with them! It was so cute! It's easy to see why Jon Secada is someone Howie looks up to. He's a very handsome man, and his songs are breathtaking. When he did "Light Of Your Eyes" I had tears in mine. Howie joined him onstage to sing "Just Another Day." (Somewhere in there I missed Tito Jr...another performer who got the crowd going, this time by getting the women to dance with him up onstage!!!) Finally came Polly and Howie. They sing beautifully together, and truly made the event complete with their performance. Day 2 of Lupus 2001 was the auction/dinner. The items up for auction were incredible...everyone from sports stars to artists to music stars donated items. The dinner was very classy, and the arrangements were beautiful. After dinner, we were treated to a Shamu show.
Even though the killer whales were fighting, they put on a beautiful show after they had cooled off. We then proceeded to an area in which the live auction and concert was held. The auction seemed to raise a lot of money, so that was great for the foundation. Polly opened the show, and she was beautiful as always. Her songs had a very Latin feel, and she invited the crowd to get up out of their seats and dance to the music. As for Howie's performance...what can I say? He sang songs from all the famous Latin artists, and impressed me with his stunning performance. He truly looked great.
Just a few notes before I wrap this up. First, Obie was playing with D Band! It was great to see him again...he has been missed! Next, I believe Howie said that the items sold at the fundraiser would be available on the website. I want to encourage everyone to check them out. The Dorough Lupus Bear itself is a beautiful bear. I recommend making a donation to show off this proud item. Also, there is a new bear called the Caroline bear. The foot is embroidered with the Wings of Hope logo, and the bear is absolutely gorgeous. They will be available in August of 2001, and they are truly worth $50 if you can donate that to the foundation. Lastly, Howie mentioned that there will be videotapes available of not only this year's fundraiser, but Lupus 2000 as well. It will also include clips from the cruise and bowling and other events the family has sponsored. I encourage everyone to buy these videos so they can see for themselves what all the fans are raving about. I hope that by seeing these videos, they will be inspired to participate in the events too. They're too much fun to pass up, and I know they can count me in for Lupus 2002!
LUPUS 2001-DAY 2
Date: Dec 04, 2001 Submitted By: Lacey
The dinner/auction for the Lupus benefit was amazing. We were let in the gates at 5pm Saturday night. From there we were let loose to look at the silent auction items. There was alot sports and music memorbelia and clothing. I didn't bid on anything because I spent my money on the tickets. However, I did donate $40 more dollars and recieved 2 programs, Pollyanna's Fly To Heaven cd and the official Lupus Bear. After the silent auction it was time to eat. The restaurant was very nice! The waitress even put MY napkin in My lap for ME! lol Howie' family sat in the very front. Everyone was very polite and didn't really disturb them. For dinner we had salad, and when were finished they brought out chicken breasts stuffed with buffalo cheese and bread and for desert we had this amazing chocolate cake! It was great.
After that we headed over to see the private killer whale show. Along the way I stopped and talked to DC from Youngstown and got his autograph. The show was really great but it got cut short because the brother and sister whale were fighting. Oh Well. Afterward, we headed over for the concert. Then I met Dallas and Sammy from Youngstown. They were nice too but I was alittle taken aback when Sammy handed me his beer and "Can you hold this?" lol Anyway, the live auction went over time and we missed the fireworks but it was ok because the DLF made a lot of money from both auctions. Oh, and Chelsea and her bf (pretty cute) helped with the live auction.
Then Pollyanna came out. It was so cute because Caroline's son,JD, was there (he has cerebral palsy and is in a wheelchair) and he got soooo excited to see Polly. Very sweet. She performed a couple of songs including WET which is a great song! Then HOWIE came out. Girls he was HOT! He looked sooooo gopd and his hair is shorter now. He had the "D" band there and BTW, remember Obie from the BSB band. He's in the "D" band. Anyway, Howie performed songs by Ricky Martin, Enrique Iglesias, Jon Secada, Marc Anthony and others. Lemme tell ya, he is not show when it comes to shaking his bon bon and dancing with the dancers. But, it was cute. He kept making adorable faces.
The highlight of my evening is when Howie and I made contact and I smiled real big at him and pointed and winked at me! *sigh* Then Polly came back on and they performed Fly To Heaven. Very sad but sweet and it was cute because afterward they kissed and then acted disgusted and wiped the kisses off. It was really funny.Anyway, he performed for a long time and threw roses to the crowd (he apologized for not having enough for everyone. awww!)Then he left the stage and came back in a new suit and with a stool. He told us he couldn't leave with out singing BSB songs so he did a medley of "WMYD(MYB), HDIFILWY, INBYH (partly in Spanish), The One, QPG, ALAYLM and Spanish Eyes (I think that's it)Then he burst into IWITW and introduced the rest of his band and even though the crowd was already singing he asked us to help him out with IWITW. It was great. I just love hearing the crowd sing along. He was pleased too. He and Polly kept thanking us for supporting the DLF and caring so much to help out. It made us feel good to know we made Howie and the Dorough family feel good. After that, since I'm not quite old enough to get in Tabu("Howie's Club") I went back to where I was staying and didn't sleep a wink because I kept thinking about that night and Howie up there shaking his little booty! lol. Anyway, i think I covered just about everything. Anyone else who went, if I left anything out, please fill everyone in!
And, I'll be back with a review of the Orlando concert this Friday night! Yea!
Lacey D.
Lupus 2001
Date: Dec 02, 2001 Submitted By: Monie
Lupus 2001 was so incredible. I had such a fantastic time! All the performers we so very good and talented. These are all the people who performed:
Gerry Brown
Aaron Carter
Pollyanna Dorough
Rascal Flatts
Deborah Gibson
Carole King
The Monkees
The Pointer Sisters
Jon Secada
Barry Williams
Chelsea Herring
Tito Puente Jr.
ALL were AWESOME! Chelsea (Howie's niece) was the first to perform. She was very good. Her dancers were really cute too. Next I believe was Rascal Flatts. They were so cool. They got the crowd really pumped. I cant rememeber the rest of the order b/c there were sooo many acts but here is my review for the rest of the acts:
Barry Williams (played Greg from the Brady Bunch) came out singing the Real Greg Brady song. It was a take off from the real slim shady. I thought it was really funny. Then he sang a couple of classic oldies and even did a duet with Deborah Gibson. Youngstown were so hot! I dont know the names of the songs that they sang but they were good.It was the VERY first time I have ever heard them and now I'm going to go to the store to get their cd!
When Aaron Carter came out the WHOLE audience went crazy! it was wild! First he sang Bounce then he did Candy, then Aaron's Party and finally Thats How I Beat Shaq. He was so adorable. The Monkees were awesome as hell. They did like 7 songs (all the other artists did 3-4 songs!) but it was cool b/c they did a lot of their hits like Dream Believer. The whole audience was really getting into it. They were great. After them were the Pointer Sisters. They kicked @$$!!! They came out singing Excited. then they sang some slow song. and then they ended with Jumpin. It was so cool seeing them up there. LFO didnt perform but Brad and Devon came out to say hello to everyone. I thought that was cool. One of the last performers was Jon Secada. I had died and gone to heaven. He was so so sexy and omg...what a voice! He was by far one of the BEST performers! The last song he sang was his hit it Fly Away or something like that. Well Howie came out and sang it with him. It was so funny b/c the song is about *how can I live without you. I need yu here by my side* and here are 2 men singing this to each other. It was hilarious! lol. The last performance was Pollyanna and Howie. they sang the song that Pollyanna wrote in memory of Caroline. It was such a beautiful yet sad song.
Overall the concert rocked and it was DEFFINITELY worth the $175! They even had merchandise you could buy like posters, Howie bears, Caroline bears, even a copy of the song that Pollyanna wrote. I hoestly cant wait till Lupus 2002. I have a feeling that concert is gonna rock even more!