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Japan concert
Date: Dec 11, 2001
Submitted By: sweetyspice
Hi. All. I'm a fan of Korea. I went to 3 nights of BSB's Japanese tour at Tokyo Dome on November. They performed their concert for 1 week(3days at Tokyo, 1 off, 1day at Nagoya, 1 off, 1 day at Osaka).
Ok, I will start my story about my brief concert experiences in japan. Some Japanese and Korean fans could attend their fan conference in Tokyo. They hugged them all. I couldn't attend so I envy them. But I am OK b/c I went to their 3 concerts.
I saw them outside of radio station in Tokyo. I could't get many information about their schedules in Tokyo b/c I don't live in Japan. So I couldn't them private at hotel or airport. But I knew that so I went to that station as soon as I had arrived in Tokyo.
The radio station was so small so we can see them so close through window.(that station is 1st floor of large shopping mall. And its booth is like window of shop) But so many fans were gathered, so I couldn't stand safe. But I was happy.
And in Japanese concert, we couldn't take a picture at all. But in front of Tokyo dome, some people sold their illegal pics(19th concert pics). It was so cute. I remember that the price of 1 piece of pics(there are 4 pics) was 1000 yen(maybe $10 in US exchange rate, in my thought)
The concert was so awesome. they were soo cool. Their sound and rhythme was surrounded in huge Tokyo dome, it was so amazing. There were so huge crowd. I heard 50,000 people were gathered at each of their concert. There are various people. Male, female,teens, so many foreign people like me, and various ages(20-50) male and female fans were there. There were many male Japanese after his work.
In Japanese concert, they didn't perform their bridge scene during their perform "Time". And they didn't perform at mini stage was shaped circle during "SMTMOBL" and "HDIFILWY". They didn't perform "I promise you" on japanese concert. The contents of their concert was same as us concert. but it was so awesome.
But their introduce of band and dancers was so great and different from US. Their adrip of band was like techno and rock music. It was so great and we could see cool laser technique and computer graphics at their main screen as if we went to Night club. And Nick did headbanging so much. Wow. It was soo cool.
Did you remember their video scene in their concert? On their changing cloth video, Japanese anouncer translated to japanese. So I couldn't understand at all. but I was OK. lol
In japan, there has so MANY bsb special. I went to myroad department in shinjuku, there has tower records on their shops. I bought their chapter 1 CD (japanese edition)and i got their chapter 1 poster and their special towel. and on the next wall of tower records, there has special exhibition of their pictures. and the client of tower records accepted that I could take a picture in their special corner on their store. I was so lucky.
And on the Park next to Tokyo Dome, for 2 or 3 weeks, there are exhibiton and museum about BSB. Wow. I went to there, I was surprised. And do you know that in Japan, there are BSB's shop "Everybody" in Harajuku, Tokyo. I went to there, too.
And I heard that AJ went to shopping in Harajuku for his off, And Howie went to Disney Sea for his off. I was sorry that I couldn't meet them private at all in Tokyo. Because I didn't have information about their schedule of Tokyo.
Anyways, In japan, their chapter 1 cd is No.1 CD of foreign albums(In Korea, the most poppular artist is BSB and the most poppular foreign album is Chapter 1) and they has all of import goods and CDs (for example, the
picture books, foreign albums. 2002 calendar and etc.)
And I was waiting for them outside of tokyo dome for seeing their apperance so close. many japanse fans waited for them. but we could not meet them. I waiting for them until 10pm.(the concert finished 8:40) so I ask to the safety guard of tokyo dome if they left already. he said they left already on 9pm. I could not believe this, but some japanese fans explained his answer to me. because I could not understand japanese language.
When I ask to him, so MANY fans were surrounded by me and heard his explanation. the japanse fans said thank to me for asking to him instead of them, and they need not wait for them anymore due to me and his explanation. it was so interesting experiences in japan to me. and I did not regret that I wait for them so long.
In Japanese concert, Nick, AJ, Kevin shook hand with their fans at their concert. I heard Nick kissed the fan at Osaka concert. My seat was arena A and B(is the same as floor in US) but I couldn't shake hands with them. But I was OK. And I'm still excited.
And in Concert, there are so many special gifts of their concert. I saw their tour program books, T-shirts, posters, telephone card(for Japanese), ball pen, pencil case etc. But they were all sold out after 3 days of their concert. I was surprised at Japanese fever of BSB. Some Japanese fans screamed and sang a song in front of BSB's shop outside of Dome. In Korea(which is located next to Japan, my home), BSB's fever was soo hot due to Japanese concert.
I knew and saw their 2nd leg of concert already through video. And I went to their some concert in US. But I was so happy that I breathe the same air with them together in the same place and I enjoyed their dance moves and music.
And here is bsb in Japan appearances. Enjoy them.
1. bsb's tv interview video(from bsb journal in Japan)
2. BSB in Japan pics
* Their arrival at Narita Airport on 17th Nov.제목없음춘.bmp
* Their apprearances at air port, fan conference. Radiostation at TokyoFM at Parco(Shibuya in Tokyo)
* Fan conference pics (18th Nov)제.bmp
* BSB at radio sation at Tokyo FM (Shibuya in Tokyo. 18th Nov.)제dn.bmp제목없음음.bmp제목없음dma.bmp
* Japan concert pics (19th Nov)윙크.jpg
* bsb special week. on Korakuen Park(which is located next to Tokyo Dome)
* AJ on Harajuku in Tokyo (20th Nov.)제목.bmp제목없.bmp
* 21st Nov. rehearsal of concert pics
* Tour program book of Japan concert and one of their poster
* their special towel gift on Tower record
* Set list of Japan concert
1. Everyone
2. Larger Than Life
3. Not For Me
4. What Makes You Different
5. Yes I Will
6. More Than That
7. I Want It That Way
8. Quit Playing Games
9. As Long As You Love Me
10. I'll Never Break Your Heart
11. Don't Want You Back
12. Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely
13. How Did I Fall In Love With You
14. Time
15. The Answer To Our Life
16. All I Have To Give
17. If You Stay
18. Shining Star
19. Everybody
20. Get Another Boyfriend
21. The Call
22. Shape Of My Heart
23. Drowning
fan revies japan
Date: Dec 04, 2001
Submitted By: Diana
I flew to Japan with my mom for the first show at Tokyo on the 19th. When I reached the Tokyo stadium and went in, the stage itself wasn't really big or anything but I was rather surprised by how many people there were. The show was supposed to start at 6:30 but it began almost at 7.
When the lights went out there was a really loud 'bang' and the boys came up from the stage and began to sing 'Everyone'. The mixing of 'ALAYLM' and 'AIHTG' was very cool, though I wanted to hear 'AIHTG' alone. The show was really awesome by ending with 'Drowning'. The boys also went down into their dressing room, where they fooled around and joked. Plus, the huge screens on the left and right of the stage showed their interview as their future selves! Nick's voice was really funny!!
Though I didn't get to see them up-close, as many of you said you did, it was still an awesome show for the first time, and I hope to be at some other concerts in the future.
P.S. I was really angry when they wouldn't let me take my camera inside! Video cameras, recording machines were not allowed, too!
Date: Dec 29, 2001
Submitted By: Ting
All i wanna say is that this is not the best review that i've wrote. I've tried my best. Thanx for reading!!
After the adventurous trip to Canada in September, i'm totally broke. As most of y'll who know me personally that i won't be able to attend the shows in Japan due to money issue. But after much hesitation & dilemma, i've decided to go for the last 2 shows in Nagoya & Osaka. I wanna be a part of the officially last Black & Blue Show in Osaka & i'm so glad that i was able to attend that. :)
On the day of the Nagoya show, Chika & i went to the dome earlier to meet up with some Japanese pals. When we reached the outside of the dome, tons of fans were lining along the street through to the dome waiting for the arrival of the boys. Beside the fans, u could see so many security guards too. Finally the boys arrived in vans & were driven into the parking lot of the dome, gone like a flash. I didn't catch any glances of the boys at all, just the vans. LOL!!
All the Japanese pals that i met over there are all in their 20s & 30s. About 3-4 fans were wearing the Purple Lupus T-shirts. Other were wearing shirts of their faves that they've made for themselves. I wanna take this opportunity to thanx YuYu for the Nick's shirt. I LOVE IT!! :) I'm surprised that most of the Japanese fans know me. They were like u are Ting right?? They know me this well coz i'm always at Chika's mb asking for them to translate what they are writing about. I think i annoyed the hell outta them. LOL!! What's shocked me the most was that there were this 2 fans who recognized me from the Tacoma Fan Conference. They were like, u are the one who hugged Nick at the fan conference. I was in cloud nine, some1 remember me hugging Nick. OH BOY!!!! Nick Nick Nick, love u, love u, love u!!!
Onto the show, when i first stepped into the dome>>>HUGE & massive of fans filling the seats. Fans are of females & males adults of course they were boys & girls too but i was totally surprised to see the huge number of adult fans. But the stage was so small compared to the US/Canada Tour. No round stage, no bridge stage & no wings stage.
As this is my 9th Black & Blue show, i wasn't feeling nervous compared to the other fans. I was excited about how the way the audience were gonna be different from the US/Canada crowds. Finally the boys risen from the stage, yesh, loud applauses & screams. When the boys start singing, the crowd become quiet. These are quotes from the ATW video, "Japanese fans are great, they scream like hell, but when it's time to sing, they shut up, we've wanted since we began for people to actually listen to us sing, to be quiet when we're singing". Yup, this is what fascinated the boys & of course me too!! Thanx to all the Japanese fans, i was able to attend an unplugged concert which so many fans have yearned for.
As always, the boys looked great!! Extremely HOTTT!!! When the boys came out to say a few words, it's kinda feel weird to me. Coz not so many fans understand what they were talking about therefore the crowd was real silent. But when they spoke some Japanese, the crowd went wild & big applauses for the boys. I definitely feel the pain for the fans when the 2050 skit was showing coz it was in English not many fans could understand that. But it was so thoughtful of the boys to have the wardrobe skit translated to Japanese. It wasn't their own voices though. I was laughing my ass off hearing those voices!! And of course the other fans were enjoying & laughing throughout the skit.
I'm gonna admit i cried alot at this show especially during ballets. Hearing those powerful vocals so crystal clear & loud, them pulling those high notes. MY GOD Howie, Brian, Kevin, AJ & Nick!!! I was so totally impressed!!!!!! What really tear me up was during the song, TIME. Them sitting at the middle of the stage & just singing. Singing about where they are & what they've been through. It's too much & what more they were all over each other especially Nick & Howie. U can see the love & support that they have for one another. That is so real!!
One bad thing about this show was that there's no pelvic thrusts, no booty shakings, no chest-naked AJ. Haiz, i wanna see those!! But Nick did shake & sing to "Bootylicious" when introducing the band member.
After the show, we went to the boys' hotel. By the time we reached there, there were already many fans outside. There were male fans too. I've never been so impressed in my life. Adult male fans hanging outside the hotel wanting to catch a glance of the boys. I'm speechless, totally speechless. Well, we didn't get to see any of the boys but got to meet Lisa & Michelle again. I have a pic taken with them again.
The next day, we were at the Nagoya Station early in the morning. Michelle was nice enough to tell me the night before that they will be leaving for Osaka the next day. So we have been waiting for the boys since 9am till about 2pm. Finally they arrived. The securities were so tight & i'm totally pissed that we can't take any pics at all. If not i will be able to have a few snaps of the boys, even from afar!! We saw all the boys except Kevin(he was attending Erin Clapton's show) & Leighanne & Sarah. It's seem like no one know who Sarah was, i called her name & she smiled & waved to me. Brian & Leighanne too waved at us, the fans. But OMFG!!! Nicky waved at ME. He saw the pic that i was holding of him. It's a pic which i took of him in Vancouver. I have it blown up & laminated. Nothing can describe what i was feeling at that moment. He noticed me!! AHHHH!!! It was real funny coz many fans & securities thought i'm a Japanese & they always speak Japanese to me. I just ignored the securities coz they were shouting at us, telling us to sit down on the floor. Yup, so very tight that u have to sit down!!! No pics in public!!
The next day, before the Osaka show, we went to the boys hotel. I don't wanna write very details. Anyway, we didn't get to see them at all. None of the fans did. All of them left by the secret exit to the venue. Lisa recognized me & i asked her if the rumors about Nick leaving for Hawaii after the show is true. She was so surprised that we got the info before her. LOL!! But yes, she confirmed that with me. :) I was still lurking around at the hotel lobby when i saw Nick's friend, Mike checking out. So it's definitely 100% confirmed about Nick leaving after the show. I was indeed devastated coz i didn't get to meet him, seeing him from afar is not the greatest at all!! I wanna meet him & talk to him so badly.
Onto the the last Black & Blue show in Osaka, the crowd was hyper!! It was different from the Nagoya show. Can hear screams every now & then. So it's kinda back to the American/Canadian style. But the fans are still very respective when the boys sings, u can still hear them clearly. And the boys were wild too!! Definitely not as crazy as the last show in Vegas.
Finally, AJ showing us his chest earlier than what we expected at the wardrobe skit. I have thought they were gonna strip down to their boxes like they did in Vegas but nope. Nicky doing that pelvic thrusts at the camera during DWYB. It's the first time of the 5 Japan shows. Nicky & AJ humping the floor together during Shining Stars. LOL @ myself here. I was definitely the only one around the area screaming my lungs out at this scene. Tons of booty shaking & pelvic thrusts at this last show. I was kinda disappointed coz the boys didn't come out to dance along to the Bye Bye Bye dance. Nick was extremely hyper, must be coz it's the very last show. I was extremely jealous of the gal who got the blue coat that the boys worn during The Call. Nicky threw it out into the crowd. Ahhhh, that gal who catches it must be the luckiest gal alive!! Sweaty Nick's coating!!! Oh my!!! Nick & Brian went down to the crowd during the last song, Drowning. ANd again, i'm green with envy. Nick kissed a fan!!! It was a great show!! I have a blast!!
Chika & some other fans need to head back to Nagoya, therefore i was back at the hotel of the boys alone. Anyway, i will need to stay at the hotel that night coz that is where i will need to take a shuttle bus to the airport the next morning. Lucky, i was able to meet with some fans who are able to speak & understand English so i wasn't really bored. Since Nick have already left, so there were only 4 boys. No fans see them coming/going out of the hotel. After a few hrs hanging around the lobby, Kevin appeared. As always, fans rushed to him. I was face to face to him. Just simply standing there staring at him. He wasn't keen on signing any autographs though. Only signed 1 for a male fan. And he was ushered into the lounge by his bodyguard, not Carlos coz he wasn't there. At least 50 fans were standing outside the lunge waiting for Kevin to come out....but he did not...he went out by the back door. Well, it's seem like Kevin was not having a good mood. What i gotta say is that it wasn't the best encounter at the hotel for me for this Japan trip. Canada is still the best!!
But i still wanna thanx the boys from the bottom of my heart for putting out such an awesome & spectacular shows. Thanx for those amazing harmonies & music that they'll bring out, touching my life!!
Japan concert
Date: Dec 27, 2001
Submitted By: Keely
I often use the Backstreet Boys music when I teach my English classes here in Japan so I was looking forward to seeing their concert. I have to say that I was impressed with how nice all the members were to their fans in Japan. Even though most of the audience probably didn't understand everything that was said by the band, they were all gracious to the Japanese. I have seen other American bands in Japan and they often made fun of the audience. Thank you Kevin, Howie, A.J., Brian and Nick for putting on a great show and treating all your fans with respect.