Talent is Always Ridiculed

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Date: Nov 20, 2099
Source: Carolyn Levinson
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Hello. I am a big fan of the Backstreet Boys and have been ever since I inadvertently saw them on a Disney Channel special last May. I thought they were so nice, very talented, and unique in their style of pure showmanship. I laughingly told my daughter and husband that I would love to get one of their videos. For my birthday in August, my 23-year-old daughter bought me the Homecoming (Orlando) video. I have enjoyed it so much over the last four months, and it subsequently brought me to the point of buying the MILLENNIUM and BACKSTREET BOYS albums, which I have just loved. I play them at home or in the car. My two-year old grandson loves them. I have even gotten my "alternative-rock, Red Hot Chili Pepper-loving" daughter to absolutely adore the BSBs too. She and I discuss them "ad nauseum." She likes AJ best, and I like all of them.

I love the Backstreet Boys' beautiful singing and harmonies most, and I can't help buy admire the versatility of their music, which ranges from old-time rock and roll, steamy jazz, 50s pop and vocal group singing, hymns, rhythm and blues, show music, etc. Their dancing reminds me of Gene Kelly or the dancing Jets of WEST SIDE STORY. These young men exude energy and optimism. What is wrong with enjoying a show for an hour and a half, or listening to a tape for an hour, and forgetting all the problems of daily life? I find their music very meaningful. I have seen my three daughters go through various versions of everything that is in the Backstreet Boys' list of songs: from heartache to first love, to joy and sorrow, and romance and longing. These guys are fun-loving, and there is truly something for everyone in their music. Even my husband has become a fan. He tried to get tickets for our local BSB concert, but to no avail (they were sold out in 1/2 an hour).

My reason for writing this article is to express my opinion about why people "put down" the guys. Those who do are usually people that have never seen them, never really listened to their music, never really heard them speak about their families and their faith and their goals. These young men have soul and they exude so much love of life and enthusiasm. They work extremely hard, and they care about their music and their fans. There is a great deal of jealousy in the music business, and the fact that the boys are go GOOD, in every sense of the word, annoys other performers and their followings. The BSBs don't use horrible language, don't talk about murder or rape or whores or cop-killing. They talk about love. Growing up, I adored the Beatles and the Beachboys and Elvis. They too were met, initially, with a lot of criticism. Yet, now, they are icons of popular music.

I think the Backstreet Boys' fame will last, especially as they seem to be maturing and growing (just as the Beatles and Beachboys and Elvis did). Meanwhile, their fans (I'm #1) have the privilege of hearing "Tell Me the Meaning of Being Lonely" while thinking of a recently deceased relative or hearing "Perfect Fan" while contemplating the closeness of the mother-daughter, mother-son relationship. Or how about the sheer fun of dancing around to "Everybody" or even "If You Want to Have It Good Girl, Get Yourself A Bad Boy." Thanks for hearing me out. I am so sick of hearing negative comments about the Backstreet Boys. It is wonderful to have this forum for expressing my opinion, not he views of a twelve-year old (who rightfully love these guys), but of a mature women who has seen a lot and knows GOOD music when she hears it. I hope the BSBs read my comments because I would like them to know how much they mean to me (and to my whole family).


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