A Mother's Ode to the Backstreetboys

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Date: Nov 17, 2099
Submitted By: LSmith1624@aol.com

The much anticipated day had come as my daughter, my best friend from Kansas and her daughter, and my son and my nephew (who also are Phish fans) headed off to Buffalo for the BSB concert. And what a concert it was!

From the moment the boys flew onto the stage until the last strains of "I Want It That Way," we sang and swayed and just thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We mothers were as mesmerized as our BSB-obsessed daughters. My sister-in-law, who also was at the concert, later told my daughter that she is now in competition with her for Nick's favor!

I have a special place in my heart for Nick, who was obviously sick but sang and danced as if his life depended on it. Last April my daughter had saved enough money for what can only be called a pilgrimage to Nick's home in Florida. After a very long day rehearsing, Nick graciously agreed to stop and meet my daughter. Obviously tired and probably anxious to get home, he generously gave her his time and attention. Despite good-natured razzing by his friends, he signed her basketball and took pictures with her. This was no publicity-generating stunt, and the press was not there to document Nick's thoughtfulness. At the Buffalo concert this grateful mother whispered a special thank you to Nick, who too often has been unfairly criticized by the press.

Today my daughter and I leave for Kansas City, and will stay with my friend whom I had not seen in five years. We grew up with the Beatles and Bob Dylan, but we are at least as excited as our daughters about experiencing another BSB concert. We share a common bond with our daughters during this trying time of adolescence through the BSB's music. Because of the BSBs my friend and I have enjoyed a long-overdue reunion.

I'm sure the four of us will again engage in a heated debate about just which one of the Backstreetboys has the best voice and is the best dancer. Secretly, we'll admit that it's a tough choice. Tomorrow night we will once again enjoy the privilege of spending two hours with five talented men who are consummate entertainers. Our memories of this week and the strains of their music will linger with us well into the Millennium.

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