Seattle Times Review: 10/26/99 Tacoma, WA

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Date: Oct 29, 2099
Source: The Seattle Times
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Backstreet Boys: An answer to prayer?

by Sharon Pian Chan

Seattle Times staff reporter

Are you there, God? It's me, Margaret. Thank you a gazillion times for letting me touch Brian tonight. Going to the Backstreet Boys concert tonight at the Tacoma Dome was the coolest thing in my whole life.

When they played the music from Star Wars and came flying over the audience on surfboards, Shelly and Buffy and I were all screaming and hugging each other. Buffy was waving her sign that said "I love you Nick!!!!!!" We KNOW he saw it because he smiled. She thinks she's going to marry Nick.

My other favorite part was when they all got lifted into the air during "Quit Playing Games" and did backflips over the audience. When they sat on stools and sang all their best slow songs, we linked arms and sang all the songs. They dedicated "Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely" to their producer who died of cancer and Shelly started crying.

At the very, very, very end of the show, after their first and second encore, they went running through the audience and I touched Brian's sleeve as he ran by. I'm not washing my hand. Is that a sin? I'm going to stare at the poster until I fall asleep, because then maybe I'll dream of Brian.Amen.

Dear God: Thank you for giving me the strength to survive the Backstreet Boys concert tonight. Cassidy loved it, although she fell asleep before the end.

I spent $125 on each ticket, and then blew another $90 buying her T-shirts, photos and programs. And the people behind us got their tickets free because they knew someone.

EYC, the opening act was a bit too sexual, but the Backstreet Boys' concert was cute. The backup band sounded just like the guys on the David Letterman show. When they sang "The Perfect Fan," they invited mothers and daughters on stage. One pair wore matching outfits. Now why didn't I think of that?

Kevin's pretty cute, too. He played "Back to Your Heart" on a white grand piano with a sax player who looked just like a Spice Girl. He has such big beautiful hands . . . um, God? Forgive me for having sinful thoughts about a 27-year-old.Amen.

Hey, God: I'm going straight to heaven for being the perfect uncle. I took my niece to see the Backstreet Boys. Twenty-thousand girls screaming like my poodle when she goes into heat.

That Nick looks exactly like a pretty boy from Neighbours. And A.J., with his tattoos, cowboy hat and rodeo dance moves, could be a cage dancer at Neighbors. Can I get some fries with that shake-shake, baby? Seriously, though, I have only two words for the BSB: Calvin Klein.

It started out fine with funky blue robotic plastic armor during "Larger Than Life." The set was clever, too, with a metal contraption suspended from the ceiling straight out of "2001: A Space Odyssey." From there, it went downhill. At one point they were wearing rhinestone-studded black leather.

The last straw was the Pepto Bismol-colored suits with matching fedoras. Who choreographed it? The dances had all the excitement of those snoozer Academy-Award-Debbie-Allen dance numbers. One backup dancer actually did the electric slide. I'd rather watch the Spartanette cheer team from "American Beauty."Amen.

All narrators are fictional characters. Any resemblance to actual audience members is coincidental.

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