Do "boy bands" just use their looks to sell music?

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Date: Jul 19, 2099
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Recently, I went to a site where they were having a discussion about the question: "Do "boy bands" just use their looks to sell music?" Of course I had to put in my two cents. Here's what I had to say:

I am a fan of the Backstreet Boys and you probably have figured in your minds what I'm going to say: leave them alone and they do have talent. Well, I think that they do have talent, but they should not have to wear the label of being a boy band. A lot of people say that they aren't talented because all they can do is sing and are taught how to dance. True, they are taught how to dance. What's wrong with giving someone who can teach four or five inexperienced guys an excellent choreographed dance? I don't think there's a problem with that. I'm a choreographer and if I have the ability to teach people who want to learn how to dance in choreographed moves, there should be no problem with that.

Another problem that I'm having with the way people judge groups like the Backstreet Boys and 98 degrees is that people keep saying that they don't write their own music. Well, it's kind of hard to write your own music when your managers keep saying that you're not allowed to and they oppress you, saying that you need to concentrate on your singing.

Why do you think the BSB got rid of their management? On their latest CD, they wrote two songs, did vocal arrangements, wrote lyrics, and produced most of the material. Now as for the people who think that only people who write their own music should be allowed to sing, I feel that's wrong also. What if you can't play ANY instrument at all? What if you have the voice of Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey or Shania Twain? Are you supposed to forget about your talent and not be able to have a record deal just because you can't play an instrument? That's not right. There are a lot of people out here who do play music and can't sing AT ALL. They can play the notes, but they can't sing them. That's not their fault. They were given the talent to play music, not sing it. So, while I love bands like Limp Bizkit, Korn, Garbage, and Third Eye Blind, I also love pop acts like Backstreet Boys and even the country star Shania Twain.

In other words, they have the talent to SING and DANCE, they should be allowed to do it without getting so much negative criticism. How would you feel if you were in their position? And if you heard people calling you names, you'd be pretty miffed, but the guys just let it roll off their shoulders. Why can't everyone else?

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