Let’s Hear It For The Boys (Smash Hits Mag)

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Date: Jun 17, 2099
Source: Smash Hits Magazine
Submitted By: Sharon Keal

Is AJ getting married? Dose Nick have a girlfriend? Arer they splitting up? When the Backstreet Boys decided to come clean who do you reckon they called? Yep, Smash Hits brings you the latest and exclusive Backstreet gossip - straight from the horse’s mouth.

It not every day the Backstreet Boys invite you to Orlando to interview them, so when they did, we literally jumped at the chance. Their interview took place in what could possibly be the swankist hotel suit in the cosmiverse. AJ was first to enter, while Kevin sloped in just behind him. Howie arrived looking a tad tired, "I was out at a place called Zuma’s Beach Bar last night, and I’ve only had five hours sleep!" he explained. Brian walked in just behind him wearing a friendly grin, while Nick was last to enter, clutching his dog Mickey. They looked relaxed and happy, immediately pumping Smash Hits for gossip. "What new bands are out? What’s Geri Halliwell’s single like?" Hold on - we were supposed to be interviewing you.....

What have been the best and worst things about the past year?

Kevin: The best thing is that we’ve achieved incredible success in the US. We're getting a diamond award, which is for artists who've sold over 10 million albums. The worst things are - (looks at Brian) B-Rok(tm)?

Brian: I had my heart surgery a year ago and it was a trying time. We’ve become more focused and we feel a lot happier. We’ve realised that it’s not about possessions, it’s about being happy on the inside and staying positive.

How have these sorts of experiences changed you?

Howie: I think it’s made us stonger. We get on better now than we’ve ever done before, we’ve grown up a lot and have learnt to accept each other.

AJ: We’ve supported each other and that’s brought us closer. We’ve changed the way we do things and we're more conscious of things around us. With succuss comes responsibliity.

AJ, is it true your mum is now your manager?

AJ: No! we have a new managerment team called The Firm.

Kevin: That took a lot off our shoulders businesswise.

Howie: For about eight months we were basically managing ourselves with the help of AJ’s mum Denise. We had to handle the day-to-day schedules and the phone calls and stuff like that.

Nick: We have more guidance and a positive team behind us. Now we can do what were supposed to do, which is get up on stage and perform.

Do you get mobbed every time you go out in America?

Nick: It realy depends where you go. If you go to theme parks, then you get mobbed, but if you go to a quiet restaurant for dinner you don’t.

Kevin: It also depends on how you dress and if you get recognised or not.

AJ: I don’t mind the attention. I’ll go out with no sleeves on, and as my tattoos are the most obvious thing about me, and I’m probably the most recognisable member of the band, people tend to notice me. It can get out of hand if you don’t have security with you - you can’t really enjoy a peaceful day out with friends.

Have you any plans to do a film a la Spice girls?

Kevin: We’ve had offers, but for now , we're concenrating on the world tour.

You’ve managed to fit in a bit of modelling though, Kevin?

Kevin: Yeah, it was while we had some time off. Me and Howie went to Milan to check out the fashion shows and Donatella Verrsace asked me if I would model for her - so I did! It’s not like a new career though.

Are any of you planning to get married and have kids yet?

Brian: Not yet, but a bit fruther down the road.

Nick: Actully, a couple of us have been married for 15 years and the press haven’t found out yet.

Howie: Yeah, Nick was married when he was four!

Nick: And I’ve got four kids.

Who do you think will be the first up the asile?

Kevin: (Pointing at AJ) Gosh I really don’t know! (Everyong starts pointing at AJ, while Nick hums Here Come The Bride.)

AJ: (Shocked) Y’all pointing at me? Ah hell!

Are the rest of you single?

Nick: No, I’ve got a girlfirend, we all see people.

Blimey, so kids could be on the cards then?

Brian: Nah. First come love, then marriage, then babies.

Kevin: Not if you're a Spice Girl! (All laugh)

Brian: We all have puppies that’s enough for now. Having a puppy is good training for having kids. you have to feed them and clean up after them.

AJ: All mine do is pee and poo.

Howie: I Haven’t got a dog or a girlfriend - I’m Totally available!

Do you ever see the Backstreet Boys ending?

Brian: We’ve got a lot to accomplish yet.

AJ: Even if we do solo stuff, it doesn’t mean were breaking up.

Nick: Maybe after the world tour we’ll take six months or a year off to do our own thing, but we’ll come back together.

Howie: We're definitely not going to take a 10 year gap or anything but we’ll see what happens.

Nick: But we’ll always be together, it’s never going to be the end of the backstreet boys.

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Submitted by: best pron

G6nwX9 wow, awesome article post.Thanks Again. Great.

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