Why do you love the Backstreet Boys?
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Submitted by Appliance Repair Service from Canada
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Submitted by Ainz from United States
Their harmonious vocals and memorable songs have made me love them and as my favorite among music enthusiasts over the years. | www.drywallelpaso.com
Submitted by Debra from Montreal Quebec Canada
I love Bsb because they are very talented, they treat all there fans with respect ,I can't count how
Submitted by vibha from mysore karnataka india
im 14 and i am one of the biggest fans of bsb.i love their voice.theyre very cool.they're my life.i just love their music.they are the most adorable guys i,ve ever seen.it is sad that Kevin left.but bsb is still the best band on the planet.i shall love u guys forever.
Submitted by Erlina Sari from Banjarmasin South Kalimantan Indonesia
I'm back again. I read in this site (and other site) some people said that they were shocked when they saw the attitude of the Backstreet boys members in TV programme 'Celebrity Apprentice'. They said that the BSB members are spoiled, lazy, demanding, selfish, assess, etc. I'm from Indonesia and I've never seen that TV programme, so I can't give my opinion about it, and if it was true that they acted like that, as their fans, of course I'm shocked and disappointed too, but I try to realize that they're just human who have weaknesses, also I don't think that I can judge them as bad person just by watching their bad attitude in TV since I don't know them personally or ever meet them, but I think it's kind of critic for them and I hope they know it, so that they can act better since they're in public eye every time. However, I still love you BSB, eventhough I'm 26 now, I love your songs, your voices, and your harmonies. Sure, you're not angels and will not always be perfect, but I hope you can be better person coz you're extremely talented grown-up men, and I just want you to do the best either for yourselves or your fans. Thanks.
Submitted by Erlina Sari from Banjarmasin South Kalimantan Indonesia
I started loving Backstreet Boys when I was 13 and now I'm almost 26 but I still love them coz they have wonderful songs, awesome voices, incredible harmonies, and terrific dances, also they more mature and I love their new sound, but I miss Kevin so much and I hope he will be back coz without him BSB is incomplete. But anyway, I hope they will always be around, and whatever people say about them, they're the best and the greatest boyband ever!!!
Submitted by cerlin anabieza from davao city panabo, davao del norte Philippines
Submitted by tieramoore from toledo ohio lucus
you know why i love the backstreetboys? because they are my favorite group from the 90's and now aswell and i always have loved the backstreetboys and always will no matter what and i 've been a true bsb fan for 13 years now and the crazy thing is that that is true i have everything by the backstreetboys and the reason way i love them so much is that they are so sweet to there fans over the years that they have been around they are very enretertaining band and they rock the backstreethouse forver and ever you guys rock!!!!!!! much love , tiera moore the backstreetboys fan from toledo, ohio love ya bsb !!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Malorie from EL Paso Texas USA
I was a huge fan of the Backstreet Boys until I saw them on Celebrity Apprentice. What a bunch of spoiled no good no names they made themselves out to be. They were invited to be a part of a charity event to raise money and they had a list a mile long of crap they "needed" in their dressing room. Then they wasted time complaining about wheat grass juice and a knee brace. These 5 boys are lazy, spoiled, and selfish if you ask me. I truly hope they were royally embarrassed by their behavior because they made themselves look like complete asses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Coyanne Divies from Grande Prairie Alberta Canada
Its been 15 years and they still got it! It's not only good music but great music!
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