Black & Blue: How Would You Promote It?

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Submitted by n'sync's killer from canada
Date: Sat Dec 9 21:07:51 2000

if the backstreet boys gets killed, i am seriously ( no joking) gonna kill n'suck too. im no 14 years old (i have nothing against 14 years old though), i know a lot of people who are in gangs and if they really get killed i can just easily get a gun in my hand, i can also get front row tickets to n e concert, so if our boys gets killed, death to their boys! THE GAME IS ON. i aint gonna make the first move but if they do their move,without thinking twice i'll kill n'sync. i'll stalk them until n'sync gets killed if i find out that our boys are in coffins. if the backstreet boys gets killed, i am not gonna rest until those gay fags gets killed.

if n'sync f*cking fans kill our boys, so can i.

F*ck u all n'sync fans

Submitted by Crazy L. from usa
Date: Sat Dec 9 18:37:25 2000

ppl now i am scared i mean i don't want bsb to die and if they die i'll just die too!!!!

this is so scary i can't belive it!!!

well if that girl's gonna kill bsb then she'll suffer all her life 'cause it isn't right to kill someone who makes other ppl happy!!!!


hi nicole!!!!!

Submitted by Nicole from usa
Date: Sat Dec 9 13:30:09 2000


And that other girl who said she's going to kill NSYNC: DON'T! WE DON'T NEED TO STOOP TO KARINE's LEVEL, and KILLING IS NOT FUN. THIS HAS GONE TOO FAR.

On the other hand.....Hi Crazy L.....!

IF you are an NSYNC fan, fine STAY *NSYNC, and all the BSB fans, as usual KTBSPA!! Love y'all!!

Submitted by Abigail from usa
Date: Fri Dec 8 22:13:42 2000

Karine Elaine Bass, where the he!! were you raised, in some psycho asylum or in some prison cell? You are a SICK, TWISTED, NASTY girl and I feel sorry for you. I have no prob with normal NSYNC fans, but when you pull this kind of $hit it makes me lose a LOT of respect for you. I seriously think you all are a little bitter. Like that one chick on TRL who was all "Bye Bye Bye Backstreet!". She totally did that to pi%% the Tiffany girl off. I wouldn't even sit here and call Tiffany all those names. Who knows what that girl was saying off camera to her. I know she wasn't all pi$$ed for no reason. And the way the girl said "Bye Bye Bye Backstreet" was so, I don't know, haughty and kind of like she wished they would get squashed by someone or something. That is sick! Also, WTF is up with killing BSB? OK, saying you would LOVE to see Brian bleeding made me nauseos. That was disgusting and I was biting my tongue and holding back tears. That poor boy has struggled through his life with a life-threatening disease. He is just regaining his strength, both mentally and physically, and you are over here saying you want to see him on the ground bleeding to death. That is HORRIBLE! And Kevin! What has Kevin done to you or NSYNC? He is one of the kindest men I have ever met in show business. He loves each and every one of his fans so much, and he tries to be equal to all of them, and you are over here saying you would give anything to see him dead. He does not deserve to die. And then you would kick him? Could you be any sicker, you Charles Manson worshiping little teeny with no life!!!?? Kevin hasn't had an easy life. Both these guys were poor when they were young, and they have had their fair share of problems. Kevin lost his dad. That was his best friend, and he still cries over that. He has never gotten over it because his family was so tight, and then all of a sudden he finds out his dad had cancer and a few months later they are burying him. And Kev was just starting out on his life at this time, and he needed his dad more than anything.

I hate it when people want to assume the worst of the Backstreet Boys. That are such normal, very down-to-earth, incredibly talented, super-sweet guys. To say you wish you could kill them, and will, makes me very scared. I don't think I would want to see any of the BSB's in a coffin. They are far too young, and it would not be right. They have only brought happiness to the world with their music. They aren't out there promoting drugs or raping, killing, beating women. They are singing about things everyone deals with, but the positive sides of things. And when they sing about the negative, it is even more realistic. They never professed to be role models, and they aren't always saying the perfect things. They are human, but atleast they are doing what they do in a positive manner, and atleast they care so much for their family(especially their moms) the way they do. They are the kind of guys girls dream of. That is why people-especially guys-are so jealous of them. They aren't about ripping their shirts off and exposing their sex lives in every tabloid. They are private. The personal things you learn about them are the things they are willing to share with their fans, only to show them they are real and not trying to hide anything, or play the part of the "cute and perfect Ken doll" people think they each are.

Have some more respect for yourself, Karine, and more for the BSB. I am sorry but, if it were not for BSB, NSYNC wouldn't be here. They blew up because the Boys blewup first. You should thank them. And then you should also thank the BSB fans for not getting the police on your a$$ for your sick threats. And if some have already, sorry. Don't thank us. Just leave us, and our Boys, alone.

Submitted by KATE BELLI from usa
Date: Fri Dec 8 22:08:19 2000




Submitted by mandy from canada
Date: Fri Dec 8 21:40:11 2000

man those nsync fans will do just about anything to be #1, even KILL. to that girl who is planning on killing bsb u r seriously psycho. they r just human beings trying to make music. dont stress out man! there was one point in my life where i hated nsync so much that i wanted to kill them but i wouldnt have the guts to do it and im not that crazy!!!! the least i would do is give each of them a black eye or maybe a kick in the balls or somethin.that girl needs toget some help . i cant imagine life without bsb :(

Submitted by Ivelie from usa
Date: Fri Dec 8 14:32:46 2000

I think that girl who's saying she's gonna kill The Backstreet boys is out of her DAMN mind she needs to

get a life and some HELP REAL bad.

Submitted by Jennifer from usa
Date: Fri Dec 8 11:08:01 2000

I think that psycho Nsync fan really needs help. I have half a mind to show this to the police. This girl and her friends can get life in prison for pre-meditated first degree murder. Who is with me on this? That girl and her friends need to be put away and get help. I don't like Nsync but they are human and they make people happy with their music, so does BSB. So when BSB starts the tour, everybody be watching for those psycho girls and contact the police if you see anyone suspicious. Thanks

Submitted by Crazy l. from usa
Date: Fri Dec 8 08:40:39 2000

you guys i didn't even read the message that this stupid girl left but i think she got some mental problems!!!!!

sad it is really sad!!!!

i'm freaked out here!!!!!!

Submitted by christina from canada
Date: Thu Dec 7 21:20:35 2000

Fricky~ Yeah, i think that nsync fan is psycho. I hate nsync but i wouldn't wanna kill them. I guess some people are just really screwed. Are you taking it as a joke, because Im not. There are a lot of people that are though. I'm not, especially after nsync had a person try and kill them. I let local radio stations know, and other people that can contact the boys.

talk to ya'll later

Submitted by Fricky from usa
Date: Thu Dec 7 17:08:46 2000

Dude did anyone else find that chick insane?I was reading her comment about how her plan is to seriously kill the Backstreet Boys.What the heck is up with that?How can she even consider killing anyone much less bsb?I just don't get it.Some nsync fans are insane...

Submitted by asher from australia
Date: Thu Dec 7 10:22:01 2000

Okay. I've never had anything against N Sync, but I think that some of their fans are too obsessive. I got this from a friend, who got it from somewhere.


Visitor's Name: karine elaine Bass

Homepage URL:

You are from:

Comments: I love NSYNC! They are the best group in the

world, and no one will EVER top them. I also want

everyone to know that my friends and I are in a little

club called Be Gone Backstreet. Our goal is to

eventually kill the Backstreet Boys somehow. I want

them dead! I suppose you think I am messing, but we

are DEAD serious. We have ways to get our hands on

some guns, and when theose b!tchy little punks come

over here for their new tour, we plan to go to their

hotel and stand there with a poster and act like fans,

then when the Bull5hits come over to us to try and

sign, we'll shoot them-prferabley in the head. I would

love to see Brian fall down bleeding to death. I don't

care! I hate them so much. Everytime I see them, they

always make me shiver. They have these life stories

that make everyone cry, but I believe they haven't

gone through 5hit compared to what they will go

through. My best friend is planning on killing Kevin.

I would even forsake Brian just so that Kevin dies. I

would kick him after he's dead as well. I also have

other ideas about assasinating the BSB, but I can't

share them. The other ones are even more probable, and

I don't want anything leaking out. I need responses

from those who want to join me in this. Wouldn't it be

great to see the BSB dead? I am tired of them. I

realize they don't come on tv all that much, and they

really aren't front page news like NSYNC, but the only

time I will actually be content is when I know their

puny little pansy bodies are in their coffins.


As much as you hate someone, would you really kill them? I mean, I hate Britney, but I would never kill her. I enjoy making fun of her. Why end all the fun?

Submitted by Nikki from canada
Date: Sun Dec 3 21:25:07 2000

Ugh, I should saw this coming. Man, I am allowed to put my opinion here like u said. It is about BSB, and my bad, a lil slip on *NSYNC. So what? This place is open for everyone, I don't see anything that prohibits me from expressing myself. And if u haven't noticed, I didn't just trash them. I talked about the good and the bad of both bands, and if you are so conceited you can't accept it, then something's definitely wrong inside.

Oh and 'LIL' *NSYNC fans? where'd that come from? NSTINK, how original, is that all u can come up with? You're about to piss me off even more.

Submitted by christina from canada
Date: Sat Dec 2 21:38:27 2000

LOOKING FOR BSB TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!! Go to the classified section on this site. There are atleast 6 pages of people wanting to get rid of tickets for pretty much every city. They are even people wanting tickets for you people with extra.

I already have my tickets but i wanna help those who don't have any because I would die if I missed a BSB show. Luckily it hasn't happened yet.

Submitted by Carly from usa
Date: Sat Dec 2 20:22:24 2000

To Jo?(or is it J i cant remember) U said NSYNC cant copy BSB cos nsync sounds like CRAP they do sound like crap but there TRYING to copy BSB and itz as close as they can get!!!

in my mind TRYING is all that counts so thats y i think they copied( and i have baout 20 more reasons but..)

Submitted by Krystal from usa
Date: Sat Dec 2 19:02:01 2000

DANG! All the people who dislike BSB, or aren't very fond of them...WHY are you here. You can say "it's your opinion" all you want, BUT fortunately, this is NOT the place for it.

This guestbook is for BSB fans and ONLY BSB fans. You wouldn't like it so much if we trashed that nsyncstudio guestbook, would you. And I'm not even gonna MENTION the death threats in that thing.

STOP being so immature. You whine and say you're retaliating to us for dissing Nsync, yet you do the SAME thing. The fighting is NEVER gonna stop if you keep doing that.

And I'm not trying to sound mean or whatnot. But when I come here, I wanna hear about BSB and BSB only. NOT what negative things you think of them, or how you think Nsync rules. It's not necessary to make those comments, so PLEASE don't do it.

Submitted by Crystal from usa
Date: Sat Dec 2 18:04:19 2000

To all you little 'N STINK fans, SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Dulce Llanes from usa
Date: Sat Dec 2 14:29:00 2000

My good friend just told me about this and i couldn't wait to join.Today I went with her to buy the concert tickets and we got lucky!They sold out in 4 minutes.We're all the way up in the nose-bleed section.We're mad we won't be able to see them as much as we'd like to,but hey at least we're going,right?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Submitted by Tânia from portugal
Date: Fri Dec 1 17:52:11 2000

It´s fantastic...They have everything ... I mean it ...Who can do beatiful songs have everything.

I Love this guys and i hope they come to PORTUGAL .Here we love them

The new album its fantastic. I love every songs but my fave is It´s True .

Kevin AJ Howie Brian and Nick i hope you realiz your dreams.. My dreams is one day see you in Portugal.

Nick you change my life.You are a superStar for my life .

See you ......

Submitted by Asher from australia
Date: Fri Dec 1 09:01:21 2000

I don't understand how kids can spend so much money when loving a band. I mean, shirts, posters, bags. Everything. Who would really spend money on a Backstreet Boys pencil? Just a waste of bloody money. Some kids idolise celebrities too much. The only thing worth buying is their albums or cds. Apart from that, what are you going to do with the other stuff? I know a girl who was totally in love with Hanson. She spent at least $200 on Hanson crap. After two years, she she didn't like them anymore.

Oh yeah. I finally got Black and Blue. Does it really matter if I didn't get in in the first week of it's release?

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